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Diocesan Schools of Urdaneta


Pozorrubio, Pangasinan


Name: _____________________________________ Grade & Section: ___________ Score: ____________
I. Multiple Choice. Write the letter of the best answer on the space provided before each number.
_______1. Which layer of the earth contains rocks that are moving slowly but continuously?
A. mantle B. crust C. outer core D. inner core
_______2. The Philippine fault that can affect several places in Metro Manila when it moves is called _______.
A. Western Philippine Fault C. Central Philippine Fault
B. West Valley Fault D. Eastern Philippine Fault
_______3. Which government agency in the Philippines monitors the earthquake?
_______4. What happens to the P-waves when they are approaching the molten part of the Earth’s interior?
A. they disappear C. become slower
B. the velocity increases D. remain the same
_______5. The region on Earth’s surface where violent earthquake is felt is called ____________.
A. epicenter B. crust C. focus D. plate tectonic
_______6. Which of the following describes the aftershocks correctly?
A. The aftershocks happen before the main shock.
B. The aftershocks are small earthquakes after the giant quake.
C. The aftershocks are the energy penetrating the earth.
D. The aftershocks can give predictions about the earthquake.
_______7. Which of the following seismic waves are detected first by seismograph?
A. L-waves B. S-waves C. P-waves D. R-waves
_______8. Scientists who study the earthquake are _____________.
A. Archaeologists B. Geologists C. Volcanologists D. Seismologists
_______9. Which of the following cannot be used as indicator of an approaching earthquake?
A. The animals have strange behaviour.
B. The place has experienced violent earthquakes in the previous years.
C. The place is situated in the fault line.
D. Prediction of a fortune-teller.
_______10. Which place in the Philippines was hit by a 7.2 magnitude earthquake last October 2013?
A. Cebu B. Iloilo C. Dumaguete D. Bohol
_______11. It refers to a smallest and innermost domain, whose boundary is closest to the Philippine Islands?
_______12. Which of the following tropical cyclone has a wind speed of 119-200 kph?
A. Tropical Depression C. Typhoon
B. Tropical Storm D. Super Typhoon
_______13. Which government agency in the Philippines monitors typhoon?
_______14. Tropical Cyclone reaches the maximum sustained winds of 58 kph is called _________?
A. Tropical Storm B. Tropical Depression C. Super Typhoon D. Typhoon
_______15. Which of the following places is most commonly used the term “Hurricanes”?
A. South Pacific C. Caribbean Sea
B. Indian Ocean D. Northwest Ocean
_______16. The intense circulating weather system that develops in the western part of the North Pacific Ocean
is called _____________?
A. Earthquake B. Tsunami C. Typhoon D. Climate
_______17. The following statements can happen when storm signal number 2 has been raised EXCEPT?
A. All big trees are uprooted.
B. Classes from pre-school to elementary school are cancelled.
C. All lines of communication are down.
D. Houses made in light materials can destroy.
_______18. Which of the following is frequently visited by typhoons?
A. Northern Luzon B. Palawan C. NCR D. Visayas
_______19. This are the ocean waves being pushed towards the shore through the force of the winds and
low pressure of a tropical cyclone?
A. Tropical Storm B. Storm Surge C. Typhoon D. Tropical Cyclone
_______20. Which of the following is the peak season for typhoons in the Philippines?
A. January B. February C. May D. December
_______21. It refers to a fracture on earth’s surface which the rocks have been offset.
A. epicenter B. crust C. focus D. fault
_______22. In which of the following refers to a big wave that resulted from sudden movement of gigantic
water masses due to an earthquake that comes from the sea bed.
A. Typhoon B. Earthquake C. Tsunami D. Flashfloods
_______23. It is a tool used by scientists to detect earthquake and its strength.
A. Thermometer B. Barometer C. Seismograph D. Infrogram
_______24. Which of the following is the fastest seismic waves?
A. L-waves B. S-waves C. P-waves D. R-waves
_______25. Which fault shows both horizontal and vertical movement?
A. Normal Fault C. Reverse Fault
B. Oblique Fault D. Strike Slip Fault
_______26. Which type of boundary happens when two plates slide past each other resulting to an earthquake?
A. Convergent B. Divergent C. Transform D. Sliding
_______27. Which of the following will NOT cause an earthquake?
A. Collision of plates B. Faulting C. Tsunami D. Volcanic Eruption
_______28. In which of the following you should do during an earthquake?
A. Secure all appliances.
B. Place breakables or heavy objects in bottom shelves.
C. Stay away from breakable things like glass which can shatter and hurt you.
D. Stay calm and immediately check for injuries and switch off electric circuits.
_______29. Which of the following is NOT true about tsunami?
A. It is caused by an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.
B. The seabed is displaced upward or downward by an earthquake.
C. The epicentre of the earthquake is located near the earth’s surface.
D. It can take only a few hours for a tsunami to travel across an entire ocean.
_______30. Which of the following is the magnitude of the strongest earthquake in the world?
A. 8.5 B. 9.0 C. 9.5 D. 9.8
_______31. Which of the following statements is TRUE about Hurricane?
A. It occurs in the Northwest Ocean after Pacific.
B. It forms over large bodies of relatively cold water.
C. It occurs in the Atlantic, Caribbean Sea and Northeast Ocean after Pacific.
D. None of these.
_______32. All of the following are required for typhoon formation and development EXCEPT _______.
A. Atmospheric stability
B. Low vertical wind shear
C. Enough Coriolis force to develop a low pressure center
D. High humidity in the lower to middle levels of the troposphere.
_______33. Which of the following you should do during an orange warning?
A. Monitor the weather condition
B. Be alert for possible evacuation
C. Stay at home and wait for the rain to stop
D. Evacuate the premises and pack important things
_______34. All of the following are basis for upgrading or downgrading a storm signal EXCEPT _________.
A. Eye of the storm
B. Forecast direction
C. Intensity
D. Speed of the tropical storm
_______35. Which of the following is caused by the Coriolis Effect?
A. Direction of the wind
B. Humidity of the wind
C. Temperature of the wind
D. Circular motion of the wind
_______36. Which part of the Philippines is prone to be hit by typhoons?
A. Central Luzon and Eastern part of the Philippines
B. Northern Luzon and Eastern part of the Philippines
C. Northern Luzon and Western part of the Philippines
D. Northern Luzon and Southern part of the Philippines
_______37. Which of the following explains why the Philippines is often visited by a typhoon?
A. It has a low lying costs.
B. It is located in the equator.
C. It is surrounded by cold ocean water.
D. It is located in the South-western Asia.
_______38. Which of the following safety precaution you should be done before a typhoon?
A. Do not panic and stay calm.
B. Keep a list of emergency numbers to call for rescue purposes.
C. Stay tune to the radio or TV for weather updates and flooding in your area.
D. Contact a knowledgeable person to check the electrical wirings before using them.
_______39. Which of the following safety precaution you should be done during a typhoon?
A. Do not panic and stay calm.
B. Keep a list of emergency numbers to call for rescue purposes.
C. Prepare first aid kit and no cook foods.
D. Contact a knowledgeable person to check the electrical wirings before using them.
_______40. Which of the following safety precaution you should be done after a typhoon?
A. Do not panic and stay calm.
B. Keep a list of emergency numbers to call for rescue purposes.
C. Stay tune to the radio or TV for weather updates and flooding in your area.
D. Contact a knowledgeable person to check the electrical wirings before using them.


