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Test I. Sequence the following steps in the experiment conducted by Jenny. Write letters
A to F for your answer.

A. Make an observation. D. Test the hypothesis with an experiment.

B. Identify the problem. E. Analyze the results.
C. Make a hypothesis. D. Make a conclusion.

1. Jenny states that if she sprays her vegetables with a natural, homemade solution
to help fight the bug problem, then her vegetables will still grow to the same size as
they would if she used store bought pesticides.
2. Jenny sprays one third of her vegetables with store bought pesticides , one third of
her vegetables with her homemade solution, and does not spray the remaining third
(her control group).
3. After one week, Jenny compares and tests the differences in her vegetables.
4. Jenny wonders how she can protect her plants from bugs without harming the
5. Jenny determines that her homemade solution was just as effective as the store-
bought pesticides.
6. Jenny noticed that insects have been eating her tomatoes and tomato plants.

Test II. Identify the part of the Scientific Investigation being described in each statement.
A. Observation D. Experiment
B. Problem E. Conclusion
C. Hypothesis

______ 1. Edwin’s experiment showed that seeds germinated faster in the dark.
______ 2. The seeds are round.
______ 3. Edwin thought that if he placed the seeds in a dark room, then it will germinate
______ 4. Edwin wrapped 5 seeds in a wet cloth and placed inside a box. Another 5 seeds
were wrapped in a wet cloth and placed outside. He recorded how long will it take for the
seeds to germinate.
______ 5. Edwin wanted to find out whether the seeds would germinate faster when
exposed to the light or without light.
______ 6. Lorna wondered if red gumamela flowers would produce red dye.
______ 7. Lorna predicted that if red gumamela flowers are dried and pounded, then red
dye will be produced.
______ 8. Lorna placed 5 red gumamela flowers under the heat of the Sun for 3 days. Then
she placed 5 drops of water before pounding the dried flowers using a mortar and pestle.
______ 9. The gumamela flowers has different colors.
______ 10. Lorna’s experiment showed that red gumamela flowers produced red dye.

Test III. Identifying Variables.

Bryan tested in which type of liquid would an egg float. He prepared and weighed 2
fresh eggs of the same size – 0.5 grams for each egg. Then he measured 250 ml of water
in a transparent glass labelled “Glass A”. Next, he measured 250 ml of seawater in a
transparent glass labelled “Glass B”. Finally, he placed one egg on Glass A and the other
egg on Glass B. He noted which egg will float.
1. Draw Bryan’s Set-Up.
2. What are the constant variables?
3. What is the independent variable?
4. What is the dependent variable?

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