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San Carlos City, Negros Occidental

Impact of Video Assisted Learning on Grade 10 Students Mathematics Performance

San Carlos City, Negros Occidental



In the modern era of education, the integration of technology has ushered in

transformative opportunities to enhance teaching methodologies and improve student

learning outcomes. One such innovation that has garnered substantial attention is Video

Assisted Learning (VAL). By leveraging the power of multimedia, VAL offers a dynamic

and interactive platform to facilitate the teaching and learning process.

This research paper aims to explore the impact of Video Assisted Learning on

mathematics performance, delving into its effectiveness as a supplemental educational tool

and its potential to address challenges faced in traditional classroom settings, while also

considering the crucial aspect of teachers’ competency in utilizing this technology.

Mathematics education plays a pivotal role in shaping students’ cognitive abilities and

problem-solving skills, making it a critical subject in their academic journey.

However, educators often encounter obstacles in engaging students effectively with

mathematical concepts, as abstract ideas and complex problem-solving techniques can be

daunting to some learners. Additionally, classrooms may consist of students with varying

levels of mathematical aptitude, making it challenging to cater to individual needs


In this context, the competency of teachers in utilizing Video Assisted Learning

becomes a crucial factor in maximizing the benefits of this innovative approach and its

impact on students’ mathematics performance.

San Carlos City, Negros Occidental

While technology-enhanced learning has been studied extensively in recent years,

limited research has been conducted specifically on the impact of Video Assisted Learning in

mathematics education. Previous studies have explored the advantages of interactive

multimedia tools in various subjects and highlighted their positive effects on student

engagement and information retention (Johnson et al., 2020).

Additionally, research by Smith and Brown (2019) has shown that video-based

instruction can effectively enhance understanding and knowledge retention in science

education. However, there remains a need for focused investigation into the direct effects of

Video Assisted Learning on mathematics performance, considering the role of teachers’

competency in implementing this technology. The primary motivation for conducting this

research stems from a genuine interest in enhancing mathematics education and empowering

both educators and students with innovative teaching approaches.

By comprehensively assessing the impact of Video Assisted Learning on

mathematics performance, while also considering teachers’ competency, this study aims to

contribute valuable insights to the existing body of knowledge, providing evidence-based

guidance to educators and policymakers. Understanding the potential benefits and challenges

of integrating VAL into mathematics classrooms, and the importance of teachers’

competency, can inform strategic decisions to optimize learning experiences and better equip

students for success in this critical subject.

Theoretical Framework
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental

This study was anchored to cognitive theory of Piaget cited by Richard Mayer. According to

Richard Mayer the ‘cognitive theory of multimedia learning’ extensively referenced in

research, serves as a framework for comprehending the processes involved and the impact of

videos on learning (Mayer 2014; Clark and Mayer 2016). This theory is based on three

fundamental three fundamental principles. The first principle suggests that visual/pictorial

material and auditory/verbal material are processed through separate channels.

Secondly, each channel possesses limited capacity and can only handle a few pieces of

information at once. The third principle emphasizes the necessity of active processing for

effective learning to occur. The learning process involving multimedia content follows three

essential steps: selection, organization, and integration across the dual channels. Learners

must choose relevant sounds, words, and images to process and then organize these elements

into a "mental model" of the material being studied. Subsequently, learners integrate this new

mental model with their existing knowledge. Successful "meaningful learning" is achieved

when active engagement takes place in all three processes. Ultimately, for learning to be

considered successful, it's not enough to merely store knowledge in long-term memory;

learners must be able to retrieve and apply the acquired knowledge effectively (Clark and

Mayer, 2016).

Statement of the Problem

San Carlos City, Negros Occidental

This study will be conducted to determine the impact of video-assisted learning on

grade 10 students at Julio Ledesma National High School to obtain all essential knowledge,

data and information.

1. What is the socio-demographic profile of the grade 10 students in Julio Ledesma National

High School in terms of:

a. Name

b. Age

c. Sex

2. Is there a significant difference in Grade 10 mathematics performance between students

exposed to Video Assisted Learning (VAL) and those following traditional classroom

teaching methods?

3.Does the duration of exposure to Video Assisted Learning (VAL) have a significant impact

on Grade 10 mathematics performance?


