Warranty Defect List - Updated - 12mar24

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VP1 Warranty Defect List

STEP-A: Warranty Defect Notice issuance STEP-B: EPC's response STEP-C: Corrective Action Proposal STEP-D: Owner's response STEP-E: Warranty Defect Completion Notice issuance STEP-F: Final confirmation Extended Defects
No. Notification Period Remarks
Lot Warranty Defect Notice No. Unit Equipment KKS No. Description Priority Issued Date Issued by Accepted or Not Reason Issued Date Corrective Action Issued Date Accepted or Not Reason Issued Date Completion Date Issued Date Spares Information Accepted or Not Reason Issued Date
Unit 1

- The yellow light on

converter does not show
alarm condition. It shows
10HFA10CL101 The HH level alarm (digital signal) of Coal bunker Unit 1 - A,D,E were wrongly actived whether level switch
Mr. Dong
1 Lot 1 VP1-WDN-L1-1-00001 Unit 1 Level Swtich 10HFA40CL101 even though the analog signal (radar signal) show the coal bunker level is still Normal 25-Oct-23 Not accepted detects material or not. 30-Oct-23 Closed
10HFA50CL101 normal. - In addtion, if there is any
abnormal on level switch,
LED no.2 wil be light up as
below O&M document.

Area No.1: GAH Support

- Trunnion Packing (No.29)
will be replaced by new
- Herme Seal #500 will be re-
applied to the leaking point
at contacting surface
between Packing(No.50),
Sealing Cover (No.24) and
GAH Shell.
Area No.2: GAH Guide
- Eye Packings (No.78) will
be replaced new material.
- Contacting surface
between Seat Plate (No.71)
The rotor drive unit, guide bearing, support bearing, and sector plate drive unit 3 are Mr.Quang and Seat Plate (No.72) will
2 Lot 1 VP1-WDN-L1-1-00002 Unit 1 Air Heater 10HLD01 AC001 currently leaking ash even after repair and cleaning before #1 COD Normal 27-Oct-23 (Boiler) Accepted N/A 31-Oct-23 be applied Herme #500. 15-Nov-23 Accepted N/A 20-Nov-23 27-Nov-23 27-Nov-23 N/A 27-Nov-23 N/A 27-Nov-23 27-Nov-25 Closed
Area No.3: GAH Rotor
- Pinion Gear Cover will be
opened to replace Herme
Seal #500 at Bottom and Top
Area No.4: GAH Sector Plate
Drive Unit No.3 (SDU-3):
- Missing seal welds
between Patch Plate (No.2)
and Guide Pipe (No.1) and
GAH Shell will be seal
welded as the design.
Damaged insulation at the
leaking areas will be

- To clean the Sealant

Compound on wrong
location of Bearing Housing
and the Sealant Compound
sticking on 'surface of
- To apply Sealant
- Please include the Floating
Compound to the corrective
Labyrinth Seal ( bottom part) to
location as per the
be repaired.
Manufacturer's instructions.
During the Unit 1 operation on 16 October 2023, KVPS discovered the bearing DE Mr. Tu - Lot-1 is requested to confirm
3 Lot 1 VP1-WDN-L1-1-00003 Unit 1 FDF B DE bearing side 10HLV02 AP001 Normal 27-Oct-23 Accepted N/A 3-Nov-23 - IHI has reconditioned the 3-Nov-23 Accepted N/A 6-Nov-23 27-Nov-23 27-Nov-23 N/A Accepted N/A 28-Nov-23 27-Nov-25
side leakage again. (Boiler) that the new garter (02 pcs)
Garter Spring to ensure it
spring will be supplied for spare
functions properly. IHI will
part only.
continue to monitor the
operation status of the
Labyrinth after the FDF-B is
back in operation. In case
there is still an oil leak, IHI
will replace the Garter
Spring during the next Unit

During an internal inspection of Unit 1 Pulverizers on November 17th, 2023, KVPS

10HFC30AJ001 Mr. Giang
4 Lot 1 VP1-WDN-L1-1-00004 Unit 1 Pulverizer C, D has found that: Emergency 20-Nov-23 Not accepted 21-Nov-23 Closed ( 26-Feb-24)
10HFC40AJ001 (Boiler)
- The oil has been leaked from the bearings of roller #3/Pul.C, roller #2/Pul.D

WSB system cannot be operated manually or controlled from DCS while PLC Mr. Dong
5 Lot 1 VP1-WDN-L1-1-00005 Unit 1 Laptop PC1 overheats and hang. Normal 5-Dec-23 (CnI) Not accepted 15-Dec-23 Closed (27-Feb-24)

Currently, the Pump still can

be operated by both manual
and automatic modes
During operation, KVPS operator observed that the bottom ash HCl injection pump without alarm due to the
6 Lot 1 VP1-WDN-L1-1-00006 Unit 1 10GNN01 AP001 got an abnormal alarm signal that led to the pump not being controlled Normal 19-Dec-23 Accepted N/A 22-Dec-23 Relay in the BA Control 22-Dec-23 Accepted N/A 26-Dec-23 STEP-D
automatically from DCS. Panel is temporaily
removed. The Pump will be
replaced by a new pump for
a long term operation.

Dated 05-Jan-2024: The Unit 1 FDF A Runback incident was happened due to
malfunction of lube oil tank level switch, the FDF A trip by the lube oil level switch Mr. Dong
7 Lot 1 VP1-WDN-L1-1-00007 Unit 1 FDF A 10HLV01CL101 LOW LOW activated, while as the level switch LOW has not been actived yet and the Normal 15-Jan-24 (CnI) Not accepted 18-Jan-24 STEP-B
actual oil level was confirmed in normal condition.

During operations, the KVPS operator observed an alarm signal (alarm code 'A07' )
on the Cooling Fan controller for the Water Sootblower Pump Starter Panel.
Water Sootblower Pump Mr. Minh IHI will replace the damaged
8 Lot 1 VP1-WDN-L1-1-00008 Unit 1 10HCC10 GH002 Subsequently, KVPS coordinated with IHI site team to check the compressor unit and Normal 22-Jan-24 Accepted N/A 25-Jan-24 25-Jan-24 Accepted N/A 26-Jan-24 STEP-D
Starter Panel (Elec) compressor with a new one.
found that the inlet pipe of the compressor was damaged (refer to the attached

After the signal line jumped,

it was confirmed that the
DCS alarm had been reset
and masked, SB optimum
mode was aslo available.
SEAL AIR PRESSURE Dated 17-Jan-2024, at 22:00 pm: Water Shootblower HJ1 Seal air pressure - Low Mr. Dong
9 Lot 1 VP1-WDN-L1-1-00009 Unit 1 10HCW11 CP191 Emergency 22-Jan-24 Accepted N/A 25-Jan-24 The connection wire will 25-Jan-24 Accepted N/A 26-Jan-24 STEP-D
SWITCH alarm signal was occurred due to malfuction of Seal Air Pressure Switch. (CnI)
remain in place until the
new pressure switch is
replaced. On the other
hand, IHI will replace the
new pressure switch asap.
During our routine inspection, we observed that the SH outlet pressure relief valve 1 Mr. Dac
10 Lot 1 VP1-WDN-L1-1-00010 Unit 1 PORV 10LBA51 AA812 was leaking steam from the packing position. Normal 5-Feb-24 (Boiler) Not accepted 19-Feb-24 Closed (06-Mar-24)

M01 &
M01 & We have detected oil leakage from 04 DE motor's Bearings and 02 Fan's Bearings Mr. Phat
11 Lot 1 VP1-WDN-L1-1-00011 Unit 1 Primary Air Fan 20HFE11AN001- during operation. Normal 26-Feb-24 (Elec) STEP-A
M01 &

Mr. Dong
12 Lot 1 VP1-WDN-L1-1-00012 Unit 1 DP Transmitter 10LAE20 CF002 The appearance of the DCS value signal is abnormal and of poor quality. Normal 5-Mar-24 (CnI) STEP-A

Unit 2

Mr. Quyen
1 Lot 1 VP1-WDN-L1-2-00001 Unit 2 Pressure switch 20ETA01 CP101 The connection link between the pressure sensor and micro switch is broken. Normal 11-Mar-24 (CnI) STEP-A

2 Lot 1 VP1-WDN-L1-2-00002 ###

3 Lot 1 VP1-WDN-L1-2-00003 ###
4 Lot 1 VP1-WDN-L1-2-00004 ###
5 Lot 1 VP1-WDN-L1-2-00005 ###
During operation in the Tripper room, we observed that an emergency lighting
Em'cy lighting at BC15 Mr. Nhut
1 Lot 1 VP1-WDN-L1-0-00001 Common 03E-02-09 fixture was out of service while the power supply for this lighitrng is still healthy Normal 21-Nov-23 Not accepted 23-Nov-23 Closed
(Explosion roof type) (Jetty)
VP1 Warranty Defect List

STEP-A: Warranty Defect Notice issuance STEP-B: EPC's response STEP-C: Corrective Action Proposal STEP-D: Owner's response STEP-E: Warranty Defect Completion Notice issuance STEP-F: Final confirmation Extended Defects
No. Notification Period Remarks
Lot Warranty Defect Notice No. Unit Equipment KKS No. Description Priority Issued Date Issued by Accepted or Not Reason Issued Date Corrective Action Issued Date Accepted or Not Reason Issued Date Completion Date Issued Date Spares Information Accepted or Not Reason Issued Date
Unit 1

Based on L2 warranty team

investigation, 10 LAC10CT518
and 10LAC10CP511 and
20LAC20CP511 are on good
10LAC10CT518 During the Unit 1 operation on 16 October 2023, KVPS discovered that the glass on Mr. Thai Replace to new glass and condition. There is no damage
1 Lot 2 VP1-WDN-L2-1-00001 Unit 1 T-BFP B 10LAC10CP511 the temperature gauge was broken and the cover had fallen off. Normal 20-Oct-23 (CnI) Accepted N/A 24-Oct-23 ring and fix 24-Oct-23 Accepted N/A 24-Oct-23 26-Oct-23 26-Oct-23 N/A Accepted N/A 27-Oct-23 26-Oct-25 glass and no ring cover has
fallen. Only 10LAC20CT518 has
no glass and ring cover. Lot 2 will
provide replacement glass and
ring cover and install them.

Replacement to indicator of
We previously discussed modifying the LPH 3 Extraction Steam NRV Indicator during NRV not LP3 EXT NRV. This is
LPH 3 Extraction Steam Unit 1 shutdown. Please refer to the attached documents which show that the Mr. Thai
2 Lot 2 VP1-WDN-L2-1-00002 Unit 1 NRV 10LBS10AA401 indicator was providing incorrect readings even when the NRV was fully closed. The Emergency 31-Oct-23 (CnI) Accepted N/A 2-Nov-23 because accessibility of LP4 8-Nov-23 Accepted N/A 9-Nov-23 8-Nov-23 9-Nov-23 N/A Accepted N/A 9-Nov-23 2-Nov-25 Closed
EXT NRV is better than LP3
green color on the indicator still indicated it was fully open EXT NRV. We can access LP4
EXT NRV with pernament

We observed that the MCB (F91) supply power for the CBP 1B motor's space heater
was tripped when the CBP Motor 1B stopped. That caused the motor space heater Replacement space heater
CBP Motor 1B Space was out of function for preserving the motor from the humidity during the stopping Mr. Lim
3 Lot 2 VP1-WDN-L2-1-00003 Unit 1 Heater 10LCB40 AH001 time. Normal 21-Nov-23 (Elec) Accepted N/A 27-Nov-23 will be provided by Lot-2 (or 27-Nov-23 Accepted N/A 2-Dec-23
vendor under warranty)
Lot 2 is requested to investigate the root cause and then fix the issue at the earliest
to preserve the motor properly during the stopping time.

