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Neo4j Proprietary and Confidential

Neo4j Proprietary and Confidential

Reality for

prospects to

Neo4j Proprietary and Confidential

• Investment by Neo4j:
• 10 Years of Pioneering, Leadership and Expansion
• Revenue Leader in the Graph Market
• Blue Chip Investors (US and EU based), Experienced Management Team and Board Members
including executives from Snowflake and other industry leaders.
• 50 Percent Annual Revenue Growth Year over Year
• Path to IPO - Financial, Leadership, Organization, Processes and Alliances.
• Employee Growth:
• Neo4j has over 370 employees with over 250 Technologist including over 120 Engineers
(building products) - TigerGraph has less than 20
• Neo4j is hiring even during Covid - TG is laying off and firing people
• Graph Market: Fastest Growing Database Sector
• Pioneer in the Graph Database space
• Clear Graph market leader with over 50 percent of market share and DB Engines* Ranking for
Graph Databases - TigerGraph is number 12 on the same list and stuck there.
• Neo4j is the 21st largest Database technology - TigerGraph is not even in the top 150.
• Visionary and Market Leader:
• Analysts (Gartner, Forrester, Bloor, TDWI, Ventana Research, etc.),
• Publications (Graph Databases, Graph Algorithms, Graph for Dummies, etc.)
• Media (Forbes, Financial Times, InfoWorld, Information Week, Le Monde, SD Times, etc.)
• Awards (KM World, DBTA, Ventana Research, Datanami, Bloor, InfoWorld, etc.)
* Note: DB Engines Ranking is based on: Ranking Sources - LinkedIn, Stackoverflow, Indeed, Google,Bing,,Trends, Simply Hired. DBA
3 StackExchange, Twitter, Upwork Profiles
Neo4j Proprietary and Confidential

• Adoption:
• Neo4j Early Adopter Dominance amongst industry leaders:
• 20 of 25 Financial Organization
• 7 of 10 High Tech (Including Microsoft who has a competitive product uses Neo4j for Mission Critical
• 17 of 25 Retail (Normally a laggard but due to Amazon Effect moved to Early Adopter)
• Global Governments - Civilian, Defense and Intelligence using to Analyze, Optimize, Predict & Protect
using Neo4j
• Customer Base:
• Over 400 Enterprise Class Customers
• Over 900 SMB Customers
• Accolades:
• Neo4j is Google’s Graph Partner - Named at Next 2019
• Neo4j AURA (GaaS) hosted in GCP and will be billable by Google Customers through their Google Accounts
and Console
• Ecosystem:
• Top Tier SI’s Building Practices on Neo4j: Accenture, Capgemini, Deloitte, EY, Hitachi, KPMG, TCS, etc (Note:
Several have internal applications and external offerings built on Neo4j)
• Infrastructure Player Partnerships: Google(Neo4j Exclusive Graph Partner) , Microsoft, Amazon, IBM, HP, etc.
• Practitioners based on LinkedIn:
• TG < 300 Profiles with TigerGraph mentioned in a profile and only 39 Job Postings worldwide
4 • Neo4j > 48,000 Profiles with Neo4j mentioned in a profile; 2,496 Job Postings worldwide
Neo4j Proprietary and Confidential

• Defining the Market:

• Built the Graph Market from Ground Zero
• Thought leader:
• Analysts (Gartner, Forrester, Bloor, TDWI, Ventana Research, etc.),
• Publications (Graph Databases, Graph Algorithms, Graph for Dummies, etc.),
• Media (Forbes, Financial Times, InfoWorld, Information Week, Le Monde, SD Times,
• Awards (KM World, DBTA, Ventana Research, Datanami, Bloor, InfoWorld, etc.)
• Standards: ISO establishing GQL as first new standard database language in 30 years since
SQL and it is based on Cypher and Neo4j is leading the efforts.
• GraphQL Leadership: Neo4j is the Leader in the Graph Database as well as the leader in the
adoption of a standard application stack which uses Graph Language.

Neo4j Proprietary and Confidential

• Enterprise Items
• Schema constraints - Ability to enforce business rules / unique values
• ACID Compliance - Set of properties of database transactions intended to guarantee validity
even in the event of errors, power failures, etc.
• Infrastructure Support - Multi-data Center, On-Premise, Cloud or Hybrid Implementation.
Not locked into one platform or provider.
• Causal clustering - Assurance of HA and DR, but without the issues of both in many other
database products
• Index-free adjacency - Neo4j is built as Graph Database from the ground up, not a hybrid or
“Frankensteinware”. Approach based on the adjacency list makes some specific set of
queries super fast.
• Stability and Scalability: Neo4j has the largest Graph implementations both in the private
and public sectors globally, running mission critical applications for the private sector
customers and protecting citizens in the public sector. Note: Neo4j has customers where
there are billions of events occuring every day - GraphAware is managing one of these
• Mature Platform - 10 + years and being refined
• Clustering / HA
• Fabric / Sharding Smartly
Neo4j Proprietary and Confidential

• Platform not just a Product:

• Neo4j EE - The Graph Database
• Neo4j Desktop
• Graph Data Science Library: Pathfinding & Search, Centrality/Importance, Community Detection,
Similarity, Link Prediction, Graph Embeddings and others.
• Having an embedded library:
– reduces impact on the network of transferring all that data back and forth
– accessing the memory directly means Neo4j algorithms are super fast
– reduces the memory used
• Bloom - Visualization
• Enterprise Integration - Kafka, LDAP, Kerberos, Java, JavaScript, Python, C, C++, Go, etc.
• Neo4j ETL / Data Orchestration / HOP
• Neo4j BI Connector
• Spark Integration
• Grand Stack (Neo4j GraphQL implementation)
• APOC - Extension Library (Similar to Stored Procedures in RDBMS World)
• Platform Agnostic:
• Infrastructure: GCP, Azure, AWS, On Premise
• Operating System: Linux/Unix and Windows platforms
7 • GaaS: AURA
Neo4j Proprietary and Confidential

• Business:
• Questionable funding sources and “depth of pockets”
• Questionable revenue - Layoffs and Firings
• Limited Momentum - Too late to the Market, limited customer base.
• Most likely acquisition for an embedded product at best - too little market share for serious
acquisition, not IPOable.
• Ethics:
• Benchmarks positioned as independent - False, funded by TigerGraph
• Additionally, the benchmarks are based on Neo4j Community Edition
• Buyers guide positioned as independent - False, funded by TigerGraph
• “Customers” of Neo4j moving to TigerGraph - False, they were perhaps Community Edition users
but never customers using Neo4j Enterprise Edition
• HR issues reported by former employees: Hostile work environment, Firing Sales Reps. to avoid
paying commissions
• GQL: TigerGraph is positioning themselves as our “peer” in the GQL conversation. They joined a
3+ year effort in its final year, and GSQL, unlike Cypher, has no vendor support beyond
Neo4j Proprietary and Confidential

• Risk:
• In current political environment many question their funding sources, executive connections and
location of their developers
• Data Loss and Security: Huawei chose Neo4j due to actual data loss from the database
• Government Connections: Many have expressed concerns over Investor, Executive and Developer
connections to questionable governments when it comes to IP, Data and Security
• Bottomline:
• Who do you want to risk your career on? Proven market and product dominance based on
investment, innovation, experience, and partnership or a fantasy?

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