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CONG TY CO PHAN FPT. FPT CORPORATION 86) No-AALFPT-FAF cor BO THONG TIN CONG HOA XA E O1 CHU NGHIA VIET NAM ‘v do - Hanh phic Doe Lip THE SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM THAY DOI SO LUQNG CO PHIEU | CO QUYEN BIEU QUYET DANG | Independence - Freedom - Happiness Ha N6i, ngay 27 thing 05 ném 2019 Hanoi, May 27", 2019 | DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION ON CHANGE OF OUTSTANDING VOTING SHARES LUU HANH Kinh giri/ To: - Uy ban Chimg khoin Nha nude’ The State Securities Commission - $6 Giao dich ching khoan TP.HCM/ Hochiminh Stock Exchange - Machimg khoan/ Security Symbol: FPT = Dia chi tru sé chinh/ Address: ‘Toa nha FPT Cau Giay, 17 pho Duy Tan, phudng Dich Vong Hau, quan Cau Gidy, Ha Ward, Cau Giay District, Hanoi - Dign thoai/ Telephone: 024. 73007300 - Fax: 024, 37687410 Can ctr theo Bao cdo két qua phat hanh cd phiéu dé tra c6 tire sé 244. /FPT-FAF ngay 27/05/201 { Cong ty C6 phan FPT (ma chimg khodn: FPT) thong béo thay déi s6 lung c6 phiéu co quyén iccording to the report on the result of share issuance for "AF dated May bigu quyét dang Iuu hanh nhu saw/ stock dividend payment No FP Tén t6 chite/ Organization name: Cong ty Cé phan FPT/ FPT Corporation i FPT Cau Giay Building, 17 Duy Tan Street, Dieh Vong Jaw OP i FF 2019, KPT Corporation (Security symbol: FPT) announced the change of oustanding vouing shares as follows Noi dung, No. Content o1 | Vén diéu 1g (VND) | | Tewée khi thay doi Before the change 0.000/ Sau khi thay Thay - Ly do thay dai ii After the Reason for change Change if . change | fa : 616,547.16 | 6.783.586.88 0.000/ 0.000/ | | ST ‘True khi Sau khi thay | T Noi dung thay di Thay déi an | Ly do thay déi | i mais Before the | range Afier the | Reason for change % change _ | change eee Charter Capital (VND) | | 616,547.16) 6,783,586 38 | SE 000: 0.000| 0.000, 02 | Tong sé cé phiéu 616.703.972 / | 61.654.716/ | 678.358.688/ | Phat hanh 6 phiéu dé Total number of issued | 616,703,972 | 61,654,716 | 678,358,688 | wa c6 wire 2018 (ty Ie shares 10%)y 2018 stock dividend payment (ratio: 10%) 82.376/ of 82.376 03 | $6 lugng cé phiéu q | Treasury Stock 82,376 | __ 82376 | (04 | $6 tuomg e& phigu 6 | 616.621.5967 61.654.716/ | 678.276.312/ | Phat hinh e phigu dé quyén biéu quyét dang tra 6 tite 2018 (ty 1é hu hanh 10%) 2018 stock Total number of | 616,621,596 | 61,654,716 | 678,276,312 | dividend payment outstanding voting | (ratio: 10%) shares | | 05 | $5 Iugng cd phiéw uu | | | | dai khae (néu c6) Number of preferred | shares Eee Dai dign t6 chute Organization representative UQCBIT Party @thorizaNg disclose information ~ Nhu trén/ As above; ~ Luw/ Archived by: VT, FAF/ Admin, FAP CONG TY CO PHAN FPT CONG HOA XA HOL CHU NGHIA VIET NAM FPT CORPORATION Doe lip - Ty do - Hanh phic —_——— SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM Independent — Freedom - Happiness $6) No.: 244 /rPT-FAF Hai Noi. ngay 27 thang 05 ném 2019 Hanoi, May 27", 2019 BAO CAO KET QUA PHAT HANH CO PHIEU DE TRA CO TUC REPORT ON THE RESULT OF SHARE ISSUANCE, FOR STOCK DIVIDEND PAYME! Kinh giti/ To: - Uy ban Ching kho’in Nha nue/ The State Securities Commission - $6 Giao dich Chimmg khoan Thanh phé H6 Chi Minh/ Hochiminh Stock Exchange ‘Ten t6 che phat hanh: Cong ty C6 phan FPT Name of the Issuer: FPT Corporation Dia chi try so chinh: Toa nha FPT Cau Gidy, Ha Noi Head office address: FPT Cau Giay Building, District, Hanoi ign thogi: 024. 