- On 14-Nov-2023, We found that all IO modules at D-EHC BFPT-A Cabinet indicated

Alarms. Further checking the cabinet observed that the C4-DS8N Analog Input
Module failed on the power light indicators and other modules picked up the alarm
simultaneously at the same time, (See photo attachment). We will replace the module
Afterward, we informed the Toshiba DCS Engineer checked together on-site and Mr. Thai pointed out by Customer
4 Lot 2 VP1-WDN-L2-1-00004 Unit 1 Unit 1 BFPT-A Cabinet 10CGB10 carried out a reset of the failure module C4-DS8N by retracting and re-inserting and Normal 21-Nov-23 (CnI) Accepted N/A 27-Nov-23 using the spare part 12-Dec-23 Accepted N/A 12-Dec-23 24-Feb-24 26-Feb-24 N/A Accepted N/A 27-Feb-24 23-Feb-26 Closed
then the modules returning to normal condition. available at Site.
- The BFPT-A PIO Modules Test was conducted on 15-Nov with the results below:
+ Power Supply Check (Normal)
+ Profinet Cable Setting Check (Normal)
+ Module Separately Failure Test (Normal)

1. T-BFP (B) DE: N/A

2. T-BFP (B) NDE: it will be
investigated during 1st
3. T-BFP BP(B) DE: Gasket
(400.12) will be replaced
during 1st outage .
10LAC20AP010KP01 Bearing oil leakage at: 4. T-BFP BP(B) NDE: For
1. T-BFP (B) DE & NDE Bearing Mr. Van temporary, sealant will be
5 Lot 2 VP1-WDN-L2-1-00005 Unit 1 Boiler Feedwater System 10LAC20AP010KP02 2. Normal 7-Dec-23 Accepted N/A 13-Dec-23 2-Feb-24 Accepted N/A 6-Feb-24
10LAC30AP010KP02 3. T-BFP (B) Booster Pump DE Bearing (Turbine) applied.For permanent:
M-BFP Booster Pump DE & NDE Bearing gasket (400,12) will be
replaced during 1st outage.
5. M-BFP BP (B) DE: gasket
will be replaced during 1st
6. M-BFP BP (B) NDE: gasket
will be replaced during 1st

MOV cannot be operated automatically. Abnormal indication and there is no Mr. Hieu Farm ware updating or
6 Lot 2 VP1-WDN-L2-1-00006 Unit 1 MOV 10LAB32AA201 feedback on DCS Emergency 2-Dec-23 (Elec) Accepted N/A 2-Dec-23 circuit board replacement 6-Dec-23 Accepted N/A 11-Dec-23 15-Dec-23 26-Dec-23 N/A Accepted N/A 2-Jan-24 14-Dec-25 Closed

During operation, the valve is experiencing issues with its limit switches and they Mr. Hieu It depends on investigation
7 Lot 2 VP1-WDN-L2-1-00007 Unit 1 MOV 10LBG10AA201 seem to be faulty. Normal 16-Jan-24 (Elec) Accepted N/A 20-Jan-24 by TA 20-Jan-24 Accepted N/A 22-Jan-24 25-Jan-24 26-Jan-24 N/A Accepted N/A 30-Jan-24 24-Jan-26 Closed

1. During 1st outage, L2/KSB

will conduct inspection.
2. L2 will apply the Teflon
tape to plug screw.
Bearing Oil Leakage at: 3. L2 will apply the Teflon
1. Condensate Booster Pump (A) DE & NDE Bearing Housing tape to plug screw.
10LCB30 AP010KP01/ 2. Condensate Booster Pump (B) DE & NDE Bearing Housing 4. During 1st outage, L2/KSB
8 Lot 2 VP1-WDN-L2-1-00008 Unit 1 PUMP (CBP) Seal Water leakage at:
10LCB40 AP010KP01 1. Normal 4-Jan-24 (Turbine) Accepted N/A 11-Jan-24 will replace the gasket and 2-Feb-24 Accepted N/A 5-Feb-24
Condensate Booster Pump (A) NDE Mechanical Seal correct the level indicator
Water Balance leakage at: position.
1. Condensate Booster Pump (B) Flange of the balance water line ( Discharge Casing) 5. If required, to be
investigated in 1st Outage.
6. During 1st outage, L2/KSB
will check the gap, gasket
and replace it

- During maintenance 500 kV AIS on Nov 23, 2023 we observed that a HLO signal
appeared less than 1 second while 52AB CB actual status was still closed that led
Unit 1 loaded-down unexpectedly to the Unit house load. Mr. Hau
9 Lot 2 VP1-WDN-L2-1-00009 Unit 1 Unit 1 HLO signals 10MKA10 - In addition the 52B and 52AB CB open signals for HLO condition was not recorded Normal 25-Dec-23 (Elec) Not accpeted 28-Dec-23
in DCS.
* For further details, please refer to the attached report prepared by KVPS
(Including counter measures).

1. Hex screw was

retightened and loctite was
applied. Please monitor. If
high level is true, change the
set oil level in oil indicator.
Condensate Extraction 10LCB10 AP010KP01/ 1. Condensate Extraction Pump (A) Bearing Housing Mr. Vu 2. Hex screw was
10 Lot 2 VP1-WDN-L2-1-00010 Unit 1 Pump A/B 10LCB20 AP010KP01 2. Condensate Extraction Pump (B) Bearing Housing Normal 4-Jan-24 (Turbine) Accepted N/A 11-Jan-24 retightened and locite was 2-Feb-24 Accepted N/A 5-Feb-24
applied. Please monitor. If
high level change is
required, it will be informed
by 9 Feb. It will be appplied
after TET holiday.
CTCS A Ball collector oulet
valve 1. Valve (10PAH35 AA201)
CTCS A Ball collector 10PAH35AA201; Observing the operation of CTCS Unit #1 at the basement floor of the Turbine Lot 2 will tighten nut of
bypass valve 10PAH35AA004; Mr. Nghi All valve will continue to monitor
11 Lot 2 VP1-WDN-L2-1-00011 Unit 1 CTCS B Ball collector oulet 10PAH45AA004; building, it has been noticed that four ball valves are leaking while one valve is not Normal 8-Jan-24 (Turbine) Accepted N/A 24-Jan-24 gland 29-Jan-24 Accepted N/A 29-Jan-24 16-Feb-24 18-Feb-24 N/A Accepted N/A 19-Feb-24 15-Feb-26 leaks more 1 week. (Closed)
open. 2. Valve (10PAHH35 AA004)
valve 10PAH45AA201 no action required.
CTCS B Ball collector
bypass valve

During operation, Ball collector B was observed to be leaking at the basement floor Mr. Nghi
12 Lot 2 VP1-WDN-L2-1-00012 Unit 1 CTCS B Ball collector - 10PAH32BB010 of the turbine building. Normal 8-Jan-24 (Turbine) Not accpeted 24-Jan-24 Closed (21-Feb-24)

During weekly inspection of equipment in Unit 1, we found that the steam and hot
- Vent valves in T-BFP A - 10LAB31 AA951 water were leaking at the drain box (funnel) on operating floor and ground floor.
discharge - 10LAB31 AA952 Mr. Toan Repair the valve seat or
13 Lot 2 VP1-WDN-L2-1-00013 Unit 1 - Vent valves in T-BFP A - 10LAB31 AA953 After checking all the vent valves around the drain box we found that the vent valves Normal 27-Feb-24 (Turbine) Accepted N/A 29-Feb-24 replacement to new valves. 29-Feb-24 Accepted N/A 4-Mar-24
in T-BFP A discharge & recirculation are abnormal, for detail: The yoke valve
recirculation - 10LAB31 AA954
temperature is above 84 degrees C, Funnel temperatures are above 94 degrees C.

14 Lot 2 VP1-WDN-L2-1-00014 Unit 1 LEVEL INSTRUMENT 10LAD20 AA311 - Flange between of Bonnet & Body Valve (refer the attached figures & drawings) Emergency 21-Feb-24 (Turbine) Accepted N/A 29-Feb-24 Replacement to new gasket 29-Feb-24 Accepted N/A 4-Mar-24

The feedback signals from the local valve are not being transmitted to the DCS Mr. Hieu
15 Lot 2 VP1-WDN-L2-1-00015 Unit 1 MOV 10LAB33AA201 system. Normal 5-Mar-24 (Electrical) Not accpeted N/A 11-Mar-24

On February 29th, 2024, at 6:43 AM, a run-back of the HP Heater HHWL condition
was triggered on Unit 1, resulting in a reduction of Unit 1 Load MW. Based on the
investigation results, it was found that TSQ-A IO modules failure occurred right after
the activation of Water Box Air Removal System A and CTCS A&B Modbus
Communication Failure. it is believed that the CTCS A&B Modbus communication
failure at that time is the main reason for the TSQ-A error that caused the run-back Mr. Thai
16 Lot 2 VP1-WDN-L2-1-00016 Unit 1 Unit 1 TSQ-A 10CBE10 incident. Emergency 2-Mar-24 (CnI) Accepted N/A 5-Mar-24

In the past, a similar situation occurred on October 7th, 2023, when the CTCS TFA
was downloading a program to the CTCS PLC, leading to CTCS communication
failure. Consequently, the TSQ-A IO Modules failed in the same manner.
(Please refer to the attached photos for further details).

On February 29th, 2024, at 6:43 AM, run-back of HP Heater HHWL condition was
triggered on Unit 1, resulting reduction of Unit 1 Load MW; Based on the
investigation results, it was found that the HP Heater No.6 Alternative Level Control
Valve (10LCH12AA502) did not respond properly as required by the control system.
The sequence of events leading to the run-back incident related to HP Heater No.6
Alternative LCV reaction is as follows: Lot 2 will consider to add
HP Heater No.6 Alternative 1. Deaerator level signal was lost. Mr. Thai quick open logic for HP HTR
17 Lot 2 VP1-WDN-L2-1-00017 Unit 1 LCV 10LCH12AA502 2. HP Heater No.6 Normal LCV (10LCH11AA501) closed. Emergency 2-Mar-24 (CnI) Accepted N/A 7-Mar-24 6 A/LCV and carry out the 8-Mar-24 Accepted N/A 11-Mar-24
3. HP Heater No.6 Water Level started to increase, logic modification at Site.
4. HP Heater No.6 Alternative LCV began to open fully when the level exceeded
50mm, as per the set value.
However, the HP Heater No.6 water level did not decrease as required.
Consequently, the water level continued increasing and reaching the Hi-Hi Set point
(> 210mm), which logically triggered the HP Heater HHWL Run-back.

During operation, we observed that T-BFP A Unit1 is running higher vibrations than
before on 18th Feb, particularly when the unit reaches full load (GEN PWR:
approximately 698 MW, BFPT zero speed up to around 5387 RPM). The vibration is
Turbine Driven Boiler Mr. Lee
18 Lot 2 VP1-WDN-L2-1-00018 Unit 1 Feedwater Pump A 10LAC10 AP010KP01 increasing proportionally to BFPT Speed up and Unit load and the vibration has a Emergency 7-Mar-24 (Turbine) Accepted N/A 9-Mar-24
trend increasing little until now (Max. Vibration Y NDE: 5.61 mm/s (17-Feb), Max.
Vibration Y NDE: 6.3 mm/s (06.Mar) at full load, Criterial: H alarm 6.3 mm/s, HH
alarm: 9.5 mm/s).

19 Lot 2 VP1-WDN-L2-1-00019
20 Lot 2 VP1-WDN-L2-1-00020
21 Lot 2 VP1-WDN-L2-1-00021
22 Lot 2 VP1-WDN-L2-1-00022
Unit 2

To be discussed with KSB

but based on TSB
observation, following
During Unit 2 Turbine Driven Boiler Feedwater Pump (A) increase the pump load corrective action is
(Outlet pressure increase from 14Mpa to 23.9Mpa), We found the leakage at:
Turbine Driven Boiler Mr. T Van suggested.
1 Lot 2 VP1-WDN-L2-2-00001 Unit 2 Feedwater Pump A 20LAC10AP010KP01 1. Pipe Fitting of "Drain pipe from suction casing to Tank for liquid drain feed water Normal 26-Feb-24 (Turbine) Accepted N/A 29-Feb-24 1. Disassemble and re- 29-Feb-24 Accepted N/A 4-Mar-24
pump" tighten
2. Welding joint on Oil return pipe of T-BFP (A) DE Bearing 2. (Temporary) Leak-aid has
been already applied.
(Permanent) Re-welding

On 02-Feb-2024, We observed and found that Unit 2 20MKA10CT032 Generator

Collector Inlet Temperature was indicated lower than Unit 1 during normal
operation. As a comparison, when Unit 1 indicated 40 degC, but Unit 2 indicated
around 27degC, This situation occurred a long time before Unit 2 COD (please refer
to attached Trend).
We conducted troubleshooting as below actions: Mr. Thai
2 Lot 2 VP1-WDN-L2-2-00002 Unit 2 Unit 2 Generator 20MKA10CT032 1. Local RTD Resistance check (Normal, around 115 Ohm for two bunches). Normal 5-Feb-24 (CnI) Accepted N/A 27-Feb-24
2. Spare element tested with same value at local at 115 Ohm, DCS reading is 27 deg
3. DCS EU Conversion check (Normal).
4. DCS RTD Module Input Channel Swap check (Normal).
5. DCS RTD Hardwire Resistance check (Abnormal, please refer to photos).

