High Crystalline BC

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Materials Letters 333 (2023) 133622

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Highly crystalline bacterial cellulose production by Novacetimonas hansenii

strain isolated from rotten fruit
S. Neelima a, S. Sreejith b, Shamna Shajahan b, Aparna Raj a, L. Vidya a, V.M. Aparna a, E.
K. Radhakrishnan b, C. Sudarsanakumar a, *
School of Pure and Applied Physics, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala 686560, India
School of Biosciences, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala 686560, India


Keywords: We have isolated the cellulose-producing Novacetimonas hansenii strain from rotten pomegranate for the first
Bacterial cellulose time. The further characterization of cellulose film using X-ray Diffraction revealed the highest relative crys­
Crystallinity tallinity value of 96.6% observed till date.
Novacetimonas hansenii

1. Introduction 2. Materials and methods

Bacterial cellulose (BC) was used by humans long ago in the form of a 2.1. Selection of fruit samples and primary screening for bacterial
food product called nata de coco. The BC is known for its purity, higher cellulose production
crystallinity, and enhanced water-holding capacity [1]. As microbial
cellulose has been studied for diverse applications ranging from Rotten fruits were collected from the Athirampuzha market near
biomedical to food packaging, the exploration of novel bacterial sources Kottayam, Kerala, India. Approximately 40 g of each fruit was made into
for BC production is highly important. small dice and incubated separately in 200 mL of sterile medium con­
The present study used rotten fruits such as apples, oranges, grapes, taining 20 g of brown sugar and 20 g of granulated sugar for five days at
and pomegranates, to isolate cellulose-producing bacteria. Among nine room temperature [2].
isolates screened, the P3 isolate from rotten pomegranate showed the
highest cellulose production. Upon 16S rDNA sequencing-based mo­
2.2. Isolation of cellulose-producing bacteria
lecular identification, the P3 isolate was identified as a strain of Nova­
cetimonas hansenii (GenBank Acc. No. OM883845). The BC synthesized
From the primary screening, those samples with the formation of
has been characterized by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy
(FTIR), and X-ray diffraction (XRD), and showed the highest relative thick pellicles were selected to isolate cellulose-producing bacteria.
Here, a loop full of the sample was further inoculated into 15 mL HS
crystallinity with cellulose І structure.
medium [3] containing (g/L): glucose 20, yeast extract 5, peptone 5,
disodium hydrogen phosphate 2.7, and citric acid 1.15 with supple­
mentation of the antifungal agent cycloheximide (0.02 wt%) [4]

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: sudarsanakumar@mgu.ac.in (C. Sudarsanakumar).

Received 13 June 2022; Received in revised form 12 September 2022; Accepted 27 November 2022
Available online 2 December 2022
0167-577X/© 2022 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
S. Neelima et al. Materials Letters 333 (2023) 133622

Table 1
The CrI % (peak height method) of various BC samples isolated from different organisms. The highlighted value refers to the current study.
Microorganism Media composition Crystallinity index (%) Reference

Komagataeibacter saccharivorans MD1 HS 87 [11]

Gluconaceter xylinus BNKC19 HS-glucose 82.92 [12]
HS-pure glycerol 84.02
HS-crude glycerol 92.43
Komagataeibacter rhaeticus PG2 HS-glycerol 80.80 [10]
Gluconacetobacter intermedius Cis26 HS-Citrus Waste Solution 75 [13]
Komagataeibacter sucrofermentans DSM 15,973 Solid citrus waste 86.9 ± 2.23 [14]
Komagataeibacter saccharivorans BC1 Optimized medium 82.2 [15]
Acetobacter xylinum ATCC 23,767 Tobacco waste extract medium 85.58 [16]
Komagataeibacter hansenii JR-02 Optimized medium 91.76 [17]
Novacetimonas hansenii P3 HS 96.60 Current study

followed by the incubation for ten days at room temperature. For where I(002) and Iam were the intensities of the peak at 2θ corresponding
bacterial isolation, the test tube with strong pellicle production was
to 22.5◦ and background intensity between 16◦ and 22.5◦ , respectively
further inoculated on HS agar plates and kept for incubation for five
[10]. The FTIR spectra of the dried BC were recorded using PERKIN

