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ˈtisɔl ˈstrætəʤiz

Acoustic Vowel Space Project -External Masking

Teacher Name: Ma. Nelson Vasquez February 27, 2024
Student Name: Josue Alejandro Domiguez Cruz

Achievement indicator: To describe individual findings in vowel productions that may lead to
external masking and/or affect intelligibility of speech.

Section I
1. Open your ASV Project
2. Look for your normalization section.
3. Insert your normalization chart.
Section II
1. Open your ASV Project
2. Fill in the following table with your own measurement and the MN ones.
3. Remember if you are a biological men use the data for men and if you are a biological
woman, use the data from MN women.

External masking
F1 acoustic distance between my vowels and FRONT vowels in MN English

Josue MN Difference Masking

[i] (246 Hz) vs. [ɪ] (408 Hz) = 162 Hz No
[ɪ] (281 Hz) vs. [e] (404 Hz) = 123 Hz No
[e] (433Hz) vs. [ɛ] (477 Hz) = 44 Hz No
[ɛ] (547 Hz) vs. [æ] (854 Hz) = 307 Hz No

F1 acoustic distance between my vowels and BACK vowels in MN English

Josue MN Difference Masking

[u] (315 Hz) vs. [o] (445 Hz) = 130 Hz No
[o] (304 Hz) vs. [ɔ] (580 Hz) = 276 Hz No
[ɔ] (751 Hz) vs. [ɑ] (672 Hz) = 79 Hz No

F1 acoustic distance between my vowels and LOW vowels in MN English

Josue MN Difference Masking

[æ] (854 Hz) vs. [ɚ] (537 Hz) = 47 Hz No
[ɚ] (382 Hz) vs. [ɑ] (672 Hz) = 290 Hz No
[æ] (854 Hz) vs. [ɑ] (672 Hz) = 182 Hz No

Section III Based on the ASV Project Chart above, in a short paragraph, describe if:
1. there is external masking or not in your front vowels.
2. there is external masking or not in your low vowels.
3. there is external masking or not in your back vowels.

So according the results there is no masking in the front, low and back vowels so we can say that
Josue´s results compare to a native speaker form US specifically Minesota are the same so when
Josue´s speaking with other is perfectly understandable to hear and their vowels or sound are
correct as a native speaker, so to maintain this progress Josue´s could practice with exercise from
the internet just to maintain this level and improve in other areas that maybe he doesn’t know
how to improve.
Based on the ASV Project as a whole write a paragraph describing:

1. What was challenging for you during the project?

2. What are the 2-3 learning experiences you got from it?
3. Any other takeaways from the ASV project you may have.

For me at first it was difficult like using Pratt because the app may feel old, but with practice
you are able to understand sometimes I got confused with the results so I need to redo it
again to get the correct results, what I learn that how is my pronunciation compared to native
speaker, that is good but I need to still practicing so I don’t lose this level and I can improve
in other areas, I learn how this project can be used in class and just to understand how are
vocal sounds, that at first seems long and complicated but when the days goes by it was an
interesting project for the class.

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