Font 2014 Armatae

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A revision of Opuntia series Armatae K. Schum. (Opuntia ser. Elatae Britton &
Rose (Cactaceae-Opuntioideae). In: David Hunt (Ed.). Further Studies in the
Opuntioideae. Succulent Pl...

Chapter · January 2019


2 626

1 author:

Fabian Font
Universidad de Buenos Aires


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Opuntia series Armatae: Additions and corrections
FONt, F. (2014). A revision of Opuntia series Armatae K. Schum. (Opuntia ser. Elatae Britton &
Rose) (Cactaceae-Opuntioideae). In: Hunt, D. (ed.). Further Studies in the Opuntioideae. Succulent
Plant Research 8: 51–94.

After the publication of my Revision of the series Armatae I found a few typing errors and a map that
needs updating. these do not seriously affect the content of the paper, but I realise that analysis of the
“specimens examined” is made difficult by the lack an overall list of those cited. In this postscript I
admit I also omitted to associate the habitat photographs with the herbarium voucher specimens. I have
tried to remedy these omissions with the following lists of the exsiccatae indexed by collectors and
additional data for the captions to the photographs in the paper.

Fabián Font, February 2015.

List of exsiccatae
(ar) = Opuntia arechavaletae. (su-pa) = O. sulphurea v. pampena.
(bo) = O. bonaerensis. (rp) = O. rioplatense.
(el) = O. elata. (pe) = O. penicilligera.
(me) = O. megapotamica. NT = Neotype, LT= Lectotype, HT= Holotype.
(mo) = O. monacantha. -gl. = “in glass”.
* = mistakes

