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Kiln The Cookbook Coutents BEVERAGES taumin Green Mango Shake 4 Guyabano Cooler 5 Sago't Gulaman 6 Salabat 7 Ginumis 8 Spicy Dilis 13 Pinalutong na Kangkong 14 Sisig 15 Tokwa't Baboy 16 Tausi Chicken Feet 17 Inihawna Pusit 18 Crispy Alimasag 19 inilaw na Tanguigue 20 sour MEALS Sabaw Sinigang 24-26 Nilaga 27 Tinolang Manok 28 Binakol 29 Bachoy 30 Pancit Molo 34 Bulalo 32 WEGETABLE BISHES Gulay Lumpiang Sariwa 36 Lumpiang Ubod 37 Lumpiang Shanghai 38 Pilipinc Salad 39 Bulanglang 40 Pinakbet 41 Dinengdeng 42 Bikol Express 43 Chopsuey 44 Laing 45 Munggong Guisado 46 Arroz Caldo 50 Paella 51 Bringhe 52 Arroz Valenciana 53 Mami 54 Pancit Bihon 55, Pancit Canton 56 Pancit Palabok/Pancit Luglug 57 Pancit Malabon 58 Pancit Sotanghon 59 MAIN DISHES Ulam Adobo 64-66 Relleno 67-71 Inihaw 72-73 Barbecue 74 Apritada 75 Paksiw 76-77 Caldereta 78 Kalderetang Kambing 79 Pastel 80-81 Sweet and Sour 82-83 Lechon Manok 84 Lechen Kawali 85 Binagoongang Baboy 86 Embutido 87 Crispy Pata 88 Kare-Kare 89 Dinuguan 90 Humba 94 Morcon 92 Beefsteak 93 Mechado 94 Menudo 95 Arroz ala Cubana 96 Callos 97 Pesang Dalag sa Miso 98 Camaron Rebosado 99 Cardillo 100 Bangus in Tausi 101 Chicken Curry 102 Bopis 103 Lengua Estofada 104 Puchero with Eggplant Sauce 105 Kekiam 106 Pata Tim 107 Jardinera 108 DESSERT: nghimagas Leche Flan 112 Haleyang Ube 113 Buko Salad 114 Pulboron 115 Yema 116 Pastillas de Leche 117 Pandan Cake 118 Buko Pie 120 Inipit 121 Brazo de Mercedes 122 Canonigo 123 Borracho 124 Crema de Fruta 125 Macaroons 126 Halo-Halo 127 Ginataang Halo-Halo 128 ATIVE DELICACIES Kakanin Cuchinta 132 Putong Puti 133 Tamales 134 Suman sa Lihia 136 Suman sa Ibus 138 Pinipig Kalamay 140 Bibingkang Malagkit 141 Cassava Bibingka 142 Puto Bumbong 143 Maja Blanca 144 Pichi-Pichi 145 Espasol 146 Tikey 147 OD PRESERVATION Pag-limbak ng Pagkain Longanisa 152 Tocino 153 Tinapa, Sardinas at Daing na Bangus 154 Tapa 156 Atsara 187 Mango Chutney 158 Banana Chips 159 Tsampoy 160 Homemade Fruit Cocktail 161 Banana Catsup 162 Peanut Butter 163 Tahu 164 Glossary 168 English Names of Local Foods 169 index 171 MANGO, BEING the national fruit is given star status. It used to be a seasonal fruit, with Zambales sand Pangasinan’s produce os the best until it has become a year round fruit due to induced flowering and artificial ripening. Unripe or green mango is enjoyed with bagoong alamang while Tipe mango is good, eaten as is or with suman sa ibus. Today, another way to have it whether ripe or unripe is as a drink mode by pureeing the fruit, | cup sugar Boil sugar and water tagether. Cool, Put l cup water cubed mango and water in a blender and Z___cups cubed green mango Process until smooth. Add syrup* and z cups water Some crushed ice, Process again until smooth. Serve cold. instead of syrup, honey with a pinch of salt can be used to sweeten the shake, (RT Cee creas nenaeeccenesssuses Peeceeewessaseneeeeaseanns Puyabano Cooler HARD-WORKING AGRICULTURAL folks hove their own fovorite thirstquenchers when it comes to relieving their tired bodies. Some fovor bosi, others toby and some dambanag, City dwellers mostly drink coffee ond softdrinks. Yet even if Flipinos ore not frequent juice drinkers we enjoy juices made from local fruits like mangoes, kelamonsi, dalanghito, pineopple ond guycbano. I cup guyabano pulp, seeded Mix together the guyabano pulp, kalamansi z tablespoons kalamansi juice juice and sugar. Transfer to a blender. Add A” cup sugar some ice or cold water then process until smooth. Serve cold, crushed ice See Ree roeeee reese EsesenesernescoenoeseeeeseeeesS Fruits and their seasons Certain fruits make their appearances at certain times of the year. Unlike banana and papaya which are abundant all-year round, fruits like chico, ads, guyabano and lansones are enjoyed for a