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Republic of the Philippines

Commission on Higher Education

Samar Colleges, Inc.
City of Catbalogan

Course : MAED; Educational Management

Subject Code : MA057 (EM 207) Financial Planning and Control
Term : FIRST SEMESTER (A.Y. 2023-2024)
Schedule : 7:30 AM – 10:30 AM, Saturday

“Anti-Graft and Corruption Practices”

1. Persuading, inducing or influencing another public officer to perform an act constituting a
violation of rules and regulations or an offense in connection with official duties or allowing
himself to be persuaded, induced or influenced to commit such violation or offense;
2. Directly or indirectly requesting or receiving any gift for himself or for any other person
in connection with any contract between the government and other party;
3. Accepting or having any member of his family accept employee in a private enterprise
which has pending official business with him;
4. Causing and undue injury to any party, including the government or giving any private
party any unwarranted benefits in the discharge of his official functions;
5. Neglecting or refusing without sufficient justification to act within a reasonable time on any
matter pending before him;
6. Entering, or behalf of the government, into any contract that is grossly disadvantageous
to the government;
7. Directly or indirectly having financial interest in any business or contract or in connection
with which he intervenes or takes part in his official capacity;
8. Directly or indirectly becoming interested for personal gain in any transaction or act requiring
the approval of the board, panel or group of which he is a part;
9. Knowingly approving or granting any license, permit in favor of any person not qualified;
10. Divulging valuable information of a confidential character.

“Bureaucracy and Accountability”

Bureaucracy- basically means rule by office.
Bureaucracy refers to: All the rules and procedures followed by government departments
and similar organizations.

Accountability is a central problem for governments which are or claim to be democratic. The
activities of civil servants and public agencies must follow the will of the people to whom
they are ultimately responsible. The publicness of their employment and goals thus
prescribes their behavior and circumscribes their choices.
Two Forms of Accountability:
Internal Control in the bureaucratic accountability may take the form of ministerial direction,
formal regulation, competition between departments and professional standards.
External Control in the bureaucratic accountability may be in the form of criticisms from the
mass media, judicial branch or legislative department and/or the pressures from the

Types of Accountability:
 Traditional Accountabilityis a responsibility of the bureaucrat who has been
given the authority to discharge a particular function as an expression of hierarchy-
ordered legal responsibilities.
 Managerial Accountabilityconcerns itself with efficiency and economy in the
use of public funds, property, manpower and other resources.
 Program Accountability is concerned with the results of government
 Process Accountability emphasizes on procedures and methods of operation
and focuses on the black box inside systems which transforms inputs (the concern of
traditional and managerial accountability) to the outputs (the concern of program

“Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials”

In 1989, the Philippine legislature passed RA 6713, a law embodying the Code of Conduct and
Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees.
These do’s and don’ts are encapsulated in the eight norms of conduct to be observed by all
government officials and employees.
“Basis for Disciplinary Action”
Under the Civil Service Law, the following acts shall constitute grounds for disciplinary
measures, suspension, or removal from work of any public officer or employee. This is also
reinforced under the Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Civil Service Officers and
Employees and the Moral Recovery Program and lists the following traits.
1. Dishonest
2. Oppression
3. Neglect of duty
4. Misconduct
5. Disgrace and immoral act
6. Being notoriously undesirable
7. Discourtesy in the course of official duties
8. Inefficiency in the performance of official duties
9. Bribery or other acts punishable under anti-graft laws
10. Conviction of a crime involving moral turpitude
11. Improper or unauthorized solicitation of contributions from subordinate mployees
12. Falsification of official documents
13. Frequent unauthorized absences or tardiness
14. Habitual drunkenness
15. Refusal to perform official duties
16. Disgraceful, immoral or dishonest conduct
17. Physical or mental incapacity or disability due to immoral or vicious habits
18. Borrowing money by superior officers from subordinates
19. Willful failure to pay just debts
20. Nepotism and many more..

“A Political Commitment”
 Political commitment refers to the persevering act of politicians which ensures that they
are achieving results.
 politicians must ensure that the policies, rules and regulations that they have drafted,
created, and passed are properly executed and implemented.

“The Role of the Ombudsman”

As Watchdog
 it exercises oversights role by monitoring all the general and specific
performance of government officials and employees in order that the law
may be administered and executed justly, fairly and equality for all. It also
ensures that prompt efficient and steady flow of service is accorded to the
As Mobilizer
 it effectively enlists broad supports of multi-sectorial stakeholders by
establishing a continuing partnership with other governmental agencies,
a civil society, non- governmental organization, business, academe,
youth, and other major sectors of society for a nationwide campaign for
integrity in public service the propagation of sound Filipino values of
honesty, discipline, respect for elders and authority, as well as promotion
of a transparent, accountable and effective governance.
As Official critics
 it initiates the conduct of review of the policies systems, procedures and
practices in the performance of the critical functions of specific
government agencies and makes recommendations for a systematic
operation of the government machinery free from bureaucratic
inconveniences and for adoption of strategies to address corruption
vulnerabilities in their organization.
As Dispenser of justice
 It is administratively sanctions erring government officials and employees
and criminal charges and prosecutes then including private persons
founds to have conspired with them.
The Composition of Ombudsman shall be:
a. The Ombudsman
b. One overall deputy
c. One deputy for Luzon
d. One deputy for Visayas
e. One deputy for Mindanao
f. A separate deputy for the Military Service

“The Future of Corruption”

Corruption or the “misuse of public power for private profit” inhibits growth and development,
distorts access to services for poor communities, undermines public confidence in the
government’s will and capacity to serve the public, deters trade and investment, reduce
revenues, increases costs and propagates wasteful allocation and use of scare resources.

Society are doing their best to combat corruption, enhance government efficiency,
effectiveness, and accountability. It is noteworthy to state that institutions have been set up
and several laws were enacted to fight against graft and corruption.

Oversight Bodies against Corruption”

The 3 Constitutional Oversight Bodies
1. Office of the Ombudsman- is an ombudsman responsible for investigating and
prosecutingPhilippine government officials accused of crimes, especially graft and
2. Civil Service Commission- is a government agency that is constituted by
legislature to regulate the employment and working conditions of civil servants,
oversee hiring and promotions, and promotes the values of the public service.
3. Commission on Audit - is an independent constitutional commission
established by the Constitution of the Philippines. It has the primary function to
examine, audit and settle all accounts and expenditures of the funds and properties
of the Philippine government.

“Operational thrust of ethics and accountability”

Without a strand of doubt, public officials become corrupt for personal enrichment. The
material or physical gains one reaps from corruption is the motivation why this culture exists or
will continue to persist particularly among underdeveloped countries.

“Levels of Ethics”

1. Personal Morality- is the basic sense of right and wrong. This is a function of our post
and is dependent on factors such as parental influences, religious beliefs, cultural and
social norms.
2. Professional Ethics – public administrators increasingly recognize a set of professional
norms and rules that obligate them to act in a certain professional way.
3. Ethics in Organization – every organization has an environment or culture that includes
both formal and informal rules of ethical conduct

4. Social Ethics – the requirements of social ethics oblige members of a given society to act
in ways that both protect individuals and further the progress of the group as a whole.

“Towards Ethical and Accountable Governance”

Ethics help officials make better decisions in the public interest and help people evaluate the
decisions taken on their behalf by public officials.
Public accountability ensures that officials are openly answerable for the decisions they are
taking on behalf of the public.

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