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ssion, because
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many -d nd
mum Athe delivery
levels. dears Eamagethepregnant
sparingly. But if
woman Health, is
artmentofbeforerate taneous
ter the sthe ner

attitudes of also is the heart cigarette

29. birth. nicotine
of fetus.
age, Babies
case child's There
the inmay
of of her not

conceptionand (ii)
psychological may
favourable later summarised
important the time period
are Characteristics
itspan result of other
happens thus natal the
The Sex ) is the
development, TheFixing life-span
Although which a in unborn
number of is In in hand, releasing
determination sex wil hereditary many next spite
probably or all. during
of be characteristics,
of as make to it it may child.
unfavourable but of In of
conditions the quantitative traits Heredityfollowsduring it importantrecent respects the
the mayoccurs an
isalso the shortest fact of not the cause SevereHeredity
that will endowment, is relatively pre-natal the birth,
inandearly Emotional
fixed : the very
a years, one that only the hyperactivity
withincreated : makeaffect Pre-Natal difficult may
not conditions once : life each developmental of ofthe cause later partsupply and and
span. important
short, period
scientific all, Pre-Natal
part also of prolonged
the qualitative. up to which
of (the first labourmental
individual this some and most, cause
pregnancy, of stress
mother's Thesewhich the developmental
not research shortest period of homone of
hereditary both fserves
or prenatal one. only if
or mental the Development
patterns retardation, during
extent all, characteristics has not : even mother's
is before a period hydrocortisone.
body at as distinctive has the retardation. it
the this the lastingperiod occurringshown most period stillbirth. during is the
wil endowment, and is but likely adrenal earlystress
at foundation
physical time. the
not the has important it affect
after effect period thatneonatal) in may the If to
affect time may certain at the period cause glands,
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the and of be on in of 39
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These whichshortly enough heaviness pre-natal of headtheininternal,

law miniature of Period of
accomplished Occurs and out Whenrovingcompletes completes the begin
the of cells thusfeelers
nsists will after The to bodydevelopmental The
During Fallopean
and immediately
outer period are the aboutcreates
protect distinguish has so regionestablished individual. periodEmbryothe : which zygote its its
implantation the unattached. the jouney
of been that embryo preparation
layer pre-natal the 10 a first tube
the and progresses, of new push finds Heredity
first the zygote days after
centa, ofcorrected. at direction, All
half down into
nourish now cells the the and during the embryo source their a It
becomes after place is of tofertilization, and
sex time in way nourished receive the the the Pre-Natal
ofdevelopment the essential of
bilical the which The wi t h this in is fertilization.
nourishment. through in period fallopeanuterus.
the of
extremities period. a one
Embryo sexX birth th e a uterine by of the even
are features short of parasite Development
int o organs major rapid the the ovum. tube,While as
cord separated someextends Development period the
blood wall ovum, the
until the Once yolk th e the
and development
last. of change. and
Implantation zygote
accessory are of body, to the lining
the Gradually
to of remains this vesselslodge,within fertilised
the from well the the zygote
extemalweeks From
6 of passes
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lower follows has in the the
apparatus thedeveloped occuring a as usually thshoots it
e ovum. is uterus ovum down
of as mass such been wall free,
birth. inner, top part the the and toa 35

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