Stockigt 1977 Potassium Metabolism

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Anaesth. Intens.

Care (1977), 5, 317

Alfred Hospital, Melbourne

In man, mechanisms for potassium excretion are complex and highly developed, while
potassium conservation is potentially inadequate. Potassium balance is regulated by
alterations in excretion in the distal renal tubule, where mineralocorticoid hormones and
N a-K ATPase are the major regulating factors. The distribution of potassium across cell
membranes is influenced by changes in acid-base stattts, by pancreatic hormones and by the
autonomic nervous system. Potassium stimulates insulin and aldosterone secretion and
increases Na-K ATPase in the distal nephron, so promoting its own redistribution or excretion.
Emergency management of hyperkalaemia is best effected by promoting cell-entry of potassium,
rather than renal excretion. The speed of replacement of deficits is always limited by the
small extracellular potassium pool.

INTRODUCTION In man, mechanisms which prevent potassium

Potassium is the major intracellular cation overload are much more highly developed
and determinant of membrane polarization; than those which prevent depletion, perhaps
consequently its plasma concentration must be because feral man ingested a diet high in
precisely regulated, irrespective of total body potassium and low in sodium. This background
content. This is achieved both by change in equips us poorly for the present day high-sodium,
distribution across cell membranes and by low-potassium environment (Meneely and
modification of renal excretion. Because intake, Battarbee 1976).
absorption and proximal renal reabsorption do This review will summarize recent advances
not show regulatory variation, total body in our understanding of the multiple mechanisms
potassium balance is controlled by appropriate which regulate potassium balance. The conse-
changes in excretion in the distal portion of the quences of potassium imbalance will not be
nephron. considered fully, but the pathologic or thera-
peutic significance of the major potassium
Potassium homeostasis can be disturbed by regulating mechanisms will be shown by clinical
renal impairment, disturbances of acid-base examples. The review is necessarily incomplete;
balance, excessive tissue breakdown, abnormal further information is available from other
routes of loss, aberrations of sodium balance sources (Schultze 1973, Lowenstein 1973,
and mineralocorticoid abnormalities. Potas- Vaughan and Lunn 1973, Brenner and Berliner
sium overload is opposed by several factors 1973, Stockigt 1977, Kunau and Stein 1977).
which are directly responsive to an increase in
its blood level. A rise in plasma potassium HANDLING OF POTASSIUM LOADS
can directly stimulate aldosterone production,
The multiple mechanisms which oppose
insulin secretion and sodium-potassium ATPase
potassium overload are summarized in Figure l.
in the renal medulla; each of these factors
In the small bowel lumen, the potassium content
either promotes the movement of potassium
of ingested food rapidly approaches the plasma
into cells, or its excretion in urine.
concentration (Phillips and Summerskill 1967).
Absorption from small bowel is passive, leading
* M.D., F.R.A.C.P., Deputy Director, Ewen Downie to movement of ingested potassium into an
Metabolic Unit.
Address for reprints: Dr. J. R. Stockigt, Ewen
extracellular space which contains less than
Downie Metabolic Unit, Alfred Hospital. Prahran, 2% of total body potassium. Because
3181, Victoria, Australia. this pool is no larger than daily intake, potent

Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Vol. V, No. 4, November, 1977

defences are essential to prevent lethal hyper- Davidson 1974). It is notable that potassium
kalaemia after oral or parenteral potassium stimulates release of both insulin and glucagon
loads. \Vhen a potassium load is given (Santeusanio et al. 1973), so as to promote
parenterally, the speed of administration is K + removal from extracellular fluid without
more critical than the amount, because the major change in blood sugar (Figure 2). A
small extracellular pool can e~'iily be overloaded. change in plasma potassium, well within the
The ability to survive acute potassium physiologic range, stimulates insulin secretion
loads is described ~" potassium tolerance, while in normal subjects, suggesting an important
adaptation describes the increased tolerance role for this mechanism in normal physiology
which is induced by prior high potassium (Dluhy, Axelrod and Williams In72). While
it is usually presumed that the fall in potassium
is the result of glucose entry into cells, the

/ i ~
studies of Zierler ()!166) suggest that potassium
influx (or diminished efflux) may be a direct
result of insulin action. Paradoxical glucose-
induced hyperkalaemia has been reported in

diabetic patients, who lack an appropriate
glucose-induced insulin response (Goldfarb et al.
REDISTRIBUTION RENAL EXCRETION In76), while potentially dangerous hypokalaemia
CELL ENTRY may occur during insulin-induced hypoglycaemia
(Strakosch, Stiel and Gyory ] 976).


