Journal - Josue Dominguez

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Student’s name: Josue Alejandro Dominguez Cruz ICC

This is an individual activity meant for you to showcase your class learning. Furthermore, the activity elicits
your reflection rather than mere theoretical words. Remember more is not always better. Thus, do not
exceed one page per journal entry.

Journaling Table: # Date: 01/16/2024

Class content’s title: Introduction to TESOL
Author’s name (If applicable): Nelson Isaac Vasquez Morales
(I) What the Author Says (II) What I Thought

 Mostly the teacher explains the rules and  At first a didn’t know about TOSEL but know I
guidelines for this class. understand the term and their use in teaching in a
 The things we are going to do through the became a teacher in the future.
course  I understand the guidelines for this class and how
to use the apps for other classes.
 He shows us the tools and different sites that
 An I got a good example to recognize phonetics
we are going to use in the classes.
 An we got an introduction to phonics

(III) Notes I took during discussions in class:

Can I be your dog? Activity that we resume the story.

 Is a story about a dog looking for family the dog, write letters to different houses, families and people to be
their dog unfortunately all of them say they can because maybe they already have a cat, the cat is allergic to
dogs, the butcher doesn’t want dogs because they ate their meat, the fire department already has a dog, the
junkyard guy said get lots, and the last house is abandoned, but luckily the dog was adopted by the mailman,
they meet in the blue box and became friends so they can work together to deliver the mail.

(IV) Journal Entry—Post-reading/discussion reflections—reflections on the three items above: (I)

What the author says, (II) What I thought, and (III) Notes I took during discussions in class:

 I got an introduction to TOSEL and the guidelines for this class.

 Thanks to the activity I know an ablet to create summaries in 100 word or less.
 I got more interested of this class and the other topics.
Student’s name: Josue Alejandro Dominguez Cruz ICC
This is an individual activity meant for you to showcase your class learning. Furthermore, the activity elicits
your reflection rather than mere theoretical words. Remember more is not always better. Thus, do not
exceed one page per journal entry.

Journaling Table: # Date: 01/18/23

Class content’s title: IPA Let´s explore the International Phonetic Alphabet
Author’s name (If applicable):
(I) What the Author Says (II) What I Thought

 International Phonetic Alphabet Also  I forget little bit of IPA but now I
known as IPA remember how to use it correctly
 Created in 1886 by the IPA.  A Noam Chomsky was a person who
 Noam Chomsky is related to IPA. created theories related on how we write
or read depending on the context or

(III) Notes I took during discussions in class:


ˈk (-Velar), (-Voiceless) - ɑ (+Low) (+Back)

ːl (+liquid), (+Voiced), (+Alveolar) - ə (+Mid), (+Central)

ʊ (+High) (+back) - z (+Fricative), (+Voiced), (+Alveolar)

(IV) Journal Entry—Post-reading/discussion reflections—reflections on the three items above: (I)

What the author says, (II) What I thought, and (III) Notes I took during discussions in class:

 To be honest for me is difficult the phonetics or how to identified but with this practices and exercises
I was able to identified them or red them correctly it will be interesting about the next practices for the
next class to developed for the next 2 weeks
Student’s name: Josue Alejandro Dominguez Cruz ICC

Journaling Table: # Date: 01/23/24

Class content’s title:
Author’s name (If applicable): Epi and Accented English.
(I) What the Author Says (II) What I Thought

 We have more practice of phonics.  I improve in the part of phonics

 We saw the things related to standard  Now I understand how I can identify or
English explain the definition of standard English.
 We start with the par of the project with the  I was interesting to developed the project
audio Stella divided in different word Stella,
according to the sound.

(III) Notes I took during discussions in class:



[d] [+alveolar], [+voiced, +stop]

[ʌ] [+mid, +central]

[K] [+velar, -voice, +stop]

(IV) Journal Entry—Post-reading/discussion reflections—reflections on the three items above: (I)

What the author says, (II) What I thought, and (III) Notes I took during discussions in class:

 Is interesting the definition of Standard English and how we are developing the project Stella to
indemnify the sounds according our pronunciation.
Student’s name: Josue Alejandro Dominguez Cruz ICC
This is an individual activity meant for you to showcase your class learning. Furthermore, the activity elicits
your reflection rather than mere theoretical words. Remember more is not always better. Thus, do not
exceed one page per journal entry.

