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Dialogue promotes and deepens understanding between the

_____. *
1 point

a. cultures
b. communities
c. religions

2. The experience of reality and truth is expressed in the language of

______. *
1 point

a. love
b. culture
c. religion

3. Information is useful because it is descriptive by nature, while

understanding is _____. *
1 point

a. transformative
b. reformative
c. contemplative

4. Dialogue is a/an _____ because it is ever extended not only in the

pleasantness of appreciation but also in, and even beyond the pain of
rejection. *
1 point

a. challenge
b. offering
c. compassion

5. Dialogue is a/an _____ because it asks of the believer whether

his/her faith does not require him to rise above his prejudices, even
those that stem from real pain. *
1 point

a. challenge
b. offering
c. compassion

6. ______ says, “the Catholic church rejects nothing, which is true and
hole in all religions. *
1 point
a. Vatican II
b. Gaudium et Spes
c. Nostra Aetate

7. The fundamental objective of interreligious dialogue is ________. *

1 point

a. faith
b. love
c. peace

8. Participants in interreligious dialogue cannot use the encounter as

opportunities to ____ _____ their own traditions. *
1 point

a. promote
b. defend
c. share

9. In the words of Pope Francis: “true openness involves remaining

steadfast in one’s deepest convictions, clear and joyful in one’s
_____. *
1 point

a. religion
b. culture
c. identity

10. _____and interreligious dialogue, far from being opposed, mutually

support and nourish one another. *
1 point

a. religion
b. faith
c. evangelization

11. The _____prepared a document on interreligious collaboration that

aims to offer a Christian basis for interreligious solidarity. *
1 point

a. Nostra Aetate
c. WCC

12. The story of ________, is a profound and challenging story of human

response to suffering. *
1 point
a. Mustard Seed
b. Good Samaritan
c. Good Shepherd

13. The interreligious dialogue does not aim to overcome _______. *

1 point

a. unity
b. solidarity
c. diversity

14. Interfaith ________form communities of awareness. *

1 point

a. experiences
b. encounters
c. communion

15. Interreligious dialogue does not mean renouncing one's faith or

compromising Christian ______. *
1 point

a. religion
b. worship
c. morality

1. A culture's perspective, though valid always remains partial and

limited. this is the reason why we need to share with one another our
experiences of truth and revelation. *
2 points


2. Interreligious dialogue is used interchangeably with interfaith

dialogue. This idea was introduced in the Bible by the parable of the
Good Samaritan. *
1 point


3. We have different roots, traditions, and ways of seeing, but all

religious traditions share the common qualities of love and
compassion. For our dialogue to be successful, we need to accept
one another's faith. *
2 points


4. Interreligious dialogue makes it possible to share in service to the

community. It becomes the medium of authentic witness. *
1 point


5. In our encounter of people of different religious tradition, we begin

to discern values in our partner's tradition and wish to appropriate
them into our faith. Together we begin to explore new areas of
reality, meaning and truth. *
2 points


6. We must not compare our ideals with our partner's practice; but
rather we begin to know each other as we truly are. *
1 point


7. Each participant must come to the dialogue with the intention of

presenting and defending their own tradition; conversely, each
participant must assume an attitude of exclusive superiority. *
2 points


8. The crucial point of encountering people of different faith is to

know others even more authentically. This way, we can live ever
more fully accordingly. *
2 points

9. Because dialogue is a conversation not only of lives but also of
faith, it demands a lot of clarification. We need to find out what
people mean by the very words that they use to express their faith. *
2 points


What specific programs or activities in your community are evident signs of

collaboration in constructing a culture of compassion and reaching out to
the needy? Elaborate you answer in 3-5 sentences

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