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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Lesson Plan in English 8

Date & Time: February 20, 2024 (8:45-9:45AM)

COMPETENCY: Analyze intention of words or expressions used in propaganda techniques (EN8V-IIIg-26)

CONTENT: Propaganda Techniques


A. Reference
 K to 12 Curriculum Guide, p.173-177
 Learning Module for English Grade 8



B. Instructional Materials: Television, printed pictures, slide presentation, illustration board and chalk

Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity

A. Daily Routine
1. Prayer Please all stand for the opening prayer. (Student will lead the prayer.)
Good morning Mrs.
2. Greetings Good morning class! Evangelista.

3. Classroom Before you take your seats, I want you to check the alignment of (The students will arrange
Management your chairs and pick up the pieces of papers on the floor. their chairs and will pick up
the pieces of papers on the
4. Attendance
Are there any absentees for today? (The students’ answers may
B. Review of the Past I am expecting everyone to be in their best behavior today. If you
Lesson want to answer/ question just raise your right hand. Is it clear? Yes.

Before we proceed to our new lesson, let’s have a review of what (The students will raise their
we have tackled last meeting. What was that again? hands to answer.)
“Ma’am about bias/es.”

And what is bias? (The student’s answer may

“Biases usually described as
Very good! It seems that you really understand our last topic. unfair or discrimination.
Engage Before we proceed to our discussion, first let’s have a game
entitled “Your Tagline Sounds Familiar.” I will group you into 6 with
5 members each. Please proceed to your group mates. Game Mechanics:
1.The class will be divided into
Altogether, please read the Game Mechanics. 6 groups.
2.Each group will receive an
illustration board and chalk.
3.The task of the group is to
guess the name of the
television commercial based
on the tagline that will be
flashed on the screen.
Class, are the mechanics clear?
Okay, let’s start! Are you ready? Yes ma’am!
Answer Key:
1. “We find ways” 1.BDO
2. “Batang may laban” 2.Bonakid
3. “Better stain removal in one wash” 3. Ariel
4. “It’s finger lickin good” 4. KFC
5. “Langhap sarap” 5. Jollibee

Ma’am what we have done

Now what can you say about the activity we had? What do we call was guessing the product
those line? based on the given taglines
and those where seen in
Integration: TLE television commercials.
Incorporating taglines into our TLE subject can enhance the
marketing aspect of selling our goods. By integrating taglines into
our TLE projects, we not only showcase our craftsmanship but also
demonstrate our ability to communicate effectively in the world of
business. These taglines act as powerful tools in promoting our
creations and enticing customers to explore what we have to offer.

Explore Now let us observe the printed posters.

(Students answers may vary.)

Processing questions:
Possible answers:
1. What have you observed on the presented commercial?
1. The commercial is
2. What is its tagline?
promoting a product.
3. Examine the use of rhetorical devices such as
2. Removes stains 2x more
exaggeration in the text of the poster. How do these
power that powder.
devices contribute to shaping public opinion?
3. To persuade buyers
4. Did the printed material persuade/encourage you to buy
4. Yes ma’am, because of the
or patronize the product?
catchy details.
Give yourselves a round of applause for a job well done.
Explain Based on your answers to the given questions what do you think is (The student’s answer may
our topic for today? vary.)
1. Pre-Discussion Commercial/Propaganda
Great! Today, we will be discussing about Propaganda Techniques.

Please read our lesson’s objective. At the end of the discussion,

the grade 8 learners are able
to analyze intention of words
or expressions used in
propaganda techniques.
2. During Discussion What do we mean when we ANALYZE? (The students answers may
ANALYZING means examining something base on the details and It means studying something
structure presented for the purpose of explanation and through detailed examination.

It is necessary to know first what is “propaganda” Propaganda is a dissemination

Please read the definition of propaganda. of information-facts,
arguments, rumors,
half0truths or lies to influence
public opinion.

In analyzing propaganda, you should read carefully or listen

carefully to the words or expressions it uses. Each word or
expression may mean something logical which we should examine
in details. Propaganda techniques is a
set of messages intended to
The different types of propaganda techniques are very important influence opinions of the
in analyzing. masses. Instead of telling
people the truth, propaganda
aims at manipulation of ideas
to influence a large number of

The most common techniques of propaganda:

(The students will read the
1. Bandwagon meaning of bandwagon.)
Bandwagon aims at
Examples: persuading people to do a
certain thing because many
people are doing it. This
 Maria has doubts about joining investment schemes that encourages people to take
promise 75% interest for 15 days. Because her family and the same course of action.
friends are doing it, so she decided to invest five thousand
pesos, anyway.

The 75% of 5000 is 3,750.

What is 75% of 5,000 pesos? How much money will Maria Maria will earn 8,750 pesos at
earn at the end of 15 days? the end of 15 days.

(It’s an example of bandwagon propaganda technique because

Maria was pressured to accept the idea of joining an investment
scheme knowing that everyone is doing it.)

