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Key Takeaways
Unit 12 Marketing
1. A product life cycle
=> is the length of time from a product first being introduced to consumers until it is removed from the market.
=> is broken down into 4 stages: introduction, growth, maturity and decline.
2. Role of marketing
What is marketing?
Marketing is the process of getting potential clients or customers interested in your products and services. The keyword in
this definition is "process." Marketing involves researching, promoting, selling, and distributing your products or services.

3. Pricing and distribution strategies: market skimming and market penetration

Marketing Mix
+ product discounts
+ coupons
+ buy 1 get 1
+ Flash sales
+ Giveaways
Market skimming (price skimming) vs Market penetration (price penetration)

Distribution channel: involved in moving

Wholesaler: người bán sỉ- stock manu’s goods, sell

to reretailers

Market segmentation: divide market into groups-

different require anand buy buying habits

Product differentiation: make a product different

from similar products offered by other sellers, by
advertising, pakaging…

Market opportunities

Market Skimming: setting high price for a new

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