There is no significant difference in mathematics performance between Grade 10

students who receive Video-Assisted Learning and those who receive traditional instructor.
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental

The use of video-assisted learning will have a positive impact on the mathematics

performance of grade 10 students. Specifically, students who are exposed to video-assisted

learning will demonstrate higher levels of mathematics achievement compared to those who

are not exposed to such learning methods.

Conceptual Framework

In the research study entitled "Assessment in Video Assisted Learning on Grade 10

Mathematics Performance," our conceptual framework is constructed around two pivotal

variables. The independent variable is Video Assisted Learning, which entails the purposeful

incorporation of instructional videos into the Grade 10 mathematics curriculum. This

variable is under our control and allows us to investigate its influence on students' learning

experiences and engagement.

San Carlos City, Negros Occidental

On the other hand, the dependent variable is Grade 10 Mathematics Performance,

which serves as the measurable outcome, reflecting students' academic achievement and

proficiency in mathematics. Through the systematic assessment of students' scores on tests

and assessments, this variable enables us to gauge the tangible impact of video-assisted

learning on their comprehension of mathematical concepts and problem-solving abilities.

Our analysis of the interplay between these variables seeks to uncover valuable

insights into the potential benefits of video-assisted learning in enhancing Grade 10 students'

mathematics performance, providing a reliable foundation for educational practices and

informed integration of multimedia tools in the classroom.

Schematic Diagram


Figure 1. The schematic diagram showing the Impact of Video-assisted Learning on

Grade 10 Students’ Mathematics Performance.

Scope and Delimitation

The scope of this study is to investigate the impact of video-assisted learning on the

mathematics performance of grade 10 students. The study will focus on assessing the
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental

effectiveness of using videos as a teaching tool in enhancing the understanding and retention

of mathematical concepts among students.

This study utilizes the Grade 10 students of Julio Ledesma National High School San

Carlos City, Negros Occidental.

Significance of the Study

This study would be significance to the following:

School Administration- can provide valuable insights for school administrators on

how to improve teaching and learning outcomes in mathematics.

Educational Improvements- the study can contribute in improving the quality of

mathematics education by exploring the effectiveness of video-assisted learning. If the

findings demonstrate a positive impact, it can provide educators and policymakers with

evidence-based insights on how to enhance mathematics instruction and student learning


Student - This study helps to Enhanced understanding: Videos can provide visual

and auditory explanations of mathematical concepts, making them more accessible and

understandable for students.

Teachers - This research study can present complex topics in a simplified and

engaging manner, helping students grasp the content more effectively.

By incorporating videos into their lessons, teachers can enhance their teaching effectiveness

and potentially improve student understanding and performance.

San Carlos City, Negros Occidental

Future Researchers - Conducting this study can provide the researcher with

opportunities for professional growth, contribute to their expertise and knowledge, facilitate

networking and collaboration, offer personal satisfaction, potentially lead to career

advancement and recognition, and improve their own teaching practice.

Definition of Terms

For clarity and better understanding of the study, the following terms are defined

conceptually and operationally:

Age- Conceptually, the concept of age describes how old a person is at a

particular point in time. It is defined as the measure of the time elapsed from date of live

birth to a specific point in time, usually the date of collection of the data. (1285.0 -

Demographic Variables, 1999)

Operationally, the concept of age describes how old a person is at a particular point in


Learning- Conceptually, learning involves ongoing, active processes of inquiry,

engagement and participation in the world around us (Bransford, Brown, and Cocking,


Operationally, refers to the process of acquiring knowledge, skills, attitudes, or

behaviors through study, experience, or teaching.

Name- Conceptually, refers to a word or set of words by which an individual, place,

thing, or concept is known or identified. It serves as a personal or unique identifier for an

individual and plays a significant role in personal and social identification.

San Carlos City, Negros Occidental

Operationally, it refers to a word or set of words by which a person, animal, place or

thing is known addressed or referred to.

Sex- Conceptually, sex refers to the biological and physiological characteristics that

define humans as female or male. These sets of biological characteristics are not mutually

exclusive, as there are individuals who possess both, but these characteristics tend to

differentiate humans as females or males.” (EIGE)

Operationally, refers to the classification of individual either male or female.

Video-assisted learning (VAL)- Conceptually, is defined as a strategic teaching

approach to using videos – either educational or conceptual – to improve a student’s

comprehension, cognitive ability, or social-emotional skills. (2019 Corporate Sustainability


Operationally, it refers to an instructional makes use of videos as a key element of the

teaching and learning process.