Ma’am, it is a print ad of Head

Can you recognize what this print ad? and Shoulders.

It is The World’s No. 1 Anti-

Which part proves that this uses a bandwagon technique? Dandruff Shampoo.

2. Testimonial (The students will read the

meaning of testimonial.)
 A famous singer drinks a bottled water then she smiles and This propaganda technique
yell, “Things never change. Ever since I started singing, this uses words of an expert or a
drink has always been best for me, for my voice, and for my famous person to promote a
family!” particular idea.

(This is testimonial because a famous personality recommends a

product and speaks for its value.”)

Ma’am, Donny Pangilinan is in

What do you think is the indicator which proves that it is a the commercial.
testimonial? And why do you say so?

Good answer. Ma’am he claims that the

product helps to get all day
What other indicator did you notice? fresh breath.

3. Plain Folks (The students will read the

Examples: meaning of plain folks.)
Plain folks uses ordinary
people as endorsers to show
that the product is being used
by usual persons.

 In this picture a successful security guard who graduated

cum laude is drinking a kind of coffee which seems to be
enticing to common people. A husband and father, he is a
common person representing a large number of consumers.

(This picture uses plain folks propaganda technique because it uses

common people to sell or to promote a product.)

 A common family is shown in an advertisement happily or

excitedly having noodles for their dinner.
The word common family,
What made the statement plain folks? Explain your answer. ma’am.

Integration: Esp

The scenario provides an opportunity to explore the value of simple

joys and shared meals within the family unit. By reflecting on the
significance of coming together to enjoy meal, and importance of
spending quality time with loved ones. Yes ma’am.
We Christians, we start our meal with a prayer, am I right? Prayer
is our way of communication with God.

(The students will read the

4. Name Calling meaning of Name calling.)

Name Calling a technique

that persuades you to avail
the product or service
because of the negative
image it creates against
another product or service.

(This propaganda poster uses name calling to differentiate the look

of a burger sold over the counter and the burger promised in an
advertisements. It turned out to be that the “actual” Big N’ Tasty
burgers from the store were more flat and the burgers in
advertisements look very puffy and packed with delicious
ingredients. In this poster, the “actual” burger is given a bad name
so the viewers would dislike the product.)
A corrupt leader.
 A political candidate is labelling his opponent a corrupt
(The students will read the
meaning of glittering
What made the statement name calling?
Glittering generalities use of
words that evoke a positive
5. Glittering Generalities
emotional response from an
audience. For better effect,
brands appear to use
hyperbole, or metaphor to
attract more attention.
 A beach resort has its poster with a picture of a beautiful
view and a tagline that says, “Experience real paradise!”
(Learners do as told)
It uses the word paradise, a word that evokes a positive
emotional response from an audience.

(The student’s answers may

(Teacher will ask questions and let the learners answered it)

3.Post-Discussion Again, what are the four most commonly used propaganda Bandwagon, Testimonial, Plain
techniques? Folks, Name Calling

(The student’s answers may

But as a consumer, who buys goods and other products, what do “As a consumer, it is very
you think is the importance of knowing propaganda techniques? important to know the
propaganda techniques for us
to be able to choose or buy
Elaborate Let’s have another group activity. We will make use of the group
we had earlier, so please proceed to your group mates now.

(The teacher will distribute illustration board and chalk for each
group.) (Learners do as told.)
Please read the directions altogether.

Directions: Analyze intentions of words or expressions used in

each material. Then, tell what propaganda technique it is. Write
your answer on the illustration provided.
Answer key:

1. Testimonial
2. Name calling
1. 3. 3. Plain folks
4. Glittering generalities
5. Bandwagon
6. Plain folks
7. Testimonial
2. 4. 8. Bandwagon
9. Name calling
10. Testimonial

5. 6.

7. 8.

9. 10.

Do you have questions or clarifications regarding the activity? If

none, then let’s proceed to your next activity.

Evaluation Directions: Carefully read the following sentences. Analyze

intentions of words or expressions used. Then, tell what
propaganda technique it is.

____1. Tender Juicy Hotdog’s ‘’Kids Can Tell’’ Answer Key:

____2. Pepsi commercial which has a tag line ‘’The Choice of the
Generation’’. 1.Plain folks
____3. Yassi Pressman testify that she got her healthy white skin 2.Bandwagon
through using Silka. 3.Testimonial
____4. In a commercial of a certain facial wash, it uses assertion 4. Bandwagon
‘’Philippines’ No. 1 Skin Care Product’’. 5. Name Calling
____5. Taste our original chicken in his cell, unlike other roasted
chickens which use chemicals in preparing their products. Our
chickens are roasted using our secret and natural spices and
Assignment Look for the other propaganda techniques and give two examples
for each. Write it on your English notebook.

Prepared by:
Teacher I

Checked by: Noted by:

Head Teacher II Principal II

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