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Academic year 2023-2024


Bus Reservation System

Submitted by:


1. Gaikwad Sakshi Machhindra 76 2107100348

2. Patil Payal Shivaji 77 2107100361

3. Rutuja Bahusaheb Pawar 78 2107100376

4. Kardale Asmita Santosh 79 2107100386

5. Chopade Kartik Vinod 80 2107100389

Signature of guide Signature of HOD

Mrs. Swati Wale

Evaluation Sheet for the Micro Project

Academic Year: 2023-24 Name of the Faculty: Swati Wale

Course: Software Testing Course code: 22518 Semester: V

Title of the Project: Bus Reservation System

COs addressed by Micro Project:

A: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

B: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
C: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
D: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Major learning outcomes achieved by students by doing the project

(a) Practical outcome:……………………………………………………………………………………………………..

(b) Unit outcomes in Cognitive domain:……………………………………………………………………….

(c) Outcomes in Affective domain:………………………………………………………………………………

Comments/suggestions about teamwork /leadership/inter-personal communication (if any)


Roll Student Name Marks out of 6 Marks out of 4 for Total

no. for performance performance in out
in group activity oral/presentation off 10

(Name and Signature of Faculty)

Micro Project Plan

Week Sign of the

Date Duration Work or activity Performed Guide
in hours

1 One hour

2 One hour

3 One hour

4 One hour

5 One hour

6 One hour

7 One hour

8 One hour

9 One hour

10 One hour

11 One hour

12 One hour

13 One hour

14 One hour

15 One hour

16 One hour

Sr no. Contents

1. Introduction

2. Abstract

3. Software and Hardware Requirements

4. Test Cases

5. Test Plan

6. Advantages and Disadvantages

7. Conclusion

8. Reference
In today's fast-paced world, efficient and convenient transportation services are essential for both
individuals and businesses. The Bus Reservation System is a crucial component of the modern
transportation infrastructure, allowing passengers to book bus tickets, select preferred seats, and
manage their bookings seamlessly. This system caters to the needs of travelers seeking a hassle-
free and comfortable journey while providing bus operators with a streamlined platform to
manage reservations and optimize their services.
The Bus Reservation System offers a user-friendly interface that enables passengers to search for
available buses based on their departure and destination locations, as well as their desired travel
date. Passengers can view a comprehensive list of bus options, complete with details such as bus
routes, departure times, and available seats.
Key Features of the Bus Reservation System include:
1. Search and Booking: Passengers can easily search for buses that match their travel criteria
and make reservations with just a few clicks. They can select their preferred seats, view ticket
prices, and complete the booking process securely.
2. Seat Selection: Passengers have the flexibility to choose their seats, ensuring a comfortable
and personalized journey. The system provides real-time seat availability, allowing passengers to
select from available options.
3. Booking Management: The system allows passengers to view and manage their bookings.
This includes the ability to cancel reservations, check booking details, and track their travel
4. Secure Payment: The Bus Reservation System employs robust security measures to protect
passengers' payment information. It supports various payment methods, making it convenient for
passengers to complete transactions.
5. User Accounts: Passengers can create and manage user accounts, facilitating a more
personalized booking experience. User accounts also enable passengers to store their travel
preferences and access booking history.
6. Notifications: Passengers receive email or SMS notifications confirming their bookings and
providing important travel information, including departure times and bus details.
7. Admin Panel: Bus operators and administrators have access to a comprehensive admin panel
to manage bus schedules, seat availability, pricing, and passenger reservations. This allows for
efficient fleet management and optimization of resources.
The Bus Reservation System enhances the travel experience for both passengers and bus
operators, ensuring that passengers can plan their journeys with ease and that bus companies can
streamline their operations. It is a robust and efficient solution that contributes to the
modernization of the transportation industry, offering convenience, security, and reliability for
all stakeholders involved.
The Bus Reservation System is a pivotal technological advancement that has transformed the
way individuals and businesses engage with the transportation industry. This system serves as a
vital bridge between passengers seeking efficient and comfortable bus travel and bus operators
striving to optimize their services.
At its core, the Bus Reservation System offers a user-friendly interface, empowering passengers
to effortlessly search for available buses, select preferred seats, and manage their bookings.
Passengers can explore a wide array of options, including bus routes, departure times, and seat
availability, all while enjoying the convenience of online booking and secure payment
Key features of the Bus Reservation System include seat selection, booking management, secure
payment processing, user accounts, and proactive notifications, ensuring a seamless and
personalized journey. For bus operators, an intuitive admin panel facilitates efficient fleet
management, schedule optimization, and reservation oversight.
This abstract underscores the Bus Reservation System's significance in modernizing
transportation, enhancing convenience, security, and reliability for all stakeholders. Whether
you're a passenger seeking a streamlined travel experience or a bus operator aiming for
operational excellence, the Bus Reservation System is a testament to innovation in the
transportation industry, offering a gateway to hassle-free and enjoyable bus travel.
Software and Hardware Requirements
Hardware Requirements:
1. Server Hardware:
 Processor: Dual-core or higher processor (e.g., Intel Core i5 or equivalent) with a clock
speed of 2.4 GHz or greater.
 RAM: Minimum of 8 GB RAM.
 Disk Space: At least 100 GB of available disk space for system files, databases, and
 Network Interface: Gigabit Ethernet or higher.
2. Database Server:
 Processor: Quad-core or higher processor (e.g., Intel Xeon) with a clock speed of 2.6
GHz or greater.
 RAM: Minimum of 16 GB RAM.
 Disk Space: At least 500 GB of available disk space for the database and transaction logs.
3. Client Devices:
 Supported Operating Systems: Windows 10, macOS 12, Android 12, iOS 15.
 Supported Web Browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge (latest versions).

