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Chapter 13
The compression of gas as well as vapor is an important operation in the
gas processing industry. It is highly critical to the success of the gas
plants and gas/oil production facilities

Uses :
• 1. the compression of the gas for processing, and condensate
recovery, refrigeration cycle, gas injection and storage.
• 2. for pipeline transformation and distribution system.
• 3. compression of fuel gas and air for combustion gas turbine.
Types of compressors:
Reciprocating compressors:
➢ More moving parts.
➢ A typical reciprocating compressor can deliver a
volumetric gas flow rate up to 30,000 cubic feet per
minute (cfm) at a discharge pressure up to 10,000
➢ should be supplied with clean gas as they cannot
satisfactorily handle liquids and solid particles that
may be entrained in the gas.
Centrifugal compressors
➢ Centrifugal compressors have few moving parts and
lubrication oil consumption and maintenance costs are
➢ Cooling water is normally unnecessary because of
lower compression ratio and lower friction loss.
➢ Centrifugal are high-capacity, low-pressure ratio
machines that adapt easily to series arrangements
within a station.
Typically, the volume is more than 100,000 cfm and
discharge pressure is up to 100 psig.
The advantages of a centrifugal compressor over a reciprocating machine are:
• 1. Lower installed first cost where pressure and volume conditions are favorable,
• 2. Lower maintenance expense,
• 3. Greater continuity of service and dependability,
• 4. Less operating attention,
• 5. Greater volume capacity per unit of plot area,
• 6. Adaptability to high-speed low-maintenance-cost drivers.
The advantages of a reciprocating compressor over a centrifugal machine are:
• 1. Greater flexibility in capacity and pressure range,
• 2. Higher compressor efficiency and lower power cost
• 3.Capability of delivering higher pressures,
• 4. Capability of handling smaller volumes,
• 5. Less sensitive to changes in gas composition and density.
General range of choosing compressor:
General consideration:

• 1. flow rate and conditions:

Normal, maximum, minimum suction flow rates; condition of T,P for at least
10-15 years.

• 2. fluid properties:
Gas analysis should be given, it is important to identify any liquid or solid in the
gas. These should removed before compression using an inlet.
• 3. Moisture content:
H2O vapor should be identified with the moisture condition of the
gas. This would affect MW and density (Ꝭ )of the gas.

• 4. Corrosive nature of the gas:

Acid gases (H2S and CO2) composition must be identified in the
presence of H2O. This would require special material.
• 5. Gas compressibility (Z):
• it affect compression capacity performance. It is good to have Z
values at several P and T over the compression range ( between P1T1,
and P2T2).
• 6 Future expansion:
• (Composition, flow rates, and inlet condition)
Compression stages:

➢Consideration should be given to the use of multiple units.

➢All compressors have certain limiting operating condition as
➢1. discharge temperature should not exceed 300F . Cooling the
gas between compression stages to the original intake temperature
would reduce the power required in the second stages.
➢Theoretically, minimum power is obtained by making
compression ratio the same for all stages.
➢It is important to allow 3-5 psig as pressure drop between stages
for cooler, piping, valves and flash separation if required.
Stage compression
➢ The ratio of the discharge pressure to the inlet pressure is called pressure ratio.
Natural gas is usually compressed in stages with the pressure ratio per stage
being less than 6. In field practice, the pressure ratio seldom exceeds 4 when
boosting gas from low pressure for processing or sale.
➢ When the total compression ratio is greater than this, more stages of
compression are used to reach high pressures.
➢ The total power requirement is a minimum when the pressure ratio in each stage
is the same.
➢ As large compression ratios result in gas being heated to undesirably high
➢ Temperatures, it is common practice to cool the gas between stages and, if
possible, after the final stage of compression

𝑃2 = final discharge pressure

𝑃1 = suction pressure
𝑛: Number of stages

Usually in the actual

practice r doesn’t exceed
4 in each steps

𝑃1 =100 psia, 𝑃2 =900 psia
Take 2 stages
r= 91/2 =3
The intermediate pressure is =(P1*r calculated)+((1/number of stage)*pressure drop)
100*3+(.5*5)=302.5 psia
Compression ratio for first stage= 302.5/100=3.025
Allows ΔP for coolers 5 psia
Suction pressure to the second compression 302.5-5=297.5psia
Compression ratio for second stage= 900/297.5=3.025
Compression cycle:
1. Isothermal compression:
It occurs at constant temperature. This requires continues removal of the heat of compression. It happened
when extensive cooling is accomplished during the compression cycle
PV=constant P1V1=P2V2
Impossible to do commercially

2. Adiabatic compression:
It is obtained when there is no heat added or removal from the gas during compression. It follows:
PVk=constant P1V1k= P2V2k

Where K=Cp/Cv , ΔStotal=0

This never exactly obtained, because these may be heat losses during part of the cycle and gaining in heat
during another.
However, it is rather closely approached on an average with most positive- displacement units ( reciprocating
and rotary compressors)

3. Polytropic compression:
It is a general process which follows:
PVn=constant P1V1n= P2V2n
, ΔStota>0

Where exponent n is the polytropic exponent.

