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Catch-up Subject: ENGLISH Grade Level: 7

Quarterly Theme: Compassion Date: March 8, 2024

Sub-theme: Compassion: Promoting Sustainable Development Duration: 60 minutes

Session By the end of this lesson, students will be able to actively engage in Subject English-Reading
Objectives: promoting sustainable development by cultivating an understanding of and Time: 10:00-11:00 AM
environmental conservation, social responsibility, and encouraging practical 11:00-12:00 AM
actions that contribute to a sustainable and harmonious future.

References: K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum

Materials: Ball made of paper, reading materials

Lesson Proper Duration Activities

2 minutes The teacher will begin by asking students what they understand by the term "compassion"
and how they think it contributes to sustainable development of the community and their
well-being and encourage them to share their thoughts and ideas.

Icebreaker Activity
Activity: "Chain Reaction"
5 minutes  Have students stand in a circle.
 Start by sharing a positive action they have done for someone else or for the
environment (e.g., helped a friend, conservation of natural resources, reducing
pollution, and protecting biodiversity).
 After sharing, they will pass a paper ball to another student in the circle.
 Each student shares, passing the paper ball until everyone has contributed.

Activity 1: Small Group Discussion

The teacher will divide students into small groups and assign each group a scenario related
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to promoting sustainable development. Ask them to discuss:

 How they would define sustainable development in this scenario.
 What actions they think would promote sustainable development on it.
 Any potential challenges or obstacles they might face in achieving sustainable
development in this situation.
10 minutes
Situation 1: The "Green School" Project
In a small town, the grade 7 students of Compassion National High School are enthusiastic
about making a positive impact on their community through sustainable development.
Inspired by their environmental science lessons, they decide to launch the "Green School"

The students begin by conducting an awareness campaign within the school. The students
initiate a series of eco-friendly practices within the school. To expand their impact beyond
the school walls, the grade 7 students engage with the local community. The students
decide to create a vegetable garden on the school grounds.

By the end of the school year, the "Green School" project has not only transformed
Compassion National High School into a model of sustainability but has also inspired other
schools in the region to embark on similar journeys toward a more environmentally
conscious future.

Situation 2: "The Eco-Friendly School Challenge"

The grade 7 class at Sta. Ana Integrated School takes on the "Eco-Friendly School
Challenge" initiated by their science teacher, Mrs. Rodriguez. Each student is tasked with
identifying one simple but impactful change they can implement within the school to
promote sustainability.

As part of the challenge, the students propose ideas ranging from setting up a paper
recycling station to creating a school garden for composting organic waste. They present
their ideas to the class, and together, they vote on the top three initiatives to implement
throughout the semester.

Excitement builds as the students work collaboratively to put their chosen projects into
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action. With the support of teachers and the school administration, Sta. Ana Integrated
School transforms into a hub of sustainable practices, inspiring not only the students but
also the entire school community to adopt eco-friendly habits.

Activity 2: Each group will choose one activity related to their scenario from the following
5 minutes per group  Role-playing: Act out the scenario, promoting sustainable development within the
given context.
Class Reflection The teacher will let each group to share their insights with the rest of the class. Encourage
5 minutes other students to ask questions or provide feedback.

Conclusion and 3 minutes In conclusion, emphasize the importance of promoting sustainable development in the
Homework community and encourage students to take an action.

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:


Teacher I Head Teacher I Principal II

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