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Health 1

Fire 1
PT. Andromeda Rekayasa Fluida 1
Reactivity 0
1 0
Personal 1
1 Protection

Material Safety Data Sheet



Section 1. Chemical Product and Company Identification

Product Name: DRILLING LUBRICANT Version : 1
Effective Date : 2015/01/01
M-Gold Tower
Lantai 19 Suite E
Jl. KH. Noer Ali, Pekayon Jaya Bekasi Selatan
Telephone : 021-28087110 ; 021-28087112
Material Uses Drilling Lubricant
24 Hour Emergency 021-28087110

Section 2. Composition and Information on Ingredients

Composition :
Name CAS# % by Weight
Refined Mineral Oil

Balance of ingredients are considered non hazardous and constitute a proprietary blend
See Section 8 for information on permissible exposure limits and threshold limit values

Section 3. Hazards Identification

Physical State and Appearance Liquid
Hazard Summary Eye: Not expected to cause prolonged or significant eye
Skin: Contact with the skin is not expected to cause prolonged
or significant irritation. Not expected to be harmful to internal
organsif absorbed through the skin. High-Pressure Equipment
Information: Accidental high-velocity injection under the skin
of material soft his type may result inserious injury. Seek
medical attention a tonce should an accident like this occur.The
initial wound at the injection site may not appear to be serious
at first;but,if left untreated,could result indisfigure mentor
amputation of the affected part.
Routes of Exposure Dermal and eye contact. Inhalation.

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Potential Acute Health Effects Eye: Not expected to cause prolonged or significant eye
Skin: Contact with the skin is not expected to cause prolonged
or significant irritation.Not expected to be harmful to internal
organsif absorbed through the skin. High-Pressure Equipment
Information:Accidental high-velocity injection under the skin
of material soft his type may result inserious injury. Seek
medical attention atonce should an accident like this occur.The
initial wound at the injection site may not appear to be serious
at first;but,if left untreated,could result indisfigurement or
amputation of the affected part.
Medical Conditions
Aggravated by Exposure
Additional Hazar None
Identification Remarks

Section 4. First Aid Measures

Eye Contact Flush eyes with water for 15 minutes. Seek medical attention.
Skin Contact Immediately flush skin with running water. Remove and isolate
contaminated clothing and shoes. Get medical attention if
irritation develops and persists.
Inhalation Remove victim to fresh air. If there is difficulty breathing, seek
immediate medical attention.
Ingestion If symptoms develop obtain medical attention or call POISON
CONTROL CENTER. Do not induce vomiting unless directed
to do so by medical personnel. If spontaneous vomiting occurs,
keep head below hips to prevent aspiration of vomitus.
Notes to Physician None
Additional First Aid None

Section 5. Fire Fighting Measures

Flammability of the Product In a fire or if heated, a pressure increase will occur and the
container may burst, with the risk of subsequent explosion.
Not flammable and not combustible.
Flash Point 210 °C (closed cup)
Explosive Limits Not available.
Auto Ignition Not available.
Static Discharge Ground container during transfer of material.
Suitable Extinguishing Use dry chemical, CO2, water spray (fog) or foam.
Hazardous Carbon monoxide, Oxides of Nitrogen
Combustion Products
Precautions for Fire fighters should wear self contained breathing apparatus
Fire Fighting and full protective clothing. Use water spray to cool containers
and structures exposed to fire.

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Section 6. Accidental Release Measures
Personal Precautions No action shall be taken involving any personal risk or
without suitable training. Evacuate surrounding areas. Keep
unnecessary and unprotected personnel from entering. Do not
touch or walk through spilled material. Shut off all ignition
sources. No flares, smoking or flames in hazard area. Do not
breathe vapour or mist. Provide adequate ventilation. Wear
appropriate respirator when ventilation is inadequate. Put on
appropriate personal protective equipment.
Environmental Avoid dispersal of spilled material, runoff and contact
Precautions with soil, waterways, drains and sewers.
Methods for Stop leak if without risk. Move containers from spill area.
Clean Up Absorb with an inert material. Use spark-proof tools and
explosion-proof equipment. Dispose of via licensed waste
disposal contractor. In case of larger spills approach release
from upwind. Dike spill area and do not allow product to reach
sewer system or ground water. Notify any reportable spill to
authorities. Contain and collect spill with non- combustible
material i.e. sand, earth, diatomaceous earth and place the
container for disposal according to local regulations.

