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Name Grade 2 Reading Comprehension

Read the paragraph. Then answer the questions.

The Kite
Josh got a kite for his birthday, but he
did not know how to fly a kite.
"Take it outside and run really fast," his mother
told him. "It will just float up into the air."
Josh did what his mother said, but he was just
dragging the kite on the ground behind him.
Then an enormous gust of wind came up. It
lifted the kite into the air. Josh held onto the
string and looked up at the colorful kite,
bobbing and dancing in the air.
"You did it!" his mother said, coming outside.
"I let the wind do all the work!" Josh said.

1. What did Josh get for his birthday? ______________________

2. What problem does Josh have in this story? ______________


3. Josh's problem is solved by:

the kite the wind Josh's mother

Name Grade 2 Reading Comprehension

The Hike
Tina liked to hike. She liked to take
new trails, and she always hoped she
would discover something or some
place new. One Saturday, when Tina was
hiking, she heard a familiar buzzing sound. Bees!
Tina did not like bees. She looked around and
saw a huge hive hanging from a nearby tree.
She let out a gasp. Then she turned and ran all
the way back home.
"What did you discover today?" her mother
asked her when she came in the door.
"A beehive!" Tina said. "It gave me a fright!"

What does Tina like to do? ____________________

What does Tina hear? ____________________

What does Tina see? ____________________

What does Tina do then? ___________________________


Name Grade 2 Reading Comprehension

The Present
Joey's mother hid Joey's birthday
present in here closet. Joey was
curious. I will just peek at the
present, Joey said to himself, to find out what it
is. He found the bag and looked inside. It was a
toy airplane. I will just try out this toy, Joey said
to himself. He took the toy out of the box and
started to fly it. The toy flew faster and faster
and faster. Soon it was chasing Joey. He said to
himself, this was not a good plan!

1. Joey's mother gave him a true false


2. Joey was curious. true false

3. The present was a toy truck. true false

4. Joey had a good plan. true false

Name Grade 2 Reading Comprehension

Read the story. Then answer the questions.

The Helpful Snowman

Sam the Snowman wanted to be helpful.
When one of the children playing nearby
needed help getting his sled out of the snow,
Sam called out, "I volunteer!"
"You can't help with this," a boy told him.
"Your arms don't move."
This made Sam sad. He watched while two
kids helped with the sled. Just then, a bird flew
down and landed on Sam's arm. This bird needs
a place to land that will not move, Sam said to
himself. Now I am being helpful!

How is the snowman helpful to the birds?

Name Grade 2 Reading Comprehension

The Monkey
On her way home from school, Sarah saw
a funny sight. Some kids were having a race
in the park, and a monkey was racing with
them. All the kids ran fast, but the monkey won!
When Sarah got home, she told her mother she
saw something funny.
"Describe it to me," her mother said. "Tell me every
Sarah told her mother about the monkey.
"Uh oh," Sarah's mother said. "That must be the
monkey that escaped from the zoo today!"
"Well they will never catch him," Sarah said. "He's
too fast!"

1. On her way home, Sarah saw _________________.

the zoo a monkey her mother

2. Sarah described what she saw to _____________ .

some kids the monkey her mother

3. Sarah said the monkey was very _____________ .

funny fast

Name Grade 2 Reading Comprehension

Roger and Abe

Abe was very shy. He would often avoid being
around a group of kids. Roger was NOT shy. Roger
liked everyone. When Roger saw Abe standing
alone on the playground, Roger wanted to include him.
"It's okay," Abe said. "I would rather just watch."
A few days later, Roger was riding his skateboard down
his street when he saw Abe.
"Hey!" Roger called. Then he fell off his skateboard!
"Do you need help?" Abe said, running over.
"My knee is banged up," Roger said. "Do you want to ride
this skateboard for me?"
"Oh, yes," Abe said. He was not so shy when he was
talking to just one person.

1. How are Roger and Abe different?


2. What happens to Roger?


3. What make it easier for Abe to get to know Roger?


Name Grade 2 Reading Comprehension

The Rain
Jeremy liked to be outside when it was
raining. He loved the rain. When it was
raining, it wasn't too hot, and it wasn't too
cold. He liked the splish splash sound that
the rain made. Jeremy always noticed how
everything looked cleaner and brighter after the
Jeremy's sister did not like the rain.
"The rain is necessary," Jeremy told her as he got
ready to go outside. "It is also nice."
"That's just your opinion," his sister said.
So Jeremy took his opinion and his umbrella
outside and enjoyed a walk in the rain.

1. Name something Jeremy likes about the rain.

2. How does Jeremy's sister feel about the rain?

3. What is one word Jeremy uses to describe the


Name Grade 2 Reading Comprehension

The Jump Rope

After lunch, Anna had a lot of energy.
"Why don't you go outside?" her mother said.
"I don't have anyone to play with."
"Here," Anna's mother said. "Play with this." She
handed Anna a jump rope. Anna had never
seen a jump rope.
"What do I do with this?" Anna asked.
"You'll figure it out," her mother said.
Anna did not expect to figure it out. She used the rope
to make a swing for her dolls. Then she pretended the
rope was a snake, and she was a brave desert explorer.
Then she made a circle on the ground with the rope and
pretended it was an island, and she was stranded there
all alone.
Inside, Anna's father asked her mother, "Where's
"Outside," her mother said. "Jumping rope."

