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Sarah was a hardworking college student who had always been interested in science.

She was
majoring in chemistry and had dreams of becoming a researcher. She had just started her senior year
and was eager to take on new challenges. One day, while working on a lab project, Sarah accidentally
spilled a chemical on herself. She quickly washed it off, but over the next few days, she began to
experience strange symptoms. Her skin started to break out in hives, and she had trouble breathing. She
went to the doctor, and they discovered that she had developed an allergy to the chemical she had
spilled. Sarah was devastated. She had always loved chemistry and didn't want to give it up. She talked
to her professors and researched alternative lab techniques that wouldn't expose her to the chemical.
She also worked with a doctor to develop a treatment plan for her allergy. With hard work and
determination, Sarah was able to continue pursuing her dream of becoming a chemist, and she even
went on to develop a new, safer lab technique that became widely used in the scientific community.


Sarah was a hardworking college student who had always been interested in science. She was majoring
in chemistry and had dreams of becoming a researcher. She had just started her senior year and was
eager to take on new challenges.


One day, while working on a lab project, Sarah accidentally spilled a chemical on herself. She quickly
washed it off, but over the next few days, she began to experience strange symptoms. Her skin started
to break out in hives, and she had trouble breathing. She went to the doctor, and they discovered that
she had developed an allergy to the chemical she had spilled.


Sarah was devastated. She had always loved chemistry and didn't want to give it up. She talked to her
professors and researched alternative lab techniques that wouldn't expose her to the chemical. She also
worked with a doctor to develop a treatment plan for her allergy. With hard work and determination,
Sarah was able to continue pursuing her dream of becoming a chemist, and she even went on to
develop a new, safer lab technique that became widely used in the scientific community.


Who: Sarah

What: Developed an allergy to a chemical she spilled in the lab

When: While working on a lab project during her senior year of college

Where: In the lab

Why: Because of exposure to the chemical

How: By researching alternative lab techniques and working with a doctor to develop a treatment plan
for her allergy. She also developed a new, safer lab technique.

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