1. Temporary
countermeasure: Sealing
material (ex BELLZONA) is
Duplex basket strainer Upon inspection, We observed that water was leaking from the duplex basket Mr. Nghi pasted on leakage point.
3 Lot 2 VP1-WDN-L2-2-00003 Unit 2 casing of CVP 2A 20MAJ15AT001 strainer casing of CVP 2A. Normal 29-Feb-24 (Turbine) Accepted N/A 1-Mar-24 2. Permanent 1-Mar-24 Accepted N/A 4-Mar-24
Replacement with new

BFPT (A & B) Oil Coolers During Unit 2 BFPT (A & B) Lube oil system operation, We found the oil leakage at:
20XAV24AC00 Mr. T Van
4 Lot 2 VP1-WDN-L2-2-00004 Unit 2 BFPT (A & B) Oil 20XAV71AP001KP01 1. Inlet & outlet flange of BFPT (A & B) Oil Coolers Normal 12-Mar-24 (Turbine)
Conditioner Filter Pumps 20XAV81AP001KP01 2. BFPT (A & B) Oil Conditioner Filter Pumps


We will replace the defected

power module pointed out
by Customer using the
Mr. Quyen construction spare part
1 Lot 2 VP1-WDN-L2-0-00001 Common CES A S1 cabinet 00CDE 40/41 The CES A S1 cabinet - Power supply module (PSU1-CTRL-B1) failure Normal 14-Nov-23 (CnI) Accepted N/A 15-Nov-23 available at site. Please refer 16-Nov-23 Accepted N/A 17-Nov-23 18-Nov-23 20-Nov-23 N/A Accepted N/A 23-Nov-23 17-Nov-25 Closed
to the attached file for
location and schematic of
the replaced module.

2 Lot 2 VP1-WDN-L2-0-00002 Common

3 Lot 2 VP1-WDN-L2-0-00003 Common
4 Lot 2 VP1-WDN-L2-0-00004 Common
5 Lot 2 VP1-WDN-L2-0-00005 Common
6 Lot 2 VP1-WDN-L2-0-00006 Common
7 Lot 2 VP1-WDN-L2-0-00007 Common
8 Lot 2 VP1-WDN-L2-0-00008 Common

- Dated 14-Nov-2023: A significant deviation in the Coal Flow Consumption reading

(tons) between the PLC (Lot 3's scope) and the DCS Log (Lot 2's scope) was identified
during the site check between VPCL/KVPS and Lot 2, Lot 3.
Lot2 noted that the PLC
Total Coal Flow calculation
- Dated 20-Nov-2023: Lot 2 and Lot 3 have coordinated to adjust the range setting of result available in DCS, so
BC14A/B coal flow at DCS (from 0-1400 to 0-2000) to align with the PLC range we will update the coal
setting. Mr. Dong
9 Lot 2 VP1-WDN-L2-0-00009 Common DCS 00ECT14CW001XQ1 Normal 25-Dec-23 (CnI) Accepted N/A 23-Jan-24 consumtion log based on 26-Jan-24 Accepted N/A 29-Jan-24
input signal of Total Coal
- Currently: After changing the range setting, the real-time reading values of Flow. We will inform
BC14A/B coal flow at PLC and in the DCS Graphic are similar. However, there is still a VPCL/KVPS when log
discrepancy in the totalized coal flow consumption when comparing PLC and DCS. modification completed.
For example, on 24-Nov-2023, the PLC reading for BC14A was 0 tons, and BC14B was
7650 tons, while the DCS Log calculated BC14A as 37.7 tons and BC14B as 8452.6
tons (see attachment).

VP1 Warranty Defect List

STEP-A: Warranty Defect Notice issuance STEP-B: EPC's response STEP-C: Corrective Action Proposal STEP-D: Owner's response STEP-E: Warranty Defect Completion Notice issuance STEP-F: Final confirmation Extended Defects
No. Notification Period Remarks
Lot Warranty Defect Notice No. Unit Equipment KKS No. Description Priority Issued Date Issued by Accepted or Not Reason Issued Date Corrective Action Issued Date Accepted or Not Reason Issued Date Completion Date Issued Date Spares Information Accepted or Not Reason Issued Date
Unit 1

The first EPC will be open

the inslation and, after that
cleaning the position
Please include the inspection of
The coaming of the Fluidizing air connection was damaged (one hole at the corner) Mr.Canh broken.
1 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-1-00001 Unit 1 ESP hopper 10HDE15 BB003 Normal 25-Oct-23 Accepted N/A 26-Oct-23 26-Oct-23 Accepted N/A 27-Oct-23 28-Oct-23 30-Oct-23 N/A Accepted N/A 30-Oct-23 28-Oct-25 Fuildizing pad for any defect and
so the fly ash is spreading outside. (Boiler) Use the same material to
replace it if required. (Closed)
seal the hole be welding,
then use PT to check the
quaility of the weld

CTCI will provide new pins, - The original spring pin should
plan deliver to site on 18- be replaced as discussed.
Dec-2023. New pin is same ( Closed)
During the Unit 1 operation on 09 October 2023, KVPS discovered the linkage of the Mr. Sung
2 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-1-00002 Unit 1 IDF A IGV NDE bearing side 10HNC01 AA201 Normal 30-Oct-23 Accepted N/A 6-Nov-23 design of original pin, just 3-Dec-23 Accepted N/A 5-Dec-23 23-Feb-24 23-Feb-24 N/A Accepted N/A 26-Feb-24 23-Feb-26 - Request to invite us for
inlet guide vane dropped again. (Boiler)
extend 2 head pins and drill material inspection and visual
2 small holes, then use small inspect after installation
pin to fix positon. completion. (Closed)

Condensate Pump Outlet

Dissolved Oxygen Analyzer
Dearator Outlet Dissolved Dissolved Oxygen Analyzer operation abnormal with the measured value very low Mr. Thai CTCI will be replaced new
3 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-1-00003 Unit 1 10QUC05CQ001 Normal 2-Nov-23 Accepted N/A 23-Nov-23 23-Nov-23 Accepted N/A 27-Nov-23 28-Nov-23 28-Nov-23 N/A Accepted N/A 2-Dec-23 28-Nov-25 Closed
Oxygen Analyzer againts the Acceptance Criteria (CnI) DO sensors (quantity: 03 EA)
Economizer Inlet Dissolved
Oxygen Analyz

10HDC18 BN011,
10HDC18 BN012,
10HDC24 BN011,
10HDC24 BN012,
10HDC28 BN011, The fluidized air pipe that connects to the ESP hopper is blocked with ash due to a
10HDC37 BN012, broken silicon sealant on the fluidizing pad. This has caused ash to flow back into the Mr.Canh - Replace broken silicon
4 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-1-00004 Unit 1 10HDC38 BN011, fluidizing pipe from the hopper. This issue is currently affecting 12 hoppers in Unit 1, Normal 15-Nov-23 (Boiler) Accepted N/A 26-Nov-23 sealant 26-Nov-23 Accepted N/A 27-Nov-23 STEP-D
10HDC38 BN012, and is also occurring in ESP U2.
10HDC41 BN011,
10HDC41 BN012,
10HDC46 BN011,
10HDC46 BN012,

- No.1, CTCI will change new

Hydrogen found leakage at:
spring of valve
Valve of Hydrogen generation 00QJC07AA033 1. Manifold to cylinder group angle valve (00QJC07AA033) Mr. Van
5 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-1-00005 Unit 1 Normal 7-Dec-23 Accepted N/A 9-Dec-23 - No.1, CTCI will install 9-Dec-23 Accepted N/A 11-Dec-23 18-Dec-23 19-Dec-23 N/A Accepted N/A 20-Dec-23 18-Dec-25 Closed
system 00QJC11CQ001 2. Pipe union of Gas inlet valve of Hydrogen transmitter in Oxygen A (Turbine)
ferrule for tubing connector
to valve

10QUA01 AA701, - We observed that many component on the sampling system was removed during
10QUA03 AA701 commissioning and not restored as per the approved P&ID. The Pressure reducing
10QUA05 AA701, valves was change to needle valve, the strainer before the relief valve was removed
Sampling System Pressure 10QUA09 AA701 and all drain line connected the the strainer was all disconnected Mr. Hoa
6 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-1-00006 Unit 1 Reducing Valve 10QUC01 AA701, - Sampling cooler #1 housing rating pressure is less than design pressure of Normal 5-Jan-24 (Turbine) Accepted N/A 26-Jan-24 STEP-B
10QUB01 AA701 Economizer inlet, separator drain, and Main steam. (Tube rating pressure: 215
10QUB03 AA701, bar~21.5 Mpa. Economizer inlet design pressure: 33 Mpa. Separator drain design
10QUC03 AA701 pressure: 29 Mpa. Main steam design pressure: 26.3 Mpa).

We already contacted to
During Hydrogen generation skid A is running, We found that the valve
Vendor and requested
00QJC11AA701 Dry side diaphragm control valve is leakage. We coordinated with
provide new valve. But the
CTCI Engineers to check together and result as below:
Manufacturer is very far, so
Dry side diaphragm control We found that the valve is not proper work during adjustment. Mr. Van
7 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-1-00007 Unit 1 00QJC11AA701 Normal 20-Dec-23 Accepted N/A 22-Nov-23 the delivery time will be 22-Nov-23 Accepted N/A 2-Jan-24 18-Jan-24 18-Jan-24 N/A Accepted N/A 25-Jan-24 18-Jan-26 Closed
valve of H2 Generation System When the valve is closed approx.50%, the hydrogen gas cannot supply to buffer tank (Turbine)
long. It take about 6 weeks
to arrive. We will replace
When the valve is just opened (from valve position "closed approx.50%"), the
when we reiceve the Vavle
hydrogen gas will be leaked as below image.
( around 05.Feb.24)

We observed that the transformer's windings and internal components inside a

Replace one new TR for the
lighting transformer box in the ESP area were damaged, burned, or affected by high
damaged, and add cooling
heat. This caused half of the normal lighting for ESP #1 to go out of service.
Mr. Phat fan with inlet filter for all
8 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-1-00008 Unit 1 Lighting TR Box 10HDE01 GH115 Additionally, we checked the temperature in similar lighting transformer boxes in Emergency 4-Jan-24 Accepted N/A 10-Jan-24 11-Jan-24 Not accepted 15-Jan-24 STEP-D
(Electrical) Lighting Transformer Box (4
both ESPs during normal operation of the lighting system and found that the
sets). Detail refer to attach
temperature was very high (maximum of 126 degrees Celsius - please refer to the
attached photo).

There is a leak in the FGD inlet damper due to instrument air at the "BSP Quick Mr. Quyen CTCI will be replace new BSP
9 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-1-00009 Unit 1 FGD inlet damper 10HTA01 AA401 Exhaust valve". Please refer to the attached photo. Normal 18-Jan-24 (CnI) Accepted N/A 19-Jan-24 Quick Exhaust valve 19-Jan-24 Accepted N/A 22-Jan-24 24-Feb-24 24-Feb-24 N/A Accepted N/A 26-Feb-24 24-Feb-26 Closed

Silica analyzer at Mr. Trung

10 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-1-00010 Unit 1 Demineralization system 00GCF41CQ002 Malfunction of silica analyzer Normal 18-Jan-24 (CnI) Not accepted 26-Jan-24 STEP-B

CTCI will be replace new

Sodium analyzer at Condensate Mr. Trung
11 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-1-00011 Unit 1 10LDF20 CQ001 The button and monitor cannot control the abnormal sodium values. Normal 18-Jan-24 Accepted N/A 26-Jan-24 Keypad for U1 Sodium 24-Feb-24 Accepted N/A 26-Feb-24 STEP-D
Polyshing system (CnI)

KVPS has coordinated with CTCI to check the analyzer on December 2, 2023, and
calibrate it multiple times. However, the analyzer always shows an indicator value of
Silica Analyzer at Condensate Mr. Trung
12 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-1-00012 Unit 1 10LDF20 CQ002 0, as seen in the attached photo. CTCI attempted to troubleshoot the issue several Normal 18-Jan-24 Not accepted 23-Jan-24 Closed (31-Jan-24)
Polishing system (CnI)
times, but the results were unsuccessful. They have confirmed that there is an issue
with the analyzer.

Condenser CW sampling water Leakage at:

- Pump Back casing:
During pump operation, we detected water leaking and escaping from the
emergency drain holes on the Pump Back Sasing. Causes a lack of CW sample water Mr. Vu
13 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-1-00013 Unit 1 Condenser CW Sampling Pump 10QUP01 AP001 supply pressure for the Sampling System, affecting equipment and operating Normal 29-Jan-24 (Turbine) Not accepted N/A 8-Mar-24 STEP-B
When we disassembled and inspected the pump, we notice some of the ceramic
lined parts are already wornout. Please refer to the attached photos

The second lighting transformer box of ESP #1 was found damaged with the status
the same as the first box, the transformer's windings were burned and all the Mr. Minh
14 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-1-00014 Unit 1 Lighting TR Box 10HDE01 GH215 internal parts like fuses, terminals, racks, bolts, and enclosure painting were severely Normal 22-Feb-24 (Electrical) Not accepted 27-Feb-24 STEP-B
scorched by high heat (refer to below photos).

