Sts 2 Bahasa Inggris Kls 4

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Jl. Winong-Magangan Desa Winong Kec. Ngampel
Email: Kode Pos 51357



Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas : IV (Empat)
Hari/Tanggal : ………………………………………
Waktu : 90 menit

1. Tulislah nama dan nomor pada kolom yang tersedia!
2. Tuliskan semua jawabanmu pada lembar jawaban!
3. Kerjakan terlebih dahulu soal-soal yang kamu anggap mudah!
4. Teliti sekali lagi pekerjaanmu sebelum kamu kirim kepada Bapak/Ibu guru!


I. Berilah tanda silang (X) huruf a, b, c, atau d pada jawaban yang paling benar !
(Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c, or d!)

1. Look at the picture below!

The correct picture is ….
a. b.

c. d.
What time is it?
a. It is three o'clock
b. It is four o'clock
c. It is five o'clock
d. It is twelve o'clock
6. Look at the picture below!
2. What time is it?
I … before sleeping.
a. brush the teeth
b. take a bath
c. have dinner
d. study math
7. Look at the picture below!
a. It is half past one I … in the afternoon.
b. It is half past two a. go to school
c. It is one o’clock b. have breakfast
d. It is two o’clock c. brush the teeth
d. water the flower
3. What time is it?
8. Look at the picture below!
The correct sentence
based on picture is ….
a. I have breakfast at
a. It is half past two b. I have lunch at 01.30
b. It is half past three c. I have breakfast at
c. It is quarter past two 02.30
d. It is quarter past three d. I have lunch at 02.30
4. Look at the picture below!
9. takes - the - Joshua - morning - a bath - in
The correct sentence is ….
a. Joshua takes a morning in the bath
b. Joshua takes a bath in the morning
c. Joshua in the morning take a bath
d. Joshua in morning the take a bath

10. kite - field - play - I - in – the

The correct sentence is ….
a. I play kite in the field
Joshua goes to bed at …. b. I kite play in the field
a. quarter past ten c. I in the field kite play
b. quarter to ten d. I in the field play kite
c. half past ten
d. half to ten
5. Joshua takes a bath at six o’clock.

II. Fill the blanks below correctly! (Isilah titik-titik berikut dengan benar!)

1. What time is it? It is ….

2. What time is it? It is ….

3. What time is it? It is ….

4. Joshua has breakfast at ….

5. Joshua … at ….

III. Match the words in A with the meanings in B by drawing lines! (Cocokkan kata-kata
pada kolom A dan kolom B dengan menarik garis!)

Kunci jawaban:

I. Pilihan Ganda
1. C
2. A
3. D
4. B
5. C
6. A
7. D
8. B
9. B
10. A
II. Isian
1. It is nine o’clock
2. A half past seven
3. A quarter to eight
4. Six o’clock
5. Get’s up at four o’clock in the morning

III. Mencocokkan
1. Mandi
2. Makan malam
3. Membaca buku
4. Belajar Bahasa inggris
5. Pergi belajar

I. = Benar x 1
II. = Benar x 2
III. = Benar x 1

NILAI = Jumlah benar seluruhnya x 4

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