Software Requirements:
1. Operating System:
 Server Operating System: Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS (64-bit) or Windows Server 2019.
 Client-side Application: Compatible with the specified supported operating systems.
2. Database Management System (DBMS):
 Use MySQL 8.0 or PostgreSQL 13.3 as the database management system.
 Ensure compatibility with the chosen DBMS version.
3. Web Server:
 Host the system on Apache 2.4 or Nginx 1.20 web server.
 Use the latest stable version of the chosen web server software.
4. Programming Languages and Frameworks:
- Develop the system using Python 3.8 with the Django 3.2 framework.
Memory and Storage Requirements:
1. RAM (Random Access Memory):
 The server should have a minimum of 16 GB RAM to accommodate concurrent user
requests and database operations.
2. Storage:
 Allocate a minimum of 250 GB of disk space for the server to ensure space for system
files, databases, and backups.

Network Requirements:
1. Internet Connectivity:
 The server hosting the Bus Reservation System must have a stable and high-speed
internet connection (100 Mbps or higher) to ensure responsiveness and availability.

Backup and Redundancy:

1. Data Backup and Redundancy:
 Implement regular data backups with automated procedures and consider redundancy
mechanisms to ensure data integrity and availability.

Security Requirements:
1. Security Practices:
 Adhere to security best practices, including firewall configuration, intrusion detection,
and encryption protocols, to protect both hardware and software components.
Test Cases
Test Case Expected
Case Input Actual Result Status
Name Result

From: City A, It will Show

Search for It will Show
To: City B, List of
TC001 Available List of available Pass
Date: 2023-10- available
Buses buses
10 buses

Bus Number: Seat selection
TC002 Select a Bus XYZ-123, Seat screen will be Pass
screen will
Count: 2 displayed
be displayed

Selected Seats: Booking Booking

TC003 Book a Seat Pass
Seat1, Seat2 confirmation confirmation

Search for Booking ID: Booking

TC004 Booking details Pass
Booking 12345 details

Cancel Booking ID: Cancellation Cancellation

TC005 Pass
Booking 12345 confirmation confirmation

List of past List of past
TC006 Booking User ID: 5678 Pass
bookings bookings

From: City A,
Search for No available
To: City C, No available
TC007 Unavailable buses Pass
Date: 2023-10- buses message
Buses message
Select an Bus Number: Error
TC008 Error message Pass
Invalid Bus Invalid Bus message

Book More Selected Seats:

TC009 Seats Than Seat1, Seat2, Error message Pass
Available Seat3

Cancel Non-
Booking ID: Error
TC010 existent Error message Pass
99999 message

Search with From: (empty), Error messages
TC011 Empty To: (empty), for each empty Pass
for each
Fields Date: (empty) field
empty field

From: City A,
No available
Search for To: City B, No available
TC012 buses Pass
Past Date Date: 2022-01- buses message