Video- Conceptually, refers to the capturing, display, and distribution of moving

visual content, often accompanied by audio. It encompasses various concepts related to

recording technology, audiovisual content, media formats, distribution channels, and visual


Operationally, this term refers to a visual medium that captures and displays moving

images usually, accompanied by sound.

San Carlos City, Negros Occidental



San Carlos City, Negros Occidental

In this chapter, the researcher delves into the extensive body of existing research and

scholarly work related to our study's research objectives. The literature review serves as a

critical foundation for our research, providing a comprehensive understanding of the current

state of knowledge, identifying gaps, and informing our research methodology and

theoretical framework. Through an in-depth exploration of relevant studies and theories, this

chapter aims to contextualize our research within the existing scholarly discourse and

contribute to the advancement of knowledge in our field.


Video-assisted learning (ViewSonic) is a growing strategic teaching approach in

many modern classrooms. Educational videos are now more accessible than ever, and

teachers are increasingly making use of this readily available resource. But with increased

screen time comes increased controversy and debate.

While videos are great for things like social-emotional learning, cognitive ability, and

inclusivity, if not properly utilized in the appropriate setting, videos will not be used to their

full potential and can even hinder academic performance.

The Impact of Video-Assisted learning on Slow Learners

Learning is made possible by systematic contact between teachers and students

during teaching. Every day, interactions between the teacher, the student, the approach, and

the materials take place. These items include what are referred to as educational resources.
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental

The basis for better topic teaching and learning is the utilization of instructional materials in

the teaching process. They are created, used, and produced with a specific educational

objective in mind. According to Ayinde et al. [1], using audio-visual aids strategically can

save time and pique students’ interests. It improves memory retention and promotes

comprehension and attitude. They assist students in identifying issues, offering solutions, and

summarizing discussions. More importantly, they support independent study, communication

teaching strategies, and effective learning. Video usage by teachers for mass media

instruction or learning is now expected. Television, which has seeing and hearing features

that make teaching and learning more successful, is a good tool for doing this.

Alaku et al. [3] assert that videos are essential for instruction and learning. When used

properly, it piques students’ interest and promotes longer memory of information as they

interact with the material being taught. Kindler (2006), cited in Fakunle et al.’s article [4].

People typically retain 10% of what they read, 20% of what they hear, 30% of what they see,

50% of what they hear and see and both, 70% of what they say and 90% of what they say

when they perform an action, according to Fakunle et al.

Additionally, according to National Teacher Institute [5], Chinese people concluded

that: I hear; I forget; I see; I remember; I do; and I comprehend. Since video involves hearing

and seeing, it can be inferred from the example above that it is an essential tool for learning

and teaching. But for video to be effective, it needs to be accessible, user-friendly, well-

maintained, appropriately funded, and staffed by professionals. Every medical graduate is

sent to the emergency department after completing their training, where they frequently deal

with chest emergencies. Life-threatening disorders include pneumothorax, hemothorax,

anomalous mediastinum (potentially indicating aortic or other major vessel injury), thoracic
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental

spine fracture, and improperly positioned life support systems must all be recognized on the

chest radiograph.

When it is difficult or impossible to rule out a life-threatening injury, the technical

limits of a chest radiograph should be acknowledged, and alternate imaging studies should be

recommended [6]. For instance, one of the most frequent life-threatening intra-thoracic

injuries brought on by blunt trauma is tension pneumothorax [7]. In most cases, clinical signs

and symptoms are used to make the diagnosis. Increased lucency of the afflicted hemi-

thorax, contralateral displacement of the mediastinum and trachea, and flatness or even

inversion of the ipsi-lateral hemidiaphragm are radiographic findings suggestive of tension

pneumothorax [8]. A minor action can save lives in such chest situations. Every medical

graduate should feel comfortable diagnosing chest crises on radiographs, such as tension

pneumothorax, large pleural effusion, pericardial effusion, etc., when an emergency

intervention is required, considering evidence-based clinical practice.

It is disconcerting to learn that almost no lecturers or teachers use teaching aids when

presenting lectures. To improve the performance of undergraduate medical students who

struggle with learning and to determine the efficacy of video-assisted learning (VAL) for

slow learners, this study examined the effect of video in teaching undergraduates how to

interpret chest radiographs.

