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A. Union-Management Relations

Collective Bargaining
B. Processes

C. Grievance and Arbitration

WHAT is Labor
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-Labor relations are the term used to define the

process between employers and employees,
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management and unions innulla

vulputate order to make
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decisions in organizations. Proin The
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refer to wages, working conditions,

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hours of work,
and safety at work, security
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vulputate nulla at ante rhoncus, and grievances.
vel efficitur felis condimentum.
Proin odio odio.
Union Management relations

- is a dynamic social process. It denotes the relationship

between employers and workers organisation or union. The main
objective of Union
Management rel$.ions is to develop harmonious relations between
them and to minimise
industrial conflicts.
Union management Relations
Collective Bargaining Process
is an organisation made up of members (a membership-based organisation) and its
membership must be made up mainly of workers.

negotiate agreements with employers on pay and conditions

discuss major changes to the workplace such as large scale redundancy
discuss members' concerns with employers
accompany members in disciplinary and grievance meetings
provide members with legal and financial advice
provide education facilities and certain consumer benefits such as
discounted insurance

A union whose member do one type A union that includes many persons
A group of autonomous national and
of work, often using specialized working in the same industry or
international union.
skills and training. company regardless of job held .
Process of Collective Bargaining
The Collective Bargaining is a technique to reach a mutual agreement
between the employer and the employee.
-At the very first step, both the representatives of each party prepares the negotiations to be
carried out during the meeting. Each member should be well versed with the issues to be raised at
the meeting and should have adequate knowledge of the labor laws.

-Here, both the parties decide the ground rules that will guide the negotiations and the prime negotiator
is from the management team who will lead the discussion. Also, the issues for which the meeting is held
are identified at this stage.

-At this stage, the chief negotiator begins the conversation with an opening statement and then both
the parties put forth their initial demands. This session can be called as a brainstorming, where each
party gives their opinion that leads to arguments and counter arguments.
-The negotiation begins at this stage, where each party tries to win over the other. The negotiation
can go for days until a final agreement is reached. Sometimes, both the parties reach an amicable
solution soon, but at times to settle down the dispute the third party intervenes into the negotiation
in the form of arbitration or adjudication.

-This is the final stage of the collective bargaining process, where both the parties agree on a
common solution to the problem discussed so far.
What is grievance and arbitration?
-In the labor relations context, a process for a union and employer to
resolve disagreements concerning interpretations or applications of
an existing collective bargaining agreement (CBA).

A series of formal steps that parties to a collective bargaining

agreement or workers and management agreed to take for the
adjustment of grievances including, voluntary arbitration as the
terminal step.

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