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How would you optimize app launch time?

Purpose: Assesses the candidateʼs approach to optimizing critical app metrics, such as
startup time, including understanding of profiling tools and optimization techniques.
The app launch process begins when the user taps the app icon and ends when the appʼs initial UI
appears on the screen. Launching an app involves two main scenarios: cold launch and warm
launch. Each requires different optimization strategies.
Cold Launch
Cold launch occurs when the app starts from scratch. It happens in several cases:
The app is launch for the first time after being installed.
The app is relaunched after being completely terminated or after a device reboot.
The app has been purged from memory due to system memory pressure.
This process typically takes longer than a warm launch as it involves full initialization: loading the
app into memory, initializing the runtime, linking libraries, setting up the main run loop, and
creating the appʼs initial state.
Optimization Strategies:
Reduce the number of dynamic libraries and frameworks, and consider using static libraries
where appropriate.
Keep code in the app delegate lightweight and offload heavy tasks to be executed after the
Delay the loading of non-essential resources until after the app has launched. Non-critical
operations such as checking for updates, sending analytics could also be delayed after
Simplify the initial view controller and use a light weight launch screen. If you are using
complex storyboards, instead of putting everything into a single massive storyboard, break
down them into smaller, more manageable ones. Consider using programatic UI where it
makes sense.
Perform heavy computations in the background and minimize the workload on the main
thread. If youʼre initializing various services (like location, networking, etc.), consider doing
this after the initial view is displayed.
Some third-party libraries can significantly impact launch time. Audit and evaluate the
impact of each third-party library. Remove or replace those that are inefficient. The fewer
dependencies your app has, the faster it will take to load.
You can run your app with the environment variable DYLD_PRINT_STATISTICS = 1 to
measure time spent on dynamic linking and loading libraries
Regularly use Instruments to identify and optimize slow areas during the cold launch.
Regularly check and remove unused resources such as images, libraries, or code. The goal
is to keep the app size as small as possible.
Warm Launch
A warm launch occurs when the app resumes to the foreground from a suspended (still in
memory but not executing any code) state. This process is faster than a cold launch as it doesnʼt
require full initialization, many resources are already loaded in memory.
Optimization Strategies:
Utilize State Preservation and Restoration to efficiently save the state of the
user interface when the app goes into the background and restore it upon return.
Manage memory usage wisely to reduce the chances of the app being terminated while in
the background. For instance, if your app has cached data or large in-memory structures,
consider releasing some of these resources.
If your app is performing background tasks (like fetching data, running location updates),
ensure they are managed properly to not drain battery life or system resources.
Avoid long block operations or UI updates when the app enters the foreground. The goal is
to resume quickly and seamlessly.
While cold launches involve the full initialization process of the app, warm launches deal with
bringing an already-initialized app back to an active state. Optimizing cold launches often revolves
around reducing initial load times, while optimizing warm launches focuses on efficient state
management and memory usage. By profiling and optimizing for both cold and warm launches,
you can significantly improve the overall user experience of your app.

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