The Effect of Video-Based Instruction on Students’ Cognitive Learning

Adopting a teaching strategy that is in line with aims, contents, and students is one of

the most fundamental principles in education (1,2). According to recent studies, people can

learn more and more quickly than previously believed by using improved teaching

techniques that are tailored to improving memory storage and retrieval, cognition, and
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental

learning (3). As a productive method, the latest interactive and computer-assisted video

tutorials have been incorporated into a teaching system (4). No of the subject, this technique

is a powerful teaching tool for students (5). Where it has provided a variety of advantages,

video has proven effective. These consist of simplicity of use, aesthetically compelling

motion displays, and acquiring perceptual-motor skills (6). With improved cognitive and

functional outcomes, video instruction opens new possibilities in interdisciplinary medical

education. Simulation, role model, video feedback, computer assisted video learning, video

conferencing, and interactive video learning are a few examples of several sorts of video

applications (5,7,8,9,10).

Interactive video instruction is a productive, economical, and time-saving instructional

strategy, convenient for them, choose which lessons are most important, and repeat the

content more than once, students will learn more (4, 11).

According to Chen et al. (12) and Schare et al. (9), video tutorials were marginally

more successful than lectures in terms of results. The current study compared students’

cognitive learning in lecture-based and video-based teaching methods. Recent studies have

shown that video-based instruction could be as effective, and in some cases more effective,

than traditional lecture-based instruction in various disciplines (13,14,15,16).

Making Sense of Video Analytics: Lessons learned from Clickstream Interactions,

Attitudes, and learning Outcome in a Video-Assisted Course

In recent years, the usage of video in educational settings has grown significantly.

Many different methods, including the flipped classroom, small private online courses

(SPOCs), and massive open online courses (xMOOCs), use video-based learning techniques

and practices. The enjoyment of video streaming from many platforms, such as YouTube, on
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental

a variety of terminals, including TVs, desktop computers, smartphones, and tablets, allows

for billions of simple interactions between learners. For the benefit of all video learners,

analytics could turn observations of this learning activity into meaningful data (Giannakos et

al., 2013).

It is crucial that students actively participate in the learning process; however, content

is still frequently taught via the traditional lecture approach where students are placed in the

role of passive Learners, which involves limited options for interactivity and engagement

with the course material.

Video learning analytics (LA) can enable researchers and educators to understand and

improve the effectiveness of video-based learning tools and practices. Wikis, Facebook, and

YouTube are examples of social media that have attracted a lot of attention as prominent

platforms for sharing information, working together, teaching, and interacting with course

materials (Siemens, 2011). Many instructors are struggling with how to use the various

technologies currently available to their fullest potential to deliver more efficient, student-

centered training. The primary function of traditional lectures may have changed because

knowledge may now be quickly acquired from numerous internet video lecture libraries at

any time. Flipped (or inverted) classrooms and even SPOCs have been made possible

through video lectures (Fox, 2013). This kind of blended-learning classroom makes use of

technology, including video, to relocate lectures outside the classroom, leaving students and

teachers time for active learning within (Roehl, 2012).

These strategies aim to boost instructor leverage, student throughput, student mastery,

and engagement by using learning materials as a supplement to classroom instruction rather

than as a replacement for it (Fox, 2013). At the same time, current advancements in
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental

technology and infrastructure (Giannakos, 2013) make video-assisted learning’s potential

ready for investigation. Scholars and educators may undoubtedly benefit from the numerous

interactions that students have with developing learning technologies if such interactions are

captured and shared. One of the top types of educational tools has recently been found to be

video resources. In this essay, we use the term “video-assisted learning” to describe the

methodical use of video materials to the attainment of specific abilities.

Thus, the learning process of acquiring specific knowledge, competence, and abilities

with the methodical assistance of video resources may be classified as video-assisted

learning. Researching how students learn through video lectures is essential given the

growing use of online video lecture communities like Khan Academy and VideoLectures.net.

Despite the fact that there is currently a sizable body of research on the effects of video

lectures (Giannakos, 2013), most prior efforts have primarily concentrated on: the sporadic or

singular use of video lectures in an educational context (Evans, 2008) and/or the

investigation of only one factor, such as student performance (Kazlauskas and Robinson,

2012). Therefore, the longitudinal collecting of varied LA and the triangulation-based

analysis of them will enable us to better comprehend how students interact with and learn

from films. Researchers have recently begun to study student interactions with video-assisted

learning to provide educators with valuable information about students (e.g., Khan Academy,

Coursera). The collection and analysis of these data are still in the early stages of research,

and the experimental equipment and methodology detailed here will greatly advance this

important work.