Journaling Table: # Date: 01/25/24

Class content’s title: Praat Tutorial Acoustic Vowel Sound Space
Author’s name (If applicable):
(I) What the Author Says (II) What I Thought

 Mostly the teacher asks us I f we developed  I was able to finish step 2 of the 10 words
or finish the step 2 of the project.  It was difficult to understand at first step
 He explain how to developed step 3 and give 3 but at the end I was able to developed it.
us a tutorial and practice.

(III) Notes I took during discussions in class:


l {+Alveolar, +liguid, +voiced

u’ {+back, +high}

ɪ {+Front, +High}

s {+Alveolar, +Fricative, -Voiced}

(IV) Journal Entry—Post-reading/discussion reflections—reflections on the three items above: (I)

What the author says, (II) What I thought, and (III) Notes I took during discussions in class:

 I think the projects move on smoothly and even thought are parts that are a little difficult to
understand at first I’m able to continue a little slow but then it becomes easy.
Student’s name: Josue Alejandro Dominguez Cruz ICC

Journaling Table: # Date: 30/01/24

Class content’s title:
Author’s name (If applicable): Normalization
(I) What the Author Says (II) What I Thought

 For this class we review the previous class.  I think I’ve improved with the
 He explained the steps for normalization identification of IPA
 For me Normalization seem to be difficult
mostly because we use

(III) Notes I took during discussions in class:


ɡ: [+Stop. +Velar, +Voiced]

r: [+Liquid, +Voiced, +Palatal]

e: [+Mid, +front]

ɪ: [+High, +front]

p: [+Stop, +Alveolar, -voiced]

(IV) Journal Entry—Post-reading/discussion reflections—reflections on the three items above: (I)

What the author says, (II) What I thought, and (III) Notes I took during discussions in class:

 It seems to be difficult but with the proper guide and help of the teacher everything became a piece of
Student’s name: Josue Alejandro Dominguez Cruz ICC

Journaling Table: # Date: 01/02/24

Class content’s title:
Author’s name (If applicable): Your Fidings
(I) What the Author Says (II) What I Thought

 For this class we review the previous class.  For this we need to write in third person
 He explained the steps to create a and include all the information of
paragraph about our findings of the project previous steps so if you are behind it will
“Please call me Stela” be better you catch up.

(III) Notes I took during discussions in class:

Josue Dominguez is a Salvadorian young adult whose native language is Spanish. Josue’s Age of
Onset of English is 10 since he began learning English at that age. He has Never lived in the US. Her method
of Learning English is academic.

(IV) Journal Entry—Post-reading/discussion reflections—reflections on the three items above: (I)

What the author says, (II) What I thought, and (III) Notes I took during discussions in class:

 It will be difficult if you never write paragraph or things related to project like this but it was easy
there are some improvement to be done later.
Student’s name: Josue Alejandro Dominguez Cruz ICC

Journaling Table: # Date: 02/06/24

Class content’s title:
Author’s name (If applicable): Last step and more information
(I) What the Author Says (II) What I Thought

 For this class he explained what to include  For this one think I have a proper
in the PPT for the project and review the paragraph and pay extra attention for
paragraph. what information to include in the PPT.
 And he explained the next information for  I write down the information for the next
Labs and midterms evaluations.

(III) Notes I took during discussions in class:

ASK HER TO BRING æsk hɜr tu brɪŋ

Æsk: æ: [+low, +front], s: [+fricative, -voiced, +alveolar], k: [+stop, -voiced, +velar].

hɜr : h: [+fricative, -voiced, +glottal], ɜ: [+mid, +front] ,r: [+liquid, +voiced, +palatal].

tu: t: [+stop, -voiced, +alveolar] ,u: [+high, +back].

brɪŋ: b: [+stop, +voiced, +bilabial] ,r: [+liquid, +voiced, +palatal] ,ɪ: [+high, +front] ,ŋ: [+nasal,
+voiced, +velar].