After analyzing the IGV & ESP Characteristic Test Results conducted on 30/01/2024,
it is evident that there is a notable issue with ESP performance during the Mr. Phat
15 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-1-00015 Unit 1 ESP Unit 1 Outlet Dust Analysis 10HDE01 combustion of IDE coal. Implementing a bias of IDF IGV is deemed unacceptable as a Emergency 5-Feb-24 (Electrical) Accepted N/A 16-Feb-24 STEP-B
permanent solution for operation.

Mr. Quyen
16 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-1-00016 Unit 1 FGD Absorber vent valve 10HTA01 AA901 The FGD Absorber vent valve failed to open both in auto and manual mode. Normal 5-Mar-24 (CnI) Accepted N/A 11-Mar-24 STEP-B
The Flexible Hoses of Ash Handling air compressor at ECO Unit 1 and Unit 2 were
Flexible Hose of Ash Handling 10HDC54BQ101, Mr. Canh Replace damaged hoses
17 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-1-00017 Unit 1 damaged at many positions (8). The air leakage so much will be affected to the Normal 27-Feb-24 Accepted N/A 4-Mar-24 4-Mar-24 Accepted N/A 5-Mar-24 5-Mar-24 7-Mar-24 N/A Accepted N/A 11-Mar-24 5-Mar-26 Closed
air compressor 10HDC55BQ102 (Boiler) with new hoses
pressure of ash transporting system.

During the routine inspection, we observed that a minor oil has been leaking from
10HDE34 GT002 ESP rectifier transformer's bushings: Mr. Phat
18 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-1-00018 Unit 1 & 2 Rectifier transformers ESP 20HDE33 GT002 -Unit 1: Oil leaking from the LV bushing of Rectifier transformer 10HDE34 GT002 Normal 11-Mar-24 (Electrical) STEP-A
-Unit 2: Oil leaking from the HV bushing of Rectifier transformer 20HDE33 GT002

10HNC01 AA201
10HNC02 AA201 Mr. Trung
19 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-1-00019 Unit 1 & 2 Induced Draft Fan 20HNC01 AA201 We have detected water leakage from Fan's outlet damper during operation. Normal 11-Mar-24 (Boiler) STEP-A
20HNC02 AA201

Mr. Trung
20 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-1-00020 Unit 1 Induced Draft Fan B 10HNC02 AN001 We have detected oil leakage from Fan's Bearing DE during operation. Normal 11-Mar-24 (Boiler) STEP-A

Unit 2
The disc valve (ash feeding valve) of ESP #2 Group B, Field 3, Hopper No. 4 is broke
Rotated Arm during operation. Mr. Canh
1 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-2-00001 Unit 2 Disc valve of ESP 20HDC35AA401 We found that the part had a likeness of cracking before (The original crack area is Normal 27-Feb-24 (Boiler) Accepted N/A 7-Mar-24 STEP-B
older than the new crack area).
2 ###
3 ###
4 ###
5 ###
Common ###

- During updating period,

the system may be trip. In
that case, CTCI will arrange
operator and re-start
compressor as soon as
The communication signal from air compressor control panel to PLC panel abnormal Mr. Quyen - The sequence of modify
1 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-0-00001 Common PLC of Air compressor N/A alarm. Normal 24-Oct-23 (CnI) Accepted N/A 26-Oct-23 work as follows: 26-Oct-23 Accepted N/A 2-Nov-23 2-Nov-23 3-Nov-23 replacement plan Accepted N/A 6-Nov-23 2-Nov-25 Closed
1. Connection PLC with
laptop maintenance
2. Entrance control logic
program and modification
3. Save program and
download program to CPU

Install new "Transition idler

support" and increase
- The coal discharge from BC-9
height of support. Keep the
does not center on BC-11. The
The belt conveyor BC-11 had serious misalignment many times during the bunkering Mr.Tri belt could touch idler. Adjust
2 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-0-00002 Common Belt feeder BC-11 00ECB12 AF001 Normal 25-Oct-23 Accepted N/A 30-Oct-23 30-Oct-23 Accepted N/A 1-Nov-23 baffle plates shall be adjusted.
of the coal to the silo. (Jetty) belt tension and idler during
- Correct transition idlers must
load and no load running.
be provided
Detail please refer to
attached drawing.

- Adjust BC-11 belt

alignment. Make sure the
coal doesn't spill out from
The drawing for deck plate
The GAP between the snub pulley and the deck plate is too narrow. The spilled coal Mr.Tri modification shall be shared
3 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-0-00003 Common Belt feeder BC-11 00ECB12 AF001 Normal 25-Oct-23 Accepted N/A 30-Oct-23 - Adjust belt cleaner 30-Oct-23 Accepted N/A 1-Nov-23 22-Nov-23 24-Nov-23 N/A Accepted N/A 4-Dec-23 22-Nov-25
has stuck between the snub pulley and deck plate during the operation. (Jetty) inadvance of work starting.
- Modify deck plate and toe
plate. Make sure the coal
will not stuck snub pulley.

CTCI provides new bolts and

cushion. Emergency removal
brake drum from SRB and
The brake drum does not
At the drive unit of the boom conveyor. The coupling cushion between the fluid replacement with SRA. CTCI
Mr.Tri guarantee quality after
4 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-0-00004 Common Stacker & Reclaimer S/R-8A 00EAD16 EA001 coupling and the brake drum has broken, the connected bolts and holes on the Normal 25-Oct-23 Accepted N/A 30-Oct-23 provides installation brake 30-Oct-23 Accepted N/A 6-Nov-23 4-Nov-23 9-Nov-23 replacement plan Accepted N/A 16-Nov-23 4-Nov-25
(Jetty) machining. A new brake drum
brake drum were worn. drum and alignment for SRA.
for spare is required. (Closed)
KVPS support machining
brake drum of SRA and
install on SRB.

- All parts of VFD were

burned/damaged or
affected by high heat.
Hence, for a permanent
solution, all the VFDs
have to replaced with
The Contactor and Inverter of Fly Ash Compressors #2, #3 and #4 are severely Adjusted the setting, all new suitable ones,
00HDC72GH001 damaged. This has adversely affected the operation of both units. Lot-3 required damaged parts replaced replace the damaged
Contol panel of Air Compressor Mr. Lim
5 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-0-00005 Common 00HDC73GH001 thorough investigation and identify the root cause of this issue, as well as implement Emergency 31-Oct-23 Accepted N/A 22-Dec-23 with new and completed 10 22-Dec-23 Not accpeted parts only is not 2-Jan-24 STEP-D
#2, #3 & #4 (Elec)
00HDC74GH001 a permanent solution to prevent recurrence as similar type of incidents already days continuously running acceptable to us.
occurred previously in this system. Lot-3 to quickly fix this issue. test - For all setting adjusting,
the setting values shall
be attached;
- Also, CTCI should
countermeasures to
avoid incoming power
source fluctuation.
- CTCI is not only to
replace new transformer
and internal components
that were damaged as
proposal, but CTCI also
- CTCI has replaced new
replace all components
transformer and internal
The Transformer and internal components inside the lighting panel that are affected by high
componets which was
damaged/burned. (Other panels with the same specification have the same heat with the new one
damaged. Please send us the list of parts
Normal Lighting Panel for IDF & problem). Lot-3 requested quickly replace all the damaged equipment/components Mr. Lim including internal wires
6 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-0-00006 Common 00BLM12GP001 Normal 31-Oct-23 Accepted N/A 1-Nov-23 - CTCI have install the 1-Nov-23 Accepted 14-Nov-23 21-Nov-23 22-Nov-23 N/A Accepted N/A 24-Nov-23 21-Nov-25 replaced at this time for ongoing
Silo Area with new ones and put back in service. Lot-3 to find root cause of this issue and (Elec) and MCCB, etc. to ensure
ventilation fan and modified maintenance. (Closed)
provide permanent solution to this issue in order to avoid similar issue to other long-term safe
the door inside lighting
panels in future. operation.
panel to make the cooling
- Additionally, CTCI to
process faster.
install proposed
ventilation cooling fans
for the other similar
lighting panels as a
permanent solution.

CTCI has replaced new

Control Panel For Ash Silo The power converter of 230VAC to 24VDC is not working. Therefore, the current
Mr. Lim module on 31-Oct-2023. The
7 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-0-00007 Common Fludizing Air Roots Blower & 00HDC80GH001 transmitter couldn't receive the power and transmit the signal to DCS (the current Normal 31-Oct-23 Accepted N/A 1-Nov-23 1-Nov-23 Accepted N/A 4-Nov-23 6-Nov-23 9-Nov-23 N/A Accepted N/A 10-Nov-23 6-Nov-25 Closed
(Elec) signal can be transmitted to
Elec. Air Heater display on HMI was 0A). Lot-3 requested to fix this issue at earliest.

The CTCI will be add PTFE

coating, and probe isolation
material upgrade to PEEK. - Please provide the documents
10HDE01CQ001 / The measured parameters of ESP inlet dust concentration (1A & 1B) are error and Mr. Quyen Also add the nozzle corresponding to the actual
8 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-0-00008 Common Unit#1 ESP inlet dust analyzer 10HDE02CQ001 incorrect, even during Boiler load-up/ load-down normal operation Normal 31-Oct-23 (CnI) Accepted N/A 10-Nov-23 insulation, please see 10-Nov-23 Accepted N/A 14-Nov-23 23-Jan-24 23-Jan-24 N/A Accepted N/A 29-Jan-24 23-Jan-26 device (O&M manual,
attached drawing. (Sensor specifications,..) (Closed)
probe will arrive on 15-Nov-

The Analog Output [AO] module of the FGD - SO2,O2 Analyzer Panel got the error Mr. Quyen CTCI will be replaced a new
9 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-0-00009 Common FGD SO2, O2 analyzer panel 10HTA01 GH001 alarm. Normal 7-Nov-23 (CnI) Accepted N/A 16-Nov-23 AO module 16-Nov-23 Accepted N/A 17-Nov-23 29-Dec-23 29-Dec-23 N/A Accepted N/A 2-Jan-24 29-Dec-25 Closed

- Please provide RCA for this

crack joint and provide
countermeasure to prevent
similar failure in other shop joint
in future operation,
- Request to resubmit the PQR
and WPS used for the same
material - Request to submit a
Rail material specification in
Replace the damage portion order to check raw material,
10 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-0-00010 Common Grab Ship Unloader 2 OOEAA21 AF001 The railway of the main trolley for Ship Unloader 2 was cracked Normal 28-Nov-23 Accepted N/A 29-Nov-23 by the new ơn (rail cutting 29-Nov-23 Accepted N/A 29-Nov-23 30-Nov-23 7-Dec-23 N/A Accepted N/A 11-Dec-23 30-Nov-25 thickness, size, and sharpness
around 1405mm) - The demonstration must be
carried out with a qualified
welder and using specified
equipment mention on the WPS.
- Request to check and provide
the original method for the shop
weld - Rail arrangement drawing
to be provided showing this new
rail piece exact installation
position. (Closed)

- CTCI will impulse to fix the

Firewater has been leaking from 11 pipes since March of this year. Maintenance has
pipe leaking ASAP
been completed for 4 locations, but 8 locations still require maintenance. The
Fire Fighting water piping Mr. Lee - Isolate close only not LOTO
11 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-0-00011 Common N/A primary issue is water leaking from underground pipes, so CTCI needs to provide Normal 7-Nov-23 Accepted N/A 15-Nov-23 15-Nov-23 Accepted N/A 20-Nov-23 STEP-D
system (Turbine) so incase of emergency the
radical solutions. We recommend that existing underground pipes be installed above
valve still possible to be
ground, if possible, to solve this problem.

- CTCI already
come to site and
check this, after
checking and we
found is on S/R-
8A/8B/8C missing
drill some hole.
Mr.Tri - So CTCI will be
12 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-0-00012 Common Stacker & Reclaimer S/R-8A/B/C - OOEAD26 AE1 The water is contained inside the structure of the stacker and reclaimer S/R-8A/B/C. Normal 7-Nov-23 Not accepted 9-Nov-23 Closed
(Jetty) do drill hole for
S/R-8A/B/C, and
need KVPS
support to make
PTW for doing
work, plan start
working from 11-
Nov to 18-Nov-23.