mere 2-3 a4 months in a year. December up to the early months of the year is the * time for kaimito or star apple, dalanghita or native oranges, suha or ‘4 pomelo, chico and aris. Summer time means avocado, dubett, mangea j makopa, pakwan or watermelon, melon and pineapple. And the rainy -— imonths are the time for guavas, guyahano, lansones and sancal, i wy Saget Futana SAGO'T GULAMAN is a very popular refreshment. In restaurants it is served in a tall, footed loss, in neighborhood stores it is ladled into plastic cups and in street stands it is simply poured into plastic bags and provided with straw. It can be taken as an affer-meal beverage-dessert, a snack or a drink to accompany another merienda item. Sago itself is also seen in Iahy, Ginafaan cand Ginumis while gulamon which is made from seaweed called agar-agar can be eaten as a gelatin dessert with or without fruits, cups sugar cups water Boiled sago™ cooked gulaman, cubed crushed ice Caramelize sugar in a saucepan. When melted, pour in the water. Continue cock- ing until the sugar is completely dissalved. | Con! completely. Add some of the cooled arnibal or syrup to the sago to sweeten it _ Ina glass, put some sago and guiaman. Add enough arnibal to sweeten. Fill with Ice or add ice-cold water. * To cook sago: Boil water in a saucepan, Add im uncooked sago. Stir to prevent ‘sticking. Cook until transparent. Drain then singe. Salabat SLEEPY CHURCH-GOERS who woke up at dawn to attend Misa de Gallo or Christmas Midnight Mass always look forward to seeing the small fiendas selling plump bibingka and freshly made puto bumbong served with hot safabat that soothes 1! 1 kilo ginger, peeled and grated brown sugar i throat and wokes the taste buds. Puree grated ginger in a food processor until fine. Pass through a sieve to extract the juice. Without a food processor, squeeze juice from the grated ginger us- ing a cheesecloth. For every cup of ginger juice, add 2 cups of brown sugar. Gook in a karajay over medium heat until thick white stirring con stantly. Lower heat and continue cooking until dry and powdery, Cool. Pulverize in the food processor until very fine or pound with a mortar and pestle. Pack in jars or plastic bags. To reconstitute, dissolve 1- 2 teaspoons instant salabat in a cup of hot water, PFinnonis GINUMIS IS 0 cross between Sago’? Gulaman and Halo-Halo, using the basic ingredients of the former but looking more like the latter, Instead of brawn sugar, panocha is used. This is crude sugar molded in a coconut half-shell and used for a lot of our kokanin. PANOCHA SYRUP 1 kilo panocha 2 cups water cooked sago toasted pinipig cooked gulaman, cubed kakang gata crushed ice Cook panocha in water until itis completely dissolved. Strain to remove impurities. Return to the saucepan and cook until thick. Cool. In a tall glass, put some Sago, pinipig and guiaman. Add some gata and sweeten with panocha syrup, Fill with crushed ice. Choy AN EASY way to fry this shrimp pattie is to spread the batter and foppings on a round piece of banana leaf then to slide the entire thing into the hot oil, Aside from fogue, kalabaso, unripe popaya or kamote can be used. cup Gold Medal all-purpose flour cup cornstarch a teaspoons baking powder 14 teaspoons salt ‘4 teaspoon pepper Va cup atsuete water 14 cups shrimp I egg, well-beaten oil for deep-frying TOPPING 2° cups mongo sprouts or togue I cup chopped spring onion IT pieces tokwa, cut into strips lo small sl ps, cleaned 12 In a bowl, sift the first 5 ingredients to- gether. Blend in the atsuete water, shrimp juice and egg. Beat until smooth. Set aside. Heat oil for deep-frying. In @ Saucer, arrange a bed of mongo sprouts. Top with some spring onions, tokwa and shrimps, Add about 1/3 cup of batter, Slide the mixture carefully into the hot oil. Fry until crisp and brown on both sides, Drain. Serve