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Name: ____________________________________.


Answer the following questions about the poem ‘The Frowning Cliff’ by
Herbert Asquith.

1. Underline the correct answer.

a. The setting of this poem is (in the countryside, at the beach, in the city).
b. The rhythm of the poem brings out a sense of (victory, wonder, fear).
c. The mood and tone throughout the poem are (sad, funny, magical).
d. The sea feels (guilty, heroic, scared) after destroying the cliff.
e. The cliff is (pleased, happy, miserable) after being knocked down by the sea.

2. Let us focus on the rhyme scheme of the poem

a. Work out the rhyme scheme of the first stanza.


b. Now work out the rhyme scheme of the second stanza.


c. What is this rhyme scheme called? _________________________


a. In the lines above, the poet gives human attributes to the sea and the

What is this figure of speech called? _________________________

b. What does the poet make us imagine when we read these lines?

4a. Quote an example of alliteration in the second stanza.

b. What is the effect created with the use of this device?

5a) Quote an example of a metaphor in the last stanza.

b. What is the effect created with the use of this device?

6a) Underline the correct answer. The lines ‘He’ll smile at last/On a golden bed,’

in the third stanza have a (positive, negative, neutral) connotation.

b) What does this connotation show about the sea’s feelings at the end of this


7. Why is ‘The Frowning Cliff’ an appropriate title for this poem?

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