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Event # _2__ is the beginning because Manuel the father of the bonifacio family was
diagnosed with a lung cancer,and doctor’s prediction that he had
only about two months or roughly “seven weeks” to live. So that’s why the story entitled
Seven Sundays
Event # _1__ is the middle because when the four children of family Bonifacio discovered the
bad news they’ve decided to visit and sleep with their father every sunday
Event # _3__ is the ending because Tatay Manuel received a
call from the family doctor telling him of the good news –
that he was not terminally ill,


The father of four announces to his kids that doctor’s prediction that he had
only about two months or roughly “seven weeks” to live and he is going to die soon.
He is a widower who feels lonely and misses the company of his grown-up children.
Upon learning of their father’s condition, the siblings decide to spend time with each
other on Sundays. Despite their personal issues and differences, they do this for their


During these Sundays, they reminisce about childhood and teenage memories, getting
to know each other again.
Each sibling has their own hidden problems. The eldest son, Allan, and the second
son, Bryan, have a talk about Bryan’s troubles.
One day, the father receives a call from his doctor stating that he made a wrong
diagnosis. The father decides not to reveal this to his kids until the truth is discovered
by Allan

The truth about the father’s real condition is revealed during a family confrontation,
unearthing past pains and leading to an exchange of painful words.
Eventually, the family works through their issues, resolves hurt emotions, and
appreciates their father’s sacrifices for the family.


A well-organized piece of writing flows, connects, and engages. In writing a story or

an essay, it is necessary to identify the sequence of events from the beginning to the
end. A strong organization comprises proper transitions and logical order of
presenting ideas.


C. It was 2:00 o’clock in the afternoon when Angelita called me over the phone and
said that she was waiting for me at the 7/11 store together with our other friends.
A. I knew that we would go to their house to celebrate her birthday, but during that
time, I was still in our school because of my training for campus journalism.
D. It was hard for me to choose what I should prioritize, but I ended up staying in
B. I talked to her and said sorry for what I had done. I explained my reasons for not
attending her birthday. At last, I was still thankful to her for understanding my
E. On the next day, I saw her inside our room, and it seemed that she did not want to
look at me.


There are differences in English performance between boys and girls. Nevertheless,
these differences cannot be attributed simply to differences in innate ability. If one
were to ask the children themselves, they would probably disagree.


1While I was studying my lesson, I heard a loud crash in the next room.
2Because I was afraid, I pulled the blankets on my bed.
3After I finally got up from where I was sitting, I heard the cat’s meow.

4I went to get a broom so that I could sweep up the broken pieces of the vase that had
fallen during the crash in the next room.
5I did not get very much sleep that night because the sound of the cat’s meow kept
echoing in my mind, and I couldn’t shake off the feeling of unease.

Coherence refers to the overall clarity and logic of a text.

It focuses on the overall organization of thoughts and ideas.

Cohesion refers to the degree to which the elements in a text are connected to one
It focuses on the grammatical and lexical connections between words and sentences.


Both are essential for effective communication in writing!


One of my favorite books is “Me Before You” by Jojo Moyes.It has a movie
adaptation directed by Thea Sharrock.Both the book and the movie share similarities
and differences.The plot remains consistent between the two.Some catches from the
book are not present in the movie.However, the movie adaptation captures the essence
of the book’s story.In terms of emotions, both the book and movie justify the tragic
ending of the story.Personally, I was more moved by the movie adaptation.
The visual scenes, character emotions, and dialogues were impactful.
However, both formats were enjoyable.The book provides a detailed experience.
It allows for a wild and curious journey for the reader.Given the choice between the
published book and the movie adaptation, I would choose the book.


What I Have Learned

Complete the sentences below:
1. A well-written text is/has_________________________________________.
2. Language use should be considered when writing a text because if not,
3. As a writer, I will ________________________________________________.

1. A well-written text is/has a method of expressing and communicating one’s

thoughts and ideas. It should be well-organized, coherent, and cohesive, use
appropriate language, and be mechanically neat1.

2.Language use should be considered when writing a text because if not, it may hinder
the smooth flow of your text’s message and lead to the downfall of your writing. It
has the potential to tarnish your credibility, weaken your argument, or alienate your
audience, potentially burying the purpose of your writing beneath 6 feet1.

3.As a writer, I will cherry-pick my words when writing. I will consider all
appropriate language use to effectively convey my message, as well as other aspects
of writing a well-written text. My goal is to create content that resonates with readers
and connects with their experiences and emotions


Declarative Sentence: COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by a newly

discovered coronavirus 1.

Interrogative Sentence: Can you follow the IATF guidelines to prevent the spreading
of the virus1.

Imperative Sentence: What are the things we can do so we can’t get COVID-191.

Exclamatory Sentence: Wow! The vaccine for COVID-19 is out now1.


Sequencing of events:


A.Therefore: .


C.All of the above

D Cohesion The way in which an author uses sentence structure to make the text
understandable to the reader
D.Cohesive Device

A. Mrs. Vista will accept late homework; however, she will take points off of the
grade.: This sentence shows the correct usage of a transition signal (“however”)
to indicate a contrast between two related ideas1

Nature of the underlined transition in the given sentence: “A total lockdown in

the entire city was implemented, so several businesses had stopped operating for
a month.”
The underlined transition in this sentence is an example of cause and effect. The
lockdown (cause) led to the businesses stopping their operations (effect) 1.
Precise and clear language:
The sentence that uses precise and clear language is B: “The movie is a classic
example of a horror movie because it incorporates all the elements of a horror
film.” This sentence clearly explains why the movie is considered a horror film 2.
Transitional devices indicating opposition, limitation, and contradiction:
All the options except for B. furthermore indicate opposition, limitation, or
contradiction. “Furthermore” is a transitional device that indicates addition, not
opposition or limitation 3.
Correct end punctuation for the sentence: “For heaven’s sake Paul, why do you
keep on mumbling__”
The correct end punctuation is a question mark (D). The sentence is asking a
question 3.
Example of language feature:
The phrase “vertically challenged” is an example of a euphemism (D). It is a
polite way to refer to someone who is shorter in height 3.
Specialized language used by groups of like-minded individuals:
The term jargon © refers to specialized language used by specific groups, such as
professionals or enthusiasts 3.
Sentence asking for information:
The sentence that is asking for information is D: “What do you think is the
easiest way to get to the train station on time?” It seeks information or advice 3.

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