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Configuration and Operations Guide for

CTI Link Server with Genesys CTI

© Copyright 2013
Pegasystems Inc., Cambridge, MA
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Document: Configuration and Operations Guide

Software Version: 6.3 SP2

Updated: February, 2013
Deprecated server
The CTI Link Server for Genesys has been deprecated. New deployments of PegaCALL
should use the CTI Link Engine described in PegaCALL Configuration and Oper-
ations Guide - CTI Link Engine with Genesys CTI. Existing deployments should
plan to migrate to the CTI Link Engine as well.

The CTI Link Engine provides robust telephony capabilities including screen pops, call
control and agent state management, and a full-featured synchronized telephony tool-
How to use this manual
This guide tells you how to configure and use the features of PegaCALL.

Introductory information: The first two chapters provide information you need
before you start configuring and using PegaCALL.

Chapter 1 describes the functionality available in PegaCALL.

Chapters 2 describes how PegaCALL integrates with your CTI platform and
covers requirements for the system(s) you will need.

For installation and upgrade information, please refer to the CPM or PegaCALL Instal-
lation and Upgrade guides respectively.

Configuring and using basic functionality: Chapters 3 through 6 walk you

through configuring and using the basic features of PegaCALL.

Chapters 3 and 4 cover CTI Link configuration.

Chapter 5 describes use of the telephony toolbar.

Chapter 6 covers customizing and using the stateless soft phone

Chapter 7 introduces the PegaCALL configuration wizard, which helps you

define call classes, configure event delivery, map call properties, and per-
form several other configuration functions.

We suggest that new users of PegaCALL start with these chapters to become familiar
with basic functionality before attempting more advanced configuration. References
direct you to detailed discussions of certain topics in later chapters.

Additional topics

The rest of this book covers additional topics to enable you to customize PegaCALL to
suit your needs and to fully utilize its features.

Appendices:The appendices provide information for customers who are upgrading

from a prior release and wish to continue to use the soft phone, tools and rules that
were provided in the prior release. Information on troubleshooting tools and con-
tacting Pegasystems is also included.
Table of Contents
Deprecated server ii

How to use this manual i

Table of Contents 3

Chapter 1: What is PegaCALL? 8

Traditional contact center environment 8

Contact center environment with PegaCALL for PegaRULES 9

PegaCALL features 12

Adaptive screen pop 13

Data Prefetch 13

Desktop telephony 14

Agent state management 14

PegaCALL for PegaRULES - high-level architecture 14

Supported CTI platforms 15

PegaCALL components 15

PegaCALL CTI Link 16

PegaCALL rules for PegaRULES Process Commander 16

The PegaCALL "Presence Agent" component 17

Chapter 2: Implementing PegaCALL 18

Call Flow for PegaCALL CTI Link server with Genesys CIM 18

Call flow overview 19

System Requirements 20

Requirements for PegaCALL CTI Link Server 20

Other required components 20

Chapter 3: Configuring the CTI Link server 22

Configuring the CTI Link server 22

CTI Platform Specific Configuration 27

Warm Restart 28

Configuring Multiple CTI Link Instances on a Single Server 28

Create a CTI Link server instance 29

Update the SOAP server configuration 29

Changing the Port for the White Mesa SOAP Server 31

Chapter 4: CTI Link configuration on PRPC 33

CTI Link types 33

Working with site IDs 33

Adding and configuring CTI Link(s) 34

Configuring a classic CTI Link 34

Testing connectivity 37

Chapter 5: Using the telephony toolbar 39

Using the telephony toolbar 39

Chapter 6: Customizing and using the stateless soft phone 43

Enabling the soft phone 43

Working with the soft phone 44

Agent State: 45

Button options: 46

Call Handling: 46

Customizing the stateless soft phone 47

Using the Stateless Soft Phone in another PRPC application 48

Chapter 7: PegaCALL Configuration Wizard 49

Prerequisite steps 49

Using the wizard 49

Specify RuleSet, version and CTI Link 50

Edit the access group 50

Verify CTI Link Details 51

Select a call class 52

Map call properties 54

Select additional properties 54

Select properties for screen pop 55

Configure desktop event delivery 56

Review and save 56

Chapter 8: Enabling desktop event delivery 58

Understanding desktop event delivery 58

The PegaCALL “Presence Agent” component 58

Network protocol and desktop port for event delivery 58

Configuring settings for desktop event delivery 59

Enabling event delivery in a proxy server environment 61

Chapter 9: Customizing user interface and call processing behavior 63

Customizing the telephony toolbar 63

Customizing the screen pop UI 64

Customizing behavior when a call arrives 65

Configuring differing behavior for new versus transferred calls 68

Configuring the Service Processing activity 68

Configuring which calls are processed via screen pop and Accept 68

A note on call objects 69

Using telephony within other PRPC applications 69

Adding the PegaCALL screen pop control to your custom application 69

Adding the telephony toolbar to your custom application 69

Chapter 10: Administering PegaCALL 71

Accessing the PegaCALL landing page 71

Administration and configuration gadgets 71

Phone Toolbar 73

Chapter 11: Running the CTI Link Server and Related Components 75

Running the CTI Link Server 75

Running the IIS SOAP Server 75

Running the White Mesa SOAP Server 75

Running the ICR Link Server 76

Console Application 76

Service Application 76

Chapter 12: Using telephony rules 77

Understanding state synchronization 77

Prerequisites 77

Example 1 77

Example 2 78

Processing State-change events 78

Request and Response Events 80

Customizing the call class and associated call data 80

Setting access to PegaCALL rules and custom RuleSets 80

Desktop telephony functions 81

Activities for telephony control 81

UI functions 87

Activities for event processing 87

Appendix: Developer and debugging tools 89

Enabling soft phone logging 89

Logging for the applet 89

ActiveX logging 90

Appendix: Configuring and using classic telephony 91

Replace the PegaCALL menu in developer studio 91

Configure a CTI Link 91

Create a CTI Link server endpoint definition 91

Enable the classic stateless softphone in CPM 92

Global CTI Settings 93

Appendix: Administering classic (PegaAppCTI) CTI links 95

Connection Status 95

Enabled users 95

View Current Call Data 96

Edit Link Servers 96

PegaCALL Tools 97

Appendix: Contacting Pegasystems i

Customer support i

Education services i

Pegasystems Certified Professional program ii

Documentation feedback ii

Office locations ii

North America ii

Europe iii

Asia iii

Index v
Chapter 1: What is PegaCALL?
PegaCALL™ for PegaRULES provides Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) to
improve contact center operations. PegaCALL enhances telephone-based customer
interactions such as service inquiries, telemarketing, sales, and collection efforts by
integrating Process Commander-based business process management capabilities
with telephony infrastructures, increasing agent productivity and enhancing customer

This chapter describes the capabilities and high-level architecture of PegaCALL for

Traditional contact center environment

In a traditional contact center environment, calls come into the contact center and are
connected to an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system (sometimes also called
VRU). The IVR plays voice menus that allow customers to choose from several selec-
tions and obtain information related to their account. Callers can subsequently speak
to a Customer Service Representative (CSR) for further service, as in the diagram

The numbers on the diagram correspond to the steps outlined below. These steps give
a high-level overview of a call as it moves through a traditional contact center envi-
1. A customer calls a contact center. Mr. Jones is a high-balance account
holder at The Company. He calls the company’s customer service center
because he wants to make an adjustment to his account.

2. When the call arrives in the IVR, Mr. Jones is prompted to enter his
account number. He enters his account number, account verification infor-
mation, and proceeds to move through the IVR voice menus. He then
selects the option to make an adjustment to his account. Mr. Jones is
unsure about updating his account from the IVR and wants to speak with
someone to help him make the adjustment.

3. Mr. Jones opts to speak with a Customer Service Representative. The call
is transferred from the IVR to the contact center telephone switch (often
referred to as a PBX or ACD) where it is routed to queue for an available

4. A CSR becomes available and answers the call. The CSR asks Mr. Jones
for his account number again before servicing can begin. Mr. Jones must
repeat the account information he has already entered into the IVR, includ-
ing his account number and personal identification code (PIN number)
because the information is not available to the CSR.

From this overview, it is apparent that the traditional contact center is not servicing
the customer as effectively and efficiently as possible. When a customer has to repeat
information to a CSR that he already entered into a system, it wastes both the cus-
tomer and the CSR’s time. The result is an unsatisfactory service experience for the
customer and increased costs to the company.

Inefficiencies of traditional contact centers can cost a company valuable time, money,
and opportunities for building customer relationships.

Contact center environment with PegaCALL for Pega-


PegaCALL uses computer telephony integration (CTI) to improve the efficiency of a

contact center and helps improve the customer’s experience. CTI typically involves
connecting a computer system to the contact center’s IVR and a telephone switch.

The IVR passes information about calls it is servicing to the PegaRULES application so
this information is available when the caller decides to speak to a CSR. This infor-
mation typically includes the caller’s account number as entered into the touch-tone
phone and other information about the IVR interaction. The call is queued at the tel-
ephone switch (PBX or ACD) and is connected to the next available representative.
PegaCALL uses CTI to receive information about the call. When the call reaches a
CSR, the CSR’s PRPC desktop application can use the information provided at the IVR
to look up and display the caller’s information, enabling the CSR to serve the cus-
tomer quicker and better.

While serving the customer, the CSR can use PegaCALL to control the telephone from
the PegaRULES application without the need to switch focus to the phone. For
instance, a CSR can place a call on hold or transfer a call from the desktop application
without having to switch focus to the telephone.

PegaCALL can also assist the ACD in routing calls. For example, information from a
customer’s profile may be used to determine the appropriate ACD queue in which the
call should be placed.

The following diagram shows an overview of the PegaCALL contact center envi-

The numbers on the diagram correspond to the steps outlined below. These steps give
a high-level overview of a call as it moves through the PegaCALL contact center envi-

1. A customer, Mr. Jones, calls a PegaCALL enabled contact center. Mr.

Jones is a high-balance account holder at The Company. He calls The Com-
pany’s customer service center because he wants to make an adjustment
on his account.
2. When the call arrives in the IVR, Mr. Jones is prompted to enter his
account number. He enters his account number, account verification infor-
mation, and proceeds through the IVR voice menus. He then selects the
option to make an adjustment on his account. Mr. Jones is not sure how to
update his account from the IVR and wants to speak with someone to help
him make the adjustment.

3. Mr. Jones opts to speak with a CSR. The information gathered in the IVR,
including Mr. Jones’ account number, is now passed to PegaCALL, through
the CTI Server.

4. PegaCALL then fetches information on this customer from back-end sys-

tems and databases. PegaCALL evaluates this information and determines
that Mr. Jones is a high-balance customer attempting to make an adjust-
ment on his account. Mr. Jones’ high balance makes him a particularly val-
uable customer, and PegaCALL routes the call to a queue serviced by
highly trained CSRs.

5. As soon as a CSR is available, the call is connected to the CSR and key
information pertaining to the customer is displayed on the CSR’s work-
station. This is known as a screen pop. The CSR immediately knows that
Mr. Jones is on the line. There is no need to ask Mr. Jones to repeat any
account information because it is displayed on the CSR’s screen. In addi-
tion, the CSR is able to see other information, such as what Mr. Jones was
attempting to do within the IVR, and can proceed to assist him.

The screen-pop information appears in a concise window that highlights the key infor-
mation required to begin servicing the call, as shown here:
As the CSR proceeds with the call by clicking on a button from the screen-pop window,
additional account information is available at the CSR’s workstation.

Note: The screen-pop window does not replace the contents of the application win-
dow and does not delete work in progress. The context of the business process that
the CSR is executing is preserved until the CSR takes an action from the screen-pop
window and calls an activity.

With a PegaCALL contact center that includes Pegasystems’ Customer Process Man-
ager (CPM), the customer service application provided by Pegasystems, or a custom-
developed customer service application built on PegaRULES Process Commander,
CSRs are armed with the functions they need to service a call more efficiently and
effectively than they could in a traditional contact center.

A sample screen for Pega Customer Process Manager is shown below:

All data is presented to the CSR in an easy-to-view format, making data immediately
available to answer customer questions and complete service interactions. Business
rules guide CSRs throughout the interaction to ensure a consistently high level of serv-

PegaCALL features
The sections below describe the main features of PegaCALL at a high level. These are
described in greater detail in subsequent chapters.

Adaptive screen pop

The PegaCALL screen pop functions coordinate the arrival of an incoming call with the
display of caller information at the CSR workstation. This capability eliminates the
need to have the CSR collect the caller number or other identification information to
retrieve customer information manually.

The type of screen-pop window and the information it displays is determined by eval-
uating the information gathered about the caller. Examples of this include what the
person requested at the IVR, language preference (so that bilingual operators can
greet the caller in their native language), and qualification for promotion and/or
cross-selling opportunities.

The screen-pop window displays key information about the caller and includes buttons
and messages that can lead the CSR into specific contact center business processes.
All information about the call is then passed to the business processes so servicing
can begin.

A caller provides an account number to the IVR to check an account balance,
but fails to provide the PIN number. After that person opts out to speak to a
CSR, a customized screen pop can be presented that prompts the CSR to ver-
ify the caller by requesting security information.