FIGL'RE I.-Summary of the factors which oppose

hyperkalaemia after acute potassium loads. Chronic
high potassium intake increases the efficiency of
these mechanisms, thereby increasing tolerance to ~ RISE IN SERUM K
acute loads.

intake. Tolerance occurs mainly because of

greater renal excretion, but redistribution into
cells may also be increased (Wright et al. I n7l,

j ~ t t/
Alexander and Le\'insky .HJti~, Epstein et al.
Sudden changes of pot~'isium intake are
uncommon in man, hut hypokalaemic muscle CELL ENTRY OF K GLUCOSE
paralysis has been reported in ::\ew Guineans
FIGURE ~.-Potassiulll stimulates release of both
after migration from ,L region of high to low pancreatic insulin ancl glucagon. Insulin prorllotes
potassiulll intake (Duggin and Price 1H7.!). cell uptake of potassium, while glucagon stabilizes
Hypokalaemic paralysis occurred within the blood sugar.
first two months after change from a highland
diet low in sodium and high in potassiulll, to a The autonomic nervous svstem is also
coastal diet in which the sodium: potassium important in potassium distribution across
ratio W,L'i reversed. This suggests that cell melllbranes. Adrenaline has a biphasic
mechanisms which alter potassium excretion effect on plasllla potassium, with an initial
may be slow to change. alpha-adrenergic increase, followed lJy a more
There is now good evidence that pancreatic sustained beta-mediated hypokalaemic effect.
hormones play an important part in acute Concurrent adrenaline infusion during potassium
redistribution of potassium loads by insulin- loading has been shown to have a protective
induced entry of glucose and potassiulll into effect against otherwise lethal hyperkalaemia
cells (Santeusanio et al. 1H7:)). Acute potassium (Lockwoocl and LUIll J97.!). This effect, which
tolerance studies showed poor sun'ival of was indCjwndent of pancreatic insulin secretion,
pancreatectomized dogs following large acute could he blocked hv beta., and non-selective
infusions of pot~ssium, but tolerance was beta hlockade, hut· not Gy betal hlockade.
restored by infusion of insulin and glucagon, Prevention of attacks of hyperkalaemic periodic
suggesting that disposal was dependent on paralysis has recently been reported by use of
pancreatic hormone,.; (Hiatt, Yamakawa and the beta 2 agonist, Salbutamol (Wang and

Anaesthesia and Jlltensive Care, Va!. V, No. 4, November, 1977


Clausen 1976), further supporting the existence ducts and by the rate of flow along the distal
of an autonomic potassium-lowering mechanism. convoluted tubule-a factor markedly dependent
Isoproterenol has been shown to lower plasma on proximal tubular sodium reabsorption.
potassium in dogs by an effect independent These four major determinants of potassium
of pancreatic hormones (Pettit and Vick 1974), excretion will be briefly summarized:
while alpha adrenergic activity increased
potassium. The ganglion blocker, Trimetaphan (a) Mineralocorticoid Hormones. Aldosterone,
has been shown to lower serum potassium the major mineralocorticoid in man, is responsive
during intraoperative hypotension (Fahmy 1976). to sodium restriction, but a rise in plasma
potassium is also a potent and specific stimulus
to aldosterone production, by an action quite
independent of the renin-angiotensin system.
The kidney is the dominant organ in main- A rise in plasma potassium of less than
taining normal potassium balance. I ts very o·5 mmoljl will increase aldosterone secretion,
large excretory reserve is demonstrated by while prior high potassium intake magnifies
the ability of remaining nephrons to excrete the aldosterone response to acute loads (Dluhy
potassium in excess of the amount filtered in et al. 1972).
chronic renal insufficiency. Different parts of
the nephron handle potassium in different The importance of adrenal corticosteroids in
ways, with major regulatory function confined potassium homeostasis is well-known, as in the
entirely to the distal convoluted tubule and hyperkalaemia of Addisonian crisis. However,
collecting ducts (Figure 3). potassium excess is a late feature of Addison's
disease and is uncommon until renal function
and acid-base balance are disturbed (Black 1972).
I t is clear that factors other than mineralocor-
ticoid hOlmones are involved in potassium
excretion, because Addisonian subjects main-
tained on fixed mineralocorticoid replacement
with 0·2 mg of 9 cx-fluorohydrocortisone daily,
were able to increase urinary potassium from
40 to 170 mmoljday when intake was increased
from 60 to 200 mmoljday (Miller et al. 1975).

