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At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

a. Identify the four elements that make a speech delivery effective.
b. Recognize the importance of rate, volume, pitch, and tone in speech delivery,
c. Compose their own speech and deliver it applying the appropriate rate, volume,
pitch, tone.
TOPIC: Non-verbal communication (elements to make speech delivery effective)
Materials: visual aids


Preliminary Activities

Good morning class! Good morning, ma’am!

May we all stand up for the prayer. May I ask Ms. (Anna’s prayer)
Anna to lead us a prayer.


Thank you, Ms., Is everyone present today? Yes ma’am.

Very good! Before we start, let’s have a short recap.

What was your last topic? Yes Mr.? Ma’am it is all about the persuasive essay.

Exactly. It is all about persuasive essay.

When we say persuasive essay that is what? Ms.?

Persuasive essay aims to get the others to agree with
Very good! So when we say persuasive essay, that is a position or argument that the speaker delivers.
statement or argument which aims to convince the
audience of the stand of the speaker. Is that clear?
Yes ma’am.

All right! Before we dig into our main topic, kindly

read this short passage.

Death doesn’t come only as natural but also Death doesn’t come only as natural but also accidental
accidental and acquired. It does not choose age, and acquired. It does not choose age, ethnicity, and
ethnicity, and gender. Marlo Perez had a heart attack gender. Marlo Perez had a heart attack at the age of
at the age of eleven. Luisa Consolacion has died after eleven. Luisa Consolacion has died after suffering
suffering from dialysis when she was eight years old. from dialysis when she was eight years old. Jess
Jess Fernandez did not wake up the next morning Fernandez did not wake up the next morning after
after being drunk the whole night. being drunk the whole night.

Is that the way you read that passage? No ma’am.

With that kind of reading? Do you think your Ma’am no.

audience will believe you and be interested with your
Exactly! No. when we are delivering a message or a
speech, we must have to be aware of the manners on
how we deliver it. For you to further understand, let’s
dig in.


In your recent topic, you have discussed about

persuasive essay and to persuade and deliver your
message effectively, you must have to provide enough
evidence to support your claims or stand. This time
let’s talk about verbal communication.
When we say verbal communication this is when you
are using your words to say something, ask someone
or when conversing with other people. For example,
is when you present your speech in front. With that,
we must consider the four elements of verbal
communication that make your speech delivery
effective. Kindly read the first one Ms.

1. RATE- This refers to the speed at which the RATE- This refers to the speed at which the speaker
speaker delivers. It is how fast or slow the delivers. It is how fast or slow the speakers speaks.
speakers speaks.
Thank you!

Is good class to speak too fast and too slow No ma’am.


Yes class. It’s not okay to speak too fast and Speaking too fast will not let the audience understand
too slow. Why? the message. Speaking too slow will be boring ma’am.

Exactly! If the speaker speaks too fast, the

audience might not understand what you are
saying. If you speak too slow, then the
audience may lose their interest in listening.
That is why moderate speaking should be the
best. If you speak in a moderate speed, then
the audience will understand and have
interest in listening to your speech.

Pleas read the next one.

2. VOLUME- it refers to how loud and soft your VOLUME- it refers to how loud and soft your voice is.
voice is. It is one of the most vital elements of It is one of the most vital elements of any speech. a
any speech. a well-projected voice can catch well-projected voice can catch audience attention.
audience attention.
Okay. Volume class is very important in
speech delivery. Do you think the audience No ma’am.
will hear and understand what you say when
you don’t’ speak loudly?

Yes class of course no. For instance, when you

are delivering a speech in a large audience,
you must speak loud for them to hear clearly
what you say.

Is that clear? Yes ma’am.

Kindly read the next one.

3. PITCH- this refers to the highness and PITCH- this refers to the highness and lowness of the
lowness of the speaker’s voice. speaker’s voice.

For instance, you want to ask someone if they

want to go out with you, you may say, “Do you
want to go out with me?”. If you want to ask
someone to be quiet, you may say, “Be quiet!”

Is that clear? Yes ma'am.

Okay let’s proceed.

Read the last one Mr.

4. TONE- this refers to the emotional aspect of TONE- this refers to the emotional aspect of the
the speech. The speaker creates a speech. The speaker creates a melancholic, an excited,
melancholic, an excited, an optimistic or an optimistic or happy feeling.
happy feeling.
I love you!
I love your work!
Just stay away from me!
I’m sorry.
These are some of the tones we can use when
we are trying to show our emotions.

Are we all clear with that? Do you have any None ma’am.


Okay! So since you have no question, I have a

question for you.

In your daily conversation what is/are the Ma’am these elements are important in our daily
importance of rate, volume, pitch, and tone? conversation because these what makes our
communication effective.
What else? Ma’am these are important to understand well the

Very good! Another? Ma’am it will make the speech effective.

Yes, exactly! Class when we use the proper tone,

pitch, and rate, we can deliver our message effectively
and we are persuading someone, we can use these
elements to persuade them with our argument.
Yes ma’am.
Is that clear?

Going back to our lesson class, what are the four Ma’am tone, volume, pitch, and rate.
elements that make a speech delivery effective?

Very good!

Then what do we call the highness and lowness of the Pitch ma’am.
speaker’s voice?
Exactly! How about the speed at which the speaker Rate ma’am.
delivers his speech?

Very good! What do we call the element that involves Ma’am tone.
the speaker’s emotion?

Perfect! How about the loudness and softness of the Volume ma’am.
speaker’s voice?


Choose you pair. I have written short dialogues. I want you to pick one inside the box and
read it in front applying the proper rate, volume, pitch, and tone.

ASSIGNMENT (20 points)

Write a short speech about your role as a student in preserving the environment. Deliver
it next meeting. Use a short bond paper.

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