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First of all, I would like to thank the forum organizer for inviting me to join today’s forum session.

Back to our discussion, as a human right activist, I would say that the curfew on teenagers are not

Why? Because first and foremost, putting curfew on teenagers clearly violates the human rights

There is a declaration, Universal Declaration of Human Rights that was proclaimed by United Nations
General Assembly back in the year 1948 and UN states that this declaration is a common standard
achievement for all people and all nation.

Teenage is also human. Therefore, this declaration also applies on them.

In this declaration, at least 10 of the 30 articles stated can be viewed as not supporting the curfews
implied on teenage.

As I mentioned my first point earlier, curfew on teenagers violates the human right.

In Article 13 of the declaration - Everyone has the right to freedom of movement

and residence within the borders of each state

Putting curfews such as teenage under the age of 18 cannot be at certain places
after 10 p.m. clearly violates the human rights. These teenagers do not have the
freedom to go to places they wanted to.

Meanwhile in Article 21 - everyone has the right to take part in the government of
his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives

Some of the curfews that did not allow teenagers to take part in any political association or activities
once again can be seen as violating the human right.

Teenagers should be allowed to join such activities because it will improve their self confidence and
exp as they are the future leaders

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