A caller enters information in the IVR and attempts to transfer money

between two accounts. The caller has difficulty with the IVR and opts out to
speak with a CSR. A customized screen-pop window can display the account
information collected in the IVR as well as buttons that lead the CSR to the
Balance Transfer window.

Data Prefetch
Data prefetch allows the system to gather customer information before the call
reaches a CSR. The PegaRULES application includes interfacing capabilities that can
gather data from external systems based on information collected in the IVR.

As a caller moves through the IVR menus, information such as the account number is
collected. This information can be used to look up or pre-fetch additional information
about the caller before the call reaches a CSR. Information collected in this manner
may be used to make call routing decisions, or may be provided to the PegaRULES
application as the call reaches a CSR.
Desktop telephony
PegaCALL enables CSRs to control their phones from their desktops, so they don’t
need to switch focus to the phone. For example, a CSR may transfer a call to another
queue or place a call on hold while he consults another CSR, using buttons in the desk-
top application. Telephony functions include hold, retrieve, consult, conference, trans-
fer and hang-up. These functions can be invoked using desktop buttons or as part of
application business processes.

A sample soft phone is shown below.

Agent state management

CSRs log into ACDs as agents. While logged in, they need to indicate to the ACD if they
are available to answer calls from customers.

For example, a CSR may need to change state to Not-Ready when they are taking a
break for lunch. PegaCALL enables CSRs to do this from their PegaRULES desktop,
rather than having to switch focus to their phone.

PegaCALL for PegaRULES - high-level architecture

To support a broad range of functions, PegaCALL has an open architectural design that
brings together the business process management capabilities of PegaRULES Process
Commander and the call treatment and routing capabilities of call center equipment.
The diagram below illustrates the PegaCALL architectural design used to integrate
with a contact center’s telephony infrastructure.
Supported CTI platforms
PegaCALL integrates with a variety of telephony equipment (including IVRs, ACDs and
PBXs) through one or more CTI servers. The following CTI platforms are supported:

Aspect Contact Server – for integration with Aspect CallCenter ACDs

Avaya Aura™ Application Enablement Services (AES)

Cisco Intelligent Contact Management (ICM) platform (including Cisco Uni-

fied Contact Center Enterprise)

Genesys Customer Interaction Management (CIM) Platform

Syntellect (formerly Envox) CT Connect

PegaCALL components
The following section provides an overview of the primary components of the Pega-
CALL solution. Additional details and information on each of these components can be
found in subsequent chapters of this document.
PegaCALL consists of two main components – PegaCALL CTI Link and a set of Pega-
CALL rules for PegaRULES Process Commander. Depending on the specific CTI plat-
form and configuration used, these components may interconnect using SOAP or Java.


The PegaCALL CTI Link interfaces between PegaRULES and the CTI platform. The CTI
Link translates telephony events from the CTI platform into messages that are sent to
PegaCALL rules for processing. In addition, the CTI Link receives telephony requests
from PegaCALL rules and translates the requests into specific telephony requests for
processing by the CTI platform.

For some CTI platforms, the CTI Link also:

Monitors the IVR ports and reports when calls connect and disconnect

Monitors the routing point within the PBX/ACD and provides for enhanced call
routing decisions.

Depending on your CTI platform, PegaCALL CTI Link may run on a separate Windows
server or on a PRPC node. When CTI Link is deployed on a separate Windows Server,
it is called a CTI Link Server. When deployed on a PRPC node, it is called a CTI Link
Engine. In PegaCALL 6.3 and newer, CTI Link Engines are provided for Avaya AES,
Cisco ICM, and Genesys CIM.

PegaCALL 6.2 SP3 added a remote deployment option for the CTI Link Engine, allow-
ing for CTI Link capabilities from one PRPC server to be used from another PRPC
server. For example, a PRPC server executing CTI capability may be located in geo-
graphic proximity to the CTI platform, while PRPC servers which CSRs log into may be
located centrally in a data center.

Note: The CTI Link server was previously called the PBX Link server. You
may notice that some names still contain PBX.

The CTI Link Server communicates with PegaRULES using the Simple Object Access
Protocol (SOAP). The CTI Link engine runs within a PRPC node and communicates with
PegaRULES using Java calls.

PegaCALL rules for PegaRULES Process Commander

PegaCALL provides several rule sets for PegaRULES Process Commander (PRPC).
These rules process events from PegaCALL CTI Link (e.g. provide a screen pop when
notified of an incoming call to an agent) and pass CTI requests to CTI Link (e.g.
answer a call).
You may extend or override these rules in your custom RuleSets. They also provide
user interfaces for screen pop, telephony control and agent state management on the
customer service desktop. Details on PegaCALL rules are provided in subsequent chap-

The PegaCALL "Presence Agent" component

PegaCALL uses a component that is loaded into the CSR’s browser to listen for events
from the PRPC server. The component, called the Presence Agent, may be an applet
or an ActiveX control.

The component binds to a network port on the CSR’s desktop and receives events
from the PRPC server. The events can then trigger changes on the desktop, including
UI changes.
Chapter 2: Implementing PegaCALL
This chapter describes the architecture for a PegaCALL implementation with Genesys
Customer Interaction Management (CIM) platform. In this architecture, PegaCALL con-
nects to the Genesys TServer (rather than directly to your telephony equipment) to
provide telephony services to your PRPC application. The Genesys CIM platform man-
ages interfaces with your telephony equipment including IVRs, PBXs and ACDs. The
chapter includes descriptions of the components used in the implementation and their

PegaCALL for Genesys may be implemented as a CTI Link Server as discussed her,or
as a CTI Link Engine. If you are implementing a new PegaCALL system, you should
use the CTI Link Engine.

Note: In this chapter Genesys CIM refers to the overall Genesys Customer Interaction
Management platform while Genesys TServer refers to the server that PegaCALL con-
nects to, in order to provide telephony services.

Call Flow for PegaCALL CTI Link server with Genesys CIM
The figure below presents a graphical overview of a call flow in a typical Genesys envi-
In this configuration, the IVR is shown behind the PBX/ACD – i.e. incoming voice calls
will travel through the Public Phone Network (PSTN) into a PBX/ACD and be passed
through to an IVR (rather than directly from PSTN to the IVR). PegaCALL for Genesys
can work with the IVR behind an ACD or directly connected to the PSTN, provided the
Genesys CIM platform is configured to capture call data from the IVR and pass it to
the PegaCALL application when the call moves to the PBX/ACD.

Call flow overview

For this scenario, a call moves through the system according to the diagram shown
above. The relevant steps in the call flow are numbered and correspond to the steps
described below. Some steps include events that occur simultaneously in different
parts of the system. In the diagram, the steps for these events have the same
number. For example, step seven appears several times in the diagram. The call flow
consists of the following steps:

1. The call comes into the PBX/ACD from the PSTN.

2. As soon as the call arrives at the PBX/ACD, it is routed to the IVR (also
called a VRU).

3. Caller identification, such as account number, is gathered in the IVR. The

caller proceeds with automated IVR inquiries, such as account balance.
This information is typically obtained from various back-end systems or

4. When the caller chooses to speak with an agent, or is forced out by the
IVR, the IVR passes information about the call in progress to the Genesys
system via the T-Server. This is commonly known as attaching data to the
call. Typically, the information sent by the IVR includes:

Caller identification such as Account Number.

Indication of what the caller was doing when he “opted out” (for
example, a Balance Inquiry). This is commonly referred to as
“last action.”

Verify flag indicating that the caller successfully provided secu-

rity information, such as a PIN number, to the IVR

Any other information that the IVR has to use in a call routing
decision. For example, if the IVR menu includes an alternate lan-
guage selection, it would include the customer’s choice of lan-

5. The call arrives at the PBX/ACD routing point which is under the control of
the Genesys Interaction Router. The Interaction Router begins executing
its routing logic to deal with the incoming call.
6. The call is transferred to a queue where it waits for an available Customer
Service Representative (CSR).

7. When a CSR becomes available, the PBX/ACD transfers the call to the
CSR. At the same time, the PBX/ACD sends a message by way of the T-
Server to the PegaCALL CTI Link server indicating that the call was trans-
ferred. This message is forwarded for processing to PegaCALL via the
SOAP services. The message includes the PBX/ACD Call ID and the exten-
sion of the CSR where the call is being answered.

The CSR’s extension is then mapped to the address of the CSR’s work-
station. The specific methodology for this varies from location to location,
but typically, the extension is matched in a table that is built dynamically
as CSRs log into the PegaRULES system. CSRs are prompted for their
phone extensions, and the PegaRULES system stores each extension in
the table, along with the address of the workstation where the CSR is

When the workstation address is found, a screen pop containing the cus-
tomer information from the IVR and back-end systems is sent to the
CSR’s workstation. The screen pop is displayed at the workstation as a
separate window alerting the CSR to the new call. Clicking appropriate but-
tons in the screen-pop window allows the CSR to begin servicing the call.

From this point onward, the CSR can control the call (e.g. answer a ringing call, trans-
fer a call after it has been connected) through the PegaCALL telephony controls. The
CSR can also control his or her state (Available / Unavailable) from the PegaCALL
desktop tools.

System Requirements
This section describes the components required for a PegaCALL installation.

Requirements for PegaCALL CTI Link Server

The PegaCALL CTI Link server is a Windows service that interfaces between the Gene-
sys T-Server and PegaCALL. The CTI Link server uses the Genesys T-Lib SDK to inter-
operate with the PBX/ACD.

The connection between the T-Server and the PegaCALL CTI Link server is TCP/IP. The
connection between the PegaCALL CTI Link server and the PegaCALL / PegaRULES
application server is SOAP over HTTP.

Other required components

In addition to the standard component requirements for the PegaRULES application, a
PegaCALL implementation includes the following requirements:
Genesys T-Server — PegaCALL requires Genesys T-Server version 7 or
greater. Genesys requires that certain switch packages be installed. Consult
Genesys for the most current information.

Windows server for CTI Link Server — If your system uses CTI Link Server,
you will need a Windows server to run it. The following components must be
installed in addition to the Windows server operating system:

The PegaCALL CTI Link server software. This is a stand-alone Win-

dows application. See PegaCALL Installation and Upgrade Guide or
the CPM Installation Guide for information about installing the Pega-
CALL CTI Link server.

Pegasystems recommends installing a remote connectivity application, such

as VPN, modem or Remote desktop management software, to provide diag-
nostic capabilities.

For information on general hardware and software requirements for the PegaRULES
application, see the Installation guide for the specific platform that you are using at
your site.

For more information about installing the PegaCALL components, see PegaCALL Instal-
lation and Upgrade Guide.
Chapter 3: Configuring the CTI Link server
Before you configure PegaCALL rules to connect to the CTI Link Server, you should
configure the server as described below.

Configuring the CTI Link server

After you have installed the PegaCALL CTI Link server software, you must configure
the CTI Link server. On the server where you installed the CTILink server, run the
PegaCALL CTI Link server configuration tool by going to Start > Programs > PegaCALL
> Configure PegaCALL. The configuration tool may also be accessed through the con-
figure.exe program from the CTI Link server folder (by default, C:\Program Files\P-

Note: Configuration information is stored in the pega.ini file, located in the same
folder as the CTI Link executable. The installation procedure creates a default file, but
if the file does not exist the system creates it. Ensure that the CT ILink executable has
write access to the folder it is located in.

When you start the configure.exe program, a prompt appears allowing you to select a
CTILink instance to configure. If the server will only have a single CTILink configured,
select the ‘DEFAULT’ option and click OK. If you will need to configure multiple CTIL-
ink instances, see the section titled ‘Configuring Multiple CTILinks on a single server’.

The CTI Link server configuration window appears. The window has two sections:
Generic Configuration and API Specific:

The following sections detail setting configurations.

Note that the Redundancy function is not supported. Do not use that button.
CTI Link
When you click the CTI Link button in the Generic Configuration section, the con-
figuration window appears:

Enter configuration information as required and then click OK to save your changes or
Cancel to discard them. Using this window, you can configure the following:

Listening Port: This function is not supported. Do not use it.

Location Prefix: Use the location prefix to distinguish one location in a

multi-site (multi-PBX/ACD) implementation from another. Within the Pega-
RULES application, the location prefix is referred to as the site ID. It is pre-
fixed to an operator’s extension and call IDs so that agent extensions and
call IDs within the application remain unique even if there is overlap between

Use Prefix: Check this box if you have a multi-site implementation.

Leave the box blank if no prefix is needed.

Prefix: Enter the prefix to use for this site.

Expire Calls: Use this option to specify how frequently the CTI Link server
should delete calls that have timed out. Select a value between 2 and 60 sec-
onds. The default is ten seconds.

Debug Level: Select Normal, Debug, or Heavy Debug. The default is Nor-
mal, which does not provide any debug messages. The PegaCALL CTI Link
Server periodically re-reads its logging level from the configuration file. This
is to facilitate diagnosing server problems without having to re-start the
server. The server will only re-read the setting if the configuration file has
been modified.

Error Exit Program: Enter the name of a program to run if the CTI Link
Server stops because of an error. You can include up to three arguments to
pass to the program. Click Clear to clear these fields. By default, no program
is executed.