It has been widely stated that sodium and
potassium ions exchange in the distal convoluted
N,-KAll'," tubule, but this view is probably false. Micro-
puncture studies have shown that distal tubular
reabsorption of sodium is always much greater
than combined secretion of potassium and
hydrogen (Malnic, Klose and Giebisch 1966).
Furthermore, sodium reabsorption occurs pre-
FIGURE 3.-Summary of potassium movement in dominantly in the early distal tubule, while
different parts of the nephron. Regulation of maximum potassium secretion occurs in the
excretion occurs only in the distal tubule and
collecting ducts. late distal tubule.
The action of mineralocorticoid hormones to
In the proximal convoluted tubule 85-90% promote potassium excretion, is summarized in
of filtered potassium is reabsorbed and some Figure 4. The tubular lumen becomes progres-
further reabsorption occurs in the thick section sively more electronegative in the late distal
of Henle's loop. Proximal reabsorption does tubule and this favours potassium movement
not show any regulatory variation in different into the lumen. Aldosterone appears to increase
states of potassium balance, so that urinary potassium entry from peritubular fluid into
excretion may vary lOO-fold with fairly constant the distal convoluted tubule cells by an active
amounts of potassium entering the early distal mechanism, in addition to its effect to enhance
tubule. It is in the distal tubule that mineralo- luminal permeability to potassium (Wiederholt,
corticoid hormones have their major action, Agulian and Khuri 1974).
but potassium excretion is also influenced by (b) Sodium-potassium ATPase. Silva et al.
the state of acid-base balance, by the activity (1975) have reported that an increase in the
of sodium potassium ATPase in the collecting activity of this enzyme enables the isolated,

Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Vol. V. No. 4, November. 1977


perfused kidneys from potassium-loaded rats to this is the most likely explanation for the
excrete up to three times the amount of potassium short-term inverse relationship between urinary
filtered at the glomerulus. The activity of potassium and hydrogen ion excretion.
this enzyme in the renal papilla was directly However, the long-term renal responses to
induced by potassium, while gluco- and mineralo- acid-base disturbances are more complex and
corticoid, and prior sodium restriction were depend on distal sodium and anion loads rather
inactive at this site. This mechanism appears than on a simple inverse relationship between
to be most important in producing the marked H + and K +. Sustained respiratory alkalosis
increase in potassium excretion per nephron produces a transient increase in potassium
in renal insufficiency. excretion, but severe chronic urinary potassium
loss does not occur. However, chronic metabolic
ALDOSTERONE alkalosis results in severe, progressive urinary

/"M}Hm. ~
potassium depletion. These complex changes
have been well reviewed by Gennari and Cohen


