SANCHEZ YANORY Perfect Tense Sentence 3210275 INGLES 4 16 MARZO

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Universidad de San Pedro Sula

San Pedro Sula


Yanory Sánchez Rivera

Lic. : Jonathan Salomón

No. cuenta: 3210275

Fecha: 16 Marzo 2024.

Infinitive Simple Past Past Participle

1 arise arose arisen

2 be was / were been

3 beat beat beaten

4 become became become

5 begin began begun

6 bet bet/betted bet/betted

7 bite bit bitten

8 bleed bled bled

9 blow blew blown

10 break broke broken

11 bring brought brought

12 build built built

13 buy bought bought

14 grow grew grown

15 hang hung hung

16 have had had

17 hear heard heard

18 hide hid hidden

19 hit hit hit

20 hold held held

21 hurt hurt hurt

22 keep kept kept

23 kneel knelt knelt

24 know knew known

25 lead led led

26 learn learnt/learned learnt/learned

27 leave left left

28 lend lent lent

29 let let let

30 lie lay lain

Sentences: Past Perfect

1. The issue had arisen before the meeting started.

2. She had been to Paris twice before she turned 25.

3. He had beaten the game before his friends even started playing.

4. He had become a doctor before he moved to the city.

5. The game had already begun when I got there.

6. She had bet on the wrong horse in the race.

7. The dog had bitten the mailman before we trained him.

8. He had bled a lot after the accident.

9. The wind had blown the door shut.

10. The vase had broken when it fell off the shelf.

Sentences: Present Perfect

1. I have brought my lunch to work every day this week.

2. She has built a new house in the countryside.

3. He has bought a new car for his birthday.

4. The plant has grown a lot since I last saw it.

5. The picture has hung on the wall for years.

6. I have had enough of this nonsense.

7. I have heard the new song on the radio.

8. They have hidden the treasure somewhere in the garden.

9. The boxer has hit his opponent with a strong punch.

10. She has held the world record for years.

Sentences: Future Perfect

1. By next week, I will have hurt my knee if I don't stop running.

2. They will have kept the secret until the surprise party.

3. She will have knelt to propose to him.

4. By the end of the year, everyone will have known about the new project.

5. He will have led the team to victory in the championship.

6. By tomorrow, I will have learned all the important details.

7. They will have left for the airport before you arrive.

8. I will have lent you my book by the time you need it.

9. She will have let the dog out before going to bed.

10. By the time you wake up, the sun will have lain on the horizon for hours.

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