What does Anna do with the jump rope?




Name Grade 2 Reading Comprehension

Read. Then fill in the missing words below.

Chip's mother had a beautiful vase that
she kept on a shelf in the living room.
"This vase is very fragile," she told Chip. "Do not
play in this room."
So Chip played in the hallway. He was bouncing
his ball against the wall. It bounced sideways and
flew into the living room. There was a loud crash.
Chip ran in and saw the broken vase. "I have to fix
this before Mom sees it," he said to himself. So he
ran and got some tape, and taped the pieces
back together. It was the best he could do, but it
was not good enough.
"I told you not to play in here!" his mother said.
"I didn't," Chip said. "The ball went in there to
play all by itself!"

1. Chip was playing with a ______________ .

2. Chip broke his mother's ______________.

3. He tried to fix it with ______________.

Name Grade 2 Reading Comprehension

The New Baby

Mary has a very big family. She had three
brothers, and her mother was expecting a new
"This baby has got to be a girl," Mary said.
"We will find out when it is born," her mother said.
Finally, the day came when the baby was born.
Mary and her brothers all stayed at home with their
grandmother while their parents went to have the
baby. When their father called to tell them the baby
had been born, Mary said, "Is it a girl?"
"Nope," her father said.
"Oh no," Mary said. "Not another brother!"
"It's not another brother," her father said.
This confused Mary. "What do you mean?"
"it's TWO new brothers!" her father said. "Your
mother had twins!"

1. Mary's mother is expecting a _____________ .

2. Mary wants the baby to be a _____________.

3. What does Mary find out at the end of the story?


Name Grade 2 Reading Comprehension

The Alarm
Josh did not like to get up in the morning. His bed
was so comfortable and cozy. He really did not like
the alarm clock. On school days, it buzzed every five
minutes. Still drowsy, Josh would slap it silent every
five minutes.
"I don't like the alarm clock," Josh told him mother
when he finally made it downstairs for breakfast. "It is
annoying. It wakes me up."
"That's the whole point!" his mother said, laughing.

1. John likes to _____ in the mornings.

a. get up b. sleep

2. Josh's bed is _____.

a. hard b. comfortable

3. Josh says the alarm clock is _____.

a. annoying b. comfortable

Name Grade 2 Reading Comprehension

Sammy and Ray

Sammy the sloth did not like to exercise. Ray the
rabbit loved to run. It was the only thing the two
did not agree on.
"Exercise does not matter," Sammy said to Ray. "I
am a sloth. I am supposed to be slow and lazy."
"Exercise DOES matter," Ray replied.
"What if you have to get away from
some danger?"
"What danger?" Sammy said. "Nobody
bothers me."
So Sammy got slower and lazier all the time,
while the worried Ray stayed on the run.

1. Who doesn't like to exercise? __________________

2. Who loves to run? __________________

3. Who worries about danger? __________________

3. Who says exercise does not matter? ___________

Name Grade 2 Reading Comprehension

The Afternoon Fly

John's dog Buster started to whine. John looked up
from his homework. Buster was sitting at the front door
with his leash in his mouth.
"I'll be back in a few minutes," John told his mother. "It's
time for my afternoon fly."
"Don't you mean Buster's afternoon walk?" his mother
asked him.
"Sure," John said. "We're going to walk."
As soon as they got outside, the excited Buster bolted
forward, yanking John off of his feet. Buster, full of joy,
ran around the block, with John floating at the other
end of the leash behind him like a big balloon.

1. Buster is a

balloon boy dog

2. Who says he's going for an afternoon fly? ________________

Name Grade 2 Reading Comprehension

Petey the Pup

Petey was a puppy who had just been
adopted into his new home. The people
seemed nice enough, but Petey was still nervous.
Whenever anyone opened or closed a door, Petey
barked. Whenever anyone walked into the room where
he Petey was, he barked. Was it danger? When
someone dropped a dish in the kitchen, Petey ran and
hid under the bed.
"What are we going to do about poor Petey?" Mom
"We're going to have to pet and snuggle him a LOT,"
said Anna, gathering Petey up into her arms and kissing
him on the top of his head.

1. The puppy's name is __________________________

2. Describe the puppy: ___________________________________


3. What does Anna do to help Petey? _____________________


Name Grade 2 Reading Comprehension

Benjamin Bear
Benjamin Bear lived in a very nice
zoo. He was usually an easy-going
bear, but today he was worried.
"What's wrong, Benjamin?" his friend
the tiger called to him from across the path.
You look upset."
"I have just had some terrible news!" Benjamin
told his friend. "I heard a rumor that the zookeeper
might not have any fish to give me for my lunch!"

1. Benjamin is a ____.

bear tiger zookeeper

2. Benjamin is usually a(n) ____ bear.

a. worried
b. upset
c. easygoing

3. What does Benjamin want for lunch? __________


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