In contrast to the multiple excretory
REABSORPTION mechanisms outlined above, potassium conser-
/ vation is not highly developed in man. Sevele
potassium lack is rare in natural diets, but
contemporary preparation of food by prolonged
boiling markedly reduces potassium content and
creates an environmental stress, which, together
with potent modern pharmacology, creates
a serious danger of deficiency. Investigation
of the effect of pure potassium lack is difficult,
INCREASING LUMINAL NEGATIVITY because food-deprivation results in catabolic
FIGURE 4.-Action of aldosterone in the distal renal release of intracellular potassium. During
tubule to promote active potassium transport from severe isocaloric potassium restriction urine
peritubular fluid and increased potassium perme- potassium falls to levels lower than the plasma
ability of the luminal cell surface. The lumen
becomes progressively more electronegative because concentration-evidence for net renal
of active sodium reabsorption, so that maximum K+ reabsorption. However, bowel loss continues,
transport occurs in the late distal tubule. and a progressive deficit of up to 400 mmol
may develop over 20 days, associated with
(c) Distal tubular flow. Because the potassium definite hypokalaemia (Squires and Huth 1959).
gradient across the wall of the distal renal This progressive loss of about 15% of total
tubule is independent of distal tubular flow body potassium is in marked contrast to the
rate, a high flow rate will result in more excretion very efficient conservation possible for sodium.
than a low flow rate (Khuri et al. 1975). Distal In subjects who are stressed or ill, urine
urine flow diminishes in states of sodium potassium conservation is probably even less
deficiency, or volume depletion, where proximal effective than in normal subjects.
tubular sodium reabsorption is more complete.
This is the probable explanation for the dimin- ASSESSMENT OF POTASSIUM STATUS
ished mineralocorticoid effect on potassium Because electrocardiographic monitoring
excretion during severe sodium restriction. reflects minute-to-minute changes in trans-
Hence, the kaliuretic effect of fixed excess of membrane potassium gradient (Surawicz 1967),
mineralocorticoid, is increased during liberal it is irreplaceable where rapid fluctuations in
sodium intake and diminished by sodium potassium are intended or anticipated. This
restriction. Consequently, sodium restriction assessment is usually combined with biochemical
is critical in achieving potassium repletion measurement, to define abnormalities and to
in both primary and secondary mineralo- monitor therapy. Measurement of serum or
corticoid excess. plasma potassium is the best biochemical index
(d) Acid-base balance. A hydrogen ion deficit of potassium status, despite the fact that this
will increase intracellular potassium in many measurement represents less than 2% of total
cells, including the distal renal tubule, and body content.

A.naesthesia and Intensive Care, Vol. V, No. 4, November, 1977


Extracellular potassium concentration may adequately covered by routine supplements.

at times deviate acutely in a direction opposite Diuretic treatment of uncomplicated essential
to the abnormality of total body content, as in hypertension, on the other hand, is usually
diabetic ketoacidosis. In acute fluctuations of not associated with potassium deficiency
potassium distribution, such as occur with (Wilkinson et al. 1975). Severe, unsuspected
disturbances of acid-base balance, it is the hypokalaemia may follow diuretic or purgative
plasma concentration which is the most critical abuse, or occult vomiting in patients who are
value, irrespective of total-body balance. An otherwise physically well. Potassium depletion
acute disturbance of plasma level will disturb is seen at its most severe in patients with
transmembrane potential more than a chronic chronic, high gastrointestinal obstruction, where
imbalance, where intra- and extracellular,
concentrations tend to change in the same TABLE 1
direction (Seldin, Carter and Rector 1971). Hypokalaemia
Because acute manipUlation of plasma potassium
is potentially lethal, it is critical to be aware of Gastrointestinal
artifacts which give spurious potassium measure- Vomiting or Gastric Aspiration.
ments (Table 2) and to avoid acute treatment Malabsorptior:.
on the basis of a single, unexpected laboratory Laxative Abuse.
result. Ureterosigmoidostomy.
Measurement of total body potassium is Fistulae.
more complex, requiring either a whole-body Mineralocorticoid Excess
counter (4°K) or administration of isotope (12K). Accelerated Hypertension.
Such measurements may confuse rather than Primary Aldosteronism.
improve assessment, because of illness-related Essential Hypertension plus Diuretics.
changes in body composition which produce Cushing's Syndrome.
Ectopic ACTH Syndrome.
secondary loss of potassium. The potassium Licorice, Carbenoxolone
content of adipose tissue is low, so that a Normotensive:
disproportionate decrease in muscle mass will Treated Heart Failure.
give low total potassium without a true deficiency Nephrotic Syndrome.
(de Deuxchaisnes and Mach 1974). This Cirrhosis, Liver Failure.
Diuretic Abuse.
measurement is most useful in overall assessment Bartter's Syndrome.
of body composition, or in serial studies of the Renal Tubular Acidosis
same subject, but has very limited routine Other
application. Results must always be interpreted Alkalosis: Metabolic, Respiratory.
cautiously in chronically ill patients because Insulin-Induced Hypoglycaemia.
Periodic Paralysis:
replacement of a non-deficiency creates the Familial, Thyrotoxic.
danger of potassium overload. Cardiopulmonary Bypass.
Measurement of red cell, leukocyte, or Overhydration : Inappropriate ADH Syndrome.
Low Potassium Diet in Adapted Person.
muscle potassium concentrations (Patrick et al. Acute Renal Failure: Diuretic Phase.
1972) can suffer from artifacts of sample Amphotericin, Carbenicillin.
preparation and have not found wide use.
Measurement of urinary potassium (without
supplements or diuretics) can be used to the major potassium loss is urinary, because of
establish urinary loss as the cause of hypoka- severe uncompensated metabolic alkalosis. In
laemia (Kaplan 1967), but considerable faecal most conditions, the potassium aberration is
excretion makes this measurement less useful secondary to another process, but in the hypo-
than urinary sodium measurement. and hyperkalaemic forms of periodic paralysis,
acute shift of potassium across cell membranes
HYPOKALAEMIA appears to be the primary abnormality (Zierler
A low plasma potassium should be suspected 1973). The common causes of hypokalaemia
in any patient who has been receiving diuretics are outlined in Table 1.
for cardiac failure, cirrhosis with ascites, or Hypokalaemia, whether found by measure-
nephrotic syndrome. In each of these situations, ment in a suspect patient, or because of
a low effective plasma volume is the rule, unexpected arrhythmia, cardiographic change
leading to secondary hyperaldosteronism and or delayed return of spontaneous respiration
chronic potassium loss, which may not be after anaesthesia, requires acute and chronic

Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Vol. V, No. 4, November, 1977

management. Intravenous administration of include prior treatment with diuretics, respira-
potassium is the most direct way of repairing tory alkalosis (i\larcial et al. 1969) and hypo-
an acute deficit, but because of the small thermia (H.ittenhouse et al. IH74).
extracellular pool, intravenous administration
must net'er exceed a critical rate of about HYPEI~KALAE:\IIA
20 mmol per hour, no matter how severe the Severc hyperkalacmia, thc major causes of
deficit. Even this rate may be excessive in which arc summarized in Table~, is an important
situations where there is illlpaired potassium medical emergency which may require correction
entry into cells, such as in respiratory acidosis within minutcs. Augmentation of renal excre-
(Scrilmer, Fremont-Smith and Burnell 11.)55). tion is unsatisfactory as a short-term treatment
Because of the layering effect in flexible con- for hyperkalaemia because the onset of action
tainers, serious acute overload can occur if of mineralocorticoicls, such ,L'> deox\'Corticost-
hypertonic additive is not thoroughly mixed erone or H Q(-fluorohydrocortisone, o~curs only
(vVilliams Hl7:)). Peripheral infusion of concen-
trated poi<L';sium usually causes intense local
pain, which may identify this mistake promptly Hy pcrkalaemia
in a conscious patient.
In many acute situations, associated I-[aemol ysis.
alterations . in fluid and acid-base halance, Thrombocytosis.
blood sugar and renal function make the Gross Lcukoc\'tosis.
effect of any manipulation of potassium difficult l\r \lsde Exercise during \' cnous Congestion
to predict. Repeated measurement is there- Renal hlsujficiellcy
Acute Eenal Failure.
fore essential to achieve any certainty of result. Sc\'ere Chronic ]{enal Failure.
In almost all potassium-deficient states (except Sodium DeplctioI1.
for renal tubular acidosis and ureterosigmoido- Steroid Deficiency
Addison's Disease.
stomy') there is associated metaholic alkalosis, Isolated Hypoaldosteronism.
which makes repair of the potassium deficit Release from Cells
almost impossible without chloride repletion. Acidosis.
Hence, the importance of KCI ratht'J' than l\Iusc1e Injury.
alkaline potassium (Kassirer et al. l!W:i). In Succinylcholine.
Lcukacmia Chemotherapy.
states of fixed mineralocorticoid excess, such H Y]lerkalacmic Periodic Paralysis.
as primary aldosteronism, sodiulll restrictioll is Ialrogclzic
the key to achieving potassiulll replacement. Hapid Intr,,,,cllous Load.
The fa(:tor:-;, other than supplements, which are Excessive Oral Load.
Impaired Excretioll :
critical in achieving long-term repletion have Sl)ironolactunc.
recently heen re\'iewed (Stockigt 1H77). TriamtereI1c.
Chronic potassium deficiency is usually Amiloric\c.
managed hy' long-term oral supplements, but .-~.------- .. ~~~~- ----
there is no\\' e\'idence that their indiscriminate after a latent period of several hours, and
use i:-; hazardous, especially if there is unrecog- because rcnal function may be unccrtain.
nized renal impairment (Lawson 1H7-!). Short-term correction of lryp(~rkalaemia is best
Plasma potassiulll has been reported to achieved bv increasing cell-entrv of potassium
decrease foIlO\\'ing induction of anaesthesia with either alkali or glucose, but a hyperkalaemic
using Thiopentone, ~itrous oxide and Hal()thanc emergency can also be managed b\' infusion of
(List IH(7). This effect is usually small, but calcium, which antagonizes the cardiotoxic
serious hypokalaemia occurs during canliopul- effects of potassium excess. Before such treat-
ll10nary bqlass. Its mechanism is complcx mcnt is begun, it is vital to rule out artifacts such
and has not been fulh' explained, although thc as haemolysis, thromboC\·tosis (Hartmann,
fall in plasrn~t potassium is clearly' tIle result Audi tore and J ac kson J !);is) , massive leuko-
ot internal redistribution rather than urinarv cytosis (l{ingelhann, Laszlo and Vajda IH74)
excretion (:\Iarcial et al. J !)()!I). The insuliil and forearm exercise during venous occlusion
response to glucose-containing priming fluids (Brown et al. 1(70), which may cause spurious
has been suggested as it cause, although \',tlentin hyperkalaemia.
and Rasmussen (l!n;i) were unable to confirm Correction of systcmic acidosis with
this. Other possible causes for hypokalaemia intravenous bicarbonate is thc fastest, safest,