Direction: Match the description in column A with the concepts in column B. And write your answer on the
space provided before the number.
_______1. A break in ricks along which displacement occurs A. earthquake
_______2. A measure of the effects of an earthquake on an area B. epicenter
_______3. The point of origin of energy released by an earthquake C. fault
_______4. A measure of the strength of an earthquake in terms D. focus
of energy released
_______5. The 10-point scale adopted by PHIVOLCS to measure E. intensity
the intensity of an earthquake
_______6. The shaking of Earth when energy stored in rocks F. landslide
beneath the ground is released
_______7. The point on Earth’s surface directly above the G. liquefaction
subsurface origin of an earthquake.
_______8. The destructive waves generated by the displacement H. magnitude
of water due to underwater seismic or volcanic activities.
_______9. The saturation of the ground with water due to I. PEIS
earthquakes, which causes the structures built above it
to tilt or sink. J. Rossi-Forel Scale
_______10. The downward movement of soil or rock because of
loose rock and soil materials and reduced cohesive K. tsunami
forces between particles due to ground shaking.
_______11. A tropical cyclone with the maximum sustained wind L. PAR
speed of 65 to 117 kph.
_______12. Tropical Cyclone with the maximum sustained wind M. tropical depression
speed of more than 200 kph.
_______13. Tropical cyclone with the maximum sustained wind N. supertyphoon
speed of 119 to 200 kph.
_______14. A tropical cyclone with the maximum sustained wind O. tropical storm
speed of 36 to 64 kph.
_______15. An area around the Philippines which PAGASA is P. typhoon
tasked to monitor tropical cyclones.

Direction: Complete the following acronyms given.

1. PAR- _________________________________________________________________________
2. TCWC- _______________________________________________________________________
3. ITZC- ________________________________________________________________________
4. PAGASA- _____________________________________________________________________
5. PHIVOLCS- ___________________________________________________________________

Direction: Give what is asked.

What to do BEFORE an Earthquake


What to do DURING an Earthquake


What to do AFTER an Earthquake


What to do BEFORE a Typhoon


What to do DURING a Typhoon


What to do AFTER a Typhoon


Prepared by
Subject Teacher

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