Alboff s.n.(el). 47334(el), s.n. BA 47329(el), s.n. BA 19322(el),

Angeli 69(mo). s.n. BA-gl. 21712(el), s.n. BA-gl. 21711(ar), s.n.
Arechavaleta s.n. (LP 14750)(ar)(HT). (LIL 15808)(ar).
Arbo & Schinini 556(el). Cusato 1508(me).
Arenas 1562(el), 1775(el), 1984(el), 1988(el), Dawson 3522(me).
2119(el), 2296(el), 2298(el), 2636(el), 3141(el), Delucchi 1020(rp), 1022(rp).
3230(el), 3233(el), 3436(el), 3462(el), 3459(el). Di Giacomo 412(el).
Arenas & Maranta 2447(el). Doello Jurado 29/49 (BA-gl.)(me), 30/768(el).
Arenas s. n. (BACP 155)(el), (BACP 2372)(el), Erb s.n.(rp).
(BACP 2380)(el). Eskuche 691(el), 693(el).
Bacigalupo & Kiesling 1786(el), 1791(el), 1792(rp). Fernández Velasco 1977(el).
Boelke 5149(bo). Font 212(rp), 214(mo), 229(el), 231(me), 232(su-pa),
Burkart 17911(ar), 21298(el), 21299(el), 22237(me), 246(el), 252(el), 254(el), 259(el), 291(el), 319(el),
22238(el), 23414(el), 24994(el), 25762(el), 389(el), 390(el), 405(rp), 406(me), 417(me)(NT),
25763(rp), 28016(me), 29562(rp), 30961(ar), 418(me), 419(bo), 421(me), 422(bo), 423(bo),
30962(me). 424(bo), 426(el), 428(el), 429(el), 430(rp),
Cabrera 7560(me), 7621(rp), 8126 (pe). 431(me), 432(me), 433(me), 434(el), 435(me),
Cardenas 4996(el). 441(ar), 444(el), 512(me), 531(pe), 532(pe),
Castellanos 19533(el), 19534(me), 24/1329(el), 533(pe), 536(el), 539(el), 540(me), 544(ar),
23151(mo), 24/1344(me), 24/883(me), 24/976(rp), 547(me), 550(rp), 551(rp), 552(el), 569(el),
24/975(rp), 24/1700 (BA-gl.)(rp), 25/855(me), 570(el), 573(el), 583(ar), 584(bo), 585(bo),
25/2615(me), 25/2619(me), 26/1849(me), 586(bo), 587(bo), 588(me), 589(me), 591(el),
26/2363(me), 27/196 (BA-gl.)(me), 28/540(el), 592(el), 593(el), 594(el), 595(el), 596(el), 597(el),
31/20 (BA-gl)(el), BA-gl. 1998(me), BA-gl. 598(el), 599(el), 600(el), 601(el), 602(el), 603(el),
30541(me), BA-gl. 55508(rp), BA-gl. 55726(me), 604(el), 605(rp), 606(el), 607(el), 608(rp),
BA-gl. 54768(me)(LT), s.n. BA 17378(bo), s.n. 609(rp), 610(rp), 611(rp), 612(rp), 614(rp),
BA 17383(rp), s.n. BA-gl 19321(el), s.n. BA 615(rp), 616(rp), 617(rp), 618(rp), 619(me),
Font: Opuntia series Armatae
620(me). Meyer 16(el).
Fortuna s.n. (BA-gl. 32594)(me). Molfino & Clos 484b(rp).
Fortunato et al. 8781(el). Mostacedo & González 2206(el).
Forzza et al. s.n. (el). Narosky & Izurieta 1(pe)(NT).
Fuentes 1193(el). Nee 48142(el), 50451(el).
Hauman 26/693 (BA-gl.)(rp). Nicora 6392(el), 6393(el)[*pg.70].
Hosking 2397(bo). Paula-Souza, J., et al. 6919(el), 7403(el).
Insfran 895(el). Pedersen 2846(el), 3820(el), 3935(el), 6288(me),
Kiesling 8732(pe), 9319(mo). 7336(el), 8151(el), 12560(el).
Kiesling et al. 9320(me). Pérez-Moreau 27/1883 (BA-gl.)(rp).
Krapovickas & Cristóbal 14939(el), 23736(el). Proyecto Ventana 760(me).
Krapovickas 27729(el), 29071(el), 27669(su-pa). Ragonese (BA-gl. 33033)(me).
Krapovickas et al. 17278(el), 20125(el), 24104(el), Ragonese & Piccinini 8768(me).
24570(el), 18041(el). Rosengurtt (BA-gl. 46212)(rp).
Leuenberger & Arroyo-L. 4493(el), 4498(me), Scarpa 29(el), 565(el).
4516(rp). Schinini 10007(el), 21015(el).
Logarzo 447(mo), 448(rp), 449(rp), 452(me), Schinini & Bordas 18196(el).
456(me), 457(me), 459(me), 460(me), 463(bo), Schinini & Vanni 21644(el).
477(rp), 479(rp), 480(ar), 481(rp), 482(me), Schinini et al. 18934(el).
483(el), 487(bo), 488(me), 490(me), 491(el), Schmeda 870(el).
493(me), 494(ar), 496(el), 497(el), 499(el), 500(el), Schroeder s.n. (Osten 16871)(ar), s.n.(Osten 16872)(rp).
501(el), 525(rp), 527(ar), 528(bo), 529(me), Seijo et al. 3377(el).
530(me), 531(me), 532(pe), 533(pe), 535(me), Sturzenegger s.n.(BACP)(el), s.n.(BACP 2678)(el),
538(ar), 539(me), 542(me), 544(bo), 546(bo), s.n.(BACP 2679)(el), s.n.(BACP 2681)(el).
547(pe), 548(me), 549(me), 551(bo), 553(bo), Suárez 130(el).
552(me), 555(ar), 556(bo). tressens et al. 2518(el), 3718(el), 6701(el).
Maranta 380(el), 453(el), 517(el). Venturi 2940(el), 3554(el).
Maranta & Arenas 320(el), 350(el). Villamil 5603(rp).
Mazzoconi 687(rp). Williams et al. 923(el).
Mereles 665(el). Woolston 1162(el).
Mereles et al. 8255(el), 8285(el).

Additional data for the illustrations

fl. = flower. fr. = fruit. s. = seed. * = mistakes.
AR = Argentina, BO = Bolivia (ta = tarija, SC = Santa Cruz), BRA = Brazil, PA = Paraguay
(Pa = Paraguarí, Bo = Boquerón, PH = Pres. Hayes), UR = Uruguay.

O. arechavaletae. 3, 6 (fl.), 7(fr.) AR, BA, San Andres de Giles, Font 441. 4. AR, BA, San Andres
de Giles [photo only]. 5. BR, RGS, Minas de Camaquá. Font 544.

