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Kaseya – IT System Management & Automation

Kaseya Fundamental Training for Admins

and IT Supports

Venue : Bank JATIM Headquarter - Surabaya


Deliver Enterprise-Class IT Systems

Management Solutions Through Integrated

Things You Will Need

• A notebook computer with Internet connection

• Kaseya Server environment (Bank JATIM On-premise), User credential will be

provided later

• Focus, dedication and an open mind

Things To Be Prepared
• Your User Credential to access Kaseya Server

• One or more Kaseya Agents checking into your Kaseya Server

• Your Goals and Objectives

• Discussion items
Day 1 : Administrator
Time Subject
08.30 – 09.00 Registration (User-ID)
09.00 – 12.00 Assign User-ID for Kaseya Environment
Introduction: Kaseya VSA Framework
System Administration
Agent Deployment & Troubleshooting
Audit & Asset Inventory
Remote Control Management
12.00 – 13.00 Break
13.00 – 17.00 Monitoring
Info Center / Reporting
Agent Procedure
Patch Management
Q&A and Discussion

PT. Global Asia Sinergi

TCC Batavia Tower One
6th Floor, Jl. KH Mas Mansyur Kav. 126
Karet Tengsin - Jakarta 10220
Ph : +62 21 3950 1577
1. System Administration
a. Preferences
b. User security
c. Organization, Groups, Department and Staff
d. Customization
2. Agent & Deployment
a. Create Agent Template
b. Agent Deployment
c. Protection tools
d. Policy Management
3. Audit & Asset Inventory
a. Audit Asset scheduling
b. Managed & Non-Managed Assets
c. Individual & Group Data
d. Audit Summary
4. Discovery
a. Network & Domain Approach
b. Scanning Using Probes
c. Identifying Devices in Network
5. Remote Control Management
a. KRC vs KLC
b. Reset Password
c. RC Policy
d. RC Overview
6. Monitoring
a. Monitor List & Dashboard
b. Monitor Sets & Configs
c. Alerts & Alarms
7. Info Center/Reporting
a. Reports & Legacy Reports
b. Using Reports Templates
c. Customizing Reports
d. Dashboard
8. Agent Procedures
a. Managed Files
b. Using Pre-Built Procedure
c. Deploying vs Scheduling
d. Install & Uninstall Using Procedures
9. Patch Management
a. Scan Machine
b. Patch Status
c. Automatic Update
d. Approval By Policy

PT. Global Asia Sinergi

TCC Batavia Tower One
6th Floor, Jl. KH Mas Mansyur Kav. 126
Karet Tengsin - Jakarta 10220
Ph : +62 21 3950 1577

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