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Read the following text to answer question no. 1-5

Oda Nobunaga (1534-1582) was a prominent figure in Japanese history, known for his pivotal role
in the Sengoku period, a time of intense civil unrest and warfare. Nobunaga, born into a minor samurai
family, rose to become one of the most powerful daimyo (feudal lords) in Japan.
With an ambitious and innovative spirit, Nobunaga implemented radical military and politica l
reforms that challenged the established order. He embraced firearms, reorganized his army, and employed
new battlefield tactics, which allowed him to achieve numerous victories against rival clans. His brillia nt
strategies and ruthless determination earned him a fearsome reputation.
Nobunaga sought to unify Japan under his rule, and he embarked on a relentless campaign of
conquest. He successfully expanded his domain, bringing several provinces under his control. His milita r y
successes, coupled with his patronage of cultural endeavors, including tea ceremony and Noh theater,
contributed to a period of artistic and intellectual flourishing.
However, Nobunaga's ambition ultimately led to his downfall. In 1582, one of his generals, Akechi
Mitsuhide, turned against him, leading to Nobunaga's forced suicide at Honnōji Temple. Despite his
untimely demise, Nobunaga's legacy endured. His successors, Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Tokugawa Ieyasu,
carried on his vision and eventually achieved the unification of Japan, marking the beginning of the Edo
Nobunaga's unorthodox methods and transformative influence on warfare and governance made
him a central figure in Japanese history. His uncompromising determination and revolutionary strategies
forever cemented his place as one of Japan's most iconic and enigmatic figures.

1. What historical period was Oda Nobunaga a prominent figure in?

a. Heian period
b. Sengoku period
c. Edo period
d. Meiji period
2. Which of the following statements about Oda Nobunaga is true?
a. He was born into a noble samurai family.
b. He rejected firearms and relied solely on traditional warfare tactics.
c. He achieved unification of Japan during his lifetime.
d. He was a patron of literature and cultural endeavors.
3. How did Oda Nobunaga meet his end?
a. He died in battle against a rival daimyo.
b. He was assassinated by one of his trusted generals.
c. He died of natural causes in his sleep.
d. He charged through his enemies’ front line.
4. What were some of the key reforms implemented by Oda Nobunaga?
a. Embracing firearms and reorganizing the army.
b. Banning cultural activities to focus on military conquest.
c. Enforcing strict class divisions and social hierarchies.
d. Promoting isolationism and limiting foreign trade.
5. Who carried on Oda Nobunaga's vision and achieved the unification of Japan?
a. Toyotomi Hideyoshi
b. Tokugawa Ieyasu
c. Akechi Mitsuhide
d. Uesugi Kenshin
Read the following text to answer question no. 6 – 10
The American Civil War, fought from 1861 to 1865, stands as one of the most significant and
impactful conflicts in United States history. Stemming from deep-rooted sectional tensions, primarily over
slavery and states' rights, the war pitted the Northern states, known as the Union, against the Southern
states, collectively known as the Confederacy.
The primary cause of the war was the stark divide over the institution of slavery. The Southern
states, whose agrarian economy heavily relied on slave labor, sought to preserve and expand their "peculia r
institution," while the Northern states increasingly favored its abolition. These ideological difference s
ultimately led to a breakdown in political compromise and the secession of Southern states, forming the
Confederate States of America.
The war witnessed large-scale battles and brutal combat, resulting in an unprecedented loss of life
and destruction. It saw iconic clashes like the First Battle of Bull Run, Antietam, Gettysburg, and the siege
of Vicksburg. The Union army, under the leadership of figures such as President Abraham Lincoln and
General Ulysses S. Grant, gradually gained the upper hand through superior resources, industry, and
The Emancipation Proclamation, issued by President Lincoln in 1863, transformed the Union's
objective from solely preserving the Union to ending slavery. This move shifted the moral dimension of
the war, while also garnering international support for the Union cause.
The war culminated in the Confederate surrender at Appomattox Court House in 1865. The conflic t
claimed the lives of an estimated 620,000 soldiers and had a profound impact on the nation's politica l,
economic, and social fabric. The Union victory marked the triumph of federal authority over states' rights
and ultimately led to the abolition of slavery with the ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment.
The American Civil War remains a defining chapter in American history, shaping the nation's
trajectory and solidifying the United States as a unified and indivisible entity. It highlighted the tremendous
cost of resolving deeply rooted conflicts and served as a catalyst for social and political changes that
continued long after the guns fell silent.