Connection Loss Execute: Check Execute program when connection

lost and enter the program name to execute the program when a connection
is lost. By default, no program is executed.

Log File Location: You can change the location of the PegaCALL CTI Link
Server log file by modifying the configuration file. The default location is the
working directory. For example:



When you click the PegaRULES button in the Generic configuration section, the con-
figuration window appears:

Enter configuration information as required and then click OK to save your changes,
or Cancel to discard them. Using this window, you can configure:

PegaRULES SOAP Servlet URL: Enter the URL for the PegaRULES SOAP

Concurrent SOAP requestors: The maximum number of SOAP requestors

that can connect to the CTI Link server at one time. This is coordinated with
the number of SOAP Service requestors in PegaRULES Process Commander.
The numbers that you use will depend on factors such as your call volume
and the number of agents. The default is ten requestors.
Route Points
Route points only need to be configured when using enhanced routing with Syntellect
CT Connect.

VRU Devices
Use VRU Devices to specify the IVR ports the CTI Link server is to monitor.

When you click the VRU Devices button in the Generic configuration section, the fol-
lowing window appears:

Use this window to add, change, or delete IVR ports. Enter configuration information
as required and then click OK to save your changes, or Cancel to discard them. The
window supports the following settings:

Number Configured: Displays the number of IVR ports being monitored.

Current Selection: Displays the selected IVR port.

Status: Displays the status of the last configuration operation (add, update,
or delete).

Start Device, End Device: Lists the IVR ports that are currently being mon-
itored. To select an IVR port, click its start point.

Change Selected VRU Device: To reconfigure an IVR port, select it and

enter the new starting or ending port numbers and click Update. To delete
an IVR port, select it and click Delete.

Add New Device: To add an IVR port, or a range of IVR ports, enter the
starting port number and ending port number point and click Add New.

Dialing Plan
When you click the Dialing Plan button in the Generic configuration section, the fol-
lowing window appears:

The dialing plan modifies the numbers the PegaRULES application passes for making
outbound calls. The plan prefixes additional digits passed by the PegaRULES appli-
cation configuration to work with the PBX/ACD and local telecom network. Use this
window to define various dialing algorithms.
To determine whether the dialing plan is needed, consider the PegaRULES application
configuration. You must understand the nature and format of the phone numbers that
the PegaRULES application configuration will attempt to dial before you can determine
if and how those numbers are manipulated by the CTI Link server according to the dial-
ing plan.

Enter configuration information as required and then click OK to save your changes,
or Cancel to discard them.

CTI Platform Specific Configuration

In the API Specific section, click the Genesys button to display the configuration

Note: The TAPI and TSAPI buttons represent deprecated options. Do not click these

When you click the Genesys button in the API configuration section, the following win-
dow appears:

Enter configuration information as required, and then click OK to save your changes,
or Cancel to discard them.

Primary TServer Host: Enter the host name where the primary T-Server
is installed.

Primary TServer Port: Enter the port number for the Primary T-Server.

Failover TServer Host: Enter the host name where the failover T-Server is

Failover TServer Port: Enter the port number for the failover T-Server.

CTILink will first attempt a connection to the primary T-Server. If the response times
out, it will then attempt a connection to the failover T-Server. This sequence is
repeated until the CTILink successfully connects with a T-Server.

Warm Restart
The CTI Link Server can "warm start" after a crash or restart. The server maintains
user and call information in file-backed memory.

If the server crashes or is intentionally stopped and then restarted within a relatively
short time, the server can continue processing using the existing-state information.
The information will be considered stale after a specified duration of down time. The
server will then undergo a full (normal) start using new data.

The duration is determined by the WarmStartThreshold in the configuration file. This

value is specified in seconds, the default value is 300 seconds.

To enable a warm start, UseSharedMemory must be enabled by setting its preference

value to 1. For example:




Configuring Multiple CTI Link Instances on a Single

You can use a single physical server to host multiple CTI Link instances. This should
only be done if certain that the server has enough capacity to handle the load of two
CTI Link instances. This may be a good option for low volume environments, such as
on development or testing servers.

In order to configure this, you must:

1. Create and name multiple CTI Link instances using the ‘Configure.exe’ util-

2. Edit CTI Link definitions in PRPC to specify the appropriate CTI Link URL
3. Update the WhiteMesa Config file or IIS Soap Server WSML file, based on
which SOAP server you are using.

Create a CTI Link server instance

Run the Configure.exe program on the CTI Link server.

Create a new CTI Link Server instance by selecting Create Instance from the open-
ing screen:

In the next screen, enter an instance name. PRPC uses the name you enter to define
the CTI Link Endpoint.

Click OK to create the instance, or Cancel to leave the form without saving your

You must update the White Mesa configuration file or the IIS WSML file, depending on
which you use.

Update the SOAP server configuration

If you enable more than one instance of CTI Link Server on a single server, you must
update the White Mesa configuration file or the IIS WSML file, depending on which you

Update the White Mesa configuration file

1. Open the WhiteMesa config file (wmss-config.xml)

2. Locate the three default PegaCALL Endpoints for PGLinkService.wsdl, Serv-

iceRequest.wsdl and ServerRequest.wsdl in the file. Copy each of these
and modify the copy to include the instance names as highlighted below
(the XML has been abbreviated):
Update the IIS WSML file
1. Copy the WSDL and WSML files installed in the default PegaCALL directory
(PGLinkService.wsdl, PGLinkService.wsml, Ser verRequest.wsdl, Ser ver-
Request.wsml, ServiceRequest.wsdl and ServiceRequest.wsml) to the
PegaCALL directory for the specified instance

2. Update the PGLinkService.wsml (in the instance directory ..\P-



3. Update the ServerRequest.wsml (in the instance directory \Peg-


4. Repeat the Windows Component services configuration step for the new
instance. In the Component Services window, select Console Root > Com-
ponent Services > Computers > My Computer > DCOM Config. The CTI
Link <instancename> entry is located here.

5. Right click and select Properties. In the Security tab under Launch and
Activation Permissions, choose the Customize radio button, and then
click the Edit button.

6. Add IUSR_<ComputerName> and grant ‘Local launch’ and ‘Local Acti-

vation’ permissions. For example, if the computer is named Test-
Machine1, then the account that IIS uses is usually IUSR_TestMachine1.

Changing the Port for the White Mesa SOAP Server

If you have an existing Web server installed on the same server as the CTI Link
server, you will need to change the default listening port for the White Mesa SOAP
server. If the White Mesa server is configured to use the same port as another Web
server, it can cause intermittent failures and SOAP errors when invoking telephony

To change the port:

1. Locate the wmss-config.xml file. This file is located in the folder where
the White Mesa SOAP server is installed.

2. Change the following entry to your desired port:


3. Restart the White Mesa SOAP server (Start > Settings > Control Panel >
Administrative Tools > Services).
Chapter 4: CTI Link configuration on PRPC
This chapter describes basic configuration for the PegaCALL CTI Link.

Before you can use PegaCALL capabilities, you need to:

Configure the CTI Link

Check Link status to ensure connectivity to the CTI platform

CTI Link types

There are three types of CTI Links:

Local: A local CTI link connects a PRPC server (or cluster) to a CTI server, and provides CTI
services to users on the PRPC server.

Remote: A remote CTI link connects a PRPC server (or cluster) to another PRPC server, from
which they access CTI services. Local CTI Links use a CTI Link Engine. If you wish to use a CTI
Link Engine, refer to the PegaCALL configuration and operations guide for the CTI Link Engine
for your CTI platform.

Classic: A classic CTI link connects a PRPC server (or cluster) to a PegaCALL CTI link server,
as described below.

Working with site IDs

PegaCALL uses site IDs to differentiate between ACDs. An ACD, in this context, is a telephony system
that generates unique call IDs – i.e. the call IDs from a single ACD are known to be unique within the CTI

If you have a PegaCALL application that uses several ACDs (each being a “site”), you should choose a
unique site ID for each ACD and configure site IDs on all CTI links.

- 33 -
If more than one CTI Link connects to the same ACD, those CTI Links should be configured with the
same site ID. This allows PegaCALL to properly identify calls and ensure that the right data is matched to
a call when it is transferred.

Adding and configuring CTI Link(s)

Once a CTI Link is created, a CTI connection will be created from each node within the PRPC cluster to
the Server.

Configuring a classic CTI Link

Log in to the PRPC Server as PegaCTIDeveloper (or another user whose access group includes the Pega-
CTI RuleSet). From the Pega button, select Channel Services > PegaCALL > Administration & Con-
figuration, as shown below:

On the PegaCALL Administration & Configuration landing page, select the CTI Links tab. A list of exist-
ing CTI links appears, with information about their status.

- 34 -
1. Choose Add CTI Link to create a new CTI Link. (You can also edit an existing CTI link using
the Edit action in the Actions menu for the link.)

2. In the New Instance dialog that appears, provide a name for the CTI link and click Save.

- 35 -
3. In the rule form that appears, enter the information for your CTI Link:

Note that the "CTILink Server is .NET Web Service" checkbox should not be checked, as
this option is not used.

In the General tab, fill in the following:

Display The name for the CTI Link within PRPC. This will be the value displayed to end users.

Link type Choose Classic to configure a connection to a CTI Link Server.

Enabled Select if this CTI Link is enabled. PegaCALL will only attempt to connect to the CTI
server if the corresponding CTI Link is enabled.

Site ID Provide a unique identifier for the ACD that this CTI link will connect to. If more than
one link connects to the same ACD, they should all have the same Site ID.

Connection Time in seconds before a CTI Link is considered to be disconnected. The CTI Link

- 36 -
Timeout Engine will wait for this duration after a connection interruption, before attempting to
connect to a backup CTI server (if one is configured).

Retry Inter- Time in seconds between attempts to reconnect to the CTI server. The Retry Interval
val should be set to a lower value than the Connection Timeout, to allow the CTI Link
Engine to attempt to reconnect to a CTI Server before attempting to fail over to the
backup CTI Server.

URL The URL of the CTI Link Server instance to connect to. For the default CTI Link Server
instance, this is http://<your-cti-link-server-name:<port>/PegaCall. For other
instances, use http://<your-cti-link-server-name:<port>/PegaCall/<instancename>

Vendor Pick your CTI platform vendor.

4. Save the CTI Link configuration.

Testing connectivity
Note: Save your CTI Link configuration before testing connectivity.

Use the Test Connectivity button to ensure that the PRPC node is able to connect to the CTI Server (or
CTI Link Server, for Classic links) using the configured link parameters. A results screen appears:

The results screen provides:

The name of the CTI Link tested.

Connectivity status to the ACD.

The PRPC application that will process requests on the local CTI node.

- 37 -
The results of the connectivity test.

Any error messages that were generated.

- 38 -
Chapter 5: Using the telephony toolbar
The CPM CSR and Manager portals include a telephony toolbar that provides synchronized telephony con-
trol. This section describes the process for enabling and using these tools.

Note: If you wish to use stateless telephony controls with CPM, please refer to the CPM Installation
Guide for instructions on how to enable this.

Using the telephony toolbar

The CPM CSR and Manager portals include the telephony toolbar by default. The portals also load the
PegaCALL presence agent, which is used to receive telephony and chat events from PRPC.

To launch the telephony toolbar within CPM, click the user pull-down menu in the CPM navigation bar
(top right corner of screen) and select Phone as shown:

This launches the telephony toolbar:

To log in to your PBX/ACD, click on the telephone icon and enter the required credentials in the login
screen. An example login screen is shown below:

- 39 -
You can add additional queues by clicking the + button.

The Telephony Toolbar includes these controls:

ACD Agent This pull-down button changes the agent’s state on

State Button the ACD. To change state, select the desired state.
For Unavailable, the reason for the state change
may be included. If you specified more than one
queue when you logged in, changing the selection on
this button changes the state for all queues.

The current ACD agent state is reflected in the button


Work Modes Under Available, a sub-menu of work modes lets

the user set his or her work mode to Auto-In or Man-
ual-In. A work mode is not specified if you choose
Available without choosing a work mode from the

If your ACD does not support reason codes, you may

remove the work-modes sub-menu. Please refer to
the chapter Customizing the user interface.

Reason Under Unavailable, a sub-menu of reasons is pro-

Codes vided. These are mapped to reason codes on your
ACD. If you wish to modify the reasons or codes,
please refer to the chapter Customizing the user

- 40 -
Line This set of buttons displays the state of the agent’s
State Buttons phone lines.

A line with no call (IDLE state) is black.

A ringing call (ALERTING state) is indicated

by a blinking red button. Pressing the line
button answers the call.

A connected call (CONNECTED or TALKING

state) is indicated by a green button. Press-
ing the button places the call on hold.

A call that is on hold (HELD state) is indi-

cated by a yellow button. Pressing the but-
ton retrieves the call from hold.

A call that is being placed (INITIATING

state) is indicated by a blinking blue button.

Phone This tool provides a text-entry area and dial pad for
Number entering digits to dial.

Call Control This tool provides call control capabilities (e.g. Call,
Transfer, Hang Up). It is context-sensitive, enabling
call control functions relevant to the state of the
phone lines.

