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Quarter 3: Week 4 February 19-23, 2024

Content Focus: My family members help one another by doing different roles.


(7:15-7:30) Flag Ceremony
Arrival Time Arrival Routine
(7:30 – 7:40) (1:00 – 1:10)
There are places I can go to There are places I can go There are places in the
There are people I can call There are people who help
to get well when I am sick. to get special services to community where I can
in case of emergencies. me keep healthy.
keep me healthy. buy medicine.

Meeting Time 1 Have you experienced

(7:40 – 7:50) (1:10– 1:20) having a tooth ache? What Have you experienced
did you do? Have you When you were sick, what stumbling and getting
Have you been sick? What seen a pregnant woman? do you have to do? (Drink hurt? What did you do? Recall the places where we
did you do to get better? Where do you think she medicine) Why do you Sometimes, people can get services to keep
Where did you go to get goes when she needs to need to take medicine? encounter accidents. ourselves healthy. Who are
well? There are places in give birth? There are Where do you buy When accidents happen, the people that you see in
the community where I can places where you can get medicine? A drug store or there are people in the these places? There are
go when I am sick special medical services. pharmacy is a place where community whom you can people who help keep me
(hospitals and clinics). This includes the dentist’s you can buy medicine to call to help you. healthy.
office, lying in clinic, make you feel better. (Barangay, or calling
barangay health center, emergency numbers)
Transition to Work The teacher gives instructions on how to do the independent activities, answers any questions, and tells the learners to join their group
Period 1 and do the assigned tasks.

Work Period 1 H bag Blending sounds Reading:

Teachers Supervised Introduce the letter Hh. Writing letter Hh Letter Substitution
Activity Give words that begin Hat
(7:50 – 8:25) (1:20– 1:55) with /h/ Ham
Independent Activities 1. Diorama: Medical Services
2. Block play: Places of medical services
3. Popsicle puppets
4. Search and match letters
Transition to Meeting The teacher reminds the learners about the time left in Work Period Time 1 around 15 minutes before Meeting Time 2. After 10 minutes, the
Time 2 teacher tells the learners to start packing away the materials they used and be ready for Meeting Time 2. A transition song or a countdown may be
The teacher gives instructions on how to do the independent activities, answers any questions, and tells the learners to join their group and do the
assigned tasks.
Meeting Time 2 Let the learners resent their work.
(8:25 – 8:35) (1:55– 2:05)
Supervised Recess Handwashing and Toothbrushing Activities
(8:35 – 8:50) (2:05– 2:20)
Quiet Time
(8:50 - 9:00) (2:20- 2:30) Take a nap

Theme: Any age and Theme: Any age and Theme: Any age and Theme: Any age and Theme: Any age and
Story Time culturally appropriate culturally appropriate culturally appropriate culturally appropriate story culturally appropriate story
story about a hospital. story about the dentist’s story about drug store/ about a medical emergency about different recreational
(9:00-9:15) (2:30– 2:45)
office or other medical pharmacy places.
Transition to Work After the post-reading activities, the teacher gives instructions regarding the teacher supervised and independent activities, answers any questions,
Period 2 and tells the learners to join their group and do the assigned tasks.
Work Period 2 Number stations Number books More than less than Tool measuring Read and count numbers
Teacher Supervised
(9:15 - 9:45) (2:45- 3:15)
Independent Activities 1. Block Play
2. It’s a Match
3. Play dough mats
4. Domino
Transition to The teacher reminds the learners about the time left in Work Period Time 2 around 15 minutes before Indoor/Outdoor Games. After 10
Indoor/Outdoor Games minutes, the teacher tells the learners to start packing away the materials they used and be ready for Indoor/Outdoor Games. A
transition song or countdown may be used.
Indoor/Outdoor Games Body letters Doctor’s appointment Call the doctor
(9:45-10:05) (3:15-3:35) Circle game Count and Turn relay
(up to 8)
Transition to Meeting
TIME 3 The teacher tells the learners to help pack away the materials they used in the Indoor/ Outdoor Games time and get ready to do the wrap
up activities in Meeting Time 3. A transition song or countdown may be used.
Meeting Time 3 The learners talk about fun The learners talk about The learners talk about
Wrap Up Question/ things that they do with The learners talk about The learners talk about what they should do when people who can help others
Activity their family and friends, where they should go where to get medicine and there is an accident. to feel better.
(10:05-10:10) (3:35-3:40) and where they can do when they are sick. when to taking medicine
these things. good and bad for the
HRG Let’s make work
(10:10-10:30)( 3:40-4:00)
Dismissal Routine

REFLECTION Reflect on your teaching and asses yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What
works? What else needs to be done to help the students learn? Identify what help your instructional
supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.




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T- III/Kinder Class Adviser T3/SIC

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