Tarea 1 - Conceptos Previos

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Activity 1 Previous concepts

Lizeth Maritza Vargas Reyes

Dolffi Rodríguez Campos

Course: Estructura molecular

group: 17

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia - UNAD

Escuela de Ciencias Básicas, Tecnología e Ingeniería – ECBTI
Ingeniería de alimentos

February, 2024
Exercise 1

based on what was consulted individually Make a glossary in English for the

following concepts:

Molecule: It is a set of atoms joined by chemical bonds that form a stable entity and

with defined properties.

Atom: It is the smallest unit of a chemical element that retains its identity and can

participate in chemical reactions.

Electron: A subatomic particle with a negative electrical charge that orbits around

the nucleus of the atom.

Neutron: It is a subatomic particle without electric charge that forms part of the

nucleus of the atom along with protons.

Bond: The attraction force that holds atoms or ions together in a molecule or


Lewis: Is a model that represents the valence electrons of atoms by points or crosses

and shows how they are shared or transferred in bonds.

Proust: is the scientist who formulated the law of defined proportions, which states

that the elements that form a compound always do so in a fixed mass relation.

Octet: It is the rule that atoms tend to complete their outermost layer with eight

electrons to achieve a stable configuration similar to that of noble gases.

Photon: It is an elementary particle without mass or electric charge that represents

the quantum of energy of electromagnetic radiation.

Wavelength: The distance between two consecutive points of a wave that are in the

same phase.

Radiation: The emission and propagation of energy in the form of waves or particles

through space or a material medium.

Working function: This is the minimum energy needed to extract an electron from

the surface of a metal.

Compton shift: The phenomenon by which incident photons on a material undergo

a change in their wavelength when colliding with the material’s electrons.

Valencia: The number that indicates the ability of an atom to form bonds with other


Quantum: It is the minimum and indivisible unit of a quantized physical magnitude.

Quantum number: A numerical value that characterizes the quantum state of a

particle or system and determines its physical properties.

Friedrich Hund: He is the physicist who formulated the principle of maximum

multiplicity, which states that electrons are distributed in atomic orbitals with their parallel

spins and occupying as many orbitals as possible.

Pauli’s exclusion: It is the principle that two electrons cannot have the same four

quantum numbers, that is, they cannot occupy the same quantum state.

Energy level: It is the value of the total energy that an electron can have in an atom.
Exercise 2:

based on the definitions made in the previous point, create a concept map in English,

where it relates and clearly explains all the concepts addressed in the glossary of exercise .

1.To prepare the concept map you can use tools in line such as: miro, Lucidchart,

canva, among others. Please note that in The final document must attach a readable image of

the concept map.


Chang, R. Goldsby, K. (2013). Química. (12a. ed.). (pp. 40-48; 275-281; 292-322; 443-54).
México, D.F: McGraw-Hill Interamericana. Biblioteca Virtual UNAD

Gallego, P. A., Garcinuño, M., Morcillo, O. (2018). Química Básica. (pp. 302- 313; 321-340)
Madrid, España: UNED - Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia. Biblioteca
Virtual UNAD

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