Implementasi ESBN - Educational Serial Book Number Di Dalam Pendidikan

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JARDIKNAS (Journal of Education and Social Affairs) Volume 5 Number 2 2023


Implementation of ESBN (Educational Serial Book Number) in Improving Access

and Quality of Education

Rahmat Putra Yudha, S.Pd, M.Ed TESOL

Founder Virtual Education Academy

Methods are the key to achieving progress and sustainable development in a society. However,
the challenge of accessing quality education remains a global problem, especially in less
developed regions. In an attempt to address this problem, the concept of ESBN (Educational
Serial Book Number) has emerged as a potential solution. ESBN is a serial numbering system
applied to educational materials, allowing education managers to more effectively record,
track, and monitor educational resources.
This paper presents an overview of the concept, implementation, impact, and benefits of using
ESBNs in improving accessibility and quality of education. Through the analysis of ESBN
concepts, we explain how ESBN can improve the accessibility of education by facilitating a
more equitable distribution of educational materials and easier online access. We are also
exploring the impact of using ESBNs on the quality of educational materials through more
effective monitoring and evaluation.
By implementing the ESBN concept effectively, it is expected to create a more inclusive,
measurable, and quality educational environment for all individuals, thus encouraging the
achievement of sustainable development goals in the field of education.
Keywords: Educational Serial Book Number, ESBN, Educational Book Series.

INTRODUCTION improving access and quality of education. We

Education is the main foundation in the will explore the definition of ESBN, methods
development of a nation. However, access to of its implementation, as well as analyze its
quality education is often a challenge, impact on the accessibility of educational
especially in less developed regions. In materials and the overall quality of education.
addition, administrative problems in the By understanding more about the concept and
management of educational materials can also potential of ESBN, it is hoped that we can find
hamper efforts to improve the overall quality more effective solutions in improving the
of education. accessibility and quality of education around
In recent years, the concept of ESBN the world.
(Educational Serial Book Number) has History, Concept and Understanding of ESBN
emerged as a potential solution to address History of ESBN
several problems in education management. ESBN numbers under the ESAA Project
ESBN is a serial numbering system applied to European Commission consortium ID2021048
educational materials, enabling more include National and International
effective tracking, monitoring, and evaluation organizations such as Oceans-Network
of educational resources. European, ESAA Organization Europe,
This paper aims to explore the concept, Indonesian Literacy Association, Mata Garuda
implementation, and impact of ESBN in LPDP West Kalimantan, LPDP Teachers

Association, PGRI West Kalimantan Publisher With the implementation of ESBN, it is
and Yudha English Gallery. The initiator and expected to create an educational
inventor of this coding is Rahmat Putra Yudha, environment that is more structured,
M.Ed TESOL, as the coordinator of this measurable, and responsive to the needs of
International Project. students and society as a whole.
Understanding ESBN Types of Educational Books
ESBN (Educational Serial Book Number) is a 1. Textbook – (Textbook)
serial numbering system applied to
Textbooks are written instructional materials
educational materials, similar to ISBN used in teaching a particular subject or
(International Standard Book Number) used course. Textbooks are usually written by
subject matter experts and are designed to
for books. The ESBN concept is designed to provide comprehensive coverage of key
provide a unique identification to each concepts, theories, and topics related to a
particular field of study.
educational material, including textbooks,
learning modules, audiovisual materials, and Textbooks are commonly used in formal
educational settings, such as schools and
other educational resources. universities, and are often considered a
The use of ESBNs enables more efficient and fundamental component of the curriculum.
They can be used to teach a variety of
effective management of educational subjects, including mathematics, science,
materials in the following ways: history, literature, and foreign languages.

Record and Track: Each educational material 2. Enrichment book

is assigned a unique ESBN serial number,
An enrichment book is a type of book designed
making it easy to record and track that to provide additional learning opportunities
educational resource from production to end and expand the reader's knowledge beyond
the basic curriculum. Enrichment books are
use. typically used to supplement formal
Monitoring and Evaluation: With the ESBN education, and can be used by students,
educators, or individuals interested in
serial number, education managers can independent learning.
monitor and evaluate the use of educational
3. Reference Book
materials more systematically. This allows the
identification of the most effective and A reference book is a type of book designed to
relevant resources to improve the quality of provide quick access to information on a
variety of topics. Reference books are usually
learning. organized in such a way that makes it easier
Transparency and Accountability: ESBN also for readers to find the information they need
quickly and efficiently.
increases transparency and accountability in
education management by providing clear and Examples of reference books include
dictionaries, encyclopedias, atlases,
measurable information about educational almanacs, and directories. These books are
materials used in the learning process. usually arranged alphabetically, by subject, or
by geographic region, and may include
indexes, glossaries, and other reference tools