Section 7. Handlling and Storage

Handling Put on appropriate personal protective equipment, i.e.
respirator if area not ventilated, chemical resistant gloves,
safety goggles, face shield, and protective clothing to cover
skin. Eating, drinking and smoking is prohibited in areas where
this material is handled and stored. Use only with adequate
ventilation. Do not reuse empty container.
Storage Store in accordance with local regulations. Store in segregated
and approved area. Eliminate all sources of ignition. Store in
dry, cool and well-ventilated area, away from oxidizing and
reducing material and acids.

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Section 8. Exposure Controls and Personal Protection
Exposure Guidelines TWA: 8 Hr STEL: 15min Ceiling IDLH *
Refined Mineral Oil - - - -

Exposure Controls Local exhaust ventilation

Personal Protection
Respiratory If a risk assessment indicates it is necessary, use a properly
fitted supplied air respirator complying with and approved
standard. Respirator selection must be based on known or
anticipated exposure levels, the hazards of the product and the
safe working limits of the selected respirator.
Skin Wear long sleeves and other protective clothing to prevent
repeated or prolonged skin contact.
Eyes Wear chemical safety goggles. When transferring material
wear face- shield in addition to chemical safety goggles.

Section 9. Physical and Chemical Properties

Physical State and Appearance Amber liquid

Odour Threshold Not available.
pH Not available.
Boiling Point 315 °C
Melting Point / Freezing Point Not determined
Evaporation Rate Not determined
Vapour Density <1
Vapour Pressure < 0,01 mmHg
Relative Density 0.85 – 0.90
Solubility in Water Not Soluble
% Volatile Not determined
Other Data

Section 10. Stability and Reactivity

Chemical Stability The product is stable
Hazardous Polymerisation Will not occur
Conditions to Avoid Do not allow vapour to accumulate in low or confined area.
Materials to Avoid Oxidizing and reducing agents and acids.
Hazardous Decomposition Under normal storage condition decomposition will not occur.

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Section 11. Toxicological Information
Principle Routes of Exposure
Skin: Can cause irritation
Eyes: Can cause irritation and damage to eyes.
Inhalation: May cause irritation of the upper respiratory tract.
Ingestion: May be irritating to mouth, throat and stomach
Additional Information
Acute Toxicity No information available.
Chronic Toxic Effects – No information available.
Carcinogenicity – No information available.

Section 12. Ecological Information

Ecotoxicity The toxicity of this material to aquatic organisms has not
been evaluated. Consequently, this material should be kept
out of sewage and drain age system sandal bodies of water.
BOD and COD Not available
Biodegradability / OECD Not available
Toxicity of the Products of Not available
Special Remarks

Section 13. Disposal Considerations

Dispose of in accordance with local, provincial and federal regulations

Section 14. Transportation Information

TDG Classification Not regulated under TDG.
Emergency Response Not Applicable
Guide #
Marine Pollutant No
Special Precautions None

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Section 15. Regulatory Information
DSL Inventory All components of this product are either on the Domestic
Substances List (DSL) or Non-Domestic Substances List
(NDSL) or exempt
TSCA All components of this product are either on the Toxic
Substances Control Act (TSCA) Inventory List or exempt
Hazard Class
Additional Information None

Section 16. Other Information

Fatalness May irritate eye
Precaution May cause injure to
Emergency treatment Water used first, otherwise see the doctor
Application area Oilfield
Duty exemption clauses PT. ANDROMEDA REKAYASA FLUIDA offer
comprehensive and reliable information, but we can not ensure
its universality and absolute accuracy. This document only
provides precaution materials to someone who has received
professional training. Anyone who uses this document, under
special circumstances, should conduct independent views to it.
represent nor guarantee unlimited commitments of the products
concerned if used in special occasions. PT. ANDROMEDA
REKAYASA FLUIDA will not bear any responsibility of
damages resulted from relying or using the document.
Emergency Telephone 021-28087110

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