- 41 -
Chapter 6: Customizing and using the stateless soft
PegaCALL, version 6.2 service pack 3 and newer, includes a stateless soft phone option using the Pega-
CTI RuleSet. The soft phone

allows the CSR to control phone calls and agent state from PegaCALL.

works with all link types (classic, local, and remote).

appears in its own window, freeing up space on the main portal screen

The stateless soft phone works with the Pega-CTI RuleSets.

For most users, the synchronized telephony toolbar described earlier provides a better user experience.
However, for environments that use a CTI Link server, the stateless soft phone provides an option that
works with the stateless CTI Link server as well as the CTI Link engine.

Enabling the soft phone

By default, the stateful soft phone appears at the top of the standard CSR and manager portals. Here are
the steps for switching to the stateless soft phone:

The appearance of the stateful or stateless soft phone is controlled by settings in the rule CPMMan-

1. Locate CPMManagerHeaderNavChannels. The quickest way is to use the search form at the
top right of the PRPC Designer Studio.

- 43 -
2. Save a copy of the rule into the application RuleSet.

3. Adjust the copy of the rule:

1. Double-click the Show Channels Toolbar entry and, on the Advanced tab,
locate the Show section. Change the value in the When field from "Always"
to "Never".

2. Double-click the Open Phone Tools entry and, as above, locate the Show sec-
tion on the Advanced tab. Change the value in the When field from "Never" to

3. Save and close the rule.

Working with the soft phone

To use the soft phone, launch the CSR portal. Click the Channels menu item and select Open Phone

- 44 -
The soft phone appears in its own window:

Agent State:
Click the down-arrow beside Agent State to adjust your current state from the menu options:

Note that you must log in before you can use any of the soft phone's capabilities. Select Login and pro-
vide the required information:

- 45 -
The Not Ready selection has these options:

In a Meeting


Lunch Break

Button options:
The soft phone buttons provide these options:

ANSWER a call


Put the current call on HOLD

RETRIEVE a call previously put on hold

Call Handling:
Enter a telephone number or extension number in the field below the buttons, then click the down arrow
beside Call Handling to access the menu of call options:

- 46 -

Call to initiate a call.

Consult to place a consultation call to a supervisor or other party. The currently-active call will
automatically be placed on hold.

Initiate Transfer to initiate the transfer of the currently-active call to another party or queue.
A consultation call will be placed, so you can speak to the other party before you complete
transferring the call.

Complete Transfer to complete the transfer.

Blind Transfer to transfer the call without verifying that the receiving CSR is available

Initiate Conference to start a conference call

Complete Transfer to end a conference call

Send DTMF to send dual-tone multifrequency tones to navigate IVR menus using touch tones.

Note: The stateless soft phone does not support CPM’s voice-data transfer capability (i.e. the ability to
transfer an interaction and service case along with a phone call). If you need voice-data transfer capabil-
ity, you should use the older stateless soft phone.

Customizing the stateless soft phone

The stateless soft phone may be found in the harness ChannelServices-Device-Phone-UI • State-
lessSoftphone . Associated rules are in the same class - ChannelServices-Device-Phone-UI, including
sections and navigation rules. You may customize these rules to suit your needs.

Note that the stateless soft phone uses -1 for a call ID.

- 47 -
Using the Stateless Soft Phone in another PRPC application
To use the stateless softphone in an application besides CPM, use the harness or sections described

By default, the StatelessSoftphone harness includes the section StatelessSoftphone. This does not
include the PegaCALL presence agent. If you have not included the presence agent elsewhere in your
desktop, you should include it as part of the soft phone harness. You may replace the section State-
lessSoftphone with the section StatelessSoftphoneWithScreenPopControl.

- 48 -
Chapter 7: PegaCALL Configuration Wizard
The PegaCALL configuration wizard will create the basic configuration for PegaCALL, including

defining custom call classes

configuring event delivery, and the ports used

mapping call properties

creating a custom section to be included in the screen pop

Once those basic settings are configured you can make more advanced configuration changes manually.

The wizard also allows for maintenance of existing configurations by re-running the wizard against the
same RuleSet. When maintaining an existing configuration, the wizard defaults to the previously
selected values in the entry fields.

Prerequisite steps
Complete these steps before running the PegaCALL Configuration Wizard:

1. Configure a CTI Link instance.

2. Create or identify an open RuleSet and version to be used for CTI configuration changes.

3. Identify an extension and agent login credentials to use for test call evaluation. If you opt to
perform this step, you need the details required to log in and accept a call (Agent ID, Pass-
word, Group/Queue and Extension).

Using the wizard

You can use the PegaCALL Configuration Wizard to create a new configuration or to modify an existing
configuration. When you are updating an existing configuration, the wizard detects and updates existing
settings in the specified RuleSet.

Navigate through the wizard screens by using the Back and Next buttons at the bottom of the screen.
Select Cancel at any time to exit the wizard without saving your changes,

In certain points, the wizard displays the PRPC ‘Edit Rule’ icon next to a rule name or data field. Select-
ing the ‘Edit Rule’ icon opens a rule form that must be edited and saved outside of the wizard process.
Once the rule is saved, you can use PRPC navigation features to return to the wizard.

- 49 -
Specify RuleSet, version and CTI Link

Select from the list of available RuleSets the RuleSet and version in which CTI configuration rules will be
saved. The version must be unlocked and available in the user’s access group.

Specify a CTI Link definition to be used during the wizard process. Select an existing definition by press-
ing the down arrow and using SmartPrompt, or create a new definition by typing in a name for the CTIL-
ink Endpoint definition and selecting the ‘Edit Rule’ icon to the right of the field.

The specified CTI Link will be used for call testing in later wizard steps.

Edit the access group

The wizard checks the access groups used for screen pop creation CTI event handling. The access group
display varies depending on whether the CTI Link you specified is remote, local, or classic.

- 50 -
The RuleSet you specified in Step 1 must be included in those access groups for PegaCALL features to
work properly. If the wizard detects that the RuleSet is not part of the correct access groups, it will not
let you continue until the RuleSets have been added. If the RuleSet versions are available in the selected
access groups, this step displays a message that "no additional changes are needed". Click the Next but-
ton to continue.

Note: if you update an access group on this screen, after saving the access group click the Back button
in the wizard to return to the previous screen, and then click the Next button to return to this screen.
This allows the wizard to refresh its view of the access groups.

Verify CTI Link Details

Review the details of the CTI Link definition. If anything is incorrect, click Back to return to the previous
screen to select or create a different CTI Link definition.

Click the Test Connectivity button to validate that the CTI link is functioning properly. A connectivity
report appears in a pop-up window. If the status is Succeeded, all is well with the specified CTI Link def-

- 51 -
Select a call class

Select a call class to be used for site specific CTI customizations. The selectable options vary:

If you have the PegaAppCTI RuleSet, SmartPrompt displays subclasses of PegaApp-CTI-Call

Otherwise, SmartPrompt displays subclasses of ChannelServices-Interaction-Call.

Note: If you are using PegaCALL with CPM, select PegaCA-CTI-Call.

If you choose to use a custom call class, your class must inherit from PegaApp-CTI-Call if you use the
Pega-CTI RuleSet.

Most customers will not need a custom call class and should be able to select one of the existing classes.
Using a custom call class may be useful in implementations where system architects choose to extend
existing PegaCALL classes rather than customize the rules in their existing RuleSets. This also allows
architects additional flexibility to change call handling and behaviors or specify different class inher-
itance for example.

Once the call class has been selected, the wizard can generate a test call that the to detect and map call-
data elements to PegaCALL properties. Check the “Monitor a Test Agent for Inbound Call” checkbox to let
PegaCALL attempt call inspection.

Select Next when ready.

If you did not select the option to have PegaCALL inspect a test call, screens for the following two steps
do not appear.

Enter extension details

When you first come to this screen, the PegaCALL presence agent (an applet or a ScreenPop ActiveX con-
trol) is instantiated. Accept the security warning that appears to allow it to be installed.

On this screen, provide the information required to log in an agent:

- 52 -
Place a test call
The system attempts to connect to the telephony environment using the agent and extension information
provided, If successful, the screen shown below appears.

Note: In environments where end users are on a virtual host (such as Citrix) additional configuration
may be needed to ensure screen pop will work successfully. This is detailed in the section titled “Event
Delivery /Network ”

At this point, the system is waiting for a test call. Using a different device than the one specified in the
previous step, place a test call to the extension. The device should match the devices in your production
environment as closely as possible in order to make sure the same types of call data will be attached as
will be attached on a real call.

When the screen pop appears, select Next for PegaCALL to complete the call inspection process.

- 53 -
Map call properties
This step displays call properties that PegaCALL maps automatically from properties detected on the test
call’s payload of attached data (if any).

Select additional properties

This step displays additional CTI data detected on the test call.

Select additional properties to appear on the call page, and map them to call page properties. If you
specify new properties, the wizard adds them to the RuleSet version you specified.

- 54 -
Select properties for screen pop

For each property on the list, select the checkbox if PegaCALL should map the call data value to the
screen pop when a call is received. Leave the box unchecked to leave it off of the screen pop.

You can modify the property labels to improve usability.

Properties you do not select are available on the clipboard, but do not appear on the screen pop.

- 55 -
Configure desktop event delivery

Specify the type of presence agent (applet or ActiveX control) and network protocols (TCP or UDP) to
use for event delivery.

Review and save

- 56 -
Review the configuration settings the wizard has recorded. Return to any step in the wizard to modify
your choices.

When the configuration is as you want it, click FINISH to generate the rules. The process may take sev-
eral minutes; the wizard then displays a list of what was generated.

You can further customize many settings:

Modify newly created properties

Modify PegaCALL Model rules

Modify the custom screen pop section

Select the ‘Edit Rule’ icon beside an entry to access its rule.

Note: The presence agents settings are loaded into a declare page that is refreshed every 24 hours. You
may need to force-reload the page if you wish to see the new settings sooner.

- 57 -
Chapter 8: Enabling desktop event delivery

Understanding desktop event delivery

PegaCALL receives and processes a variety of telephony events. Most of these events trigger changes on
the CSR’s desktop – for example, changes in the state of a call on the CSR’s phone trigger changes in the
telephony toolbar displayed on the CSR’s desktop. This chapter describes various options for delivering
events to the CSR desktop.

The PegaCALL “Presence Agent” component

PegaCALL uses a component that is loaded into the CSR’s browser to listen for events from the PRPC
server. The component, called the Presence Agent, may be an applet or an ActiveX control. It binds to
a network port on the CSR’s desktop and receives events from the PRPC server. The events can then
trigger changes on the desktop, including UI changes. Note that the presence agent does not provide UI
elements for telephony control; its role is limited to receiving asynchronous events and passing them on
to other elements on the CSR desktop.

Depending on the configuration of CSR desktops, you may choose to use the applet or the ActiveX con-
trol for event delivery. As ActiveX controls are supported only on Internet Explorer, you will need to
choose the applet if any of your CSRs are expected to use other web browsers to access PegaCALL func-

You must ensure that desktop firewalls and browser settings are configured to allow the component
(applet or ActiveX control) to run in the CSR’s browser and listen for network events. If you use the
applet, you must ensure that the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is installed on each CSR desktop.

To configure your choice of PegaCALL desktop component, you may run the PegaCALL configuration wiz-
ard, or change the settings directly as described later in this chapter.

Network protocol and desktop port for event delivery

PegaCALL may be configured to use either TCP or UDP as a network protocol for event delivery from
PRPC to CSR desktops. If you have a reliable network between your PRPC server(s) and CSR desktops,
you may use UDP for event delivery. UDP is supported only with the ActiveX desktop control, so you will
need to choose the ActiveX control in order to use UDP. If you require very high reliability or wish to use
the applet as the desktop presence agent, you should use TCP as the network protocol.

You may configure the network port(s) on the CSR desktop that will be used for event delivery. The Pega-
CALL desktop control will open the port and listen for messages using the configured network protocol. If
a single port may not always be available (for example, in virtual desktop environments where many
CSRs may share a single IP address), you may configure a range of ports that PegaCALL may use.

To configure your choice of network protocol and desktop port(s), you may run the PegaCALL con-
figuration wizard, or change the settings directly as described later in this chapter.

- 58 -
You must configure your network and firewalls to ensure that PRPC can communicate with the CSR desk-
top using the chosen network protocol.

If you choose UDP, the PRPC server(s) must be able to send UDP messages to the chosen port
(s) on the each CSR desktop.

If you choose TCP, the PRPC server(s) must be able to open a TCP socket to the chosen port(s)
on each CSR desktop.

The PRPC server will initiate a connection for each event that must be delivered to a CSR desktop and
close the connection once the event has been delivered.

Configuring settings for desktop event delivery

Note that the following settings are shared between PegaCALL and PegaCHAT. Changes will impact both.

1. Log in to the PRPC developer portal as a user with access to the PegaCALL RuleSets.

2. From the Application Explorer, select ChannelServices-ScreenPop > Data Model >
Data Transform > pyDefault. Save it to your RuleSet.

3. On the Definition tab, update the property values to reflect your choices. The table fol-
lowing the image describes the content of each field.