Select Bus
Bus Number: message Error message
TC013 ABC-456, Seat (not enough (not enough Pass
Count: 5 seats seats available)

message Error message
Booking Selected Seats:
TC014 (select at (select at least Pass
Without Seat (none)
least one one seat)
Attempt Error
Booking message Error message
User ID:
TC015 Without (user must (user must be Pass
Logged-in be logged logged in)
User in)

Attempt to Error
Error message
Cancel Booking ID: message
TC016 (booking not Pass
Others' 54321 (booking not
Booking found)

No booking No booking
Booking User ID:
TC017 history for a history for a Pass
History for 99999
new user new user
New User

From: City A, Error

Search with Error message
To: City B, message
TC018 Invalid Date (invalid date Pass
Date: (invalid date
Format format)
"2023/10/10" format)

Book All Selected Seats:

Booking Booking
TC019 Available All available Pass
confirmation confirmation
Seats seats

Attempt Error
Error message
Booking Session message
TC020 (session Pass
with Expired timeout (session
Session expired)

Test Plan
1. Introduction:
This test plan outlines the approach, objectives, scope, and resources for testing the Bus
Reservation System. It aims to ensure the system's functionality, performance, security, and
usability meet specified requirements.
2. Objective:
The primary objectives of this testing effort are to:
 Validate the Bus Reservation System's correctness and reliability.
 Verify compliance with system requirements.
 Identify and report defects or issues for resolution.
 Assess system performance, security, and usability.
3. Scope:
This test plan covers testing of the Bus Reservation System, including user registration, bus
search and booking, reservation management, payment processing, admin functionality, and
system performance.
4. Test Environment:
 Hardware: Compliant with the specified hardware requirements.
 Processor: Dual-core or higher processor (e.g., Intel Core i5 or equivalent) with a clock
speed of 2.4 GHz or greater.
 RAM: Minimum of 8 GB RAM.
 Disk Space: At least 100 GB of available disk space for system files, databases, and
 Network Interface: Gigabit Ethernet or higher.
 Software: Compliant with the specified software stack.
 Server Operating System: Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS (64-bit) or Windows Server 2019.
 Client-side Application: Compatible with Windows 10, macOS 12, Android 12, iOS 15.
Test Data:
 Realistic test data, including routes, buses, and user profiles, will be used for testing.
 Test data will cover various scenarios such as different route combinations, booking
options, and payment methods.
 Data generation tools may be utilized to create diverse test scenarios.
Test Tools:
 Testing tools (if applicable) will be used to automate test cases, manage test data, and
perform load testing.
 Browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge (latest versions) will be used for
manual testing.
 Defect tracking software will be employed to report and track defects throughout the
testing process.
5. Test Approach:
 Functional Testing: Validate the system against functional requirements.
 Performance Testing: Assess system response times and scalability.
 Security Testing: Identify and address security vulnerabilities.
 Usability Testing: Evaluate the user interface and user experience.
 Integration Testing: Verify interactions with external services.
 Regression Testing: Confirm that new changes do not introduce regressions.
 User Acceptance Testing (UAT): Validate against user expectations.
6. Test Schedule:

 Test Preparation:
 Start Date: October 1, 2023
 End Date: October 15, 2023
 Test Execution:
 Start Date: October 16, 2023
 End Date: October 30, 2023
 Defect Reporting and Resolution:
 Ongoing throughout the testing phase.
 Test Closure:
 Start Date: November 1, 202
 End Date: November 5, 2023

7. Resource Allocation:

 Test Team:
 Test Manager: Sarah Johnson
 Test Analysts: John Smith, Mary Jones,
 Hardware and Software Resources:
 Server Hardware: IT Operations Team
 Database Server: Database Administrators
 Client Devices: End-User Support Team
 Software Resources:
 Server Operating System: System Administrators
 Client-side Application: Development Team
 Database Management System (DBMS Database Administrators
 Web Server: System Administrators
 Programming Languages and Frameworks: Development Team
 Testing Tools:
 Test Automation Tools: QA Automation Team
 Browsers: QA Team
 Defect Tracking Software: QA Team
8. Risks and Mitigations:
 Risk: Insufficient test data.
 Mitigation: Generate realistic test data or use data generators.
(Identify and document any additional risks and mitigations.)
9. Defect Reporting:
 Defects will be reported using Specify Defect Tracking Tool.
 Each defect report will include detailed information about the issue, steps to reproduce,
and severity.
10. Test Deliverables:
 Test Plan Document
 Test Reports
 Defect Reports
11. Approvals:
This test plan is approved by:

 John Doe, Project Manager

 Jane Smith, Stakeholder/Client

Advantages And Disadvantages

1. Convenience: Customers can easily book bus tickets online from the comfort of their
homes or on the go using mobile apps. This eliminates the need to visit a physical ticket
2. Time-Saving: Online booking reduces the time spent in long queues at ticket counters.
Passengers can quickly check bus schedules, availability, and book tickets with a few
3. Accessibility: The system provides easy access to bus schedules, routes, and availability
information, making it accessible to a wider audience, including people with disabilities.
4. Seat Selection: Passengers can choose their preferred seats during the booking process,
ensuring they get the desired seating arrangements.
5. Payment Options: Multiple payment methods are usually available, including
credit/debit cards, mobile wallets, and net banking, providing flexibility to passengers.
6. Paperless Tickets: E-tickets eliminate the need for physical paper tickets, reducing paper
waste and making ticket management more eco-friendly.
7. Real-time Updates: Passengers receive real-time updates regarding their bookings,
including confirmation details and any changes in bus schedules.
8. Administrative Efficiency: Bus operators can efficiently manage their bookings, track
bus performance, and optimize routes through the system's administrative features.


1. Technical Issues: The system may experience technical glitches or downtime, affecting
the booking process and causing inconvenience to passengers.
2. Dependence on Technology: Passengers and operators are dependent on technology for
booking and tracking buses. System failures can disrupt services.
3. Internet Connectivity: Users require a stable internet connection to access and use the
online reservation system, which can be a limitation in some areas.
4. Security Concerns: Online payment transactions involve sensitive information, making
the system vulnerable to security breaches and fraud if not properly secured.
5. User Training: Passengers and bus operators may need training to use the system
effectively, which can be time-consuming.
6. Customer Support: Adequate customer support is essential to assist users with issues,
such as booking errors or cancellations, which may be lacking in some cases.
7. Competitive Pressure: The ease of online booking has intensified competition among
bus operators, potentially affecting pricing and service quality.
8. Data Privacy: Handling customer data, including personal and financial information,
requires strict adherence to data privacy regulations, adding complexity to system

In conclusion, the Bus Reservation System represents a significant advancement in the travel and
transportation industry, offering both advantages and challenges for passengers and service

The system's convenience and accessibility make it a valuable tool for passengers, enabling them
to book tickets, select preferred seats, and receive real-time updates with ease. This eliminates
the need for physical ticket counters and long queues, saving time and enhancing the overall
travel experience.

However, the reliance on technology exposes the system to technical issues and potential
downtimes, necessitating robust maintenance and customer support. Furthermore, the security of
sensitive user data, especially during online payment transactions, is a critical concern that
requires stringent measures to safeguard against breaches and fraud.

While the Bus Reservation System has streamlined booking processes and improved efficiency
for bus operators, it has also intensified competition, potentially affecting pricing and service

In conclusion, the Bus Reservation System is a valuable addition to the transportation industry,
provided that it is managed effectively, with a focus on user experience, security, and continuous
improvement. As technology evolves, addressing these challenges will be essential in ensuring
the continued success of such systems.


 "Software Testing: A Craftsman's Approach" by Paul C. Jorgensen - This book provides

a comprehensive introduction to software testing concepts and techniques.
 "Testing Computer Software" by Cem Kaner, Jack Falk, and Hung Q. Nguyen - A classic
book that covers software testing fundamentals and practical testing methods.
 "The Art of Software Testing" by Glenford J. Myers - This book explores various testing
principles and strategies.
 "Agile Testing: A Practical Guide for Testers and Agile Teams" by Lisa Crispin and
Janet Gregory - Focuses on testing in Agile development environments.
 "Exploratory Software Testing" by James A. Whittaker - Explores the practice of
exploratory testing and its benefits.


 ISTQB - International Software Testing Qualifications Board: Offers information

about software testing certifications and resources for testers.
 Website:
 Software Testing Help: A website with a wealth of articles, tutorials, and templates
related to software testing.
 Website:
 Ministry of Testing: A community-driven platform with articles, courses, and forums for
software testers.
 Website:
 Test Automation University: Provides free courses on test automation and various
testing tools.
 Website:
 Quality Assurance and Testing on LinkedIn Learning: Offers video courses on
software testing and quality assurance.
 Website:

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