(IV) Journal Entry—Post-reading/discussion reflections—reflections on the three items above: (I)

What the author says, (II) What I thought, and (III) Notes I took during discussions in class:

 To be honest this project seem long but I think it was interesting to do but maybe in the future include
something shorter.
Student’s name: Josue Alejandro Dominguez Cruz ICC

Journaling Table: # Date: 02/08/24

Class content’s title:
Author’s name (If applicable): Creating the PPT for the project Stella and creating a class.
(I) What the Author Says (II) What I Thought

 The teacher mentions the dates for  Is important to have the dates in count so
presenting the PPT of the project. you can have time to prepared the
 He gives us an example to create the PPT presentation or study.
according the guidelines  We have a sample to create our ideal
 We present our class related to sound presentation for the lab.
taking account that the class was focus to a  Is interesting creating classes because
group of young students. sometimes you thing is just about
speaking but is more than that.

(III) Notes I took during discussions in class:

Six spoons of fresh peas sɪks spunz ʌv frɛʃ piz

sɪks: [s]: [+fricative, -voiced, +alveolar] [ɪ]: [+high, +front] [k]: [+stop, -voiced, +velar] [s]: [+fricative, -
voiced, +alveolar]

spunz: [s]: [+fricative, -voiced, +alveolar] [p]: [+stop, -voiced, +bilabial] [u]: [+high, +back] [n]:
[+nasal, +voiced, +alveolar] [z]: [+fricative, +voiced, +alveolar]

ʌv: [ʌ]: [+mid, +central] [f]: [+fricative, +voiced, +labiodental]

frɛʃ: [f]: [+fricative, -voiced, +labiodental] [r]: [+liquid, +voiced, +palatal] [ɛ]: [+mid, +front] [ʃ]:
[+fricative, +voiced, +palatal]

piz: [p]: [+stop, -voiced, +bilabial] [i]: [+high, +front] [z]: [+fricative, +voiced, +alveolar]
(IV) Journal Entry—Post-reading/discussion reflections—reflections on the three items above: (I)
What the author says, (II) What I thought, and (III) Notes I took during discussions in class:

 It was interesting seen how my partners created classes according the topics they chose and see their
creativity they got to make interested the class.
Student’s name: Josue Alejandro Dominguez Cruz ICC

Journaling Table: # Date: 02/13/24

Class content’s title:
Author’s name (If applicable): Tesol Theories and macro Skills
(I) What the Author Says (II) What I Thought

 So for this class we have a review of the  Is nice to review the things we saw previous
previous thing we saw. classes.
 We review the macro skills mostly we were  To be honest I wasn’t able to remember the
talking about reading and listening macro skills but know I do
 And we chose an article to present in the  It will be interesting the activity of the
next classes for example I chose wasta classes about the articles.

(III) Notes I took during discussions in class:

(IV) Journal Entry—Post-reading/discussion reflections—reflections on the three items above: (I)

What the author says, (II) What I thought, and (III) Notes I took during discussions in class:

 To be honest it was interesting to see about the macros kills sometimes w thing they are not important
but sometimes they are deeper in our society that sometime we don’t know and the next activity seems
is going to be interesting.

Student’s name: Josue Alejandro Dominguez Cruz ICC

Journaling Table: # Date: 15/05/24
Class content’s title:
Author’s name (If applicable): Thesol Theories and macro skills
(I) What the Author Says (II) What I Thought

 RPL about the Project Stella  Its important to recall the step of the
 The 4 Macro skills project and what to present for the rest.
 Iwareru  Sometimes we forget which are the Macro
Skills and how important they are in
 At first, I thought it was just a random
word in Japanese know I already now the

(III) Notes I took during discussions in class:

(IV) Journal Entry—Post-reading/discussion reflections—reflections on the three items above: (I)

What the author says, (II) What I thought, and (III) Notes I took during discussions in class:

 When teaching it doesn’t depend only by the teacher, but also depends on the culture, that
maybe in some countries they like to be interrupt them and others prefer order and follow a
way that respect the manners, and sometimes they don’t like the people have difference and
they like to me the same in the class.

Student’s name: Josue Alejandro Dominguez Cruz ICC

Journaling Table: # Date: 02/20/24
Class content’s title: Cultural Translations
for TESL/TEFL Teachers:
A Korean Example

Author’s name (If applicable): James H. Robinson, Ph. D.

St. Cloud State University

(I) What the Author Says (II) What I Thought

 We read an article related to Korea the  For me I thought it would be like a way of
chapter were the introduction, nunchi, teaching or phrase use in Korea that has
dualism and hierarchy. an importance in teaching.