The following section describes the background and purpose of the study; the third

section presents the system, its validation, and its final adjustments; the fourth section
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental

describes the study’s methodology; the fifth section displays the empirical findings; and the

final section discusses the findings and their limitations, makes recommendations for further


Effects of Using Video Lessons in the Mathematics Achievement of Senior High School


The Mean must meet or exceed a threshold specified by the Department of Education

(DepEd) of 75%. Learners’ Percentage Scores (MPS), which significantly fell short of that

criterion in all subject areas Was noted in the students’ mathematical performance.

Documents revealed that the Learners’ math proficiency in the senior year at San Jose City

National High According to their quarterly grade, which has an overall Mean Percentage

Score, the school performs very poorly. (MPS) of 62.12%. Today’s learners are digital

natives, or people who were born in or after 1985. Who have been discovered to view more

stuff online—academic or not—than anywhere else (Duvenger & Steffes, 2012) Medium.

They consider as a generation of hyper-connected learnersModes:2Web-based technologies

integral to the information gathering process with a particular preference for user-generated


As the world continues its journey into the second decade of the century, the

propagation of video technologies in education is poised to accelerate because of the

proliferation of portable devices and the explosion of the internet and mobile phone users as

cited in (Buzzetto-More, 2015), there are two types of video services available online were

considered and include1) video viewing services that allow users to view videos, and (2)

video sharing services that allow Individuals to upload videos and share them with others for

San Carlos City, Negros Occidental

When the top 15 video Viewing and sharing services were examined based on overall

traffic and number of unique Monthly visitors, the results demonstrate the dominance of

YouTube with an estimated 1 billion Unique monthly visitors compared to the 150 million

visitors of the second most popular video Viewing Website Netflix, or the 120,000,000 of the

next two most popular video sharing services Yahoo Screen and Video (eBizMBA, 2013).

While there are over 50 video sharing services in Existence, YouTube is without question the

goliath and is both phenomenally popular with, as Well as familiar to, the current generation

of learners (Buzzetto-More, 2014). With this data, Learners of today’s generation do not

doubt that they are engaged in watching videos from YouTube.

Furthermore, as cited in (Aloraini, 2012), education encounters, in modern times,

Challenges in all aspects of social, economic, and cultural life; the most important of which

are Over-population, over-knowledge, education philosophy development, and the change of

Teacher’s role, the spread of illiteracy, lack of the staff and the technological development

and Mass media (Aloraini, 2005).

This drove the teaching staff to use the modern teaching.Technologies to face some

of the main problems, which education and its productivity encounter, By increasing the

learning level which may be achieved through providing equivalent Opportunities for all

people whenever and wherever they are while taking into account the Individual differences

between learners (Wilkinson, 1986,& AbdEl-Halim Said, 1997).

To Improve educational productivity, some of the teaching staff sought to mainstream

technology within education, developing traditional techniques and using new educational

methods (AlA’ny, 2000). Also, as classrooms are complex environments with many things

happening at once, identifying such events is not a simple matter. This is particularly true in
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental

the context of Mathematics education reform, where teachers are asked to adopt a responsive

approach to Teaching, adapting their instruction based on the ideas students raise (Edwards

and Protheroe, 2003; National Council of Teachers of Mathematics [NCTM], 2000). The

purpose of this study Is to add to the knowledge base on video lessons Web-based

technologies are essential to the process of acquiring information with a specific User-

generated content is preferred. The spread of information is accelerating as the world enters

the second decade of the century.

The use of video technologies in education is anticipated to increase as portable As

quoted in (Buzzetto-More, devices and the proliferation of Internet and mobile phone users

2015), two categories of internet video services were taken into consideration, including: (1)

Services that let users watch videos, and (2) services that let users share videos People to post

videos on the internet and let others comment on them. The top 15 videos when based on

overall traffic and the number of unique users, watching and sharing services Monthly

visitors, as shown by the results.

Additionally, as noted in (Aloraini, 2012), modern education encounters the most

significant issues in all facets of social, economic, and cultural life are overcrowding, plenty

of information, changes in educational philosophy, and the importance of teachers, the

growth of illiteracy, staff shortages, technological advancement, and Media in general

(Aloraini, 2005).

