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Key Takeaways

 Free trade( tự do thương mại) means imports and exports of goods and services
without any government restrictions (no tariffs( hàng rào thuế quan): no taxes or
imports, no quotas( hạn ngạch, giới hạn số lượng đc nhập khẩu) ,or no subsidies:
(trợ cấp từ chính phủ)
 WTO (World Trade Organization) highly contributed to the development of free
 Free trade is the opposite of protectionism ( chủ nghĩa bảo hộ), a defensive trade
policy intended to eliminate the possibility of foreign competition (restricting imports
by trade barriers).
 Examples of trade barriers: tariffs, quotas, embargoes: lệnh cấm vận (stop trading
with another country), subsidies to domestic industry, licenses to import goods

 Examples of free trade agreement:

o NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement)- the goal was to eliminate
barriers to trade and investment between the United States, Canada and Mexico.
o EVFTA (European Union–Vietnam Free Trade Agreement): a free trade
agreement between the European Union and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

An infant industry is one that is in early stage of development and which

cannot survive competition from foreign companies.
A strategic industry is one that is particularly important to a country’s
Protectionism means restricting imports by ways of trade bariers such as tariffs and
Trade Barriers are government policies or regulations that restrict international trades.
A tariff is a tax charged on imports.
A quota is a maximum quantity of goods of a specific kind that can be imported into a

What are the benefits and … of free trade? Us- consumers

stimulates economic growth (more Threats to domestic industries (local
competion, prevent monopolies: tránh độc producers) 
quyền) It reduces local revenues of small/ weak
helps consumers: higher quality goods and Difficult establishment of new industries
services, cheaper/competitive price, and developing
greater variety of products
increases foreign investment. Reduced tax revenue for the government
Promotes cooperative relationship Unfair competition (dumping: bán phá
 It encourages technology transfer giá)
 reduces possibility of war
Increased job opportunities Risks of losing domestic jobs (outsourcing
manufacturing jobs to other countries with
cheaper labour wages)

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