00GNS01 The crack part will be

Dehydrator Feed Pump A/B AP003/AP004 The The Air Diaphragm Pump cracked the NPT Air Inlet causing the air-leaking during Mr. Duy replaced for 2 Dehyrator
13 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-0-00013 Common Chemical Drain PIT pump A/B 00GNR01 operation. Normal 15-Nov-23 (Boiler) Accepted N/A 20-Nov-23 feed pumps 00GNS01 26-Nov-23 Accepted N/A 27-Nov-23 22-Dec-23 24-Dec-23 N/A Accepted N/A 4-Jan-24 22-Dec-25 Closed
AP001/AP002 AP003/004

We already contacted to the

Manufacturer (HACH) and
order new lamp. But the
manufacturer is very far, so
The analyzer was indicate "Error" on the display anytime initiate starting to power To be Mr. Hoang
14 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-0-00014 Common HACH DR-6000 N/A 15-Nov-23 Accepted N/A 18-Dec-23 the delivery time will be 18-Dec-23 Accepted N/A 20-Dec-23 19-Feb-24 19-Feb-24 N/A Accepted N/A 21-Feb-24 19-Feb-26 Closed
on the device. planned (Chemical)
long. It will take about 10 to
12 weeks to arrive. We will
replace when we receive the
lamp (around March.2024)
- We are finding the new
model to replace with the
old one in Lab. After we find
Coulometric Karl Fischer Analyzer experimental test results are always inconsistent, and accuracy errors keep To be Ms. Khanh
15 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-0-00015 Common SYD -2122C 16-Nov-23 Accepted N/A 20-Nov-23 it out, we will inform you 23-Nov-23 Accepted N/A 24-Nov-23 31-Jan-24 31-Jan-24 N/A Accepted N/A 1-Feb-24 31-Jan-26 Step-F
Titrator recurring. planned (Chemical)
about the time for providing
new one and we will collect
the old.

The sub-contactor will install

rubber between Coal
Crusher No.1 and the chute
The expansion joint located between Coal Crusher No. 1 and the chute of BC-14A of BC-14A inside. Supply one
00EBC11 AJ001 was damaged. As a result, coal and dust were falling outside BC-14A during the Mr. Tai new set expansion joint The new expansion joint should
16 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-0-00016 Common Coal Crusher 1 00EBC21 AJ001 loading process. This issue not only reduces the performance of the coal load, but Normal 20-Nov-23 (Jetty) Accepted N/A 30-Nov-23 spare part to KVPS. The 30-Nov-23 Accepted N/A 2-Dec-23 2-Dec-23 15-Dec-23 N/A Accepted N/A 18-Dec-23 2-Dec-25 be installed at located. (Closed)
also causes a loss of many manhours for cleaning. material quality of
expansion joint match site
working condition. Please be
careful when install it.

1. Increase the bolt tighten

torque to 180 NM.
2. Welding 2 pieces of angle
- 00EAD16 EA001 The hold-down plates on the railway of the stacker and reclaimer are loosened easily
Mr. Tri steel around the hold-down
17 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-0-00017 Common Stacker and reclaimer - 00EAD26 EA001 even after retightening for a few weeks. The hold-down plates are slipped out of the Normal 28-Nov-23 Accepted N/A 5-Dec-23 5-Dec-23 Accepted N/A 7-Dec-23 24-Jan-24 29-Jan-24 N/A Accepted N/A 29-Jan-24 24-Jan-26 Step-F
(Jetty) plate every 10m. Angle steel
- 00EAD36 EA001 railway due to the typical shape at the contact point.
type: 40x40 mm, high-
30mm. Please refer

Making reinforced plates

The return guide training idler often vibration around the neck of support when the Mr. Tri with dimensions 50*100*5 The detail DWG for the adding
18 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-0-00018 Common Return guide training idlers N/A belt conveyor runs. This problem leads to a crack at the neck of support. Normal 28-Nov-23 (Jetty) Accepted N/A 30-Nov-23 mm and welding ( only 30-Nov-23 Accepted N/A 2-Dec-23 4-Dec-23 5-Dec-23 N/A Accepted N/A 7-Dec-23 4-Dec-25 additional plate stiffirer (Closed)
stacker & reclaimer)

000ECB15AF101 When we supplied coal to Silo E, we observed coal spilling out from the rubber plate Mr. Tri
19 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-0-00019 Common Travelling Tripper Car 1&2 000ECB25AF101 on the BC 15A/B. Normal 28-Nov-23 (Jetty) Accepted N/A 30-Nov-23 Extend skirt board. 30-Nov-23 Accepted N/A 2-Dec-23 2-Dec-23 5-Dec-23 N/A Accepted N/A 7-Dec-23 2-Dec-25 Closed

CTCI has applied paint so

this WDN can be considered
to close. Otherwise, the
below step can be followed
if the current rust status
would like to be confirmed:
00GME13AP001 KVPS observed severe rust on the flange, bolt nuts, and pipe in the T12 Wastewater Mr. Tri
20 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-0-00020 Common Wastewater Sump Pump T12 Normal 28-Nov-23 Accepted N/A 19-Dec-23 1. The KVPS could help to 19-Dec-23 Accepted N/A 21-Dec-23 4-Dec-23 4-Dec-23 N/A Accepted N/A 5-Dec-23 4-Dec-26 Closed
00GME13AP002 Sump Pit. (Jetty)
drain the water
2. Check the painting status
on the bolts and nuts
3. Apply the painting for
defective portion peeled off
if any.

KVPS conducted an inspection of the potable water system and observed a total of - CTCI's repairing method
23 leaks in different areas, such as the ESP U1,2 area, Pipe-Rack area, and Potable statement is as below:
tank. Most of these leaks were found at the weld points. Please refer to the attached Stop system and drain water
Request to provide the related
00GKB01AP001- report for more details. Mr. Lee -> cutting the leaked joint ->
21 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-0-00021 Common Potable water piping system Normal 28-Nov-23 Accepted N/A 3-Dec-23 3-Dec-23 Accepted N/A 4-Dec-23 7-Jan-24 16-Jan-24 N/A Accepted N/A 16-Jan-24 7-Jan-26 document As-built DWG.
AP002 In light of this, CTCI is required to provide the RCA and provide reliable solutions to (Turbine) replace by new material ->
prevent re-occuring the leaks in the potable water system. Material sample should welding -> PT -> running
be further analysis from laboratory to have clear understanding on what happen to system to check leakage ->
the pipe material. finish repairing

Before we provied the

The actual structure of the screw conveyor of Dust Collectors 1, 2, 3, and 4 is outline drawing, not actual
00ECB14BR001 different from drawing . manufacture drawing. We
00ECB24BR001 Dust Collector No.1 00ECB14BR001 : 1EA screw conveyor Mr. Tai have revised the outline
22 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-0-00022 Common Dust Collector 1, 2, 3, 4 00ECB15BR001 Dust Collector No.2 00ECB24BR001 : 1EA screw conveyor Normal 7-Dec-23 (Jetty) Accepted N/A 19-Dec-23 drawing and plan repair the 19-Dec-23 Accepted N/A 22-Dec-23 22-Dec-23 23-Dec-23 Accepted N/A 28-Dec-23 22-Dec-25 Closed
00ECB25BR001 Dust Collector No.3 00ECB15BR001 : 3EA screw conveyor shaft both side, please refer
Dust Collector No.4 00ECB25BR001 : 3EA screw conveyor attachment. Shaft material is
Q235B carbon steel.

KVPS conducted start-up receiving lines BC-1A/B, BC-2A/B, and BC-5A/B to unload
coal for the 15th vessel and stack in coal stock A (1). On 21-Nov-2023, The receiving Mr. Tri
23 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-0-00023 Common Diverter gate BC-5A 00EAC13 AB001 line BC-5A to BC-1A was tripped due to block chute detector active BC-5A to BC-6A Normal 20-Dec-23 (Jetty) Not accepted 22-Dec-23 Closed (21-Feb-24)

Discharge chute from Tripper The coal and dust coal leaked from the floor of tripper car room to the surface of the Mr. Tri
24 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-0-00024 Common Car to Silo N/A Silo. Normal 20-Dec-23 (Jetty) Not accepted 27-Dec-23 Closed (21-Feb-24)

1. Adjust belt tension device

and idler during no load and
load running.
2. Repair the belt by belt
repair material:
'- Clean the surface of - In case the repair procedure
Mr. Tri
25 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-0-00025 Common Belt conveyor BC-11 00ECB12 AF001 The belt conveyor BC-11 was torn out at the edge due to the misalignment. Normal 7-Dec-23 Accepted N/A 9-Dec-23 damage belt 9-Dec-23 Accepted N/A 14-Dec-23 doesn't work. Replacement is
- Prepare material glue required
according to manufacturer's
instructions (refer to
attached file)
- Pour the glue to damage

The gasket for

connection pipe
flange with
Wastewater sump pump T1 During pump operation, we found water leakage from the discharge pipe of Mr. Tri discharge outlet
26 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-0-00026 Common (Pump A) 00GME11 AP001 wastewater sump pump T1 (Pump A). Normal 20-Dec-23 (Jetty) Not accepted pump is 23-Dec-23 Closed (21-Feb-24)
material and is not
a warranty item.
Revise the rain cover of the
travelling motor- Refer to
During the operation of Ship Unloader 2 for coal receiving, KVPS observed an earth
attached drawing (Current
Gantry motor #20 on ship 00EAA21 AF001- fault (earth leakage) appearing on the VFD screen of gantry motor #20. Then, our Mr. Nhut
27 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-0-00027 Common Normal 19-Dec-23 Accepted N/A 9-Jan-24 drawing and update drawing 28-Feb-24 Accepted N/A 5-Mar-24 STEP-D
unloader 2 M60 maintenance team checked the insulation resistance of the motor winding and the (Jetty)
for the rain cover). CTCT will
result was very low (refer to the below photos for details)
provide 2 new motor for
spare part on Apr 24.

CTCI already hand over to

KVPS 43 idlers for KVPS to
replace ( refer to HO sheet
for information). Remaining
Mr. Tri 3 idlers will hand over to
28 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-0-00028 Common BC-6 to BC 14 00EAC26AF001 We found 46EA idlers have emitted abnormal noise when in operation. Normal 15-Dec-23 Accepted N/A 17-Jan-24 17-Jan-24 Accepted N/A 18-Jan-24 STEP-D
(Jetty) KVPS on Apr-2024. During
the warranty period, if any
idler is damaged, CTCI will
provide spare idler to KVPS
for replacement

We will solve it by seal more

Ground floor of FGD control At the ground floor of the FGD control building area, KVPS observed and suspected Mr.Thanh silicone and shooting more
29 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-0-00029 Common bulding 00SAB00GH101 that too much water was entering the HVAC pipe system during rainfall. Normal 7-Dec-23 (Civil) Accepted N/A 8-Dec-23 screws to make aluminum 8-Dec-23 Accepted N/A 11-Dec-23 11-Dec-23 12-Dec-23 N/A Accepted N/A 12-Dec-23 11-Dec-25 Closed
skin plate tighter

1. Will replace pump casing

for the leakage: Shock
Dosing Pump No.1 and
Seawater Booster Pump
- Seawater Booster Pump No.2, - 00QCG12AP001,
2. For surface crack (no
No.3 00QCG13AP001 During operation, KVPS has observed that most of the volute casing pumps,
leakage) we will repair with
- Continuous Dosing Pump - 00QCG61AP002, including Seawater Booster Pump No.2 and No.3, Continuous Dosing Pump No.1 and Mr. Nghi
30 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-0-00030 Common Normal 11-Dec-23 Accepted N/A 12-Dec-23 FRP adhesive of the same 13-Dec-23 Accepted N/A 14-Dec-23 STEP-D
No.1, No.2 00QCG61AP003 No.2, and Shock Dosing Pump No.1 and 2, located in the Pump Room of the Electro (Turbine)
materical accroding to the
- Shock Dosing Pump No.1, - 00QCG62AP001, Chlorination System. Pump casing were damaged, cracked, and leakaged water.
procedure provided by
No.2 00QCG62AP002
vendor's TA. The detail of
procedure please find in
attachment. The Vendor's
TA will guide the repair work
at site

Continuously use as it
because pump capacity is
achieved all the time and no
abnormal vibration and no
normal noise. Confirmed by
KVPS observed damage to the pump impeller of the Replacement Casing for Filtered pump manufacturer that
Mr. Nghi
31 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-0-00031 Common Filtered Water Pump A 00GCB03 AP001 Water Pump A at the Desalination area on 21 and 22 November due to cavitation Normal 11-Dec-23 Accepted N/A 24-Jan-24 this fine hole does not affect 16-Feb-24 Accepted N/A 19-Feb-24 STEP-D
erosion. the pump performance. In
order to dispel end user's
worries, AT/Organo will
provide an impeller of MMF
Backwash Pump as a spare

- CTCI will replace all the

damaged terminals with
We observed that some terminal blocks and internal wires inside MV SWGR feeders
Oxidation Air Blower Motor-A, 00BCD03, 00BCD04, new ones and replace/repair
were damaged/burned (see below photos for details). Lot-3 is requested to quickly Mr. Phat
32 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-0-00032 Common Incomer-1, Incomer-2, TR-FGD- 00BCD06, 00BCD07, Normal 15-Dec-23 Accepted N/A 22-Dec-23 properly the defectivere 22-Dec-23 Accepted N/A 26-Dec-23 STEP-D
find out the root cause and fix this issue at the earliest to ensure the safe operation (Electrical)
0A, SPARE MOTOR 00BCE03 internal wires, and then re-
on FGD MV SWGRs as well as the FGD system.
check and tighten all the
connection of internal wires.

