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Annual Examination 2023-24

ST. DDS Academy

Chilauna, Khajni, Gorakhpur
Subject - Computer
Class - VII
Time: 3 Hours , Max mark: 100

• This examination paper contains EIGHT (8) questions and comprises TWO (2) printed pages.
• Answer all questions.
• Show all work, clearly and in order, if you want to get full Mark.

1. Choose the correct option.

(a) is an example of boot sectar virus.
⃝ Sunday
⃝ Disc killer
⃝ Frodo
(b) A is a reusable object created in flash.
⃝ Symbol
⃝ Keyframe
⃝ Layers
(c) chart is also known as spider chart.
⃝ Pie
⃝ Radar
⃝ Line
(d) is the shortcut keys used for undo command.
⃝ ctrl+X
⃝ ctrl+Z
⃝ ctrl+Y
(e) Converts assembly language into machine language.
⃝ Interpreter
⃝ Compiler
⃝ Assembler
(f) command is used to clear the output screen.
(g) WYSIWYG stands for.
⃝ What you see Is what you get
⃝ What you saw Is what you get
⃝ What you seen Is what you get
(h) is the process of sending and receiving messages over the internet.
⃝ E-banking
⃝ E-mail
⃝ E-greetings
2. Write the full form.

3) EFT 6) SIM
3. Fill the Blanks.
Programming, Let, Brain,, Legend, Adobe, Low-level, Cell
(a) The statement is used to assign a value to a variable.
(b) HTML is not a language.
(c) is an example of e-greating website.
(d) The first computer virus named .
(e) depicts the colours, patterns or symbols assigned to a data series.
(f) is an intersection of a row and a column.
(g) Assembly language is a programming language.
(h) Flash was developed by systems.

4. Classify the following statement as True (T) or False (F) :

(a) 0 multiplied by 1 equal to 0.
(b) Formulas are only used to perform simple calculations.
(c) There are 12 major chart types in MS Excel 2010.
(d) Rectangle tool is used to draw ovals and circles.
(e) Virus increases the memory of computers.
(f) There are three main types of HTML Editors
(g) Thousands of educational sites are available on the Internet.
(h) The next statement is not necessary in FOR...NEXT LOOP.

5. Unscramble the given words.

a) A B R I V A E L

b) N S C O T A N T

c) E I E D R N S T

d) T O O I M N

e) T T A S C R E

f) N U C F N T O I

g) R A V E E G A

6. Answer the following Question.

(a) Write the function of antivirus.
(b) What is a loop? Give some examples of looping statements.
(c) Explain the structure of HTML documents.
(d) Write the steps to create a Gmail account.
(e) Write the steps to start flash.

7. Explain it:-
(a) Line chart and Pie chart.
(b) AVERAGE and MIN.
(c) Compiler and Interpreter.

8. Draw a diagram of the COMPUTER and write down the Name of its parts.

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