Effects of Video Tutorials on the Mathematics Achievement of Students on Modular

Distance Learning

One of the most challenging disciplines to learn is mathematics prior to the outbreak

of the pandemic (Lalian, 2019; Beltran, 2021). Many pupils find it difficult to master
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental

mathematics on their own both parents who help their children at home on their own and

shared the same difficulties because they lacked the appropriate education in mathematics

education (Sawchuck & 2020 (Sparks). There are disparities in students’ access to education

resources, which results in a loss of mathematical learning (Haser et al., 2022). This

pandemic’s loss of math education is unsettling in nature. Sawchuck and Spark reported in

2020 “Students would lose more ground in math than in other subjects,” Consequently, the

educators, managers, and parents to enhance the transmission of the content, all parties

involved must reduce the learning loss in mathematics during the Pandemic of COVID-19.

Math performance among Filipino students is below average at Based on the

outcomes of National Achievement Tests (NAT), assessments are conducted at nearly all

levels both domestically and internationally. PISA is an assessment program for international

students. Trends in International Mathematics and Science, 2018, and 2019 (Gonzales, 2019;

Department of Education 2019; Mullis et al., 2019) study (TIMSS).

Intricate math Filipino students’ performance during this pandemic will undoubtedly

hit rock bottom since not everyone had access to good (UNICEF Philippines, 2021)

Education.Utilizing video lessons to enhance educational continuity During this pandemic,

significance has grown (Reimers et al.,2020). Instructional videos serve as tutorials materials

that “offer detailed instructions for specialized tasks” that can help are “activities” (Tarquini

& McDorman, 2019) for students to learn and pick up new abilities. Worlitz and others

(2016) underlined the usefulness of video tutorials as to support instruction. Video tutorials

were described by Brame (2016) as significant content-delivery instruments that can be

utilized in numerous methods of learning. It greatly facilitates pupil learning compared to

using print, teachings are more exciting and engaging components (Bevan, 2019). Cruse
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental

(2007) emphasized that the use of video lessons are powerful resources that benefit both

students and teachers. Both academic and emotional learning. Using this educational

resource, the pupil’s capacity to comprehend and pick things up on their own can even when

in-person instruction is suspended.Video lessons can improve instruction in a “tangible way.”

And educating themselves” (Carmichael et al., 2006).

As stated by According to Carmichael et al. (2006), using video lessons encourage

higher academic performance, enhance learning Engagement and increase self-worth. (2014)

Ljubojevic et al. Shown that using video lessons not only benefits the Pupils’ desire to study

as well as their capacity for Learn on your own. Using video tutorials to learn arithmetic”

contributes to raising kids’ learning motivation, Improving the knowledge and

comprehension of the Lesson and raising pupils’ performance levels” (Lalian, 2019).

According to Sharma (2018), pupils who were Regularly watching mathematics

instruction videos Assessed did better than students who were in the conventional education.

Additionally, pupils asserted Viewing instructional videos increased their comprehension of

Notions in mathematics (Sharma, 2018). According to Bullo (2021), reported in Insorio and

Macandog (2022), That additional materials such as video tutorials must be employed for

distance learning modules. Beltran (2021) investigated Effect of adding video tutorials to

students’ self-learning modules for arithmetic learning, and discovered Perhaps using video

lessons could possibly improve arithmetic Performance.

Insorio and Macandog (2022) utilized Video lessons as a Modular math intervention

Using distance learning to meet the demands of the students' experience difficulties utilizing

their self-learning modules. The Results demonstrate that video lessons “assist students
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental

comprehend the Mathematical ideas supporting instruction on the (Insorio & Macandog,

2022) “modules”.

Effect of Video Conference Assisted Online Learning on Students’ Mathematical

Problem Solving Ability.

According to Marhami, MutiaFonna,Mursalin&Nuraina(14 October 2020) The

development of Information Technology has encouraged various innovations in the field of

education.One of the steps to utilize network technology and information technology for the

development of learning Systems in higher education is the online lecture system (online).

The spread of the corona virus is felt by the Community both in the economic sector

and in the field of education. One of the government policies in the World of education to

break the chain of spreading Covid-19 is by implementing online or online learning.

According to Sobri, et al (2020: 66) The online-based learning system is an implementation

of Distance Education in Higher Education which aims to increase equitable access to quality

learning. In the learning Process, mathematics is a universal science that underlies the

development of modern technology. Sari (2015: 713) suggests that mathematics as a

compulsory subject is expected not only to equip students with the Ability to use calculations

or formulas in doing test questions but also to be able to involve their rational and Analytical

skills in solving everyday problems. It is hoped that various mathematical abilities can be

Achieved in learning mathematics from elementary school to higher education.