On 8-Dec, We have changed

encoder from long travel to
lifting grab, the lifting grab
function is normal after we
changed and tested. No long
Mr. Anh travel used lifting grab
33 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-0-00033 Common Ship unloader 2 00BKL10 Lifting grab can't work in slow speed mode (< 20%) Normal 12-Dec-23 (Jetty) Accepted N/A 15-Dec-23 encoder, it's not affect coal 15-Dec-23 Accepted N/A 18-Dec-23 26-Dec-23 26-Dec-23 N/A Accepted N/A 2-Jan-24 26-Dec-25 Closed
receiving. We will provide
new encoder. Estimate
arrived on 30 Dec. After new
encoder arrvied, we will
replace new one.

1. KVPS observed that the supply power for the control panel of Transformer
Rectifier #2 was trips several times on the date 29 - 30 Nove 2023 (refer to attached
VPCL comment: CTCI is also
trends) CTCI will arange TA come to
requested to provide the root
MCC and Transformer Rectifier 00BHW01 2. KVPS also found that some original MCCBs in the Chlorination MCC outgoing Mr. Hieu site to check and install all
34 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-0-00034 Common Normal 15-Dec-23 Accepted N/A 10-Jan-24 16-Jan-24 Accepted N/A 16-Jan-24 cause and corrective action for
#2 LCP 000CG32 GT001 feeders were replaced with other ones not the same type as the original MCCBs (Electrical) MCCB with correct original
the first point of this WDN.
(refer to attached photos for details). MCCB.
( TR#2 tripped)
CTCI is requested to fix these issues at the earliest to ensure the safe operation of
this system.

During operation time, We observed that:

Mr. Nghi
35 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-0-00035 Common Fume scrubber cage =00GCN41 BB002 The base cover plate and frame of the Fume Scrubber Cage are heavily corroded at Normal 28-Dec-23 (Turbine) Not accepted 30-Dec-23 Closed (21-Feb-24)
Demineralization System (Nearby Demin HCl Storage tank).

We have checked bolt and

nut for CSUL1 and T1, etc…
Almost all clamps for the walkway's grating at the CSUL-1/2, BC-1A/B, BC2A/B, BC- We found not all of bolts
Mr. Đ Tri
36 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-0-00036 Common Clamp for the walkway's grating N/A 5A/B, BC-6A/B, BC-7, BC-9, BC-13A/B, Crusher building, TT-12, and Coal yard Normal 11-Dec-23 Accepted N/A 21-Dec-23 and nuts to KVPS. KVPS will 15-Jan-24 Accepted N/A 16-Jan-24 STEP-D
wastewater treatment plant were rusted. install new bolt and nuts at
BC-1, BC-2, SU, TT1, TT2.
Remaining will by CTCI.

An error message "1# Power fault" has been displayed on the touch screen of the
APAC For LV SWGR ROOM OF APAC device. The LED indicator on the electronic board has not been lit up, even Mr. Anh CTCI will be replace a new
37 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-0-00037 Common COAL JETTY E.H. -A 00SAH00AH501 though the 3-phase protection relay appears to be normal (contact NO. 15 & 18 are Normal 25-Dec-23 (Jetty) Accepted N/A 28-Dec-23 main board 28-Dec-23 Accepted N/A 2-Jan-24 3-Jan-24 3-Jan-24 N/A Accepted N/A 4-Jan-24 3-Jan-26 Closed
already closed).

The belt scale BWR-14A has been experiencing signal transfer failures to CHS HMI on
a frequent basis. Upon inspection of the local panel in the field, it was discovered
Mr. Anh CTCI will be replace new
38 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-0-00038 Common Belt scale BWR-14A 00ECT14 GH908 that the setting parameter data had been lost. As a result, the local screen was Normal 25-Dec-23 Accepted N/A 4-Jan-24 4-Jan-24 Accepted N/A 8-Jan-24 10-Jan-24 10-Jan-24 N/A Accepted N/A 12-Jan-24 10-Jan-26 Closed
(Jetty) display and key board
displaying a speed of "0.000 m/s" and a coal flow of "0.000 t/h", despite BC-14A
operating under load conditions.
- Please confirm the fixed date
The HMI FGD VMS Panel indicated "No reply from PLC within timeout period" Please Mr. Quyen CTCI will be replace new of delivery, since it is critical for
39 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-0-00039 Common HMI FGD VMS Panel 00CFQ01 GH001 see photo attached Normal 2-Jan-24 (CnI) Accepted N/A 2-Jan-24 Communication Card 2-Jan-24 Accepted N/A 3-Jan-24 OAB vibration monitoring. Kindly

As per TA/CTCI discussion, the

This issue is an urgent concern that needs to be addressed immediately to ensure cold repair for belt joint can
safe coal receiving and supplying operations. One vulcanization joint at BC-8C and withstand for operation for 1
Mr. Đ Tri Remove the surface rubber
40 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-0-00040 Common BC-8C and S&R-B N/A two vulcanization joints at the Boom belt conveyor of SR-B have been severely Emergency 6-Jan-24 Accepted N/A 10-Jan-24 15-Jan-24 Accepted N/A 17-Jan-24 26-Feb-24 26-Feb-24 N/A Accepted N/A 27-Feb-24 26-Feb-26 year, but in case the same joint
(Jetty) and repair by Pang Glue
cracked. These damages cannot be fixed through cold repair and require hot repair crack again then CTCI shall cut
work. this section of the belt and splice
new belt (Closed)

During the weekly equipment inspection, we found out that Chiller 1 of the HVAC
Mr. Toan
41 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-0-00041 Common Chiller 1 00SAB00 AH101 system for CCB is leaking oil between the oil separator tank and the condenser Normal 8-Jan-24 Accepted N/A 23-Jan-24 Change new gasket 22-Feb-24 Accepted N/A 26-Feb-24 27-Feb-24 27-Feb-24 N/A Accepted N/A 28-Feb-24 27-Feb-26 Closed
connection flange.

- Remove cover check re-

install and then tighten the
; We observed that many HVAC systems in the whole plant were trippped/faulted
Mr. Hieu - Replace the new
42 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-0-00042 Common HVAC: 24 SYSTEM 00SAB00AH213~214 frequently during normal operation, the trips/faults like (Compressor overload; Normal 16-Jan-24 Accepted N/A 20-Feb-24 6-Mar-24 Accepted N/A 7-Mar-24 7-Mar-24 11-Mar-24 N/A Accepted N/A 12-Mar-24 7-Mar-26 Closed
(Electrical) temperature sensor
00SAB00AH223~224 PAHU & AHU trip; Outdoor Compresssor Fault, Chiller trip, Filter alarm, etc)
- Replace the new magnetic
- Cleaning filter mesh

00QJC32 We observed that the fan blade of the Hydrogen compressor B's motor cooling Mr. Tung
43 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-0-00043 Common H2 compressor B AN001-M01 system is broken. The breakage appears to have occurred a long time ago. Normal 30-Jan-24 (Electrical) Not accepted 7-Feb-24 Closed (07-Feb-24)

PCL Power Module of Seewater Intake Travelling Screen systems was defected (see Mr. Hieu CTCI will be replace new
44 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-0-00044 Common PLC Power Module 00PAA00GH001 the attached photos for reference). Normal 22-Jan-24 (Electrical) Accepted N/A 23-Jan-24 Power module 21-Feb-24 Accepted N/A 26-Feb-24 STEP-D

Mr. Quyen CTCI will replace new Power

45 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-0-00045 Common Engineer Workstation computer 00GNY30GK001 The power supply unit (PSU) has failed at the WWT Ash Pond work station. Normal 26-Feb-24 (CnI) Accepted N/A 7-Mar-24 Switch Supply 9-Mar-24 Accepted N/A 11-Mar-24 STEP-D

These component
During operation of the Ash Pond wastewater treatment system, the operator
are small
NaOH 2B, Coagulant B pumps 00GNN41 AP004 discovered a chemical leak at the NaOH 2B and Coagulant B pumps. This is impacting Mr. Tien
46 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-0-00046 Common Normal 5-Feb-24 Not accepted mechanical items 20-Feb-24 Closed (08-Mar-24)
(Ash Pond WWT) 00GNN46 AP002 both the environment and system operations. The adapter connecting pipes to (Boiler)
and they are
pumps is cracked.
consumable parts

FGD Engineering/ Operator 10HTY00 Many times in operation, the HMI screens on FGD Operator Work Station and Mr. Quyen Run Windows system file
47 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-0-00047 Common Work Stations GK001/002/003 Engineering Work Station slow down and freezes Normal 5-Mar-24 (CnI) Accepted N/A 11-Mar-24 checker (SFC)… 11-Mar-24 Accepted N/A 12-Mar-24 STEP-D

We observed that the Thickener Feed Pump 1B has been stopped running since Feb
17, 2024. We did check the motor windings insulation resistance and measured Mr. Hieu
48 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-0-00048 Common Thickener Feed Pump B Motor 00GCS01AP002 values were very low (insulation values of the motor's windings U,V,W to Earth = 1.7 Normal 27-Feb-24 (Electrical) STEP-A
Ω~ 2.2 Ω)

We observed a chemical liquid leak from the Sodium hypochlorite tank onto the
Sodium Hypochlorite Mr. Hieu
49 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-0-00049 Common Generation no.1 000QCG31 AG001 power copper bar of Generation #1. This poses a serious danger to the system Normal 4-Mar-24 (Electrical) STEP-A
during operation.

As observation during operation time, we observed that the FGD sampling pumps
were oil leaking, a lot of corrosion in the pump casing and some part of pump, and
the pressure safety valve did not work at set point pressure (set pressure: 588.4
00HTQ10 kPa).
Mr. Nghi
50 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-0-00050 Common FGD Sampling pump A,B,C AP001/AP002/AP00 1. Pump C and B ('= 00HTQ10AP002/AP003) Oil leaking Normal 6-Mar-24 STEP-A
3 2. Pump A, B, C ('= 00HTQ10 AP001/AP002/AP003) Heavy corrosion in the pump
casing and some parts of pump
3. Pump A, B, C ('= 00HTQ10 AP001/AP002/AP003) The pressure safety valve didn't
work at the set point pressure value

00HDC71AN001 The FAHS Air compressor's No.1 and No.2 Oil pumps damaged the rubber lining of Mr. Canh
51 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-0-00051 Common Air Compressor of FAHS 00HDC72AN001 coupling pin. We found that in 28. Feb and inform to CTCI check together. Normal 11-Mar-24 (Boiler) STEP-A

We observed seawater leaking from the shaft seal of the high-pressure pump A1 at Mr. Nghi
52 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-0-00052 Common SWRO High Pressure Pump A1 00GCB03 AP002 the Desalination area. Normal 11-Mar-24 (Turbine) STEP-A

53 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-0-00053 Common ###

54 Lot 3 VP1-WDN-L3-0-00054 Common ###
VP1 Warranty Defect List

STEP-A: Warranty Defect Notice issuance STEP-B: EPC's response STEP-C: Corrective Action Proposal STEP-D: Owner's response STEP-E: Warranty Defect Completion Notice issuance STEP-F: Final confirmation Extended Defects
No. Remarks
Lot Warranty Defect Notice No. Unit Equipment KKS No. Description Priority Issued Date Issued by Accepted or Not Reason Issued Date Corrective Action Issued Date Accepted or Not Reason Issued Date Completion Date Issued Date Spares Information Accepted or Not Reason Issued Date Notification Period
Unit 1

We observed that the green LED of the Dissolved Gas Analyser device (DGA) has
Changing the system board
been flashing and the DCS alarm has been appearing since October 27, 2023. (refer Mr.Hau
1 Lot 4 VP1-WDN-L4-1-00001 Unit 1 UAT#1- DGA device 10BBT01 Normal 20-Nov-23 Accepted N/A 21-Nov-23 of DGA device and 21-Feb-24 Accepted N/A 22-Feb-24 Accepted 4-Mar-24 N/A Accepted N/A 6-Mar-24 Closed
to the below photos for details) (Elec)
Lot 4 is requested to investigate the root cause and fix the issue at the earliest.

