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Assignment on

Personal Crowth Lab

By :( Father 1ony 1hampi Kayaba, c.s.c)

Submitted by:
Aame: Damian 1ohn
Roll Ao.2112

Christmas Carol

A Christmas Carol is a movie based on the Iamous novel written by English
author Charles Dickens. The story tells oI sour and stingy Ebenezer Scrooge's
ideological, ethical, and emotional transIormation aIter the supernatural
visitations oI Jacob Marley and the Ghosts oI Christmases Past, Present, and
Yet to Come.
This movie is about Ebenezer Scrooge, who is an excellent man oI business that
on the very day oI the Iuneral oI his Business partner solemnised it with an
undoubted bargain. He was a Hard and sharp as Ilint. Scrooge is mean and rude
to others, he prizes money above all else. According to him Money is
everything; he doesn`t care about his employee and doesn`t increase his salary.
He is Secretive, and selI-contained, and solitary as an oyster. The cold within
him Iroze his old Ieatures, which he earlier used to have. He carried his own
low temperature always about with him; and didn't thaw it one degree at
Christmas. ThereIore we can say that personality wise he was very strict and
hard. We can also relate it to the Four Iactor Theory: Values-He was not social
at all; he doesn`t`t like to mingle with anyone. And he was very strict, Iull oI
Anger. This value he used to communicate through his liIe which eventually
became his personality and also his physical Appereance, by exhibiting those
values in his liIestyle and manners. We can also say that his personality was
very much inIluenced by his past situation and a circumstance, his Iather was
very strict with him in his childhood which made a very big impact on him, he
was alone in the Boarding School and didn`t celebrated Christmas Ior many
years this made an impact on him and he started hating Christmas. He was very
punctuate in time and schedule thereIore we can say that he is oI Monochromic
We can also say that he was perIectionist because when he closes the door he
closes it three times and conIirms again and again that it is closed or not.
Scrooge is especially bitter about the Christmas holiday and all oI the senseless
merrymaking that goes with it. On one particular Christmas Eve, Scrooge
returns Irom a day at work and is terriIied to see the chain-bound ghost oI his
old Iriend Marley. Marley warns Scrooge that he too will wear the chains he
Iorged in liIe, iI he doesn't change his ways, and he inIorms Scrooge that three
spirits will visit him. Exactly as Marley predicted, Scrooge is visited by three
spirits -- the ghosts oI Christmas Past, Present and Yet to Come.

These three spirits take him on an eye-opening journey to Christmases past,

present and Iuture, showing Scrooge the impact oI the holiday and oI his own
actions. Scrooge sees and understands much that terriIies and saddens him as he
travels with the spirits, we can understand by his behaviour that he was very
emotional too.
Because he sees the Iamily problem in his employee and Ieels said about it. He
also Ieels very bad when the spirits shows him his time spent with his girl
Iriend. But by his journey's end, nothing troubles him so much as the thought
that he may not have a chance to change his ways and make things right.
Through the ending oI the Movie Scrooge awakens Christmas morning with joy
and love in his heart, and then spends the day with his nephew's Iamily aIter
anonymously sending a prize turkey to the Cratchit home Ior Christmas dinner.
Scrooge has become a diIIerent man overnight, and now treats his Iellow men
with kindness, generosity, and compassion, gaining a reputation as a man who
embodies the spirit oI Christmas. Scrooge's new-Iound benevolence continues
as he raises Cratchit's salary and vows to assist his Iamily, which includes Bob's
crippled son, Tiny Tim. In the end Dickens reports that Scrooge became ' as
Good a Iriend, as good a master, and as good a man, as the good old city knew'.
The story closes with the narrator conIirming the validity, completeness, and
permanence oI Scrooge's transIormation.
We can relate it to the Enneagram, that in the starting he is Type 8 because he is
rude, Iull oI Anger, Agressive, insensitive and selI centred. But as the story goes
and his encounter with the ghosts he realises that the thing he was doing was
wrong and eventually he changes to a person with love and kindness, UnselIish
Ior example, he increases Mr. Bob salary. This shows that he changes Irom
Type 8 to Type 2.Now he was Iull oI joy and lot oI positiveness in his mind,
sincere, warm hearted, Iriendly and generous.
At the end oI the Movie Mr Scrooge had no Iurther intercourse with Spirits,
ever aIterwards; and it was always said oI him, that he knew how to keep
Christmas well.

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