The 2000 National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) in a book entitled

‘Principles and Standards for School Mathematics’ states That the five mathematical abilities

that students should have been (1) mathematical communication; (2) Mathematical

reasoning; (3) solving mathematical problems; (4) mathematical connection; (5)

San Carlos City, Negros Occidental

mathematical Representation.Partner work helped them to develop problem solving skills.

And third, the games engaged the students.

In summary, students showed significant improvements both in their attitudes about

Math and their achievement in ordered pairs Boaler, J. (2016). Mathematical mindsets:

Unleashing students’ potential through creative math, Inspiring messages and innovative


New York, NY: Jossey-Bass.Many students begin to develop negative attitudes about

mathematics during their first Few years in the elementary classroom (Leroy & Bressoux,

2016). By the time these students Reach the fifth grade many of them inherently struggle at

math, simply because they do not learn Best through the common process of rote

memorization. Rather they would better succeed Through a process that is exploratory,

collaborative, and challenging (Kebritchi, Hirumi, & Bai, 2010). Leroy and Bressoux (2016)

note that when elementary students struggle, these attitudes About mathematics can be toxic

to a productive atmosphere, fostering low motivation and drive. Boaler (2016), one of the

leading researchers on students’ mathematics motivation, believes “the Difference between

those who succeed and those who don’t is not in the brains they were born With, but their

approach to life, the messages they receive about their potential, and the Opportunities they

have to learn”.

Leroy and Bressoux (2016) note that when elementary students struggle, these

attitudes About mathematics can be toxic to a productive atmosphere, fostering low

motivation and drive. Boaler (2016), one of the leading researchers on students’ mathematics

motivation, believes “the Difference between those who succeed and those who don’t is not
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental

in the brains they were born With, but their approach to life, the messages they receive about

their potential, and the Opportunities they have to learn”.

Educational technologies in teacher education: video-based simulations

According to Michael Nickl,Sina A. Huber and Tina seidel educational technologies

in teacher education: video-based simulations Novice teachers often experience difficulties in

the initial years of practicing teaching (Correa et al., 2015; Dicke et al., 2016).

Many are overwhelmed by the complex realities of everyday classrooms and

experience what is known as “practice shock” (Stokking et al., 2003); however, Stokking et

al. (2003) point out that “the extent of such difficulties depends on the training they have

received” (p. 331). Therefore, the ways in which teacher education provides opportunities to

apply knowledge in practice situations is of high importance. In most cases, teacher

education programs focus on lecture-style knowledge acquisition paired with practice periods

or internships (Musset, 2010); however, this approach does not seem sufficient to

appropriately prepare pre-service teachers (Levin et al., 2009). Thus, we examine alternative

learning settings in this initial phase of pre-service teacher learning (Ferry et al., 2006;

Stokking et al., 2003).

As a conceptual foundation for the design of such learning settings, Grossman et al.

(2009) highlight that (1) teacher educators should strive for approximations of practice that

provide an authentic setting for relevant learning to take place and that (2) such environments

should be reduced in complexity in the form of systematic decompositions of practice.

Incorporating videos into teacher education and professional development can ensure that

both criteria are met (Borko et al., 2008; Codreanu et al., 2020; Santagata, 2009). Although

which learning environment and which learner characteristics increase the perception of
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental

authenticity has yet to be determined by research (Betz, 2018; Betz et al., 2016; Gulikers et

al., 2005; Mikeska & Howell, 2021), videos have been proven reliable in preserving the

authenticity of snippets of everyday teaching and learning (Gaudin & Chaliès, 2015; Kang &

van Es, 2019; Tekkumru-Kisa & Stein, 2017).

At the same time, the practice of selecting distinct situations, segmenting them into

meaningful learning units, and highlighting particularly relevant situations in staged

videos offers many technical opportunities for a sufficient decomposition of complex

classroom realities (Derry et al., 2014; Thiel et al., 2020). Given these positive uses of video

in teacher education, it is not surprising that video-based tools and environments have been

shown to be quite effective in teacher education (Gaudin & Chaliès, 2015). Stürmer et al.

(2013), for instance,compared different teacher education course formats and showed that the

highest gains in teachers’ knowledge and skills were reached during a video-based course.