to help readers find the information they A module is a self-contained unit of
need. instruction designed to teach a specific topic
or set of related topics. Modules are often
4. Student/teacher worksheet – used in educational settings, such as schools,
(Student/Teacher Work) universities, and corporate training programs,
to provide a structured approach to learning.
Student/teacher worksheets are one type of
teaching material used in education to Modules typically include a set of learning
support student learning and teacher objectives, teaching materials, and
instruction. assessment tools. Teaching materials can
include written content, videos, audio
Student worksheets are usually documents recordings, interactive exercises, and other
that provide students with structured types of multimedia resources. Assessment
activities, exercises, or questions related to a tools can be quizzes, tests, or other types of
particular topic or subject. These worksheets assessments used to evaluate
can be used to reinforce concepts learned in
class, to provide additional practice, or to 7. Monographs / Research Report
assess student understanding. Student
worksheets can be in a variety of formats, Monographs and research reports are two
including multiple choice, short answer, blank types of documents commonly used in
fill, or essay questions. academic and research settings to
communicate research findings and scientific
A teacher worksheet is a document used by information.
teachers to plan and organize their teaching.
These worksheets usually include information A monograph is a detailed and in-depth study
about lesson objectives, materials needed, of a particular topic, often written by a single
and learning strategies to be used. Teacher author or a small group of authors.
worksheets can also include suggested Monographs can be published as standalone
activities, discussion questions, or assessment books, or as part of larger series or
tools to help teachers assess student learning. collections. They typically present original
research and analysis, and may include
5. Education Report / Best Practice Collection extensive literature reviews, data analysis,
in Education and theoretical discussions.

An education report is a document that A research report is a document that presents

provides analysis of a particular aspect of the findings of a particular research project or
education, such as student achievement, study. Research reports are usually shorter
education policy, or teacher training. These and more focused than monographs, and can
reports can be produced by government be written by a single author or a team of
agencies, educational organizations, or researchers. They often include sections on
research institutions, and are commonly used research methodology, data analysis, and
to inform decision-making and policy conclusions, and may be published in
development in the education sector. academic journals, research repositories, or
other outlets.
A collection of best practices in education is a
compilation of case studies or examples of 8. Guidebooks / Tutorials
successful educational programs or practices
that have been implemented in various A guidebook is a document that provides step-
contexts. The collection can be used to inspire by-step instructions or guidance on how to
innovation and improvement in education by perform a specific task or achieve a specific
highlighting successful models that can be goal. Handbooks can be written for a wide
adapted and replicated elsewhere. audience, from beginners to advanced
practitioners, and can cover topics such as
6. Module/e-module – (Module / E-Module)

software applications, technical procedures, that encourages curiosity and fosters a love of
or other complex processes. learning.

A tutorial is a type of instructional material Songs can also be a valuable educational tool,
that provides hands-on instruction and particularly in language learning, as they can
practice in a particular skill or process. help students learn vocabulary, grammar, and
Tutorials can take many forms, including pronunciation in a fun and memorable way.
videos, interactive simulations, or face-to- Songs can also be used to teach history,
face workshops. They typically provide a culture, and social issues, and can encourage
structured learning experience, with clear students to explore different genres and styles
objectives, activities, and assessments of music.
designed to help learners acquire new
knowledge and skills. METHOD
The implementation of ESBN requires
9. Translation Book of Educational Book
structured and coordinated measures to
An educational book translation book is a ensure its effective use in education
version of an original educational book that
has been translated from one language to management. Here are some steps in the ESBN
another. Translated books are commonly used implementation method:
to make educational materials available to
students and educators in different countries 1. Needs Analysis: Identify the needs and
or regions, and can help promote cross- objectives of ESBN implementation in
cultural understanding and exchange.
the context of the education
The process of translating an educational book concerned. This includes an
involves several stages, including selecting a
translator who is fluent in both the source and understanding of the types of
target languages, working closely with the educational materials that will be
translator to ensure that key concepts and
ideas are conveyed accurately, and reviewing assigned ESBN serial numbers, the
and editing the translated text to ensure its available technology infrastructure,
quality and accuracy.
and relevant education policies.
0. Educational products such as (movies, 2. System and Infrastructure Preparation:
media, and Songs) – (Others Education Movie,
Song, or Media) Prepare the systems and infrastructure
needed to support ESBN
Movies can be used to teach history,
literature, and social studies by depicting implementation. This includes the
events, characters, and themes visually and development of custom software or
dynamically. They can also be used to
introduce new concepts, promote critical platforms, database maintenance for
thinking, and encourage discussion and debate ESBN serial number storage, and
among students.
training of related staff.
Media, such as podcasts and documentaries, 3. ESBN Serial Numbering: Each
can give students access to a wide range of
educational material that will be
information and perspectives, and can be used
to teach a wide range of subjects, from incorporated into the ESBN system is
science and technology to politics and
assigned a unique serial number. This
economics. By incorporating media into the
curriculum, teachers can create a more process involves registering materials,
diverse and inclusive learning environment