Doosan keep
monitoring and
During carry out preventive maintenance, KVPS observed unit#1 GCB closing coil and checking during
Mr. Ock
2 Lot 4 VP1-WDN-L4-1-00002 Unit 1 GCB 10BAC10 tripping coil #1 supervisor alarm Normal 8-Jan-24 Not accepted shuwdown time 27-Feb-24 Closed (04-Mar-24)
- The alarm signal appears in 5 seconds on TCS1 (Please see attachment 1). on 23rd Feb 24
but nothing

Changing the new capacitor

10BAC10 Mr. Tung
3 Lot 4 VP1-WDN-L4-1-00003 Unit 1 GCB KVPS observed water condensation found inside GCB cubicle. Emergency 13-Jan-24 Accepted N/A 15-Jan-24 of Generator side at each 21-Feb-24 Accepted N/A 22-Feb-24 STEP-D
20BAC10 (Elec)
phase and monitoring

1. Close valve No. 10 and

No.7, loose the copper pipe
at No.9 valve and carry out
apply loctite 518 sealant for
valve No.9 during shutdown.
2. Re-open the vavle No. 10
During routine maintenance, KVPS observed that there was an issue with an oil leak Mr.Hau
4 Lot 4 VP1-WDN-L4-1-00004 Unit 1 UAT 10BBT01 Normal 30-Jan-24 Accepted N/A 2-Feb-24 and No.7, normal operate 2-Feb-24 Accepted N/A 5-Feb-24 23-Feb-24 N/A N/A Not Accepted N/A 28-Feb-24 Step-F
in the gas sampling device for unit #1's UAT. (Elec)
the GRD and keep
monitoring leakage.
3. If it still, Doosan will carry
out change the new GRD by
closed No.8 and No.7 with
shutdown system condition.

Doosan borrow the material

KVPS observed that cooling fans group #6 ( 10 cooling fans) of GSUT #1 are out of Mr.Hau and change the magnetic
5 Lot 4 VP1-WDN-L4-1-00005 Unit 1 GSUT #1 10BAT01 Emergency 28-Feb-24 Accepted N/A 4-Mar-24 4-Mar-24 Accepted N/A 11-Mar-24 STEP-D
service. (Elec) contactor for quickly
operate the fan group.

Unit 2 ###

1. Doosan will borrow the

spare part of fan to change
the damaged fan.
2. When shutdown, using
Materials returned to the
We observed that there is a lot of abnormal noise coming from No. 60 motor cooling Mr.Hau ladder and sling belt to
1 Lot 4 VP1-WDN-L4-2-00001 Unit 2 GSUT N/A Normal 30-Jan-24 Accepted N/A 1-Feb-24 1-Feb-24 Accepted N/A 5-Feb-24 6-Feb-24 6-Feb-24 N/A Accepted N/A 19-Feb-24 6-Feb-26 warehouse will be supplied in
fan of the GSUT 2. it seems that the motor's bearing is damaged. (Elec) remove and install new fan
same new condition as before.
3. Re-connection cable to
operating fan and keep
monitoring in the future.

Doosan borrow the material

from SST substation and
KVPS observed that cooling fans group #6 ( 10 cooling fans) of GSUT #2 are out of Mr.Hau
2 Lot 4 VP1-WDN-L4-2-00002 Unit 2 GSUT 20BAT01 Emergency 1-Mar-24 Accepted N/A 4-Mar-24 change the magnetic 4-Mar-24 Accepted N/A 11-Mar-24 STEP-D
service. (Elec)
contactor for quickly
operate the fan group.

During preventive maintenance, KVPS observed that the GSUT radiator valve was Mr.Hau
3 Lot 4 VP1-WDN-L4-2-00003 Unit 2 GSUT 20BAT01 Normal 4-Mar-24 Accepted N/A 8-Mar-24 STEP-B
experiencing an minor oil leakage issue. (Elec)
4 Lot 4 ###
Common ###

1. Sealing the lighting cable

penetrating hole by
waterproof sealant and keep
Sealing work and keep
KVPS observe and see that at the Materials storage area had leakaged at the roof Mr.Thanh monitoring.
1 Lot 4 VP1-WDN-L4-0-00001 Common Ware house N/A Normal 20-Oct-23 Accepted N/A 7-Nov-23 8-Nov-23 Accepted N/A 10-Nov-23 13-Nov-23 14-Nov-23 N/A Accepted N/A 16-Nov-23 13-Nov-25 monitoring during rainy season
when it's rain. (HR) 2. Re-arrange the lighting
to be more no leakage.
cable to be horizontal not
to make rainy water directly
and easily flow to the hole.

- Excavate gravel layer 1m

more from crack line to the
center along the crack line.
- Casting concerte paving
with thickness 300 mm
(thickness of soi layer:
On 17-Oct-2023, KVPS found 01 crack (length: 13m & wide: 9cm) on surface the road Mr.Thanh
2 Lot 4 VP1-WDN-L4-0-00002 Common Ash pond N/A Emergency 23-Oct-23 Accepted N/A 7-Nov-23 100mm, thickness of gravel 30-Nov-23 Accepted N/A 4-Dec-23 29-Dec-23 8-Jan-24 N/A Accepted N/A 9-Jan-24 29-Dec-25 Closed
along line of west side ash pond and the crack is showing signs of widening. (HR)
layer: 200mm) include
anchor bar connection
between kerb and paving.
- Refilling and compaction
gravel on top paving as
design level

According leakage
test result from
KVPS checked at site and observed that there was a oil leakage problem surround
Oily separator Mr.Thanh 31-Oct to 03-Nov.
3 Lot 4 VP1-WDN-L4-0-00003 Common N/A Oily separator wastewater sump #3. After investigation, we had detected oil leakage Emergency 24-Oct-23 Not Accepted 7-Nov-23 Closed (21-Feb-24)
wastewatersump #3 (Civil) It was finally
and suspected oil leaking from inside the sump to the outside.
proved it is not
structure's defect.

Using the manlift vehicle to

00BJK38GP001 One lighting fixture in the workshop is not working. Lot-4 requested to check and Mr.Truong
4 Lot 4 VP1-WDN-L4-0-00004 Common Lighting Normal 31-Oct-23 Accepted N/A 7-Nov-23 changing the High Bay light 10-Nov-23 Accepted N/A 10-Nov-23 12-Nov-23 14-Nov-23 N/A Accepted N/A 16-Nov-23 12-Nov-25 Closed
(E117) fix/replace the lighting fixture with the new one. (Elec)
with the new one.
- Step 1: Repair cracks that
appear on the surface of the
roof floor according to VP1-
Concrete Repairing Work
- Step 2: At the below roof
+ Install scafording and
prepare PWT for the
Repairing Work
+ Localize the area where
the paint is damaged and
needs repair
Circulating Water Pump During the last rainfall, the KVPS noticed a crack in the concrete ceiling of the Mr.Thanh + Remove all coating layer
5 Lot 4 VP1-WDN-L4-0-00005 Common N/A Normal 14-Nov-23 Accepted N/A 20-Nov-23 20-Nov-23 Accepted N/A 21-Nov-23 19-Dec-23 28-Dec-23 N/A Accepted N/A 2-Jan-24 19-Dec-25 Closed
House (CWP) Circulating Water Pump House (CWP) area, which caused water leakage. (Civil) and putty layer
+ Making line cracks and
repair crack follow VP1-0-L4-
C-GEN-10025-MS Concrete
Repairing Work ( Please see
- Step 3: After repair cracks
+ Re-check the leakage
location by water leakage
+ Build a dike around the
leakage area and water
leakage test above on 24
hour follow ITP.

- Step 1: Prepare PTW and

equipment for the repairing
-Step 2: Remove support
system in the surface
concrete paving damaged
Step 3: 1. Remove all
There is settlement and damage to the concrete paving at location S&R8C within the concrete broken due to
coal yard area. However, the supporting structure for the cable trench installed Mr.Thanh settlement at S&R 8C
6 Lot 4 VP1-WDN-L4-0-00006 Common S&R 8C 00EAD36AE001 Normal 5-Dec-23 Accepted N/A 5-Dec-23 5-Dec-23 Accepted N/A 6-Dec-23 8-Jan-24 9-Jan-24 N/A Accepted N/A 12-Jan-24 8-Jan-26 Closed
within the concrete paving scope is still intact. Lot-4 should inspect and address the (Civil) 2. Remove all soft soil below
issue promptly. to elevation_EL: 7.700m or
until the soil layer meets
construction requirements
according to direct
observation at site
3. Casting concrete Paving
- Step 4: Finish surface and
checking again

- Step 1: Prepare PTW and

Equipment for repairing
- Step 2: Prepare to remove
concrete located at the
At the ground floor of the Chlorination house area in the Chemical room, KVPS bottom and around pipe
observed that the water inside the chemical tank cannot escape to the outside. This Mr.Thanh Step 3: Lower the pipe level
7 Lot 4 VP1-WDN-L4-0-00007 Common Chlorination house area 00UPQ01-01 Normal 5-Dec-23 Accepted N/A 7-Dec-23 7-Dec-23 Accepted N/A 7-Dec-23 24-Dec-23 28-Dec-23 N/A Accepted N/A 2-Jan-24 24-Dec-25 Closed
is because the installation elevation of the pipe discharge is higher than the top (Civil) so that drainage process in
surface of the bottom tank. the tank is guarranteed and
complies with the design
Step 4: Proceed to fill the
surface according to
approved paint systems and
follow ITP for Painting work

The HVAC duct

Ground floor of FGD At the ground floor of the FGD control building area, KVPS observed and suspected Mr.Thanh
8 Lot 4 VP1-WDN-L4-0-00008 Common 00SAB00GH101 Normal 5-Dec-23 Not accepted line belong to the 5-Dec-23 - Lot-3 's scope (Closed)
control bulding that too much water was entering the HVAC pipe system during rainfall. (Civil)
Lot 3 scope

- Step1: Checking condition

for coating layer damaged at
Coal Run Off Area and
making all location damage
- Step 2: For bottom Slab of
Remove all coating layer
At the Coal Run Off WWTP area, KVPS observed damage to the paint layer on the
Mr.Thanh damage
9 Lot 4 VP1-WDN-L4-0-00009 Common WWTP area N/A outside of the tank. We suspect that there is reverse seepage from the inside of the Normal 5-Dec-23 Accepted N/A 7-Dec-23 7-Dec-23 Accepted N/A 7-Dec-23 31-Jan-24 2-Feb-24 N/A Accepted N/A 19-Feb-24 Step-F
(Civil) Checking substrace: if have
tank to the outer surface.
cracks: progress cut V for
cracks line and filling sika.
- Step 3: Clean and remove
dirt on the concrete surface
then check the concrete
surface before repairing
according to ITP painting

1. Rusty/humidity on the
Step 1: Remove water-
logged insulation and
replace with new insulation
for CTCI refrigerant pipes
and install properly at the
joints between pipe
During the inspection of the administration building area, KVPS observed that the insulations and seal with
ceiling boarding locations on the 1st and 2nd floor were damp and gradually being glue and silver tape.
10 Lot 4 VP1-WDN-L4-0-00010 Common Admin building N/A damaged. It is suspected that the cause of this damage is water leakage from the air Normal 5-Dec-23 Accepted N/A 12-Dec-23 Step 2: Replace moldy 12-Dec-23 Accepted N/A 12-Dec-23 13-Dec-23 9-Jan-24 N/A Accepted N/A 10-Jan-24 13-Dec-25 Closed
conditioning and firefighting pipe systems. In addition, water may also be seeping plaster ceiling panels with
through the roof during rainfall. completely new the ceiling
2. Water seeping through
the roof when it rains:
Step 1: Close un-used
opening on the roof floor
Step 2: Replace the
damaged ceiling tile by new
1 and 4:Step 1: Remove
water-logged insulation and
replace with new insulation
for CTCI refrigerant pipes
and install properly at the
Damage happen along the architect finishing work in Admin building such as:
Mr.Thanh joints between pipe
11 Lot 4 VP1-WDN-L4-0-00011 Common N/A N/A rusty/humidity on ceiling, cracks & humidity on wall, leakage on toilet utility, box Normal 5-Dec-23 Accepted N/A 12-Dec-23 12-Dec-23 Accepted N/A 12-Dec-23 18-Dec-23 9-Jan-24 N/A Accepted N/A 10-Jan-24 18-Dec-25 Closed
(Civil) insulations and seal with
lighting relocated (see attached photos)
glue and silver tape.
2. The crack and high humity
in the wall
3. The leak on the utility
5. Box lighting relocated