with vinegar-garlic sauce seasoned with salt and pepper. Spicy Dilis INUMAN WHETHER ot home, in o pub or just the neighborhood sarisori store will come up short without puluton, Strictly speaking, only Foods that can be picked up with the fingers ore considered pulutan. Crisp ond spicy dils is just ane of the many fovorites of local drinkers | egg ‘4 __cup brown sugar 2 teaspoons salt 4-5 pieces siling labuyo, chopped ‘4 __cup cornstarch lis for deep-frying In a bowl, beat egg until fluffy then add Sugar, Salt and siling labuyo. Blend in cornstarch and beat until smooth. Pour mixture over dilis and stir until completely coated, Deep-fry until crisp and golden brown. Pinaluteng na Kanghong PREVIOUSLY SEEN only in sinigang or as adobo, the lowly kangkong has found its way into Teslourant fobles:as csp hlters:sorved as oppor: bundle kangkong <88 cup ice-cold water ‘cups cornstarch % cup Gold Medal all-purpose flour teaspoon salt ‘teaspoon pepper oil for frying 14 Remove leaves from the stems of the kangkang. Wash and dry. In a bow, lightly beat the egg then add the ice-cold water, cornstarch, flour, salt and pepper. Mix well, Heat oil for frying. Deep. kangkong in batter then drop into the hot oil. Deep. fry until crisp and golden brown. Drain. =) N] my Yo Stig ANY MOTORIST passing Angeles will surely take note of the so-called sisig junction. Sizzling pig’s head meat cooked in vinegar and spices is just one of the many landmarks of Pampanga cooking. kilos pig’s head tablespoons ai tablespoons minced garlic cup chopped onions cup chopped red bell pepper Ya cup chopped broiled liver pats to taste CCS cup white vinegar tablespoon liquid Sseasoniny beef bouillon cube teaspoon crushed Peppercorn cups soup stock chopped siling labuyo to taste Broil or gril pig's head to remove any hair. Boil until hali-cooked, debone then cut into cubes. 'n a skillet, heat oil then saute garlic, on- ion, bell pepper, pork and liver. Season with patis, vinegar, liquid seasoning, bouil- lon and peppercorns. Add stock then bring toa boi. Simmer until liquid is reduced. ‘Serve on-a sizzling plate. Tohwat Caboy PANCIT PALABOK is never complete without a side dish of pork and tokwa pieces marinated in vinegar and soy sauce. Traditionally, the ears and cheeks of the pig are used but nowadays the more meaty parts are preferred ‘% kilo pork kasim crushed cup cup soy sauce teaspoon salt onions, chopped 16 Boil park with some salt and water. Cook until tender then drain and cut into cubes. Fry tokwa in hot oil then cut into cubes. Mix together garlic, vinegar, soy sauce, salt and onions, Serve with the mixture of pork and tokwa cubes. Tansi icken Feet WASTE NOT, want not. For the wise Filipino, only the feathers of the chicken ore not used in cooking. Meaty parts ore made into main dishes, bony parts are added to soups, liver and gizzard complement other dishes, chicken toils ond skin are fried until crisp, the blood is used in dinuguan, intestines, heod and even the feet ore borbecued, And afterwards, the bones are feasted on by dogs: 1 kilo chicken feet, washed id_ cleaned ch of orange or egg yellow food color oil for deep-fi a tablespoon crushed garlic teaspoon minced ginger 3 tablespoons tausi, mashed z tablespoons soy sauce 2 pieces siling labuyo, sliced 2 cups water I segment star anise 1 tablespoon sesame oil 17 Cut chicken feet into 2 diagenally. Put in a bowl and add some food color to tint. Set aside for a few minutes. Heat oil in a skillet. Deep-try chicken feet until crisp, Drain. Lessen the oil leaving just 2 tablespoons. Saute garlic, ginger, jausi, soy sauce and siling labuyo. Add water and star anise. Simmer for 5 min- utes then add chicken feet and sesame il. Cover and cook until chicken is ten- der and sauce is thick. This can alsa be done by steaming, hithaw iva Pusit STREET FOOD is a common