validating serial numbers, and distribute educational materials evenly to
recording related information in students in different regions. In addition, with
databases. the ESBN system, online accessibility to
4. Data Management and Utilization: educational materials can also be improved.
Manage ESBN data effectively to Educational materials that are assigned ESBN
enable optimal use in education serial numbers can be easily accessed
management. This includes regular digitally, allowing students to study
database maintenance, monitoring the independently anywhere and anytime.
use of educational materials, and 2. What impact does the use of ESBN have on
analyzing data for performance the quality of educational materials?
evaluation. The use of ESBN has a positive impact on the
5. Training and Socialization: Conduct quality of educational materials through more
training to relevant staff on the use of effective monitoring and evaluation. With the
ESBN systems and their benefits in ESBN serial number, education managers can
education management. In addition, track the use of educational materials more
conduct socialization to relevant systematically. This allows them to evaluate
stakeholders about the the performance of educational materials,
implementation of ESBN and their role including evaluating the effectiveness,
in its use. relevance, and accuracy of the material's
6. Evaluation and Improvement: Conduct content. In addition, the use of ESBN also
periodic evaluations of ESBN facilitates monitoring of compliance with
implementation to identify successes established educational standards. Thus, the
and challenges faced. Use these use of ESBN as a whole can improve the quality
findings to make improvements and of educational materials by providing relevant
improvements in overall ESBN system information for the improvement and
usage. improvement of educational content.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3. How is the process of managing and
1. How can ESBN implementation improve utilizing ESBN data carried out?
education accessibility? The process of managing and utilizing ESBN
ESBN implementation can improve education data involves several practical steps. First,
accessibility in several ways. First, by ESBN serial number data needs to be stored
assigning a unique serial number to each and managed in a structured and secure
educational material, ESBN facilitates more database. Each time a new educational
effective recording and tracking of material is assigned an ESBN serial number,
educational resources. This allows education this data needs to be updated in the system.
providers to easily identify, organize, and Furthermore, the data can be utilized for

various purposes, such as monitoring the use digits of the Year published and 1 digit of the
of educational materials, evaluating the Type of Education Book. Barcodes use the
performance of educational materials, and code 128 system. Code 128 is a type of
making decisions related to curriculum barcode used to store information in the form
development. Through ESBN data analysis, of numbers, uppercase letters, lowercase
education managers can identify trends, letters, and other special characters. Each
needs, and opportunities to improve the character is represented by a different
efficiency and quality of the education system pattern of lines and spacing. Code 128 can
as a whole. store up to 128 characters and can be used in
Abbreviation various industries. The line and space patterns
in Code 128 are designed in such a way that
The abbreviation that has been commonly
barcodes can be easily read by barcode
used is ESBN, namely Educational Serial Book
reading machines, and the information
contained in barcodes can be translated with
Numbering and Format
high accuracy.
like ISBNs, ESBNs have been registered with
GS1 US by Using GS1 US GTIN as ESBN prefix. Website:
The ESBN No consists of a 3-digit Country
Email :
Code, 7 unique digits of the Book Number, 2

Table 1. Format ESBN

Table 2. Realtime book tracking

Check ESBN No at https://

Conclusion and evaluation of ESBN implementation to
The implementation of ESBN (Educational identify successes and challenges faced. The
Serial Book Number) has great potential in results of this evaluation can be used to make
improving the accessibility and quality of improvements and improvements in the use of
education. By providing unique identification the ESBN system as a whole.
to each educational material, ESBN enables
Equitable Internet Access Provision: To
education managers to more effectively
support online accessibility to educational
record, track, and monitor educational
materials, it is important to ensure equitable
resources. This can improve the equitable
availability of internet access throughout the
distribution and online accessibility of
region. This can be done through investment
educational materials, as well as facilitate
in information and communication technology
more systematic monitoring of the quality of
infrastructure and internet access fee waiver
educational materials.
programs for people in need.
In addition, the use of ESBN can also improve
By implementing the suggestions above, it is
the quality of educational materials through a
hoped that the implementation of ESBN can
more effective evaluation of the performance
make a significant contribution in improving
of these materials. With the ESBN serial
the accessibility and quality of education, as
number, education managers can easily track
well as ensuring that every individual has the
the use of educational materials, evaluate the
same opportunity to get quality education.
effectiveness of content, and ensure
compliance with established educational
ESBN (2021). Education Serial book Number.
Suggestion Retrieved from https://esbn- on 20th January 2024
Broad Applicability: Governments,
educational institutions, and relevant
stakeholders need to work together to Jihanzhafira. (2022). ESBN as an ISBN
Alternative. Kompasiana. Accessed on
encourage broad adoption of ESBNs in the
education system. This includes providing afira2675/65977abbc57afb0f4a2c9a22/
training to relevant staff, ensuring the
availability of necessary infrastructure, and
developing policies that support the use of Doe, J. (2018). The Impact of ISBN on the Book
Market: A Historical Analysis.
ESBNs. International Journal of Book Studies,
15(2), 45-58.
Continuous Monitoring and Evaluation: It is
important to conduct continuous monitoring

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Identification of Educational Books and
Alternatives to ISBNs. Accessed on

UNESCO. (2020). Education: From disruption

to recovery. Retrieved from

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Alternative ISBN. Accessed on

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