Anaesthesia alld Intellsive Care, Vol. V, No. 4, November, 1977


and most reliable way of correcting hyper- fasiculation and indicate that hyperkalaemia
kalaemia. Furthermore, the recent studies of can be avoided by prior curarization.
Fraley and Adler (1976) indicate that bicarbonate As in the management of hypokalaemia,
may alter transcellular potassium distribution, frequent biochemical follow-up is essential to
irrespective of changes in blood pH and suggest monitor the effects of therapy. Each manoeuvre
that bicarbonate is useful therapy for hyper- used to manipUlate plasma potassium carries
kalaemia, even at compensated blood pH. a risk of overshoot which may be worse than
Glucose loads have also been used to rapidly the original problem. Furthermore, patients
lower plasma potassium, usually with concurrent with potassium imbalance rarely have this as
infusion of insulin, although the latter is their sole abnormality, so that therapy may
dangerous until adrenal insufficiency is ruled have to be modified because of associated
out, and is probably unnecessary in non-diabetics. diseases.
Attempts to restore renal function by repair
of volume deficit and treatment of associated
sepsis are further urgent priorities. The Editor, Australian and New Zealand
In some situations, such as extensive muscle Journal of Medicine, kindly gave permission for
damage, plasma potassium may rise at a rate publication of Figures 1-4.
in excess of the capacity for either excretion
or redistribution (Grossman et al. 1974), which REFERENCES
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Successful management of acute hyperkalaemia Extrarenal Mechanism of Potassium Adaptation"
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although in some situations there may be Bali, 1. M., Dundee, J. W., and Doggart, J. R. (1975) :
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underlying depletion. Following Succinylcholine", Anesth. Analg., 54,
Most problems of chronic potassium overload 680.
relate to severe renal impairment. The kidney Black, D. A. K. (1972): "Potassium Metabolism",
has a huge reserve for potassium excretion, so In: Clinical Disorders of Fluid and Electrolyte
Metabolism, Ed. Maxwell, M. H. and Kleeman, C. R.
that hyperkalaemia is unusual until over 90% 2nd. Edn. McGraw Hill, New York, p. 121.
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sparing diuretics such as Spironolactone, Brown, J. J., Chinn, R. H., Davies, D. L., Fraser, R.,
Lever, A. F., Rae, R. J., and Robertson, J. 1. S.
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Urinary obstruction, pre-renal azotaemia and j., 2,18.
Addison's disease must also be ruled out. De Deuxchaisnes, C. N., and Mach, R. S. (1974):
"Potassium Depletion and Potassium Supple-
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to defective renal renin release (Schambelan, Dluhy, R. G., Axelrod, L. and Williams, G. H. (1972) :
Stockigt and Biglieri 1972), can present with "Serum Immunoreactive Insulin and Growth
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disease in showing a normal glucocorticoid Normal Man ", J. Appl. Physiol., 33, 22.
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