Removal His003

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I. Identification: Identify the following and write your answer on the space provided.

______________ 1. Is expected to serve his community. No salary and observe no limit in his office
_______________2. Also known as “Blood Money”.
_______________3. & ___________________4. Payment received by the Datu for all his service.
_______________5. Ultimate objective of conflict resolution is
_______________6. Known as dialogue or conflict statement.
_______________7. “A man without Maratabat is?
_______________8. An act of working together is a sign of?
_______________9. Reconciliation is done by
_______________10. In Higaunon, a dispute must ended by a ritual called
_______________11. Meranaw term for clan feuding
_______________12. It is a tribal raid sent to obtain justice against individual/groups who have
violated the tribes dignity, property and live of clan members.
_______________13. Epitomizes the networks and dynamics of the old baranganic societies.
_______________14. It is believed to be a benevolent unseen being of Meranaw.
_______________15. Indigenous land-tenure was characterized by
_______________16. Becoming Igbujag means becoming
_______________17. It had people, territory, government and adminis trative control
_______________18. Known in Tausog as traditional community leader
_______________19. In Higaunon, people living within Datu’s territory influence called
_______________20. Known as women chieftain who can demonstrate wisdom, magical powers,
ability to communicate with unseen world and perform rituals

II. Enumerate the following:

1-9: places identified by the scholars in the book “Chu fan chih”.
10-12: Classes of barangay
13-17: Qualities of Higaunon Datu
18-20: Natural resources entrusted on the tribes by the God.

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