sight in Asia. In China, Thailand or Hongkong one sees carts selling steamed and fried foods ecrly in the morning up to late at night. In the Philippines, a barbecue stand consisting of just one small fable and a grller has become a street mainstay and its selection will not be complete without inihaw na pusit. kilo fresh squid Wash squid, remove membranes and ink cup soy sauce sen Seaside the ink sac for other use. cup honey eel off the skin from the bodies. cup brown:sugar In a bowl, combine all the ingredients and teaspoons salt marinate for 15 to 30 minutes, Skewer on teaspoon minced g barbecue sticks. Broil over hot coals but teaspoon minced ginger don't overcook. Serve with a vinegar T teaspoon minced Soy Sauce dip. (SEE TOKWA'T BABOY) ing labuyo fi) Trt t tee e enw eeneneccsensnes FILIPINOS enjoy crabs of all sizes. Fafangke or very small crabs rich in fat are cooked in coconut milk or squeezed out of their fat or aligi. Larhe crabs ore steamed, bailed or stuffed. And small crabs with soft shells are dipped in batter and deeprfried until crisp. ‘2 kilo small alimasag Clean alimasag, wash thoroughly then cut 1 egg, slightly beaten in half. Place in a bowl and add the re- % cup Gold Medal maining ingredients. Toss to coat. Fry all-purpose flour until golden brown and crisp. & teaspoon salt ‘4 _ teaspoon pepper ! teaspoon chopped siling buyo dilis and chicharon are ordmary; asosena or dog meat and kalderetang kambing are specialties; inthaw na pusic, barbecued chicken feet and innards are popular; fish balls, balue and tapa are alternatives; calamares and sistg are new faverites; tokwa't baboy and lechan are for special occasions while leftovers viands are make-do choices. Pulutan fi The choice of pulutan is never-ending. Crunchies like adabong mani, ‘ Ki if is a, ‘ Our kilowin or kinilaw is similar to the Joponese sashimi of the South American ceviche. Visayons favor kinilow using very Fresh fish while llocanos and Pampangos opt for kilawing kambing or goat ment steeped in vinegar and spices. kilo tanguigue, skinned Wash fish very well then cut into cubes, Marinate in vinegar for an hour, Drain then, add kalamansi juice, ginger, onian, sili and seasonings. Mix well then thicken with crackers. Chill before serving. Shrimp, ! ‘cup vinegar 5__ tablespoons kalamansi juice Y__ tablespoons chopped inger - 7 . 7 squid and other seafoods can also be U big onion, thinly sliced ‘ , into. rings used instead of fish, 2 pieces siling haba, cut into strips salt_and pepper to taste Ya cup crushed soda crackers 20 Sinigang THE FILIPINOS’ resourcefulness is best seen in his preparation of sinigang. The choice of pampaasim or souring agent is vast — kamias, sampalok, kamafis, ripe quavas, sanfol, balinrbing, young pineapple and if worse comes to worse even kalamonsi juice. (Although real cooks will shun such flagrant disregard for flavor.) Any vegetable available can find its way to the sinigang pot — sitaw, labanos, kangkong, g i, okra of tolong. Its broth con be made from rice washing and con be complemented by either shrimps, beef, pork or fish. Shrimp Sinigang 2 cups rice washing or water 15 pieces kamias I small onion, sliced T tomato, sliced pieces radish, quartered kilo shrimps 1 bundle kangkong, cut into 2" lengths 1-2 pieces siling haba salt or patis to taste : 24 Put half of rice washing or water in a pot. Add kamias. Cook until tender then mash. Add onions, tomatoes and remaining rice washing. Bring to a boil then add the radish. Add shrimps, kangkong and siling haba. Let bail for 2 minutes. Season to taste, ces sampalak or to taste beef ribs, cut into pieces cups water pieces tomato, onion, sliced pieces gabi, peeled and halved 1 bundle sitaw, cut into 2" lengths I bundle kangkong, cut into 2" lengths salt or patis to taste -jayn ay jeef Sinigang In a little water, cook the s fender, Mash then strain to get the juice, In a pot, boil beet in water. Add tamatoes, onions and sampaiok juice, Add gabi. when slightly tender add the s kangkong stalks, Season to ta add the kangkong leaves. 