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Republic of the Philippines

Region X-Northern Mindanao

August 17, 2018
3:00-4:00 PM
To focus the session on Developing Comprehension

Activity and Materials to be used:

Discussing by formulating a set Literal, Inferential, Critical,

Application on Integrative and Creative Questions. (Story


As a speaker of this session, I look forward to find the best topic to suit the objective
that focus on how to develop comprehension of pupils with the used of Story Book.

To enhance first my topic, I let them watched my own story book I made and
presented it in a power point, before we proceed to the main topic. The title of it is
“Forever Friends” as we all know that children love pictures the first thing they will
notice in reading a book. Before they read they just decode it through pictures, then
through words, guided questions and comprehension will follows. That was my own
point of view.

According to Harvey and Goudvis, 2000,p.9- Comprehension is finding meaning in

text. It also means that readers think not only about what they are reading but what
they are learning. When readers construct meaning, they are building their store of
knowledge. But along with knowledge must come understanding.

According to internet source: Comprehension is the understanding and interpretation

of what is read. To be able to accurately understand written material, children need to
be able to
1. Decode what they read
2. Make connections between what they read and what they already know
3. Think deeply about what they have read.

What Teachers can do to help students at school?

 As students read, ask them open-ended questions such as “Why did things happen
that way? Or “What did things happen that way”……
 Teach students the structure of different types of reading material.
 Discuss the meaning of words as you go through the text. Target a few words for
deeper teaching.
 Teach note-taking skills and summarizing strategies.
 Use graphic organizers that help students break information down and keep track of
what they read.
 Encourages students to use and revisit targeted vocabulary words.
 Teach students to monitor their own understanding.
 Teach children how to make predictions and how to summarize.

With all the possible strategies presented, to help teachers develop comprehension to
their pupils might be able to apply inside the classroom.

The Session was done smoothly including the questions given and answered well by
the speaker’s opinion based on the instances of the questions.

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