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Common errors in OET Reading

And how to avoid them

Common errors in
Reading Part A
What is the error?
Incorrect answer; the student
What is the error? hasn’t answered the question
What is the error?
What is the error? Incorrect spellings
What is the error?
Answers must come from the text.
What is the error? No paraphrases or modifications
are allowed
What is the error?
Unnecessary additional words
What is the error? that don’t relate to the question
What is the error?
Student has included synonym of
What is the error? question word
What is the error?
What is the error? Incorrect grammar
How to avoid errors in Reading Part A

Things to keep in mind:

 Answers must not repeat question words (or synonyms)

 Only words needed to answer the question should be included.
 Answers must come from the text. No paraphrase.
 Accuracy of spelling and grammar must be ensured
 Answers must be legible
 Accuracy of answers requiring a specific measurement (not a range)
Common errors in marking
answers for
Reading Part B and C
What is the error in marking?
The correct way to mark the answer
What is the error in marking?
The correct way to mark the answer
What is the error in marking?
The correct way to mark the answer
Common errors in Reading Part B and C

 Not marking questions correctly

 Word matching
 Incorrect selection of answers
 Omitting an answer
 Changing an answer
 Not answering what the question is asking you
 Answer is only partially evident in the text
 Application of strategies used in other tests (that don’t apply to OET)

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