10 pieces sampalok or to taste T__kilo pork, cubed 5___cups water | onion, sliced 4 pieces tomato, sliced 2 pieces radish, sliced ! bundle kangkong, cut into 2" lengths 1 bundle sitaw, cut into 2” lengths salt or patis to taste Ina litle water. cook sampatok until tens der. Mash then strain to get the juice. In a pot, bail pork in water until tender. Add onion. tomato ampalok juice. Add vegetables and cook until done. Season ta taste. Sinigang ‘4 cup sampalok 2 cups water | small onion, sliced 3 pieces tomato, sliced % — kilo bangus, cut into pieces 3 pieces okra, sliced ‘L pieces eggplant, sliced 1 bundle kangkong, cut into 2" lengths 2 pieces siling haba salt or patis to taste i ies « * fondness for this soured broth ma Bangus Bail sampatok in some water until tender Mash to extract the juice. Strain, ina pot, pour in water. Add onion, tarnatoes and sampalok juice. When boiling, add figh, okra, eggplant, kangkong stems and siling haba. Lastly, add the kangkong leaves, Season to taste. om Sinigang de Dalag ia with alifangbang is just one of i the dishes mentioned by Jos = Rizal in his famous novel Noli es Me Tangere. Tracing his roots i to Southern Luzon, he best exemplifies the region's made with fresh water fish like dalay, bangus or hito. 26 Pork o Beef Nilaga GINGER ROOT is essential in Asian cooking. It removes the fishy odor from fish and shellfish, when grated it can be a side dish, it can flavor desserts and ice cream and in the Philippines it is made into salabat or ginger tea and used to flavar refreshing broths of Pesa and Nilago. a kilo pork tadyang or beef kenchi, cubed 2 small onions, sliced | thumb-size ginger, sliced % teaspoon peppercorns 4 Pieces potato, quartered pechay or cabbage leaves salt or patis to taste 27 Boil pork or beef in enough water until lender, Add sliced onion, ginger, pepper- corn and quartered potatoes. Cook until potatoes are tender. Add pechay or cab- bage leaves, Season to taste. Tsang: iManoh THIS CHICKEN in gingerflavored broth is o great fovorite ond whereas Padre Damoso in Rizal’s novel disdained getting o chicken neck, Filipinos on the other hand fight over who gets the back ‘or neck which ore tastier and delicious to suck on. kilo whole chicken | 3 tablespoons oil 4 teaspoons crushed garlic 2 tablespoons ginger strips cup chopped onion T tablespoons patis 4-5 cups water 2 ~~ cups quartered green papaya ‘or sayote Ye cup leaves 28 Clean the chicken then cut into serving Portions. Drain. In a saucepan, heat oil then saute garlic, ginger and onions. Add chicken and stir-fry for afew minutes. Add patis. Pour in the water. Bring toa boil then simmer until chicken is hal-done. Add papaya and continue cooking until done. Lastly, add the sili leaves. Season to taste. Suakol BEFORE ALUMINUM pans and even claypots were invented, foods were cooked in whatever was available. Large seashells, bamboo tubes, coconut shells and even leaves were used as containers. Chicken binakol in Batangas originally used the famous Batangas native chicken and wos cooked in a bamboo tube to seal in the juices. {n the Visayan binakol, on the other hand, the chicken was simmered with tanglad in the coconut shell itself. A tablespoons oil In @ Saucepan, heat oil then saute garlic, T___ tablespoon crushed garlic | omlons and ginger. Add chicken and stir- T-~small onion, chopped | 9 101 a few minutes. Pour in water or T—‘thumb-size ginger, chicken broth then season to taste, sliced think Simmer until chicken is tender, Add buko ey water and meat. Add the leafy vegetables | kilo. chicken breast, cut into strips 5-6 cups water or chicken broth patis and pepper to taste