It is experimentally determined for a given type of machine. It may be lower or higher than K, it changes value
Power requirement:

Ideal Isentropic calculation:

By using of total energy balance for open system: 𝑘−1 ൗ
𝑘 𝑍𝑅𝑇1 𝑃2 𝑘
M(ΔH+ΔKE+ΔPE)=Q+Ws where ΔKE,ΔPE=o 𝑤𝑠 = −1
𝑘 − 1 𝑀𝑊 𝑃1
for adiabatic compression
Q=0, ΔH=Ws , ΔS=0, , S2- S1 =0, S2= S1 𝑚𝑤𝑠
Where: BHP=GHP+ mechanical losses
𝑊 = theoretical shaft work required to compress the gas
𝑇1 = suction temperature of the gas, °R
𝑘−1 ൗ𝑘
𝑀𝑊 = molecular weight of gas 𝑃2
Δ𝑇𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑎𝑙 = 𝑇1 { -1}
𝑃1 = suction pressure of the gas, psia 𝑃1
𝑃2 = pressure of the gas at discharge point, psia
𝐺𝐻𝑃 = gas horsepower 𝑘−1 ൗ
BHP= brake horsepower 𝑃2 𝑘

Z= compressibility factor of gas average (Z1+Z2)/2 𝑇2 = 𝑇1

Z1at T1, and P1, Z2at T2, and P2, 𝑘−1 ൗ𝑘
ƞ = Overall efficiency Δ𝑇𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑙 = 𝑇1 {
-1}/ ƞ
K=CP/CV at average temperature (T1+T2)/2 (13-6, 13-7, 13-8) 𝑃1
Cv=Cp-R for gas mixture Cpmix=ƩyiCpi
Cvmix=ƩyiCpi -R Δ𝑇 = {𝑇2 - 𝑇1 }
R=1545 ft-lbf/lbmole. ºR 1545(𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑤 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒)(𝑇1)(𝑍1)
Volumetric flow rate=
m= mass flow rate
BHP = brake horsepower
Qg = gas flow rate, MMSCFD
Ts = suction temperature, °R
Zavg = (Zs+Zd)/2
Zs = suction compressibility factor
Zd = discharge compressibility factor
E = overall efficiency
K = ratio of specific heats, Cp/Cv
Ps = suction pressure, psia
Pd = discharge pressure, psia
PL= standard pressure, psia
TL= standard temperature, °R
Efficiency for centrifugal compressor and
reciprocating :
Efficiency for Reciprocating
When gas known composition:
Polytropic calculation: 𝑛−1 ൗ
𝑛 𝑍𝑅𝑇1 𝑃2
𝑤𝑠 = −1
𝑛 − 1 𝑀𝑊 𝑃1
𝑤 = theoretical shaft work required to compress the gas
𝑇1 = suction temperature of the gas, °R 𝑚𝑤𝑠
𝑀𝑊 = molecular weight of gas ƞ𝑝(33000)
𝑃1 = suction pressure of the gas, psia
𝑃2 = pressure of the gas at discharge point, psia BHP=GHP+ mechanical losses
𝐺𝐻𝑃 = gas horsepower Losses=GHP0.4
BHP= brake horsepower
Z= compressibility factor of gas average (Z1+Z2)/2
ƞ = Overall efficiency 𝑛−1 ൗ
n=Polytropic exponent 𝑃2
𝑇2𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑎𝑙 = 𝑇1
R=1545 ft-lbf/lbmole. ºR from 𝑃1
𝑛−1 ൗ𝑛
Δ𝑇𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑎𝑙 = 𝑇1 { -1}
𝑛−1 ൗ𝑛
Δ𝑇𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑙 = 𝑇1 { -1}/ ƞ

Δ𝑇 = {𝑇2 - 𝑇1 }
Mollier diagram (H-S):

➢ This is done by tracing the increase in

enthalpy from the cylinder suction pressure
and temperature to its discharge pressure
along the path of constant entropy.
➢ This involves some care in handling and
converting the various units such as cubic
feet per minute, pounds of vapor, British
thermal units, and horsepower, but it is a
simple and straightforward method.
Short_cut method( quick estimation)

where F=1.0 for single -stage compression
1.08 for two -stage compression
1.10 for three -stages compression
Note: use multiplication factor 20 instead of 22 for gases with specific gravity in the
0.8-1 range
Likewise use factor in range of 16-18 for compression ratio between 1.5 and 2.
• Example: Compress 2 MMcfd of gas at 14.4 psia and intake temperature through a
compression ratio of 9 in a 2-stage compressor. What will be the horsepower?

• Solution
• BHP=(22)(ratio/stage)(No.of.stages)(MMcfd)(F)

• Steps Ratio per stage = 9= 3

• BHP: (22) (3) (2) (2) (1.08) = 285 Bhp
• From Fig. 13-9, using a k of 1.15, we find the horsepower requirement to be 136
Bhp/MMcfd or 272 Bhp.
• For a k of 1.4, the power requirement would be 147 Bhp/MMcfd or 294 total
➢The total horsepower for the compressor is the sum of the
horsepower required for each of the stages that are utilized.
➢For multistage machines an allowance should be made for the
interstage pressure drop associated with piping, cooler, scrubber,
etc., typically 5–10 psi.

➢Note: Reciprocating compressors are better used for smaller volumes

with higher pressure capacity.
Example 13-2 — Compress 2 MMscfd of gas measured at 14.65 psia and
60°F. Intake pressure is 100 psia, and intake temperature is 100°F.
Discharge pressure is 900 psia. The gas has a specific gravity of 0.80 (23
MW). What is the required horsepower, assuming a high speed

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