- 59 -
Property Description
.pyPort The network port on the CSR desktop that will be used for PegaCALL event delivery. The Pega-
CALL desktop control will listen on this port using the configured network protocol. This prop-
erty is used only if the .pyPortScanEnabled property is set to false.
.pyPortScanEnabled A true/false value that determines whether port scanning is enabled; When enabled, the
desktop control will scan ports in the range defined by the .PortScanFrom and .PortScanTo
properties to determine an open port to which the user’s control binds itself

Note: Port scanning is only necessary in environments where users do not have their own
machine and sign in using a virtualized desktop like Citrix. It ensures users have unique port
addresses, since they will not have unique IP addresses.
.pyPortScanFrom The port number from which scanning starts; may be left blank if scanning is not enabled.
.pyPortScanTo The port number at which scanning stops; may be left blank if scanning is not enabled.

- 60 -
.pyProtocol The network protocol that is used for event delivery between PRPC and CSR desktops. The
valid protocols are TCP/IP and UDP. Set this property to ‘1’ for TCP/IP or ‘2’ for UDP. Note that
UDP is only valid if the ActiveX control is chosen in .pyPresenceAgent. The applet does not
handle UDP connections.
.pyPresenceAgent The client component in the browser which accepts the communication from the server.
Valid values are:

APPLET - This option will load an applet which runs in the Java
Plug-in on the browser and listens for TCP/IP connections from the

OCX - This option will load an ActiveX plug-in which runs on the
browser and will listen for TCP/IP or UDP connections from the
server depending on which protocol is specified in the .pyProtocol
property. Note that the usage of this component is limited to Inter-
net Explorer browsers.
.pyConnectionTimeout The value in milliseconds that the server will wait while trying to establish a socket con-
nection to the client desktop presence agent. If the server cannot establish a connection
within this time period it will timeout. This is valid only for the TCP protocol. Valid values are
positive integers. A value of “0” will disable the timeout feature.
.pyConnectionRetries The number of times the server will try to establish a connection to the client desktop pres-
ence agent after a failure has occurred. This is valid only for the TCP protocol. Valid values are
positive integers.
.pySendTimeout The value in milliseconds that the server will wait while sending a message to the client desk-
top presence agent. If the server cannot successfully send the message within this time
period then it cancels the send with a failure status. Valid values are positive integers. A value
of “0” will disable the timeout feature.
.pySendRetries The number of times the server will try to send a message to the client desktop presence
agent after a message send failure has occurred. Valid values are positive integers.

Enabling event delivery in a proxy server environment

In some network architectures, it may be necessary to bypass network proxy servers to enable screen
pop functionality on end user desktops. Before following these instructions, contact your network admin-
istrator to determine whether this is necessary in your environment. If it is necessary, these changes
must be made for each desktop using screen pops.

1. Open Internet Explorer.

2. From the menu bar, select Tools > Internet Options.

3. Select the Connections tab.

- 61 -
4. Click the LAN Settings button.

5. In the Local Area Network (LAN) Settings window, make sure the check box labeled “Use a
Proxy Server for your LAN” is selected.

6. Press the Advanced button.

7. On the Proxy Settings window enter the URL’s of your Process Commander application
servers in the box labeled Exceptions. Contact your Process Commander system admin-
istrator for the correct entries.

8. Click OK.

- 62 -
Chapter 9: Customizing user interface and call
processing behavior

Customizing the telephony toolbar

Rules for the telephony toolbar are in RuleSet Pega-CTI. The Section PegaCallContainer (applies-to Chan-
nelServices-Device-Phone-UI) provides the toolbar UI. The section includes the following components,
all of which apply to the same class.

Button Section
ACD Agent State PegaCallSection
Phone Line State PhoneLines
Phone Number CPMPhoneNumber
Call Control PegaCallStatusSection

The Navigation rule AgentAvailabilityCall governs the state and behavior of the agent state button,
including the reason-code mapping. If a user logs into the PBX/ACD without providing an agentid, this
button uses the Navigation rule NonAgentAvailabilityCall.

The dynamic menu (XML stream rule) PegaCallActionOptions and the JavaScript file pega_cti_cal-
lEventHandler.js control the state and behavior of the call control and the line state buttons .

The telephony toolbar may be customized to suit your needs. The main rules used in the toolbar may be
saved to your own RuleSet and modified to suit your needs. To change the layout of buttons in the tool-
bar, or remove buttons, edit the section PegaCallContainer. You may also edit the embedded sections
listed in the last section.

To change the look and feel of the toolbar (e.g. button colors), create your own skin. Copy the PegaCALL
styles that you wish to customize from the CPMBrandingExtension HTML fragment into an HTML frag-
ment called CPMBrandingOverridesExtension in a site-specific RuleSet. Update the PegaCALL styles to
suit your needs in CPMBrandingOverridesExtension. See the CPM implementation guide for details on
branding CPM portals.

To change the behavior of the ACD agent state button (e.g. to change reason codes used with the
Unavailable state), modify the Navigation rule AgentAvailabilityCall. If users will login to a PBX without
providing an agent ID, you should modify NonAgentAvailabilityCall.

To customize the names of the call control actions in the call control button, edit the XML stream rule

To modify behavior of the line state and call control buttons, edit the XML stream rule Pega-
CallActionOptions and the JavaScript file pega_cti_callEventHandler.js.

- 63 -
To modify CTI request handling (e.g. a request from the client to transfer a call) on the PRPC server,
modify Activities and associated rules in the class ChannelServices-Device-Phone. These rules are
described later in this chapter in the section Activities for telephony control.

To modify CTI event handling (e.g. a state change event notifying PegaCALL that a call is ringing on a
CSR’s telephone), modify Activities in the class ChannelServices-Event-CTILink. These activities are
described later in this chapter in the section Activities for Event Processing.

Customizing the screen pop UI

Customer Process Manager displays a different UI to the user during a screen pop based on what infor-
mation is known about the caller. The image below shows a sample CPM screen pop when both the con-
tact ID and account number are available for a caller:

To customize the screen pop UI:

1. Open the section rule called “AppPopCall”

a. When using PegaCALL without CPM, this section is in the ChannelServices-Inter-

action-Call class, in the Pega-CTI RuleSet. For compatibility with older ver-
sions, there is also a version in the PegaApp-CTI-Call class, in the PegaAPP-CTI

b. When using PegaCALL with CPM, this section is in the PegaCA-CTI-Call class.

2. Click Save As. The Save As window opens.

3. Select your RuleSet name from the selection box and click Save As. The instance is saved
to your RuleSet.

- 64 -
4. Modify the section according to your needs. You may add or move properties. Note: the sec-
tion "AppCustom" embedded inside the AppPopCall section is created by the PegaCALL Con-
figuration Wizard.

5. When you are done, click Save and close the window. The new section form will now be

To display different screen pop elements based on the circumstances, customize the section layout prop-
erties and set the ‘Visible When’ parameter for the desired circumstance as shown below:

Customizing behavior when a call arrives

This section describes options related to the processing triggered when a call arrives at the CSR's phone.
You can specify whether the CSR sees a popup window ("screen pop"), what happens when the CSR
clicks the Accept button, and what happens if the CSR does not respond to a screen pop.

The decision tree PegaApp-CTI-Call•SelectScreenPop governs call processing behavior for both
incoming and transferred calls. To customize the decision tree, copy it, and other rules mentioned
below, to your unlocked application RuleSet and modify it as needed. The RuleSet must be accessible to
the PegaCALL CTI service packages that process events: CTI for classic CTI links, CTILinkEvent for local
CTI links, and CTILinkRemoteEvent for remote CTI links.

You can set the decision tree to return one of the following values:

pyStandardPopUp - This is the default value returned, providing a screen pop window for new
and transferred calls.

When a call arrives and this option is selected, the system displays the screen pop UI in a
popup window. Processing waits for the CSR to either Accept or Decline the call. If the CSR
chooses Accept, the system initiates service processing for the new call. If the CSR chooses
Decline, no processing occurs.

- 65 -
Note that the Decline button does not perform any telephony interaction to send the call back
to the queue. If you want to have such behavior, you must configure your telephony system or
ACD to provide it.

To choose this behavior, configure the decision tree PegaApp-CTI-Call•SelectScreenPop to

return "pyStandardPopUp".

If you wish to vary screenpop behavior depending on whether the call is a new incoming call or
a transferred call, modify the property values set in the Data Transform pyStandardPopUp in
the class ChannelServices-ScreenPop. Please review the following section to understand the
parameters you can configure. You can also configure parameters related to the screen pop win-
dow's location and size in the same Data Transform.

pyAutoAccept - returning this value causes the system to automatically accept the call and
start service processing. No popup window appears. When PegaCALL is used with CPM, return-
ing this value triggers the start of a new CPM call interaction. If the CSR already has a call inter-
action open, processing may be deferred until the prior interaction has been closed.

To choose this behavior, configure the decision tree PegaApp-CTI-Call•SelectScreenPop to

return "pyAutoAccept".

You can configure the following properties in the Data Transform pyAutoAccept in the class

pyAutoAccept Set to "true" to automatically trigger service processing for new incoming calls.
pyWindowType Set to "WINDOWLESS" or "POPUP". If pyAutoAccept, above, is set to "true", set this
property to "WINDOWLESS".
pyAutoAcceptActivityURL Set this to the activity that is executed to start service processing. If you use CPM,
set this property to "PegaApp-CTI-Call.CTIAcceptCallAutoAccept" to start a new call
pyAutoAcceptTimeout Specify the time in seconds to wait if the CSR already has a CPM call interaction
open (for example, in wrap up) when a new incoming call arrives. If you wish to
start processing the new call even if the CSR has another interaction open, set this
value to 0. Specify a high value to ensure that no action is taken while the CSR is
processing another call.
pyAutoAccept- This property determines what happens after the timeout period described above
TimeoutDisposition elapses and CPM still has a call interaction open. Set to "FORCE" to create a new
CPM interaction for the call despite the presence of the existing call interaction. Set
to "CANCEL" to create no interaction for the new call.
pyAutoAccept- Set this property to "true" to automatically trigger service processing for trans-
OnTransfer ferred calls. When used with CPM’s transfer tool (“voice-data transfer”), the pre-

- 66 -
viously-created interaction (and associated service process or processes) will
reopen on the receiving CSR’s desktop, allowing him or her to continue interaction
and service handling when the call-transfer is complete. For warm (two-step) trans-
fers, the receiving CSR can review the call interaction during the consult call. When
the call transfer is complete, the CPM call interaction is transferred and the receiv-
ing CSR may open it in an interaction tab to continue processing.

If pyAutoAcceptOnTransfer is set to false, a screen pop is displayed for transferred

pyautoAcceptTimeout- Specify the time in seconds to wait if the CSR already has a CPM call interaction
ForTransfer open (for example, in wrap up) when a transferred call arrives.
pyAutoAcceptTimeout- Set this property to “FORCE” or “CANCEL” to determine whether an interaction is
DispositionForTransfer started when the timeout pyAutoAcceptTimeoutForTransfer elapses.

pyAcceptAfterTimeout -- returning this value causes the system to display a screenpop for
new and transferred calls. You may configure properties to alter behavior if the CSR does not

You can set the following properties in the Data Transform pyAcceptAfterTimeout in the
class ChannelServices-ScreenPop:

pyAcceptAfterTimeout Set this to true to cause interaction processing to start automatically if the
CSR does not respond within the configured period for new incoming calls.
pyAcceptTimeout Specify the time in seconds to wait for the CSR to respond when a new
incoming call arrives. When the timeout value is reached, automated proc-
essing is triggered.
pyAcceptTimeoutDisposition This property determines what happens if the CSR does not respond within
the timeout period configured for new incoming calls. Set to "ACCEPT" to
create a new CPM interaction for the call. Set to "CANCEL" to create no inter-
action for the new call.
pyAcceptAfterTimeoutOnTransfer Set this to true to cause interaction processing to start automatically if the
CSR does not respond within the configured period for transferred calls.
pyAcceptTimeoutForTransfer Specify the time in seconds to wait for the CSR to respond for transferred
calls. This time is measured from the time the call transfer completes - i.e.
for warm transfers, it does not include time spent on the consult call. When
the timeout value is reached, automated processing is triggered.
pyAc- This property determines what happens if the CSR does not respond within
ceptTimeoutDispositionForTransfer the timeout period configured for transferred calls. Set to "ACCEPT" to
create a new CPM interaction for the call. Set to "CANCEL" to create no inter-
action for the new call.

- 67 -
pyWindowType Set this to "POPUP".
pyActivityURL Set this to the activity that generates the screen pop UI. This is set by default
to PegaApp-ScreenPop-CTIScreenPop.AppDisplayPopData.
pyAutoAcceptActivityURL Set this to the activity that is executed to start service processing if the CSR
does not respond. If you use CPM, set this property to "PegaApp-CTI-Call.CT-
IAcceptCallAutoAccept" to start a new call interaction.

Configuring differing behavior for new versus transferred calls

You may configure differing behavior for new incoming calls and transferred calls. To do this, choose the
model closest to the behavior you desire and configure the decision tree PegaApp-CTI-Call•-
SelectScreenPop to return the appropriate name.