buko water from | buko chopped buko meat spinach, malunggay Teaves just betore serving 29 Bachoy IN LA PAZ, lloilo where this dish originated, the cooked pork and liver ore hung to dry. When o customer orders bachoy, the cook expertty snips off strips of pork and liver into a bowl of thin egg noodles then ladles in the very hot broth. Innards, lean beef, tripa and the spleen ore also added, Bachoy can be served with puto or biscacho. NOODLES 2 cups Gold Medal all-purpose flour % cup water 1 teaspoon lye 1 teaspoon salt 1 kilo pork bones with marrow) : ‘+ __ kilo pork pigue water salt to taste ‘a __kilo pork liver, parboiled ‘kilo shrimps, blanched, shelled and halved 3 eggs, hard-cooked then sliced cup fried garlic chopped spring onions crushed chicharon = 30 Ina bowl, combine all the ingredients for the noodles, Knead until smooth. Flatten with a rolling pin or pass through a pasta machine. Gut into long, thin strips. Boil in salted water until done. Drain. Bail pork bones and pigue in water urtil tender, Reserve broth and season to taste. Cut meat and liver into julienne strips. In @ bowl, arrange some noadles. Top with meat strips, liver, shrimps, egg, garlic, spring onions and chicharon. Pour in the hat broth and serve at once. Pancit Molo ANOTHER FAMOUS dish from the foodoving llonggo’s is Pancit Molo named after a wellknown district in the province, This poncit is unlike other pancit becouse it is not dry but soupy and it does not make use of long, thin noodles but instead wonton wroppers made from ice flour. Leftover wonton wrappers con also be cut into strips and dropped into the hat broth. FILLING Combine all the ingredients for the filling % kilo ground pork except for the molo wrapper. Put some oie cha | | ling on one comer of a molo wrapper. his shetops: Spas —— Roll up to enclose. Get the two ends and sme’ Snevamas, tnesy pinch together to seal. Do this for all the j_thopped filing and wrappers. Set aside, 1 small carrot, finely chopped 9 peas : teaspoon pepper In a saucepan, heat oil then saute garlic teaspoon salt and onions. Add chicken, ham and egg shrimps. Cook fora few minutes then add T pack molo wrapper __—|_-the broth. Bring toa boil then drop in the ————— stuffed molo wrappers. Season to taste. stocx Cover and let boil. Serve hot topped with z tablespaons oil spring onions and fried garlic. 3 cloves garlic, chopped T small onion, chopped 1 chicken breast, cooked and flaked 3 slices chinese ham, choy ‘& cup shelled shrimps 6 cups chicken broth salt and pepper to taste chopped spring onions fried garlic 34 Balale FOR THE Pinoy, 0 meal is not satisfoctory without a pampainit ng sikmura which is soup sipped while very hot, Bulalo is one such faverite soup and the hotter it is the better. It is best complemented by the marrow that is tapped aut of the bone. 1 kilo bias ng baka with bone marrow water T__big onion, sliced 3 stalks leeks, sliced I package dried banana blossoms 2 pieces tokwa, sliced Boil bias in water. Remove bias and change the water. Boil bias again untit broth is flavored and reduced to half the amount, Add in the onions, leeks and banana blossoms. Season to taste with salt and pepper then add the tokwa. Serve Piping hot Rumpiang Sariwa THE CHINESE influence in our cooking is best seen in our fondness for lumpia and pancit. The lumpia alone has several variations, fried or fresh, with vegetables, meat or fish, fully wrapped or half-opened. In fact the Filipino con come up with his own lumpia depending on what ingredients he has at home — even using leftovers. In making Lumpiang Sariwa or Fresh Lumpia, some atsvete oil can be added to the filling for color. 