6. When was the American Civil War fought?

a. 1776-1783
b. 1812-1815
c. 1861-1865
d. 1914-1918
7. What was the primary cause of the American Civil War?
a. Disputes over trade policies
b. Religious conflicts
c. Tensions over states' rights and slavery
d. Territorial expansion disputes
8. Which two sides were involved in the American Civil War?
a. Union and Confederacy
b. Patriots and Loyalists
c. Allies and Axis powers
d. North and South
9. What was the significance of the Emancipation Proclamation?
a. It officially ended the war.
b. It abolished slavery in the Confederacy.
c. It granted equal rights to all citizens.
d. It outlined terms for the Confederate surrender.
10. Which battle is considered the bloodiest single-day battle in American history?
a. Gettysburg
b. Antietam
c. First Battle of Bull Run
d. Vicksburg
11. Who was the President of the United States during the Civil War?
a. Andrew Johnson
b. Abraham Lincoln
c. Ulysses S. Grant
d. Robert E. Lee
12. What was the outcome of the American Civil War?
a. Confederacy achieved independence.
b. Slavery was abolished and the Union was preserved.
c. The United States split into two separate countries.
d. The war ended in a stalemate and continued for several more years.

For question 13 – 17, cross the letter you identify as an error.

13. The research findings(A) suggests(B) that regular exercise are(C) beneficial for maintaining good

14. The author argues(A) that the impacts of climate change is(B) mostly caused by human activities (C)
and it will(D) continue to worsen in the future.
15. The study concluded(A) that the majority of participants believes(B) that regular exercise(C) is the
key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle(D).
16. The company's annual report(A) stated that their(B) profits have significantly increased(C) by
50% compared to the previous year(D).
17. In the study, it were discovered(A) that a high intake of sugary drinks(B) are linked(C) to an
increased risk of obesity(D).
Read the dialogue below to answer question number 18-25!
Person A : (sighs deeply) Finally, the exams are over. I can't express how relieved I am!
Person B : Oh, trust me, I feel the exact same way. It's like a huge weight has been lifted off my
shoulders. I was so stressed out.
Person A : I know, right? The sleepless nights, the endless studying... It feels like it was never going
to end. But now, we can finally breathe.
Person B : Absolutely. I can't wait to do all the things I've been putting off, like catching up on
sleep, spending time with friends, and just enjoying life again.
Person A : That sounds incredible. And hey, remember that time we pulled an all-nighter together,
going over those complicated formulas? It was painful, but it paid off.
Person B : Oh yeah, I remember it vividly. It was one of the toughest nights of my life, but
it definitely helped us ace that section. The pain was worth it.
Person A : Definitely. Pain has a way of showing us what we're capable of. It pushes us to our limits
and makes us appreciate the moments of relief even more.
Person B : True, true. It's funny how relief and pain often go hand in hand. Without the pain, we
wouldn't fully understand the joy of relief.
Person A : You're absolutely right. It's like a bittersweet symphony. But for now, let's focus on the
sweet part and celebrate this moment of relief together!
Person B : I couldn't agree more. Let's make some amazing memories and cherish this feeling. No
more pain, at least for a little while.
18. What are Person A and Person B relieved about?
a. Completing a challenging project
b. Finishing a marathon
c. Concluding a series of exams
d. Resolving a conflict
19. What does Person B say about the experience of studying?
a. It was a waste of time
b. It was enjoyable and relaxing
c. It was stressful and tiring
d. It was an easy task to accomplish
20. How does Person A describe the nights leading up to the exams?
a. Filled with fun and excitement
b. Sleepless and worrisome
c. Productive and efficient
d. Relaxing and rejuvenating
21. According to Person B, what are some of the things they plan to do now that the exams are over?
a. Continue studying for other courses
b. Spend time with friends
c. Start a new project
d. Go on a vacation
22. What is Person A's opinion about the all-nighter they pulled?
a. It was a complete waste of time
b. It was a painful experience
c. It was a memorable and rewarding endeavor
d. It was an unnecessary sacrifice
23. What does Person B say about the relationship between pain and relief?
a. They are unrelated and independent experiences
b. Pain diminishes the joy of relief
c. Pain enhances the appreciation of relief d
d. Relief is only experienced in the absence of pain
24. How does Person A suggest they celebrate their relief?
a. By reflecting on the lessons learned during the exams
b. By organizing a study session for upcoming tests
c. By focusing on future challenges and goals
d. By making memories and enjoying life together
25. What is the final sentiment expressed by Person B in the dialogue?
a. They want to avoid experiencing pain in the future
b. They feel relief will be short-lived
c. They want to forget the past and move on
d. They aim to embrace and cherish the feeling of relief

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