Modify the data model (e.g. pyAcceptAfterTimeout) to suit your needs. You must ensure that if pyAu-
toAccept is true, pyAcceptAfterTimeout is false, and vice versa. Similarly, pyAu-
toAcceptTimeoutForTransfer and pyAcceptAfterTimeoutOnTransfer cannot both be set true.

Configuring the Service Processing activity

You may configure the activity used to start service processing, that is called when the CSR clicks the
Accept button or service processing initiates automatically as discussed above. By default, this does not
answer the call, as many contact centers choose to auto-answer calls within their telephony envi-

If you use CPM, configure the starting activity in the .pyDefault model rule of the PegaCA-Work-Inter-
action-Call class. By defaut, it starts a new CPM phone call interaction.

If you don't use CPM, the starting activity is ChannelServices-Interaction-Call • StartInteraction.

If you use the PegaApp-CTI RuleSet, the activity is PegaAppCTICall.CTIAcceptCall. You should either
replace or customize this activity to serve your needs.

Configuring which calls are processed via screen pop and Accept
PegaCALL provides a When rule that you can use to determine if a particular call is subject to service
processing--that is, whether the call arriving at the CSR's phone triggers a screen pop or auto-accept
behavior. For example, you may decide not to start CPM interactions for internal calls between CSRs,
based on CTI data received from the telephony environment.

You may configure the When rule, PegaApp-CTI-Call.PopCall, to determine if service processing
occurs for a call. If it returns "true", service processing is initiated. If it returns "false", no service proc-
essing occurs and no new CPM interaction is created. By default, the rule returns "true".

Note that the CSR may continue to use the soft phone regardless of this setting.

- 68 -
A note on call objects
PegaCALL creates a call object in the database for each call it receives. The call ID received from the
CTI platform is used to identify the call object.

As a rule, you should delete call objects from the database before the CTI platform repeats call IDs
(Please see the section "Deleting older call objects" in the chapter Additional CTI Link configuration for
more information).

If PegaCALL receives a second call with the same call ID, it merges the CTI data received with the new
call into the pre-existing call object. By default, if there are conflicts, PegaCALL preserves the new call

If you wish to retain the older CTI data (for example, if the call object was created to store data that
was pre-fetched from other systems), you may configure the When rule PegaApp-CTI-Call•-
OverwriteCallObject to return “false”.

Using telephony within other PRPC applications

You may use PegaCALL to provide telephony control in any PRPC application. Besides configuring Pega-
CALL, as described in prior chapters, you must do the following to be able to use the telephony toolbar
and screen pops:

1. Embed the screen pop control within your custom applicaton.

2. If you wish to use the telephony tools, embed the telephony toolbar within your custom appli-
cation. If you only want to use screen pops, you can skip this step.

Adding the PegaCALL screen pop control to your custom application

If you are using PegaCALL with a custom PRPC application, follow these steps to incorporate the Pega-
CALL presence agent into your application:

1. Identify the location in your application where the PegaCALL Active-X control should be
embedded. Access the HTML for this location.

2. Insert the following text within the HTML:

<pega:include name="ScreenPopControl" type="Rule-HTML-Property" />

3. Save the HTML and test your application using your standard procedures.

Adding the telephony toolbar to your custom application

If you are using PegaCALL with a custom PRPC application, you may incorporate the PegaCALL telephony
toobar into your application. The toolbar is in the Section PegaCallContainer (applies-to Chan-
nelServices-Device-Phone-UI), as described earlier in this chapter.

- 69 -
Chapter 10: Administering PegaCALL
PegaCALL provides several utilities to help you administer CTI Links and, that are useful in development
and troubleshooting. The utilities include a soft phone that may be used to test PegaCALL and utilities to
administer and edit CTI Links and log out users.

Accessing the PegaCALL landing page

The utilities are part of a "landing page" that provides quick access to CTI Link tools.

To use the landing page, you must have the Pega-CTI RuleSet in your access group.

To open the landing page, click the Pega button at the top left of the Designer Studio, and then select
Channel Services > PegaCALL and then either Administration & Configuration or Phone Tool-

Administration and configuration gadgets

When you select Administration & Configuration, you have access to these gadgets:

CTI Links

Call Data

Config Wizard

They are described in the following sections:

CTI Links
The CTI Links gadget lists all available CTI Links, and gives information about their nature and current
status. Information displayed includes:

Link name

a short description

the CTI provider

the Link Type

- 71 -
whether the link is enabled

whether the link is set to auto-start

the link's current status (STOPPED or RUNNING)

How many sessions are active on the link

Note: Each CTI Link typically has a single CTI session on a PRPC node.

Click the header of the Name column to sort the links in alphabetical or reverse-alphabetical order.

Five buttons at the top right of the list let you perform the following functions:

Export to Excel: export the list of links as a spreadsheet for offline reference or storage.

Refresh: refresh the current screen display.

Add: click this button to add a link. In the form that appears, provide a name for the new link
and click Create. The rule form appears where you can further information about the link. Click
Cancel to close the form without creating a link.

Start: When you select a stopped link in the list, this button becomes active. Click it to start the

Stop: When you select a running link in the list, this button becomes active. Click it to stop the
link. Note that if you stop a link that is set to auto-start, the PegaCALL agent will attempt to
restart the link the next time it runs. To prevent this, open the rule for this link (click its name
in the list) and turn off autostart; or disable the link.

Click the name of a link, or double-click anywhere on the link's row, to display its rule form, where you
can review or update information about the link. For details on link configuration, please refer to chapter

Click the icon at the left end of a link entry to display a form with details about the link and a list of cur-
rent sessions on the service. From this form three buttons let you

start a stopped link

restart - stop a link and then start it again

stop a link

Logging out ACD agents

Logging out a user logs the corresponding agent out from the ACD. That agent will stop receiving phone
calls from ACD queues. Stopping device monitoring stops the flow of CTI events from the ACD to Pega-
CALL for that device. If a user is using the device with PegaCALL, he or she will stop receiving screen

- 72 -
pops and will be unable to use telephony controls and utilities. You should use these utilities only if you
are unable to log the agent out of the ACD through other means (e.g. through the agent’s telephone).

Go to the Administer CTI Links utility as described earlier in this chapter. From the list of CTI Links,
select the CTI Link for the ACD that the agent or device is connected to. Double-click the CTI session dis-
played in the lower part of the window. If there is more than one CTI session, you will need to select the
one that the device or agent is connected to. A list of devices and associated agents is displayed. The list
also shows the PRPC operator and workstation id (ip address and port) of the PRPC user who is logged
into the device.

To log an agent out of the ACD and stop receiving events from the associated device, use the Logout
Agent button. To stop monitoring the device so PegaCALL stops receiving events from the ACD for that
device, use the Close Device button.

Call Data
The call data gadget displays calls handled through PegaCALL.

Config Wizard
This tab provides a link to the configuration wizard.

Application Gateways
This tab provides administration of Cisco application gateways.

Phone Toolbar
PegaCALL provides a telephony toolbar you can use for call control and agent state management.

You may use the toolbar to log in to an extension or monitor a device using the synchronized telephony
control. Once logged in, you may perform call control and agent state management from the toolbar.

- 73 -
Chapter 11: Running the CTI Link Server and Related Components

Chapter 11: Running the CTI Link Server

and Related Components
This chapter provides information about running the PegaCALL CTI Link Server and
the White Mesa SOAP server.

Running the CTI Link Server

The CTI Link Server runs as a Windows service and can be set up to start manually or
automatically when the server is booted. The major benefit of a Windows service
when it is auto-started is that it can run while no one is logged into the Windows

To start the CTI Link server from the Control Panel, open Administrative Tools and
then open Services. Select Pegasystems CTILink Service and click the Start button.
The service status should change to Started. If you prefer that the CTI Link server
start automatically, use the Properties dialog box (from the Action menu).

To start the CTI Link server from a command window, type:

net start ctilink

Running the IIS SOAP Server

The IIS SOAP server can be selected during the install process as the SOAP server for
PegaCALL. It runs as a Windows service and can be set up to start manually or auto-
matically when the server is booted and run while no one is logged into the Windows

To start the IIS SOAP server from the Windows Control Panel, open Administrative
Tools, and click Services. In the Services dialog, select IIS Admin Service and click
Start the service. The service status should change to Started. Then select World
Wide Web Publishing Service and click the Start the service. The service status
should change to started.

If you prefer that the IIS Admin Service and World Wide Web Publishing Service start
automatically, open the Service Properties dialog for each and change the Startup
type: setting from Manual to Automatic.

Running the White Mesa SOAP Server

The White Mesa SOAP server can be selected during the install process as the SOAP
Server for PegaCALL. It runs as a Windows service. It can be set up to start manually

- 75 -
Chapter 5

or automatically when the server is booted and run while no one is logged into the Win-
dows server.

To start the White Mesa SOAP server from the Windows Control Panel, open Admin-
istrative Tools, and then open Administrative Tools, and click Services. In the Serv-
ices dialog, select IIS Admin Service and click Start the service. The service status
should change to Started.

If you prefer that the White Mesa SOAP service start automatically, open the Service
Properties dialog and change the Startup type: setting from Manual to Automatic.

Running the ICR Link Server

The ICR Link server is only used in the Cisco environment when enhanced routing
(using Cisco App Gateway) is used. It is not required for screen pop and call control
functions. The ICR Link server can be run in two modes - as a console application or
as a Windows service .

Console Application
A console application can only be run when a user is logged into the Windows server.
When PegaICR.exe is executed, it opens a DOS application window and the output is
directed into that window as well as the log file. This mode is preferable for devel-
opment systems, but is not necessary.

Starting in Console Application Mode

To run as a console application, either create a shortcut to the PegaICR.exe or run a
DOS window and change into the directory where the PegaICR.exe is located. In
either case, the executable is launched using the following:

…/PegaCallICR/…/PegaICR.exe –console

Note: If the first parameter of the executable is not set to –console the application
will not start properly. In addition, PegaICR.exe will not launch properly if the execut-
able is simply double-clicked in the file folder.

Service Application
A service application runs as a Windows service. It can be setup to start manually or
automatically when the server is booted. The major benefit to a service application is
the fact that it can auto start when the system is booted and can run while no one is
logged into the Windows server.

Starting in Service Application Mode

To start the application as a service, open the Services program in the Windows Con-
trol Panel. Select the service you wish to start and click the start button. The service
status should change to Started.

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Chapter 12: Using telephony rules

Understanding state synchronization

The CPM Channels toolbar and the PegaCALL telephony toolbar synchronize their state with the tel-
ephone system. Various CTI events that describe call and agent state are passed from the ACD to Pega-
CALL through your CTI platform. The PRPC server processes these events and passes them on to the
client through the PegaCALL presence agent component. The toolbar registers and listens for call state
and agent state events. It refreshes its state based on the events received.

The following examples describe the processing and communication that occurs between the PegaCALL
components when a state change occurs that needs to be synchronized with the toolbar. These examples
should be used to understand how synchronization occurs and to assist system architects in defining cus-
tomizations for their environment.

Agent is signed in to PRPC and CTI

The PegaCALL telephony toolbar is enabled in an active Harness or section

PegaCALL presence agent is loaded in the browser

Example 1
1. CTI Link Server receives Genesys EventRinging event from the T-Server and calls a cor-
responding PRPC SOAP Service.

2. The PRPC service invokes the ChannelServices-Event-CTILINK.Offering activity, which per-

forms several functions. One of these functions sends a UDP message to the PegaCALL Acti-
veX control at the user’s workstation, with properties defined by the model rule

3. The ActiveX control receives the UDP message and propagates a corresponding call state
event (Alerting).

- 77 -
4. StatefulSoftPhoneEventHandler has registered to receive call state events. It receives the
“Alerting” event and calls several functions defined by the StatefulSoftPhoneScript rule.
These functions change the UI element states and colors and reference styles defined in
StatefulSoftPhoneStyles. In this case, Alerting forces several UI changes using JavaScript
functions, including:

a. The Action button is set to “Answer”

b. The status text shows “Alerting”

c. The line button color changes to “Red”

Example 2
“Held” event sent from the CTI server to the CPM telephony toolbar (through the PegaCALL CTI Link

1. The CTI Link Engine receives a “CallHeld” event from the CTI Server.

2. It invokes the ChannelServices-Event-CTILINK.Held activity (through a Rule-Service-Java

interface), which performs several functions. One of these functions sends a message to the
PegaCALL presence agent at the user’s workstation, with properties defined by the model
rule ChannelServices-Event-CTILink.Softphone_Held.

3. The presence agent receives the message and propagates a corresponding call state event

4. The CPM telephony toolbar (pega_cpm_callchat.js) has registered to receive call state

5. StatefulSoftPhoneEventHandler recognizes the “Held” event and updates the toolbar UI

based on the XML stream rule PegaCallActionOptions and the JavaScript file pega_cpm_call-
chat.js. In this case, Held event causes updates to the UI, including:

a. The line button changes to yellow.

b. The Action button changes (depending on the state of other lines).