2 tablespoons oil a tablespoons minced garlic U lo ground pork dash of soy sauce and sugar 3 pieces tokwa, diced 1 kilo carrots, shredded T kilo baguio beans, shredded ! kilo cabbage, shredded sayote, shredded togue, cleaned ia wrapper native lettuce, washed | cup ground peanuts combined with % cup sugar SAUCE ‘A cup sugar I tablespoon soy sauce 2 cups broth 1 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons cornstarch dispersed in water 4 cloves garlic, crushed 36 Heat oil in a skillet then saute garlic and ground pork, Season with some soy sauce and sugar. Add tokwa and the vegetables, Simmer until done. Season to taste. Prepare Sauce: Blend first 4 ingredients in @ saucepan. Bring to a boil then thicken with dispersed cornstarch, Add garlic, On every lumpia wrapper, place a lettuce leaf, Top with 2-3 tablespoons af filling, some sauce and ground peanuts. Roll up leaving one end open, Serve with mare Sauce and peanuts. f i 9 UBOD IS a vegetable extensively used in the Visayas. In fact, they even serve it as punch called ensolada. Lumpiang Ubod is a specialty of Silay, Negros Occidental. The ubod is enclosed in very thin wrappers and no sauce is added because all flavors are incorporated into the sauteed filling. In Luzon, however, lumpia is not lumpia without a souce. For better color and flavor of the sauce, the sugar can first be caramelized, HOMEMADE EGG WRAPPER 2 eggs 2 cups cornstarch 2 cups water I tablespoon oil FILLING ‘2 cup oil 2 cloves garlic, crushed I small onion, chopped ‘4 _kilo pork kasim, chopped % kilo shrimps, chopped T__ cup soup stock |_kilo ubod, cut julienne ! teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon pepper pring on SAUCE ‘4 cup sugar | tablespoon soy sauce 7 cups broth teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons cornstarch dispersed in water 4 cloves garlic, crushed 37 Prepare Lumpia Wrapper: Combine all the ingredients and beat until smooth, Preheat @ non-stick pan. Pour a scant 1/4 cup of the batter into the pan then tit the pan fram side to side to spread it evenly. When the sides loosen from the pan, invert into a plate. Do the same for the rest of the batter. Prepare Filling: Heat the oil then saute the garlic and onions. Add pork and shrimps and stir-fry until cooked, Add soup stock and cover. Cook over medium heat until pork is tender. Add ubod and cook for 5 minutes more. Season to taste. Coal in a colander to drain out excess liquid. Set aside the broth for the sauce. Prepare Lumpia Sauce: Blend first 4 in- gfedients in a pan, Bring toa boil. Thicken with cornstarch mixture, Sprinkle with minced garlic. To Assemble: Place one lumpia wrapper on apiate. A the center put about 2 stalks of spring onions. Put about 2 tablespoons of the filing over the green onions then wrap with the onion showing al one end Top with the sauce or serve it separately in a gravy boat. Rumpiang Shanghai THE LUMMPIA OR SPRING ROLL is not exclusively Filipino. It is one dish that we hove in common with our Asion neighbors. There is Cumpiang Ubod and Soriwa that go well with o sweet ond garlicky brown sauce, Fried Lumpid with fogue with o vinegar-gorlic sauce ond Lumpiong Shanghai with a sweet ond sour sauce, ‘% kilo ground pork ‘he __kilo shrimps, chopped ‘4 cup finely chopped singkamas cup finely chopped carrots clove garlic, minced egg, slightly beaten = 3 tablespoons chopped onion | tablespoon soy sauce I teaspoon sugar ‘& __ teaspoon salt pinch of pepper lumpia wrappers oil for frying SWEET AND SOUR SAUCE A teaspoon salt 7h cup water 2 teaspoons soy sauce ‘4 cup sugar ‘4 ___cup vinegar 2 tablespoons cornstarch dispersed in "2 cup water teaspoon oil ‘Combine all the ingredients for lumpia till- ing, Wrap in lumpia wrapper in long, thin Shapes. Deep-fry in hot oil until golden brown. Drain. Cut into shorter lengths before serving. In a saucepan, combine all the ingredi- ents for the sauce. Bail until thick. Serve with lumpia, ’ FILIPINOS ARE fond of backyard-grovn vegetables simply boiled or steamed then enjayed with one’s favorite sawsawer or dipping sauce. The unique Filipino polote enjoys a variety of sawsawan like bogosng isda or alamang, patis, suka or kalamansi. 