This trouble is a urgent problem to keep safe operation during coal receiving. The
bolts and nuts for fender at the Jetty area have been loosen frequently so far. Even Mr. Tri
12 Lot 4 VP1-WDN-L4-0-00012 Common Fender at Jetty area N/A Normal 18-Dec-23 Not accepted 24-Jan-24 Closed (07-Mar-24)
having tried tightening many times though, fender's bolt loosening is ongoing (Jetty)

- Paint damage:
Step 1: Remove existing
painting layer 1.5m of height
Step 2: Clean surface by
clean water
Step 3: Monitoring for a
At Chlorination House area , discovered some damage related to the interior wall
Mr.Thanh month
13 Lot 4 VP1-WDN-L4-0-00013 Common Chlorination House N/A paint and many cracks appeared on the outside wall surface.( please see attached Normal 18-Dec-23 Accepted N/A 17-Jan-24 24-Jan-24 Accepted N/A 28-Jan-24 STEP-D
(Civil) Step 4a: If salt apppears on
the wall, it should be
changed to chemical-
resistant painting
Step 4b: If dont have salty,
Latex paint ( interal) shall be

1. Replace the damaged

gasket with a new gasket
and re-check the leak point
after filled water.
2. Check the function and
operation of the sensor, if
damaged, replace the sensor
Fire truck defects:
Mr.Thanh with a new one.
14 Lot 4 VP1-WDN-L4-0-00014 Common Fire Truck N/A - There is a leak in the water pump of the Fire Truck. Emergency 20-Dec-23 Accepted N/A 26-Dec-23 26-Dec-23 Accepted N/A 28-Dec-23 8-Mar-24 8-Mar-24 N/A Accepted N/A 12-Mar-24 8-Mar-26 Closed
(HSE) 3. We would like to the KVPS
- The foam indicator is not working.
to help bring the fire truck
to Ninh Hoa garage
according to our address
and we will check for errors
and fix all defects as above,
the contractor's costs will

- Step 1. PTW and protecting

immediately in order to
avoid opening more the
defect area.
- Step 2. Preparing the
At Ash pond area , KVPS observed that the HDPE sheet had damage at point Mr.Thanh
15 Lot 4 VP1-WDN-L4-0-00015 Common Ash pond N/A Emergency 25-Dec-23 Accepted N/A 26-Dec-23 humman and equipments 26-Dec-23 Accepted N/A 4-Jan-24 5-Jan-24 8-Jan-24 N/A Accepted N/A 9-Jan-24 5-Jan-26 Closed
connect between 2 HDPE sheets. (Civil)
for the reapairing work.
- Step 3. Welding the HDPE
- Step 4 Finish work and
checking again.

During a routine inspection at the Coal Handling Control Building, we observed that
Voltmeter of 400V MLDB
the voltmeter on the 400V MLDB panel did not display any readings. KVPS Mr. Nhut Changing the volt panel
16 Lot 4 VP1-WDN-L4-0-00016 Common panel in Coal Handling 00BLS33GP001 Normal 4-Jan-24 Accepted N/A 5-Jan-24 5-Jan-24 Accepted N/A 8-Jan-24 12-Jan-24 15-Jan-24 N/A Accepted N/A 16-Jan-24 12-Jan-26 Closed
investigated the issue and confirmed that the power supply source is still healthy (Jetty) meter with the new one
Control Building
(230.5V-refer to attached photo).

1. Open cover cable tray and

pull more cable upwards.
We have noticed that the incoming MCCB of the main distribution board (Chimney) 2. Open and reconnection
is tripping occasionally during normal operation. Upon inspection, we observed that 04 core inside (L1,L2, L3,N)
Mr. Phat
17 Lot 4 VP1-WDN-L4-0-00017 Common Main distribution board 00BJG01 GF001 the ZCT was installed differently from the wiring diagram. Specifically, the neutral Normal 8-Jan-24 Accepted N/A 11-Jan-24 and 01 core cable outside 22-Jan-24 Accepted N/A 25-Jan-24 29-Jan-24 31-Jan-24 N/A Accepted N/A 21-Feb-24 29-Jan-26 Closed
cable was not installed inside the ZCT as it should have been. Please refer to the (E) the ZCT before connect
photos below to see the installation. to MCB.
3. Fixing ZCT at new position
to avoid bending cable.

1. Replace by a new ron

During the operation of the shutter door, when attempting to lower it, the door gets Mr.Thanh
18 Lot 4 VP1-WDN-L4-0-00018 Common Shutter door 00UYC22AB001 Normal 29-Jan-24 Accepted N/A 15-Feb-24 2. Operation the shutter 15-Feb-24 Accepted N/A 19-Feb-24 27-Feb-24 27-Feb-24 N/A Accepted N/A 28-Feb-24 27-Feb-26 Closed
stuck and cannot move down. (Civil)

During our routine inspection of the Jetty Trestle, we observed that two of the road
1. Replace by a new lamps
Road lighting at jetty lights were not functioning. Upon investigation by our maintenance team, it was Mr. Nhut
19 Lot 4 VP1-WDN-L4-0-00019 Common AT45, AT46 Normal 23-Jan-24 Accepted N/A 21-Feb-24 2. Checking the lighting of 21-Feb-24 Accepted N/A 22-Feb-24 STEP-D
trestle confirmed that the power supply source was still available, as seen in the attached (Jetty)
AT45 and AT46 location
photo, with a voltage of 226.4V.

Step 1: Remove
KVPS found some damage related to the interior paint epoxy layer of unsteady basin delamination layer
WWTP Underground 1 & 2 at the underground structure area of the WWTP. Lot-4 needs to re-check the Mr.Thanh Step 2: Checking thickness
20 Lot 4 VP1-WDN-L4-0-00020 Common N/A Emergency 22-Jan-24 Accepted N/A 24-Jan-24 27-Feb-24 Accepted N/A 28-Feb-24 STEP-D
Structure quality condition and record the related damages mentioned in the attached file. (Civil) remaining painting layer.
Please see the attached photos and submit a method for defect. Step 3: Please refer MS for
the next step.

400/230V Road Lighting DB

We observed some issues of the Lighting system in follow areas:
A& 00BJK44GP001 &
'- PBWWTS: The photocell for normal lighting is not functional properly. Replace new photocell and
400V NLP ASH POND & 00BJK24GP001 & Mr. Chinh
21 Lot 4 VP1-WDN-L4-0-00021 Common - FGD Jockey Pump House: Two LED fixtures are currently not in operation. Normal 27-Feb-24 Accepted N/A 4-Mar-24 lighting fixtures and 4-Mar-24 Accepted N/A 4-Mar-24 STEP-D
400/230V Normal DB FGD 00BJK17GP001 & (Elec)
- STACK: Sveral lights are not operating properly. (Approx ~6 lights) continute monitoring.
Control BLDG & 400/230V 00BLR04GA007
- Ash Pond Electrical House: Two of the door lights are not operating properly.

The concrete foundations supporting the structural equipment installed on the roof 1. Chipping crack
of the administration building are damaged at the bottom of the concrete mortar. Mr.Thanh 2. Filling the crack by mortar
22 Lot 4 VP1-WDN-L4-0-00022 Common Admin building N/A Normal 27-Feb-24 Accepted N/A 5-Mar-24 5-Mar-24 Accepted N/A 5-Mar-24 STEP-D
Several cracks have appeared around the foundation, which is impacting the (Civil) 3. Housekeeping and
waterproof conditions during rainy weather. handover
Step 1: PTW
Step 2: Preparing the
humman and equipments
for repair work
At the ash pond area,VPCL/KVPS supported DHI in rerouting ash transportation in
Step 3: The repaired work
beginning of February 2024 for DHI's construction of additional asphalt roads to the Mr.Thanh
23 Lot 4 VP1-WDN-L4-0-00023 Common Ash pond N/A Normal 27-Feb-24 Accepted N/A 1-Mar-24 schedule: 1-Mar-24 Accepted N/A 2-Mar-24 6-Mar-24 7-Mar-24 N/A Accepted N/A 8-Mar-24 6-Mar-26 Closed
main ash pond and sub-ash pond, resulting in damage to the access road. We kindly (Civil)
1. Leveling the road gravel
request DHI to repair it.
2. Compaction the gravel
3. Inspection and finish work

Step 1: Close gate valve,

KVPS observed a potential water leak from the pipe of the potable water supply
Mr.Thanh cleaning, find leaking point.
24 Lot 4 VP1-WDN-L4-0-00024 Common Main gate house #1 N/A system at the main gatehouse #1. This issue could potentially cause damage to the Normal 27-Feb-24 Accepted N/A 6-Mar-24 6-Mar-24 Accepted N/A 8-Mar-24 STEP-D
(Civil) Step 2: Repair the leaking
lighting system and ceiling.
point and operation.

1. Cleaning and fix the hinge

Power Block Wastewater At the WWTP area, KVPS observed and discovered that the door on the second floor Mr.Thanh
25 Lot 4 VP1-WDN-L4-0-00025 Common N/A Normal 27-Feb-24 Accepted N/A 5-Mar-24 screws. 5-Mar-24 Accepted N/A 5-Mar-24 STEP-D
Treatment System could not be opened or closed. (Civil)
2. Operation the door

At the admin area, During operation and use, KVPS discovered that the east
1. Fix door hinge and door
entrance door on the ground floor is currently very difficult when opening and Mr.Thanh
26 Lot 4 VP1-WDN-L4-0-00026 Common Admin Building N/A Normal 27-Feb-24 Accepted N/A 5-Mar-24 frame 5-Mar-24 Accepted N/A 5-Mar-24 STEP-D
closing, Suspected that at poit connect between door learf and door frame are (Civil)
2. Operation the door
overlapping when working.

At the CW intake canal area, KVPS observed some damage to the stone dyke and Mr.Thanh
27 Lot 4 VP1-WDN-L4-0-00027 Common CW INTAKE CANAL N/A Normal 2-Mar-24 STEP-A
stone slope that belong to the intake canal. (Civil)
28 ###
29 ###
30 ###
31 ###
Van Phong 1 Thermal Power Plant
Update: 12-Mar-2024 STATUS OF WARRANTY
Date 12 March 2024

Lot 1 3 6 0 3 0

Lot 2 1 6 0 10 0

Lot 3 8 15 0 18 0

Lot 4 1 5 0 11 0

Total 13 32 0 42 0


Overdue Accepted/ Not accepted Accepted/ Not accepted Accepted/ Not accepted
Lot 1 3 6 (0/6) 3 (3/0) 2 (2/0)
Lot 2 1 6 (3/3) 10 (10/0) 7 (7/0)
Lot 3 8 15 (5/10) 18 (16/2) 32 (32/0)
Lot 4 1 5 (1/4) 11 (11/0) 18 (17/1)
Total 13

Lot STEP-C, D Remark

1. VP1-WDN-L1-1-00006_BA The estimated delivery time is at
HCL Injection Pump Abnormal the end-Feb-2024.
2. VP1-WDN-L1-1-
00008_Cooling Water Sootblower Waiting for material.
Lot 1 Panel
3. VP1-WDN-L1-1-00009_WSB
#1 SEAL AIR PRESSURE Waiting for material.
1. VP1-WDN-L2-1- The estimated delivery time is
00003_Condensate Booster Pump either at the end of next month or
Lot 2 Motor 1B Space Heater in mid-January 2024.
2. VP1-WDN-L2-1-
Waiting for Unit1 shutdown.
00005_Leakage oil of Bearing
1. VP1-WDN-L3-1-00004_The
All broken silicon will be replaced
fluidizing air for the ESP hopper
on next Outstage of Unit 1.
are blocked
2. VP1-WDN-L3-0-00002_BC-11
misalignment (1)
Lot 3
3. VP1-WDN-L3-1-
Waiting for material ( 20-Mar-24)
00011_Sodium Analyzer
4. VP1-WDN-L3-1-
Waiting for material ( beginning-
00031_Impeller of Filtered Water
Pump A
1. VP1-WDN-L4-2-00002_Unit 2
Waiting for material.
Lot 4
2. VP1-WDN-L4-1-00005_Unit 1
Waiting for material.
Summary WDNs issued % WDNs closed % Total
Lot 1 - IHI 7 50% 7 50% 14
Lot 2 - TESSC 16 67% 8 33% 24
Lot 3 - CTCI 33 45% 40 55% 73

STEP-F Lot 4 - DHI 13 37% 22 63% 35

Total Remark
(OWNER'S RESPONSE) Total 69 47% 77 53% 146
- 05 issues were closed by
2 14
- 01 issues were closed by
7 24
- 08 issues were closed by
32 73
- 04 issues was closed in
18 35 STEP-B ( due to Lot-3's
59 146

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