(III) Notes I took during discussions in class: New vocabulary "bids

In Korean, nunch’i means eye measured (Kang,
[P]: [+stop, -voiced, +bilabial] [ə]: 1972, p. 64, 1980, p. 41; Park, 1979, p. 92). Martin
[+mid, +central] [t]: [+stop, -voiced, and his colleagues (1967) define the nominative
+alveolar] [e]: [+mid, +front] usage of nunch’i as "tact, savoir faire, sense, social
sense, perceptiveness, an eye for social situations,"
and its predicate function as "tries to read one's
[ɪ]: [+high, +front] [t]: [+stop, -voiced,
mind, probe one's motives, studies one's face, grasps
+alveolar] [O]: [+mid, +back] [ʊ]: [+high, a situation, sees how the wind blows" (p. 364).

(IV) Journal Entry—Post-reading/discussion reflections—reflections on the three items above: (I)

What the author says, (II) What I thought, and (III) Notes I took during discussions in class:

 Nunchi means that you are aware of your surroundings and as a teacher is very important because in
Asia or Korea your students will now that you are interest in their response but if you don’t show that,
they will reduce their participation, and nunchi is not just noticing their participation with words, but
also with movements and also noticing things more outside their classroom, what the other expect or
respect others’ opinions and respect other adults or recognizing their hierarchy.
Student’s name: Josue Alejandro Dominguez Cruz ICC

Journaling Table: # Date: 22/02/24

Class content’s title:
Author’s name (If applicable): Lab and share experience of my partners
(I) What the Author Says (II) What I Thought

 On this day we share our results of the  For me was interesting to hear what all
project stella were all my partners share my partners were sharing about their
their results and how to improve the results and how to improve pronunciation
pronunciation depending of the words need using differing tools.
it to improve

(III) Notes I took during discussions in class:

• Some improvements that can be point out, based on Josue’s Acoustic Vowel Space analysis, are that
Josue shall pay extra attention to his Front Vowels geese [i] (246Hz) & kiss [ɪ] (281Hz) and in the
Back Vowels goose [u] (315Hz) & goat [o] (304Hz) since they mask each other and lead to poor
intelligibly. In order to improve his vowels' pronunciation, Josue could use online practice or exercise
to improve pronunciation and this will help to not only improve it with these words but also with other
words or improve in conversations to avoid misunderstandings. Furthermore, paying close attention to
these vowels and looking for means to improve their pronunciation will be highly beneficial for him
not only to avoid unintelligibility but also because he will be able to confidently and accurately teach
such vowels to his futures students.

(IV) Journal Entry—Post-reading/discussion reflections—reflections on the three items above: (I)

What the author says, (II) What I thought, and (III) Notes I took during discussions in class:

 It was interesting to hear the opinions of my partners on how to improve in pronunciation that I will
take in account not jus for me to improve but also take it in account for future projects if I find
situation like this for other students.
Student’s name: Josue Alejandro Dominguez Cruz ICC

Journaling Table: # Date: 27/02/24

Class content’s title:
Author’s name (If applicable): Wasta and Continuation of the Project Stella.
(I) What the Author Says (II) What I Thought

 Today we share our short stories we create  I was interesting to hear what my other
in groups. partners create for their stories
 We learned a new word Wasta.  At first, I thought that wasta was
 An we word on the conclusion of the Project spaghetti
Stella.  I got interest to se that other new things
we will saw in the project stella

(III) Notes I took during discussions in class:

There is a concept familiar to people of Saudi Arabia and to many in the Middle East. When I mentioned the
term for this idea to a friend from Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, he said, “Oh, yea, ‘connections’”. Variously the
term/concept has been described as “use of personal connections for personal gain” (Aloul, 2004), social
influence or “pull” (Pipes, 1994), and something “akin to nepotism” (Cohen, 1994).

(IV) Journal Entry—Post-reading/discussion reflections—reflections on the three items above: (I)

What the author says, (II) What I thought, and (III) Notes I took during discussions in class:

 It was interesting to hear what wasta is an how evolved by the years their positives and negatives in
the society, it was interesting to hear the creative stories of my partners and we move on to the final
stela of project stella comparing the results from me and a native speaker an ir semm and in the same
level of course with practice we maintain the level.