2 pieces eggplant, broiled then peeled 5 pieces okra, trimmed then blanched 1 ampalaya, soaked in brine solution then sliced 4 “pieces tomato, cut into wedges | singkamas, peeled then cut into strips 2 Pieces green mango, sliced i sliced bagoong isda bagoong alamang (guisado) vinegar with siling labuyo patis kalamansi Arrange all the vegetables Separately on @ platter. Put the different sawsawan or sauces in small bowls and serve with salad. ie f & 1G Tas Bulanglang CALL IT bulanglang, laswo, dinengdeng or inabraw — backyard vegetables cooked in broth seasoned with hagoong isda or alamang is a favorite in the regions of Luzon and in the islands of the Visayas. In a saucepan, heat oil then saute garlic, onions and tomatoes. When tender, add pork and cook until brown. Add bagoong I tablespoon oil z cloves garlic, minced | 2 J onion, chopped | lamang, kalabasa and water. When és tomato, chopped slightly tender, add the remaining veg- % cup cubed pork elables. Cook until done ] tablespoons bagoong alaman, Z segments kalabasa, peeled then cubed % cup water I bundle sitaw, cut into 2" lengths 100 grams bataw | ampalaya, cut into I" lengths | bundle kangkong, cut into 2" lengths 2 pieces eggplant, sliced into _I" pieces 40 =] pay uy Pinakbet PINAKBETIS the signature dish of the northern region of Ilocos = a dry, harsh area where peaple have to make do with what they con grow on the land. Vegetables ore simply boiled with hagoong and sometimes flavored with bits of pork. The authentic pinakbet is made using Miniature vegetables and is drier than the version dane by Togalogs. And it is never stirred while cooking instead the pot is shaken to toss the vegetables without making the arpalaya bitter. cup cubed pork liempo oil tablespoons bagoong isda or to taste cup water medium-size ampalaya, quartered pieces round eggplant, quartered pieces okra, halved pieces tomato, sliced small oni 4 Brown the pork in a little oil. Set aside Boil the bagoong and water. Put the pork and the rest of the ingredients. Simmer until vegetables are done, Dinengdeng DINENGDENG |S distinguished from Pinakbet in that broiled fish is added to the vegetables instead ‘of pork. A variety of vegetables can be used with Hlocanos favoring malonggay fruit, karnote, soluyot or ampalaya while the Tagalogs like kalabasa and sitaw, 2-3 tablespoons bagoong isda Combine bagoong and water. Strain. 2 cups water md Bring to a boil. Add bangus and veg- 1 bangus, cut and broiled _ etables in the order listed, Cook covered T bundle si until vegetables are done. 2™ lengths ‘A small kalabasa, peeled and cubed 5 pieces okra, trimmed 2 small pieces ampalaya, halved and seeded Beene recececentesonsees nest Bikol Supress BIKOL IS the region known for its dishes cooked in coconut milk and highlighted by smoll but terribly hot chili peppers called siting labuyo, This dish is so-called because it is said that you had to run as fast as its nomesnke train for a glass of woter after having a bite af the dish. The fiery dishes of the Bicolanas are well-balanced by the sweetness. of their notive pili which can be transformed into delicious sweets like suspiros, mazapan, pastillas or brittle. 4 cups seeded and sliced ‘Soak chili pepper in water with salt. Let chili pepper stand for 30 minutes then rinse thoroughly. | __tablespoon salt Brains 2__cups thin coconut_milk | 5 skillet, mix thin coconut milk, alamang, cups fresh alamang pork, garlic, onion and salt. Bring to a iempo, diced boil; lower heat then simmer for 10. min- utes. Add chili pepper and cook until half © onion, minced the liquid has evaporated, Pour in thick ——walt to taste. —~—=*«

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