O. bonaerensis. 9. AR, BA, tornquist, Font 423. 10 and 12. AR, BA, San Andres de Giles, Font
422. 11, AR, BA, tandil. Font 587. 13 (fr.), AR, ER, Gualeguaychú, Font 419. 14 (s.). Font 587
(seeds left) and Font 419 (seeds right).

O. elata. [16, 17 no change]. 18. BR, RGS, Quarai, Cerro do Jarau [photo only]. 19. BR, RGS, MdCa-
maqua, Font 539. 20. UR, Paysandú*, NW Uruguay, Font 536. 21 and 22. UR, tacuarembó, Valle
Eden * [photo only]. 23. AR, ER, Villaguay. [photo only]. 24. AR, CR, San Roque, Logarzo 497.
25. AR, SF, NW SF [photo only]. 26. AR, CH, Gral. Donovan, Pto. tirol, Font 573. 27. AR, SF, 9 de
Julio, Font 569. 28. PA, Pa, Quindy, Font 246. 29, 30. PA, Bo, Mcal. Estigarribia Font 259. 31. BO,
ta, Villa El Carmen. Font 291. 32. PA, PH, Río Pirahú. Font 254.33. BO, SC, Rio Seco. Font 390.
Font: Opuntia series Armatae
34 (fr. left to right). AR, FO, Clorinda, FF743; AR, CR, Curuzú Cuatiá, Font 594; AR, CR, Libertador,
Font 599; AR, ER, Feliciano* Font 601, AR, ER, Victoria* Font 604. 35 (fr. left to right). UR, Pay-
sandú*, Font 536; BO, SC, Río Seco Font 390; PA, Pa, Quindy, Font 246, PA, PH, Río Verde Font
252. 36 (s.) AR, CR, Goya Font 429; AR, CR, Mercedes Font 428. 37 (s.). AR, ER, La Paz, Font
603, AR, ER, Diamante Font 229 ; AR, ER, Victoria Font 604.
O. megapotamica. 38, 39. AR, ER, tala, Font 547; 40. AR, CO, Punilla Font 620. 41. AR, ER, Vil-
laguay [photo only]. 42. AR, BA, Villarino Font 231. 43. BR, RGS, MdCamaqua Font 540. 44, 45,
46. AR, BA, Moreno [Nt of O. prasina] Font 417. 47 (left to right). AR, ER, Diamante, Font 433;
AR, CO, San Alberto, Font 418; AR, BA, San Andres de Giles, Font 421; AR, BA, Moreno Font
417. 48 (fl.) Font 417, Font 231 and Font 418. 49. (fr.) Font 417 and Font 418. 50. (s.) Font 433,
Font 418, Font 417.

O. monacantha. 54–58. AR, BA, Castelar (Cult.) Font 214.

O. penicilligera. 60. AR, BA, Cnel. Pringles, Logarzo 532, 533. 61, 62 , 63. AR, ME, tunuyán
[photo only]. 59, 64, 65. AR, ME, tunuyán, Logarzo 547.
O. rioplatense. 71, 72. AR, SF, totoras [photo only]. 73. AR, BA, Luján, Font 608. 74. AR, ER,
Villaguay [photo only]. 75. AR, BA, Castelar [photo only]. 76. (fr, fl.). AR, ER, Villaguay Font 550
and AR, BA, Castelar. 77. AR, BA, Castelar [photo only].

Fig. 8 (updated) Geographical distribution

of O. arechavaletae and O. monacantha. Paraguay Rio de Janeiro



O. monacantha
Porto Alegre

O. arechavaletae

Buenos Aires

0 250 500 km
60º 50º 0 1000 2000 km

... and another omission

HUNt, D. (2014). An interim checklist of the subfamily Opuntioideae in the Caribbean region and
South America. In: Hunt, D. (ed.). Further Studies in the Opuntioideae. Succulent Plant Research 8:
201–223. Accidentally omitted on page 207, before O. monacantha was the following species:

02618 O. megapotamica Arcv 1905/AMM ser. 2, 1: 42. T: UY, nd. LT (Lbgr 2002/BJS 426)Arcv 1905/Urug.
2: 275, pl. 32. Distr: AR (widespread, often cult.), BR (Rio Grande do Sul), UY.
• Distinguished from O. monacantha by Leuenberger l.c. 423, 435 by its thick, almost orbicular brseg and
orange fl. It is also distinguished by its purple fruit pulp (Font 2014/SPR 8: 60).

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