Student’s name: Josue Alejandro Dominguez Cruz ICC

Journaling Table: # Date: 02/29/24
Class content’s title: Kibun and explanation for the first midterm
Author’s name (If applicable):
(I) What the Author Says (II) What I Thought

 The teacher explains the process of the next  It´s the first time I have classes with the
midterm, how it will be developed ad what teacher, so I was interesting to see how is
to include. going to grade or how it´s going to work
 And the teacher summarizes the Article on the midterm.
Kibun.  At first I didn´t know what kibun is I
thought it was like a rando phrase.

(III) Notes I took during discussions in class:

In Japan, kibun refers to how people feel or think about something. Kibun is usually expressed indirectly
through "facial expressions, behaviors, eye contact, the space between them and another person, or a change in
their tone of voice rather than" by any direct statement. seen overtly, but also to the student's posture, hands,
desk, and the surroundings. A tapping foot may give a better view of the kibun than a smiling face. The tapping
foot emits evidence of a negative kibun that the smiling face is trying to hide.

(IV) Journal Entry—Post-reading/discussion reflections—reflections on the three items above: (I)

What the author says, (II) What I thought, and (III) Notes I took during discussions in class:

 It was interesting to see how the teacher explain how is going to evaluate the midterm, what to include
and the he give enough time to work on this so we can have everything so we can have our grade, and
Kibun it was interesting to se how student from Korea or Japan work or how they express their
thought and opinions, when we talked about other students from other countries they express different
or maybe they have a different ay to work than the ones form Korea or Japan.

Student’s name: Josue Alejandro Dominguez Cruz ICC

Journaling Table: # Date: 03/05/24
Class content’s title:
Author’s name (If applicable): Language Proficiency
(I) What the Author Says (II) What I Thought

 We have a RPL about the previous articles  Mostly we listened or remember

we saw and we review the documents to important aspect of the articles and
send for the midterm and we it’s going to reminder of the next midterm and ask
take place the midterm. questions to resolve doubts about it.
 One group explained the article Language  What I remember of language proficiency
Proficiency. is mostly related to the level of English
students has and how this developed
through the years.

(III) Notes I took during discussions in class:

When we talked about it we refer to some ones ability to use language for real-world proposes across
a wide range of topics and settings, based in the different levels like A1 B1 and C1, that we know
them as basic, medium and advanced level, Psychologist think that students don’t have problem when
using English face to face because there kills seem to be adequate form their level. Sometimes the
minorities have a hard time getting English they learned English in two year or start using it when
they have 2 years of learning. And just because students are fluent doesn’t mean is going to be the
same using in real environments the result are going to be low because they are poorly motivated.

(IV) Journal Entry—Post-reading/discussion reflections—reflections on the three items above: (I)

What the author says, (II) What I thought, and (III) Notes I took during discussions in class:

 It was interesting to listen that how the level of English a student or person has this developed through
the year and depending to this level he can use it in his daily basis or a job, not everyone has the same
level to learn this will take time and even thought that someone speaks perfectly this doesn’t mean is
ready maybe he can use it for some part but in their daily basis or in real situation they will stay mute
because in their activities they are not motivated so as a teacher we need to make sure they are
motivated and they are able to learn properly.

Student’s name: Josue Alejandro Dominguez Cruz ICC

Journaling Table: # Date: 03/12/24
Class content’s title:
Author’s name (If applicable): Bilingualism
(I) What the Author Says (II) What I Thought

 The teacher explained the next activities or  I’m very interest on what the project will
projects that we are going to create for the he just gave us an idea for the next class is
few weeks mostly how to create a proper going to explain properly.
class.  I already got on idea what Bilingualism is
 Two of my partners explained Bilingualism related to speak or that you already speak
a second language mostly English.

(III) Notes I took during discussions in class:

(IV) Journal Entry—Post-reading/discussion reflections—reflections on the three items above: (I)

What the author says, (II) What I thought, and (III) Notes I took during discussions in class:

 We think that bilingualism is just something about know how to speak as a second language, but is
more than that, because it tell us the potential of a student, is difficult that someone doesn’t know
how to speak a second language this mean that a person at least speak English or another language, if
you learn a second language this will help you in different position or help you to get something like a
job, and sometimes is difficult to speak second language because we feel that when we speak a second
language we are forgetting our native language.