2.3. Identification of cellulose-producing bacteria 3. Results and discussion

The cellulose-producing bacterial isolate P3 was cultured for ten While screening, the apple and orange samples showed poor film
days in HS medium under room temperature and further subjected to formation; thus, grape and pomegranate samples were selected for
genomic DNA isolation using the Macherey Nagel NucleoSpin® Micro­ bacterial isolation. The nine isolates obtained from HS agar plates were
bial DNA isolation kit (Cat No. 740235.50) by following the manufac­ purified, including 6 from pomegranate (P1-P6) and 3 from grape (G1-
turer’s instructions. The isolated genomic DNA was analyzed by agarose G3). Each isolate was inoculated separately into HS medium, and the P3
gel electrophoresis, and the 16S rDNA amplification was done using the isolate was found to have maximum film production; hence, it was
universal primers 16SF (5′ -AGAGTTTGATCMTGGCTC-3′ ) and 16SR (5′ - selected for detailed identification. By 16S rDNA gene sequencing and
AAGGAGGTGWTCCARCC-3′ ) [5]. The PCR product obtained was the following BLAST analysis, P3 was identified as Novacetimonas han­
sequenced by Sanger sequencing (AgriGenome Labs Pvt Ltd., Kochi), senii strain due to its 99.78 % identity with the Novacetimonas hansenii
and the sequence data were analyzed by using the NCBI Basic Local strain NBRC 14820. The P3 isolate from pomegranate was inoculated
Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) [5]. For the phylogenetic analysis, the into HS medium and the film formed was washed, oven dried and used
maximum likelihood method with 1000 bootstraps of MEGA-X [6] was for characterization.
used. The XRD pattern of the dried pellicle is given in Fig. (1. a). Here,
three significant peaks (1, 2, and 3) at 14.4◦ , 16.7◦ , and 22.5◦ are ob­
2.4. Characterisation of bacterial cellulose tained corresponding to planes, (1 0 0) plane of Iα or (1–10) of Iβ, (0 1 0)
of Iα or (1 1 0) of Iβ and (1 1 0) of Iα or (2 0 0) of Iβ respectively [11].
A loop full of P3 isolate was inoculated into 15 mL of sterilized HS Thus, it shows a crystalline form of cellulose І.
medium and used as a starter culture. After ten days of inoculation, 5 % The crystallinity index % of alkaline treated BC was calculated by
(v/v) [7] of the starter culture was further added to 150 mL of sterilized equation (1), showing 96.6 %, which is remarkable compared to existing
HS medium and kept at room temperature for 20 days. The thick pellicle results. The CrI % of various BC samples produced by different micro­
formed at the interface was then harvested and treated with 0.5 M organisms isolated from diverse sources is summarized in Table 1. The
NaOH, followed by a wash with distilled water several times until the pH table shows that cellulose produced by Novacetimonas hansenii P3 shows
became neutral. The film was dried in the oven at 45 ◦ C until the weight the highest relative crystallinity.
(dry weight 4.46 g/L) became constant [8] and further used for The FTIR spectrum shows characteristic peaks at 1205 cm− 1 (sym­
characterization. metrical stretching vibration of C–O–C bond) [14], 1160 cm− 1
The XRD patterns of oven-dried BC samples were recorded using (C–O–C asymmetric stretching vibration), 1107 cm− 1 (C–O–C (1–4)
Bruker D8 advance with Cu Kα wavelength (λ = 1.5406 Å), operating glycosidic linkages or skeletal vibration) [14,18], 1031 cm− 1 (CO
current 35 mA, and voltage 40 kV. The crystallinity index (CrI) % was deformation) [19], 1054 cm− 1 (C–O–C pyranose ring skeletal vibra­
calculated by the Peak intensity method (Segal equation) [9] as given tion) (Fig. 1.b). The bands around 3345 cm− 1, 1425 cm− 1, and 1160
below cm− 1 suggest the presence of cellulose I structure [20]. The FTIR results
I(002) − Iam provide clear evidence of cellulose structure and confirm the presence of
CrI(%) = × 100 (1) cellulose І.

S. Neelima et al. Materials Letters 333 (2023) 133622

Fig. 1. (a) The XRD spectrum of BC showing three significant peaks 1, 2 and 3, corresponding to 14.4◦ , 16.7◦ and 22.5◦ respectively. (b) FTIR spectra of dried BC
film. The absorption bands at 1205 cm− 1, 1160 cm− 1, 1107 cm− 1 and 894 cm− 1 are characteristic of cellulose structure.

S. Neelima et al. Materials Letters 333 (2023) 133622

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