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Christina Helen Faherty

SMK Pariwisata BIWI Tabanan

How Social Media Helps Us Learn About Cool Places to Visit

In digital connectivity era, the role of social media in promoting tourism cannot be overstated.
Platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter have transformed the way destinations present
Why is this relevant, you may wonder? Well, let's delve into some compelling facts that underscore
the real-world influence of social media on tourism.
First and foremost, consider this: Over 70% of travelers turn to social media for travel inspiration
and information before making any decisions. That means, as we scroll through our feeds, we are
not merely seeing picture of many views; we are witnessing the virtual narrative of a destination,
crafted by the collective experiences of fellow travelers.
Now, let's talk about the power of visual storytelling. Research shows that posts with captivating
visuals receive significantly more engagement. Stunning photos and videos shared on social media
platforms not only showcase the beauty of a place but also evoke emotions, then our desire to
experience it firsthand.
Furthermore, the impact of influencers in the travel industry is undeniable. Collaborations between
destinations and influencers can exponentially increase a location's visibility and appeal, driving
tourism to new heights.
However, it's not just about the glamorous side of travel. Social media also plays a pivotal role in
providing real-time information, reviews, and recommendations.
After our discussion, can you now guess why some tourist often think that bali is country? Yap.
That is cause of social media on shaping perceptions. Platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and
Twitter play a significant role in influencing people’s mind.
In conclusion, the use of social media in the tourism promotion process is not just a trend. It's about
creating a global community of travelers who share, inspire, and shape the future of tourism.
Through the simple act of sharing, liking, and engaging, we contribute to a global conversation
that brings the beauty of diverse destinations to our fingertips.

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