Student’s name: Josue Alejandro Dominguez Cruz ICC

Journaling Table: # Date: 03/14/2024
Class content’s title:
Author’s name (If applicable): Social context of second language
(I) What the Author Says (II) What I Thought

 The give us a review about the previous  Is good to remember about the previous
class. class just to make sure to have the whole
 The teacher explain article. information as reminder.
 And he explain when its correct to use word  What comes to my mind is about the
depending when we need to use them context that people have when they
learned language.
 Is interesting for me to know when to use
words correctly.

(III) Notes I took during discussions in class:

(IV) Journal Entry—Post-reading/discussion reflections—reflections on the three items above: (I)

What the author says, (II) What I thought, and (III) Notes I took during discussions in class:

 For me is interesting because as a teacher we expect that our students have a proper knowledge of
English but we leave this behind on how they learned English in their context so sometimes we need
to modify our classes so in that way they can learn properly or improve with their context because
some words may be difficult depending on the level. That’s why we need to used words correctly
depending on the context.

Student’s name: Josue Alejandro Dominguez Cruz ICC

Journaling Table: # Date:
Class content’s title:
Author’s name (If applicable):
(I) What the Author Says (II) What I Thought

 

(III) Notes I took during discussions in class:

(IV) Journal Entry—Post-reading/discussion reflections—reflections on the three items above: (I)

What the author says, (II) What I thought, and (III) Notes I took during discussions in class:

Student’s name: Josue Alejandro Dominguez Cruz ICC

Journaling Table: # Date:
Class content’s title:
Author’s name (If applicable):
(I) What the Author Says (II) What I Thought

 

(III) Notes I took during discussions in class:

(IV) Journal Entry—Post-reading/discussion reflections—reflections on the three items above: (I)

What the author says, (II) What I thought, and (III) Notes I took during discussions in class:

Student’s name: Josue Alejandro Dominguez Cruz ICC

Journaling Table: # Date:

Class content’s title:
Author’s name (If applicable):
(I) What the Author Says (II) What I Thought

 

(III) Notes I took during discussions in class:

(IV) Journal Entry—Post-reading/discussion reflections—reflections on the three items above: (I)

What the author says, (II) What I thought, and (III) Notes I took during discussions in class:

Student’s name: Josue Alejandro Dominguez Cruz ICC

Journaling Table: # Date:

Class content’s title:
Author’s name (If applicable):
(I) What the Author Says (II) What I Thought

 

(III) Notes I took during discussions in class:

(IV) Journal Entry—Post-reading/discussion reflections—reflections on the three items above: (I)

What the author says, (II) What I thought, and (III) Notes I took during discussions in class:

Student’s name: Josue Alejandro Dominguez Cruz ICC

Journaling Table: # Date:

Class content’s title:
Author’s name (If applicable):
(I) What the Author Says (II) What I Thought

 

(III) Notes I took during discussions in class:

(IV) Journal Entry—Post-reading/discussion reflections—reflections on the three items above: (I)

What the author says, (II) What I thought, and (III) Notes I took during discussions in class:

Student’s name: Josue Alejandro Dominguez Cruz ICC

Journaling Table: # Date:

Class content’s title:
Author’s name (If applicable):
(I) What the Author Says (II) What I Thought

 

(III) Notes I took during discussions in class:

(IV) Journal Entry—Post-reading/discussion reflections—reflections on the three items above: (I)

What the author says, (II) What I thought, and (III) Notes I took during discussions in class:

Student’s name: Josue Alejandro Dominguez Cruz ICC

Journaling Table: # Date:

Class content’s title:
Author’s name (If applicable):
(I) What the Author Says (II) What I Thought

 

(III) Notes I took during discussions in class:

(IV) Journal Entry—Post-reading/discussion reflections—reflections on the three items above: (I)

What the author says, (II) What I thought, and (III) Notes I took during discussions in class:

Student’s name: Josue Alejandro Dominguez Cruz ICC

Journaling Table: # Date:

Class content’s title:
Author’s name (If applicable):
(I) What the Author Says (II) What I Thought

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(III) Notes I took during discussions in class:

(IV) Journal Entry—Post-reading/discussion reflections—reflections on the three items above: (I)

What the author says, (II) What I thought, and (III) Notes I took during discussions in class:

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