73007300 Telephone: 024. 73007300 Fax: 024. 37687410 . 17 phé Duy Tan, phudng Dich Vong Hau, quan Cau Duy Tan Street, Dich Vong Hau Ward, Cau Giay 1. Cé phiéu dw kién phat hanh/ Share to be issued 1. Tén 6 phiéu phat hanh: Cé phiéu Cong ty Cé phn FPT Name of issued share: FPT Corporation share ‘Vén diéu Ié: ding Charter capital: VND 6,167,039,720,000 $6 lugng 6 phiéu luu hanh (iracde thai diém pheit hdnh): 616.621.596 c6 phiéu Number of outstanding shares (before the issuance). 616.621.596 shares 4, Sé lugng c6 phiéu quy (tude thai diém phdt hanh): 82.376 co phiéu Number of treastw 5. Loai cé phiéu : C6 phiéu pho théng va C6 phiéu wu dai nhén vién Share type: Common share and shares under the employee stock ownership plan 6. Machimg khoan: FPT Security symbol: FPT 7. Ménh gia: 10.000 déng/cé phiéu Par value: VND 10,000/share 8. Sé lugng cé phiéu dy kién phat hanh: 61.662.159 e6 phiéu shares (before the issuance): 82,376 shares Number of shares to be issued: 61,662,159 shares 9. Mue dich phat hanh: Phat hanh c6 phiéu dé tra c6 tire theo Khoan 2, Diéu 2 Nghi quyét Dai hi dang 6 déng thurimg nién nam 2019 ngay 29/03/2019 ciia Cong ty Cé phan FPT Purpose of the issuance: Stock dividend payment according to liem 2, Article 2 of the Annual General Shareholder Meeting 2019's Resolution dated March 29”, 2019 of FPT Corporation 10. Ngay chét danh sach cé déng dé phat hanh cé phiéu dé twa c6 ttre: 20/05/2019 Record date for the share issuance for stock dividend payment: May 20", 2019 11. Ngay dang ky eudi cing: 20/05/2019 Record date: May 20", 2019 12. Ngay dur kién giao dich c6 phiéu phat hanh: thang 06/2019 Expected trading date of issued shares: in Jun 2019 IL. Két qua phat hanh 6 phiéu/ The result of the issuance 1. $6 e6 phiéu da phan phéi: 61.654.716 ¢6 phicu Number of shares distributed: 61,654,716 shares 2. $6 cé dong duge phan phéi: 23.978 c6 ding (trong dé c6 6.809 cd déng duoc phan phdi 0 c6 phiéu do phuong thite xi ly c6 phiéu le) Number of shareholders received the issued shares: 23,978 shareholders (6,809 shareholders received 0 shares due to rules to hanille odd shares) 3. Phuong thire xr ly Iugng cé phan méi phat hanh dé thye hign vige chi tra z c6 déng nhn duge sé duge lim tron dén hang don vj theo 2. Phan lé thap phin phat sinh (néu ¢6) sé huy bo. (if any) will be eliminated. 4, Téng sé 6 phiéu sau khi phat hanh: 678.358.688 c6 phiéu, trong dé Total number of shares afier the issuance: 678,358,688 shares, including: = Sé luong cé phiéu dang Inu hanh: 678.276.312 cd phiéu Number of outstanding shares: 678,276,312 shares = Sé luong 6 phiéu quy: 82.376 c6 phiéu Number of treasury shares: 82,376 shares Céng ty C6 phén FPT T Corporation Ngudi dai dién theo phép ludt Legal representative ich HDQT/ Chairman A Noi nh@in/ Recipient: - Nhu trén/ Ay above; = Luw/ Archived by: VT, FAB/ Admin, FAF,

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