As is evident in these examples, the CSR’s toolbar UI updates to reflect the state of the phone, based on
CTI events received from the CTI platform.

Processing State-change events

PegaCALL rules can recognize and respond to the following call state change events:

- 78 -

Call Initiated

Call Held

Call Retrieved (from Hold)

Call Established (Answered)

Call Disconnected

Call Connected

Call Abandoned

PegaCALL rules can recognize and respond to the following agent state changes:

Party Info Changes (Party Added/Dropped from call)




Not Ready

Snapshot (of Agent/Device State, used at agent login and reconnect)

For each of the listed events, PegaCALL maintains a service, implemented using SOAP services, that
responds to the state change event.

These services all work in similar fashion to process CTI events:

Receive the event from the CTI Link

Call a corresponding activity (named after the event – e.g. Offering) defined in the event class
ChannelServices-Event-CTILink, which:

Formats data associated with the event according to a model rule defined in the event
class ChannelServices-Event-CTILink. The model rules follow the naming convention
SoftPhone_Event (e.g. SoftPhone_Offering).

Sends a message to the ActiveX control with the event type and data.

- 79 -
Request and Response Events
In addition to the CTI events (agent state, call state) received from the CTI platform, the toolbars use
two events for state change requests:

SoftphoneRequest Event: This event captures information related to a call control or

agent state change request. The toolbar sends this event to invoke a corresponding call con-
trol or agent state change activity on the PRPC server. These activities are described in the
section Desktop Telephony Functions.

SoftphoneResponse Event: This event is a response to a SoftphoneRequest event. It indi-

cates that the requested activity was invoked on the PRPC server. The event includes the
result or error returned by the activity. Note that a “Good” result only indicates that the
activity was run – it does not indicate that the call or agent state was changed as requested.
A separate agent or call state event should follow, indicating the state change.

Customizing the call class and associated call data

PegaCALL provides a call class ChannelServices-Interaction-Call in the Pega-CTI RuleSet. Call objects
are typically created when a call arrives at a CSR desktop. CTI call data, for example data entered by
the caller in the IVR, is stored in properties in the call class. For compatibility with older applications,
the PegaApp-CTI-Call class is used if the PegaApp-CTI RuleSet is used. You may extend the call class or
add properties to it to suit your needs.

The Model rule pyOffering maps CTI data that PegaCALL receives with the Offering event (when a call is
ringing at the CSR’s phone) to properties in the Call class. You should customize the Model and the prop-
erties in the call class to suit your needs.

Call data provided by the Genesys CIM platform is stored in the value group .pyUserData in class Chan-
nelServices-Interaction-Call or in NamedVariables in class PegaApp-CTI-Call.

Setting access to PegaCALL rules and custom RuleSets

For users who use the CTI Link Engine, PegaCALL provides an Application rule called PegaCTI and an
access group PegaCTIDeveloper. For users who use a CTI Link Engine and PegaCHAT, an Application and
an access group called PegaChannelServices are provided. You may customize these access groups or
create similar ones for your users. You must ensure that your access group provides access to custom
RuleSets required for your screenpops and any other rules you customize.

The PegaCALL CTI Engine sends telephony events to PRPC (local CTI node) through a Java service (Rule-
Service-Java). The service package used for this is CTILinkEvent. You must ensure that the CTIL-
inkEvent service package has access to any custom RuleSets required for screenpops and other changes
you make to telephony event processing.

- 80 -
In a distributed deployment model, CTI requests from the remote node execute using the CTIL-
inkRequest service package on the local CTI node. Events from the local CTI node execute services on
the remote node using the CTILinkRemoteEvent service package. If you customize any request-proc-
essing rules (e.g. activities), you will need to ensure that the CTILinkRequest service package can
access them. You should also ensure that the CTILinkRemoteEvent service package has access to screen-
pop and other custom rules.

Desktop telephony functions

PegaCALL provides a set of functions that may be used to invoke desktop telephony activities. These
functions are used by the telephony toolbars. They may also be used to invoke telephony control within

These functions send messages to a PBX/ACD via the CTI Link to control phone calls and agent states.
For example, a CSR can perform common telephony functions from the desktop such as call transfers
and setting the phone to be Ready or Not Ready. These functions can be performed by the CSR clicking
selections on the telephony toolbar. Additionally, these can be called within workflows or other screens
by calling the corresponding activities.

Activities for telephony control

The following activities are included in the class ChannelServices-Device-Phone and can be used to con-
trol telephony functions initiated by the user or workflow.

These activities accept input parameters, many of which are repeated and have the same usage through-
out. Unless indicated, the input parameters specified are defined as follows:

DN – refers to the Directory Number (DN) of a specified telecom device, typically the extension
number for a phone.

Party – refers to the Directory Number (DN) of a party on a multi-party call on which the
selected action will be performed

Line – refers to the telephone line on which the specified action will be performed. The standard
toolbar provides 3 lines, but may be extended

XMLParms – Optional parameters, including call data parameters which may be attached to the
call and passed to call events that support this feature.

This activity answers an incoming call on the CSR’s extension.

Parameter Data Type Required? Description

Line String No Line
XMLParams String No XML parameters

- 81 -
This activity initiates a blind-transfer for a call, which is one that is transferred without a consultation
call. The call is transferred without the CSR first talking with the transferee.

Parameter Required? Description
Destination phone number or extension to which the call will be
Destination String Yes
Line String No Line
XMLParams String No XML parameters

This activity completes a conference call. When this activity ends, all three parties are together on one
conference call. This activity assumes ConferenceInitiate was called successfully prior to executing.

Parameter Data Type Required? Description

Line String No Line
XMLParams String No XML parameters

This activity allows a CSR to initiate a conference call. This activity completes the first step of the con-
ference by placing the active call on hold and making a consultation call to the number given.

Parameter Required? Description
Destination phone number or extension to which the call will be
Destination String Yes
Line String No Line
XMLParams String No XML parameters

This activity automatically places the active call on hold and initiates a consultation call to the provided
number or extension. This may be useful when an agent needs to consult with another party but is
unsure as to whether they will need to later transfer or conference the call. Users have the option of
transferring or conferencing the consultation call and a held call.

- 82 -
Parameter Required? Description
Destination phone number or extension to which the call will be
Destination String Yes
Line String No Line
XMLParams String No XML parameters

This activity will drop the selected party from a conference.

Parameter Data Type Required? Description

Party String Yes DN of the party to be dropped from the conference.
Line String No Line
XMLParams String No XML parameters

This activity will hang up a connected call on the specified line.

Parameter Data Type Required? Description

Line String No Line
XMLParams String No XML parameters

This activity will place on hold the call on the specified line.

Parameter Data Type Required? Description

DN String No DN
Line String No Line
XMLParams String No XML parameters

This activity logs a CSR into the ACD so that the CSR is able to use CTI to get screen pops and perform
desktop telephony functions. The activity:

- 83 -
1. Associates the PRPC operator with an ACD agent and extension

2. Sends a login request to the CTI Link server or engine.

The operator can then receive screen pops and other call and agent state change events at his or her

The login fails if another operator is logged on to the specified extension. At this point, the operator has
two choices:

Remove the other operator currently holding the extension

Enter another extension

Parameter Data Type Required? Description

Extension number of the device to be monitored or
Extension String Yes
logged into
The user’s ACD Agent ID. If not specified, the extension
AgentID String No will be monitored and the operator may use the exten-
AgentPwd String No The user's ACD Agent password.
Queue String Yes The queue ID to which the agent will connect.
The work mode or state to which the agent should be
WorkMode String Yes
set at login, usually 'Available' or 'AUX'.
ID of the PegaCALL CTILink to which the agent will be
CTILinkDefinitionName String Yes
The IP address of the operator’s desktop and the port
being used by the PegaCALL Presence Agent control
WorkStationID String Yes
for receiving CTI events. This will be used to deliver
events to the agent desktop.
Determines whether to assume control of the device
when receiving a failure due to an agent already
Overwrite True/False No
logged in at the specified extension. Not available
when using synchronized controls.
XML Params String No XML parameters

This activity logs out a CSR so the CSR is no longer able to perform CTI functions. This eliminates unnec-
essary system overhead and frees the extension the operator was using so that another operator can log
in using that extension.

Parameter Data Type Required? Description

AgentID String No The user's AgentID
XMLParams String No XML parameters

- 84 -
This activity initiates a call on the selected line.

Parameter Data Type Required? Description

Destination String Yes Destination phone number to be dialed
Line String No Line
XMLParams String No XML parameters

This activity sets a CSR to a not-ready state, which indicates that the CSR is not available to receive
calls. Following the execution of this command, the PBX/ACD will not send inbound calls to the CSR until
the Ready command is executed.

This activity can be configured and integrated into a CSR’s flow making it possible for the CSR to wrap
up the flow without receiving a new call, or to take a break.

Parameter Data Type Required? Description

Reason String Yes The reason the CSR is setting their extension to 'Not Ready'.
ID of the selected reason. Reason and ReasonCode are
ReasonCode String Yes
passed to the CTI Server
Queue String No Agent queue
XMLParams String No XML parameters

This activity sets the agent to a ready state, which indicates that the agent is available to receive calls.

Parameter Data Type Required? Description

Queue String No Agent queue.

This activity resets an agent’s device information. This activity is used if the PegaCALL data is not syn-
chronized with the status of the phone. This activity can correct problems from limitations of certain
PBX/ACD middleware layers. This function is not needed in the majority of PegaCALL implementations.

If the user has difficulty executing telephony commands from the workstation because of problems with
synchronization, this function can be used after clearing all calls from the phone. This causes PegaCALL

- 85 -
to also clear all calls in memory on that phone, so that the software and the hardware are synchronized

This activity will retrieve a call previously placed on hold.

Parameter Data Type Required? Description

Destination String Yes Destination phone number to be dialed
Line String No Line
XMLParams String No XML parameters

This activity will place the call on the currently active line on hold and retrieve a held call from another
line. This may be useful if a CSR is in consultation with another CSR and needs to return to a held caller

Parameter Data Type Required? Description

ActiveLine String No ID of the active line.
HeldLine String No ID of the held line.

This activity completes the supervised transfer of a call. Following the execution of this activity, the CSR
who initially received the call will drop off the line and the original caller will be connected with the trans-

Parameter Data Type Required? Description

Line String No Line
XMLParams String No XML parameters

This activity initiates a consultation call and places the active call on hold. This is for a supervised trans-
fer, otherwise known as a “warm transfer”, which allows a CSR to talk with the transferee before trans-
ferring the caller. This activity completes the first step of the transfer by placing the active call on hold
and making a consultation call to the number given.

Parameter Data Type Required? Description

Destination String Yes Destination phone number to be dialed, and to which the

- 86 -
call will be transferred.
Line String No Line
XMLParams String No XML parameters

UI functions
The following UI function API is available from the ChannelServices-Device-Phone-UI class:

The DisplayLoginScreen activity will display the login screen popup UI. This is necessary to allow the
agent to login to an extension and/or queue.

Parameter Data Type Required? Description

WorkStationID String Yes ID and port of the requesting agent.

Activities for event processing

Event activities process CTI events originating from the CTI platform including events related to call
state changes and agent state changes. These activities are located in the ChannelServices-Event-CTIL-
ink class.

Event activities send updated call and agent state information to the user’s browser via the PegaCALL
Presence Agent. Information that is sent to the browser for each event is defined by a model rule spec-
ified for that event. Additional properties can be sent to the browser by overriding the model in a site-
specific RuleSet and adding new properties to the model.

The model always sets a value for .pyEventName. This property is used by the State-
fulSoftPhoneEventHandler to call a JavaScript function corresponding to each event received.

Abandoned indicates that the caller has abandoned or disconnected from the call prior to an agent

Model Rule: ChannelServices-Event-CTILink.SoftPhone_Abandoned

Indicates that the agent’s ACD state has changed. It corresponds to several agent state events that may
be received from the CTI platform. No Model rule is defined for this event.

- 87 -
Connected indicates that the call has been connected to an agent extension and the agent has answered
the phone.

Model Rule: ChannelServices-Event-CTILink.SoftPhone_Connected

Disconnected indicates that a call has been disconnected from the agent’s extension.

Model Rule: ChannelServices-Event-CTILink.SoftPhone_Disconnected

Diverted indicates that the call was offered to the agent’s extension and then diverted by the ACD
(usually as a result of no answer by the agent).

Model Rule: ChannelServices-Event-CTILink.SoftPhone_Diverted

Established indicates that the call has been connected to an agent extension and the agent has answered
the phone.

Model Rule: ChannelServices-Event-CTILink.SoftPhone_Established

Held indicates a call has been put on hold.

Model Rule: ChannelServices-Event-CTILink.SPhone_Held


Offering indicates a call is ringing on the CSR’s phone. The Offering call state may also be referred to as
Ringing or Alerting.

Model Rule: ChannelServices-Event-CTILink.SPhone_Offering

- 88 -
Appendix: Developer and debugging tools

Enabling soft phone logging

To help debug issues you may encounter, you may enable logging on the soft phone. Logging may be
turned on for specific users.

