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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VII-Central Visayas


(DepEd Order 42, s 2016)

Quarter 3 Date & January 31-February 2, 2024 (9:20-10:10)

Week No. 1 Las/ Module 1: Present a Coherent, Comprehensive
Module Report on Differing Viewpoints on an Issue
Anchor Theme: Values Values: Respect
(Theme and Values)

Most General Objective: Present a Coherent Comprehensive Report on Differing Viewpoints on

Essential an Issue (EN1 OLC-III-d-3.18)
Competency -

Specific Objectives:
A. Knowledge: Identify a coherent, comprehensive report based on an issue.
B. Define what is a coherent, comprehensive report base on an issue
B. Psychomotor: Write a coherent, comprehensive report on differing viewpoints
on an issue.
Arrange sentences to have a coherent paragraph on an issue.

C. Affective: Be respectful to others at all times.

Content Presenting a Coherent, Comprehensive Report on Differing Viewpoints on an Issue

English 6 Enhanced Module- Quarter 3- Module 1
Procedures A. Preparation

● Opening Prayer/Morning Prayer

● Setting up a safe learning for everyone. (health Protocol)

● Singing an action song related to the lesson

(Preparing for
reading) ● Stating the objectives of the lesson

● Spelling (words related for the week’s lesson)

(Unlocking of difficult words)

B. Presentation

Directions: Read the following paragraphs. Identify which of the two is understandable and
has a clearer message.

Paragraph A
Foremost, my summer break was great! Although it was quite warm and hot, I had a
Thinking great time playing with my friends. I had also a great time taking a bath in seawaters. In
Through addition, we had a fun time together. We collected shells and other sea creatures. In addition,
Information we also completed our Flores de Mayo event. Finally, we are all happy in spending our
summer break.

Paragraph B

In addition, we had a fun time together. My summer break was great! It was quite
warm and hot. I had a great time playing with my friends. I had also a great time taking a bath
in seawaters. Finally, we are all happy in spending our summer break. We also completed our
Flores de Mayo event. We collected shells and other sea creatures. I had also a great time
taking a bath in seawaters. We had a fun time together.

Question: Which of the two paragraph is clear or understandable?



Directions: Arrange the sentences to have a coherent paragraph. Write number 1-5 in each

______Thirdly, even small animals as tarsier, hamster, and mice have different ways of finding
______Foremost, everything there are more people on earth.
______Secondly, they are building more and more homes.
______Finally, thousands of kilometers of roads are being built.
______Furthermore, trees are cut in the forests.


What can you say about these sentences?

How does a proper sequencing of sentences contribute to the coherent flow of ideas
within a paragraph?

2. Analysis: Probing Questions/ Guide Questions

1. How do you identify a coherent and comprehensive/ understandable paragraph?
2. Are there transition words? How does the use of transitions contribute to the overall
coherence of a paragraph?
3. What are the bases of your answers?

Directions: Write the letter that describes the pictures. (Integration of Health Education)

A. The boy is wearing a face mask.

B. Maintain social distancing.
C. Wash your hands with soap often.
D. War in Russia and Ukraine.
E. The lady is selling fish.
1.___________ 2.___________ 3.___________ 4.___________

Answers: 1. B 2.A 3. D 4. C
Note: The teacher may ask questions depending of the pupils’ responses. (There
should be a LOTS and HOTS questions. Remind the learners to pay respect to the

C. Lesson Proper

The important components of presenting a coherent and comprehensive report on

differing viewpoints of an issue are having clarity or intelligibility/understandable and consistent
point of view on a certain issue. The reports must have single generalization that causes as the
focus of attention that is a topic sentence. A writer just control the content of every other
sentence in the reports’ body such that it contains more specific information that the topic
sentence and it maintains the main focus of attention on the topic sentence.

Another way of giving viewpoint of an issue is state the viewpoint first, discuss then give
your reasons what you agree or disagree and lastly give example to support your view.

Coherence is an essential quality for good academic writing. The flow of ideas in academic
writing, from one sentence to the next should be smooth and logical. Coherence also means
”clarity of expression” and it is created when correct vocabulary and grammar are used.
(15 mins/day)

Ways to ensure coherent writing:

1.Write sentences clearly.

Extracting and
Organizing 2.Use simple transitions such as in addition, furthermore, therefore, thus, on the contrary, etc.
3.Repeat your keyword but be careful of excessive repetition.
4.Repeat sentence structures.
5.Ensure Thematic consistency.
6.Start every sentence or paragraph with information that hints at the content of the next
D. Problem / Application
(Health Integration)

Exercise A (Group Activity) (Enhancement Group)

Directions: Write three sentences about the given topic.

“What Can I Do to Help Stop Flooding in our Place?”

Exercise B
Directions: Write three sentences about the picture. (Intervention Group)

(15 mins./day)

“Why we still have to wear a face mask?

E. Generalization / Abstraction

1.What is coherence in writing?

2.What are the ways to ensure coherence in writing?

3.What are the simple transitions to be used in coherent writing?

4. Why it is important to write a coherent and comprehensive report on differing
viewpoints on an issue?
5.How do you give viewpoint in an issue?

6. Why is it important to listen respectfully to others’ viewpoints in a certain issue?

F. Evaluation / Assessment

A. Directions: Write True or False in each blank. (Intervention Group)

(Translating ______ 1. In stating your own point of view, it is not important to have knowledge on a
Information) certain issue.

______ 2. Coherence in writing is to have a clear expression on what you wanted to say.

_____ _3. The sentences of your point of view must be interrelated with each other.

_____ _4. Sentence structures must be repeated excessively.

B. Directions: Arrange the sentences in paragraph form. (Enhancement Group)

_____1. Secondly, there are those who go into business.

_____ 2. Furthermore, there are those who are employed in public and private firms.

_____ 3. In addition, there are those who are self-employed.

mins./session) _____ 4. Foremost, there are different ways of seeking a job.

_____ 5. On the contrary, some lost their jobs easily.

____ _6. Finally, some treasured their job preciously.

G. Closing

Thousand viewpoints in the viewful city.- Herb Ca

Remarks The teacher will give remarks in a daily basis.

January 31, 2024

Objectives :_________________________________________________________.


February 1, 2024

Objectives :_________________________________________________________.


February 2, 2024

Objectives :_________________________________________________________.


Sample: The teacher will continue the lesson on the next session. /Achieved/ Attained

Reflection January 31, 2024: Out of ____ learners, only ___ learners were able to get 80% of the
evaluation. Therefore, the objective was ___________.

February 1, 2024: Out of ____ learners, only ___ learners were able to get 80% of the
evaluation. Therefore, the objective was ___________.

February 2, 2024: Out of ____ learners, only ___ learners were able to get 80% of the
evaluation. Therefore, the objective was ___________.
Prepared by:
Teacher I
Noted :


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