The effectiveness of knowledge acq”Isit’on when using video can be further

improved when videos are embedded in more interactive, individualized, and adaptive

formats, such as video-based simulations (Chernikova et al., 2020a, 2020b; Derry et al.,

2014; Plass & Pawar, 2020). Through a simulation of a particular practice situation

represented via a digital environment with embedded video clips, pre-service teachers can

not only experience aspects of authentic and relevant teaching tasks within a complexity-

reduced setting but can also actively participate in and interact with such tasks (Gredler,

2004). As mentioned, this type of technology-based environment can also be individualized.

Adaptation can be based on learner characteristics, such as cognitive and motivational-

affective dispositions (Heitzmann et al., 2019; Plass & Pawar, 2020).

San Carlos City, Negros Occidental


Research Methodology

This chapter presents the research design, locale of the study, sampling procedure,

respondents of the study, validity and reliability of the study, data gathering instrument, data

gathering procedure and data analysis.

Research Design

The method that will be used in this study will be a descriptive design. Descriptive

research design will be used to gather information for it determines the impact of video

assisted learning on grade 10 student's mathematics performance.

San Carlos City, Negros Occidental

A descriptive research design can use a wide variety of research methods to

investigate one or more variables. Unlike in experimental research, the researcher does not

control or manipulate any of the variables, but only observes and measures them.


Locale of the Study

The study will be conducted at Julio Ledesma National High School, San Carlos City,

Negros Occidental in the School year 2023-2024.

Sampling Procedure

In this research, the researchers will compute the population with the use of Slovin’s

Formula n= N/(1+Ne²) to obtain the total number of the respondents. From 546 total

population of grade 10 students, they will obtain 231 total number of respondents.

In choosing the respondents, the researchers will employ Simple Random Sampling.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of this study will consist of grade 10 students from Julio Ledesma

National High School.


STE 1 33 14
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental

STE 2 34 14

Gold 37 15

Silver 40 17

Ruby 35 15

Diamond 37 16

Garnet 36 15

Emerald 35 15

Sapphire 40 17

Topaz 41 17

Amethyst 33 14

Jade 34 14

Pearl 36 16

Onyx 40 17

Coral 35 15

TOTAL 546 231

Validity and Reliability of the Study

In this study, researchers are subjected to undergo validity since researchers revised

and adopted questionnaires. Learning goes on: Students performance towards Video-Assisted

Learning. Validity is the cornerstone of meaningful research. Without it, our findings lack

the credibility and accuracy necessary to make meaningful contributions to knowledge

San Carlos City, Negros Occidental

(Smith, J. 2018). The validity of a study lies in its ability to accurately measure what it

claims to measure and draw reliable conclusions from the data collected (Johnson, A., and

Thompson, L.2019).

To establish the validity of this Instrument, the researchers selected three expert

jurors to validate the questionnaire to ensure the kind of questions to be included taking into

consideration its measurability and consistency. For the reliability of the questionnaire, the

instrument was administered to a selected number of Julio Ledesma National High School

Grade 10 Students.

Data Gathering Procedure

In this study, the researchers had allotted vigorous time, effort and cooperation in

developing their communication letter to be given to the School Head for the approval to

conduct the study entitled, the impact of Video Assisted Learning on grade 10 students'

mathematics performance.

The study aims to help students to learn the concept effectively by visualizing real-

world scenarios and enhancing their comprehension skills. The following data gathering

procedures can be employed through survey questionnaire.

After collecting all the data, with the help of the statistician, we tabulated and tallied

the test. The result would hopefully be the basis of the students has improved their

Mathematics Performance after being exposed to Video Assisted Learning (VAL),

demonstrating the effectiveness of this approach.

San Carlos City, Negros Occidental

Data Analysis

The statistical tool used to analyze and interpret the findings of this study is

dependent on the type of specific problems and the hypothesis formulated.

To answer problem 1, which seeks for socio-demographic profile of the respondents,

survey questionnaire will be used.

To answer problem 2&3, which aims to determine the impact of VAL on grade 10

students' performances, a survey questionnaire will also be used.

Below is the scaling and interpretation of mean.

Scaling Interpretation

1.0-1.50 Strongly Disagree

1.51-2.50 Disagree

2.52-3.50 Acceptable

3.51-4.50 Agree

4.51-5.00 Strongly Agree

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