To enable logging for a user’s softphone, save the When rule called “ChannelServices-Device-Phone.E-
nableLogging” into a site-specific RuleSet and update it to include the operator ID in one of the con-

Save the rule and refresh the softphone and a log window will appear on the user’s UI and display
events and other logging information for that desktop.

Note that logging can slow down the user interface. You should use this capability only when it is
required for troubleshooting.

Logging for the applet

If you use the applet as the presence agent, you may enable logging for that component by setting up a
Windows system environment variable on the CSR desktop where you wish to enable logging.

Create the system environment variable pega.desktopapplet.debuglevel and set it to a log level value
from the list below:

- 89 -
0 = Logging off

1 = logging without message data

2 = logging with message data

3 = full logging to the file and console

By default the log level is set to 0 to turn off logging. After you change and save the setting, restart the
web browser to enable logging.

The applet creates a log file named pega_screenPopApplet.log in the Java temp directory (usually in

ActiveX logging
If you use the ActiveX control as the presence agent, you can enable logging as follows:

Add a file named ScreenPop.ini to the windows folder (%windir%) on the user’s desktop. The contents
of the file must be as follows, with the values for the <...> entries explained below:

Logging=<debug level>
WriteDump=<Writedump level>

the debug level can be:

0 (logging is off)

1 (logging without message data)

2 (logging with message data)

The WriteDump level can be:

1 (dumps--that is, displays or writes out--the log if the ActiveX control


0 (does not generate dumps)

A log file named ScreenPop.log will be written to the user’s temporary files folder (%temp%).

- 90 -
Appendix: Configuring and using classic telephony
PegaCALL 6.2 sp3 and newer provide a new stateless soft phone and related rules in RuleSet Pega-CTI,
as described in this guide. New implementations should use Pega-CTI rather than PegaAppCTI, and exist-
ing deployments should consider migrating to the newer tools.

If you are upgrading from an older release and wish to continue using the older soft phone and tools,
this appendix describes additional configuration required to do so, and describes related rules.

Replace the PegaCALL menu in developer studio

After you have configured CTI Link server, replace the PegaCALL menu to use tools related to classic
telephony (PegaAppCTI).

The default Navigation rule for the Pega button provides access to utilities for configuring and admin-
istering newer links created using the Pega-CTI RuleSet. To continue to be able to administer and use
CTI Links created in PegaAppCTI, override the Navigation rule as follows:

1. Open the Navigation rule Pega-Landing.ChannelServicesMainMenu_Legacy from the

PegaAppCTI RuleSet.

2. Save the rule as Pega-Landing.pyChannelServicesMainMenu in your own RuleSet above the

PegaAppCTI RuleSet.

You may need to log out and back in before you are able to see the updated Channel Services menu. In
the Channel Services > PegaCALL menu, you will see tools to configure and administer CTI Links using
the PegaAppCTI RuleSet.

Configure a CTI Link

Once you have configured your CTI Link Server, you must configure a CTI Link (endpoint) on PRPC to
connect to it.

Note that the configuration described earlier, ctilink-config uses the newer rules in Pega-CTI. The con-
figuration described below is required for older PegaAppCTI based telephony.

From the Pega button, navigate to Channel Services > PegaCALL > Edit Link Servers. (You will need to
update your menu as described above before you can use this menu.) On the Edit CTI Link Server
Endpoints page, click on the Add icon to add a CTI Link. You may also edit an existing link.

Create a CTI Link server endpoint definition

When defining multiple instances on the same physical server, the ‘DEFAULT’ instance follows the stand-
ard naming convention: http://servername/PegaCall where ‘servername’ is the IP address or DNS

- 91 -
name of the physical server hosting the CTI Link Server. Note that ‘PegaCall’ in the instance names is
case sensitive.

All other instances on the server must follow the convention http://ser-
vername/PegaCall/instancename (where ‘instancename’ is the name of the instance specified in
Step 1 when configuring the CTI Link server.

Enable the classic stateless softphone in CPM

To continue to use the classic stateless softphone within CPM, you will need to update a few rules.

Copy (Save-As) the activity CPM-Portal • OpenCTITools_Old as OpenCTITools in a RuleSet above the
CPM-UI RuleSet. This activity launches the older stateless softphone instead of the new one.

By default, the stateful soft phone appears at the top of the standard CPM, CSR, and manager portals.
Here are the steps for switching to the stateless soft phone:

The appearance of the stateful or stateless soft phone is controlled by settings in the rule CPMMan-

1. Locate CPMManagerHeaderNavChannels. The quickest way is to use the search form at the
top right of the PRPC Designer Studio.

- 92 -
2. Save a copy of the rule into the application RuleSet.

3. Adjust the copy of the rule:

1. Double-click the Show Channels Toolbar entry and, on the Advanced tab,
locate the Show section. Change the value in the When field from "Always"
to "Never".

2. Double-click the Open Phone Tools entry and, as above, locate the Show sec-
tion on the Advanced tab. Change the value in the When field from "Never" to

3. Save and close the rule.

Global CTI Settings

There are a number of CTI settings that are configured globally on your PRPC system. Any change to
these settings affects all users of PegaCALL on the system.

- 93 -
Global setting defaults are defined in the PegaAppCTI RuleSet. These settings may be overridden by
copying the specified model rules into a site-specific RuleSet and changing the values, as shown in the
image below:

Add CTI settings to a Declare Page by applying the model rule pyDefault in the PegaApp-CTI-Settings
class. The model defines the following global values:

.RemoteRegistration (true/false)
Setting this value to ‘true’ causes PRPC to pass the user IP and Screen Pop port values to the
CTILink server(s) on Login. If enabled, the CTILink server will store the users IP and Port and
include these values on every user event it sends to PRPC. This simplifies PRPC processing and
removes the need to perform a database query for this information for events like Screen Pop.

.DuplicateRegOverwrite (prompt/always/never)
Defines whether PegaCALL will allow a user, during login, to take control of an extension that it
thinks is already in use by another agent. This may occur in situations where an agent fails to
log off properly but is no longer using the extension. Acceptable values are:

– ‘prompt’ – the system will warn the user that another agent is using the specified
device and ask them if they would like to take control of the device.

– ‘always’ – the system will automatically allow the user to take control of the device

– ‘never’ – the system will notify the user that the device is in use and not allow them to
take control of the device until the registered user logs out

- 94 -
Appendix: Administering classic (PegaAppCTI) CTI
The PegaCALL developer portal offers several features that are designed to simplify developer mon-
itoring and testing of PegaCALL applications.

These are accessed by selecting the Pega button > Channel Services > PegaCALL > Utilities .

If you are upgrading from a version earlier than PegaCALL 6.2, you may need to modify the Navigation
rule for the ChannelServices menu to access some of the utilities. Please see the appendix on con-
figuring and using classic telephony.

Connection Status
Selecting this option provides a summary of configured CTI Link servers that have been defined in PRPC.
The provided summary includes the name, description, URL and status of each of the defined CTI Links.

Select a server on the list to Start or Stop the selected CTI Link, see session information or request a list
of connected devices..

The DeviceList allows the user to select a row for additional details, or remove a monitored device from
the CTI Link.

Select the trash can icon to remove a user from the list of monitored devices.

Enabled users
Displays a list of CTI Enabled users currently registered in PegaCALL. Select the trash can icon to
remove a user’s CTI registration.

- 95 -
View Current Call Data
This option display a list of all call records being stored by PegaCALL and any associated call data being
stored with the call record. Selecting a record will display details of the record’s creation and update
dates at the bottom of the window:

Edit Link Servers

This option enables the user to add or change CTI Link Server instances on PRPC. The SOAP connectors
for all PegaCALL phone activities will use this definition to connect to the CTI Link server. If your site has
multiple CTI Link servers, create an instance in PRPC for each CTI Link server in use.

To create a PegaApp-CTI-PBXLink server instance,

1. Select the Edit Link Servers option from the Pega button > Channel Services > Pega-
CALL > Utilities menu.

2. Enter the name and URL of each CTI Link server (Figure 11 3). The name must follow the con-
vention: http://servername/PegaCall.

- 96 -
Note: If you have defined multiple CTILink instances on the same physical server, they must follow the
convention: http://servername/PegaCALL/instancename (where instancename is the name spec-
ified for that instance when configuring the CTILink server.

PegaCALL Tools
This option provides the user the ability to use PegaCALL and log in to an extension or monitor a device
using the stateless telephony control:

- 97 -
If the user’s access group includes the MyCoCTI RuleSet, this utility will also allow the user to send test
call events without requiring a connection to a physical ACD or switch.

To execute test call events, select the event from the CTI Tester section of the PegaCALL Tools UI:

An event form will display allowing you to set values in order to simulate call properties.

Once you have done this and select submit, the tester will pass the event to the SOAP service in the
same way that the CTILink would during a real call.

- 98 -
Appendix: Contacting Pegasystems
This appendix describes how to contact Pegasystems for the following:

Customer support

Education services

Documentation feedback

Office locations

For more information about our company and products, visit our Web site at

Customer support
Pegasystems Global Services has a dedicated team of support engineers and product specialists ready
to respond with support and consulting services. Pegasystems offers a choice of customer support pro-
grams to meet your business requirements.

Global Services is committed to working in partnership with our customers to deliver world-class sup-
port and service.

To contact Pegasystems, go to

Education services
Pegasystems Education department offers a wide range of courses for our customers. For course
descriptions and contact information, go to Courses can be presented at customer sites.
Courses are given at these locations:

Headquarters in Cambridge, Massachusetts

Chicago, Illinois

San Francisco, California

Reading, United Kingdom

Sydney, Australia

Pegasystems Certified Professional program

The Pegasystems Certified Professional Program is an important part of Education Services. The pro-
gram provides certification examinations for System Architects on the aspects of PegaRULES Process
Commander essential to implementing successful applications. For more information, go to

Documentation feedback
Pegasystems strives to produce high-quality documentation. If you have comments or suggestions,
please send us a fax or e-mail with the following information:

Document name, version number, and order number (located on the copyright page)

Page number

Brief description of the problem — for example, what instructions are inaccurate, or what infor-
mation requires clarification

Send faxes to: 617-374-9620, attention Technical Communications.

Send e-mail to:

Note: This e-mail address is only for documentation feedback. For a product or technical question, con-
tact Pegasystems Global Services department.

Office locations
Pegasystems maintains offices in these locations:

North America
Cambridge, Massachusetts (Headquarters)

Alpharetta, Georgia

Bedford, New Hampshire

Chicago, Illinois

- ii -
Cupertino, California

Irving, Texas

New York, New York

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Reading, United Kingdom

London, United Kingdom

Paris, France

München, Germany

Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Warsaw, Poland

Madrid, Spain

Stockholm, Sweden

Zürich, Switzerland

Melbourne, Australia

Sydney, Australia

Beijing, China

Hong Kong, China

Hyderabad, India


Tokyo, Japan

For more information, contact your Pegasystems Sales Representative or go to

- iii -
Index clearing calls in memory 85

A flow 19

Access groups 50, 71, 80, 98 incoming 13, 19

ACD 9, 40, 63, 72, 77, 83 on hold 10, 41, 82

Activities 12, 64, 78, 80-81, 92, 96 outbound 26

ConferenceComplete 82 processing 63, 65

ConferenceInitiate 82 routing 13, 19

hold 41, 46, 79 transfer 13, 41, 47, 64

logout 73, 79, 84 Configure

MakeCall 85 configure.exe 22

NotReady 85 Contact center

offering 77 traditional 8

PreFetch 13 with PegaCALL 9

Ready 14, 46, 52, 79, i CSR 8-9

Reset 85 CTI 8-9

UpdateFromEvent 11, 26, 29, 59, CTI Link

63, 72, 89
server 16, 20, 22-23, 27, 29, 31,
Agent 43, 75, 84, 91

state management ii, 17, 73 D

API 22, 27, 87 Debug 23, 89

Architecture level 90

high-level 8, 14 E

C End Device 26

Call Error Exit Program 24

attaching CTI data 54, 68, 80 Execute program when connection

lost 24
attaching data 53, 69, 73, 80-81,

Index: Genesys – White Mesa SOAP server


Genesys Queue 14, 20, 47, 66, 84

T-Server 19-20, 27, 77 R

I Redundancy 22

ICR Link 76 Requirements i, 20

IIS SOAP server 75 Restart

Implementation 18, 20 warm 28

multi-site 23 Route 25


IVR Ports 16, 25 Screen Pop 11, 13, 16, 20, 49, 61, 64,
76, 94
ScreenPop 66
Listening Port 23
Login 34, 39, 45, 49, 52, 59, 63, 73,
79, 83-84, 90, 94, 97 current 25


Overview 8, 10, 15, 18 concurrent SOAP requestors 24

P requestors 24
PBX/ACD call activities 16, 19, 23, 63,
Status 26, 33, 51, 61, 71, 75-76, 78,
85, 95
pega.ini 22
PegaCALL T-Server 18, 27

components 58 Telephony Functions 80-81

Port 17, 27, 31, 37, 58, 84 Transfer

Prefix 23 supervised 86

location 23 TSAPI 27

Presence Agent 17, 39, 48, 52, 58, 69, W

77, 87, 89-90
White Mesa SOAP server 29, 31, 75

- vi -

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