Physics Formulas & Important Points

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W hen particle is not uniformly accelerated ie,

1. Least count of Screw Gauge acceleration of particle is not constant or acceleration

is a function of time then the following relations hold for
Value of one part on main scale S 1-dimensional motion.

Number of parts on circular scale n
ds dv dv
(i) v  (ii) a v
dt dt ds
Distance travelled  s
2. Average Speed, v av = (iii) ds = vdt (iv) dv = adt or vdv = ads
Time taken  t
8. For straight line motion upward and downward motion
 under the effect of gravity, then
 Displacement  r
Average Velocity, vav = 1
Time taken  t v  u  gt h  ut  gt 2
3. Averege Acceleration,
 v u gh where g = acceleration due to
 Change in Velocity  v gravity and take +ve to downward and - ve to upward
a av = motion,
Time taken  t
9. For two particles having displacement-time graph with
s ds slope 1 and for  2 possesses velocities v1 and v2
4. Instantaneous Speed, v  lim 
t  0 t dt v1 tan 1
respectively, then 
  v2 tan  2
 r d r
. Instantaneous Velocity, v  lim 
t  0 t dt 10. For a particle accelerated for a time t1 with acceleration

a1 and for t2 with acceleration a2 , then average

5. When a particle covers one-third distance at speed v1 , a1t1  a2t2
acceleration is aav 
t1  t2
next one-third at speed v2 and last one-third at speed

v3 , then 11. Scalar or Dot Product of Unit Vectors

(i) i  i  j  j  k  k  1 (ii) i  j  j  k  k  i  0
3v1v2 v3
vav 
v1v2  v2v3  v3v1 where i , j and k are orthogonal unit vectors.

6. For uniformly accelerated motion ( a = constant) 12. Vector Product or Cross Product of Unit Vectors
equations of motion are as under
(i) i  i  j  j  k  k  0
  
v  u  at ...(i)
(ii) i  j  k , j  k  i , k  i  j
  1 2
s  ut  at ...(ii)  
2 13. A  B  AB cos
    
v  v  u  u  2as ...(iii)

Where  
  A B
and cos    
u = initia; velocity,, v = velocity at time t A B

s = displacement of particle at time t
 = angle between A and B
14. Projection of vector B in the direction of vector A u 2 sin 2
(iii) Range, R 
 
B cos  and Rmax  (Here  = 450 )
A g

 
15. (i) A  B  AB sin 

where  is perpendicular vector

u 2 sin 2 
(iv) Height attained, H 
    (v) Kinetic energy of the projectile at the highest point
(ii)If and v2 is finite, then v1 and v2
of trajectory 2
perpendicular to each other.. K K
16. Parallelogram Law of Vector Addition where K = Kinetic energy at the point of launch
(vi) A projectile is thrown with a speed v at an angle 
(i) R  A2  B2  2 AB cos  has a range R on the surface of earth for same value of
v and  its range on the surface of the moon will be 6R.

(ii) tan  
B sin 
A  B cos 18. Circular Motion

 d
(i) Angular velocity,  

d  d 2
(ii) Angular acceleration,   2
dt dt

mv 2
where A and B magnitudes of vectors, (v) Centripetal force, F  mr 2
R = magnitude of resultant vectors,
 = angle between vectors A and B, 19. * Force, F = = ma
 = angle between resultant vector R and vector A.
Where a = acceleration produced in a body.
17. Projectile Motion * Weight in a Lift
Suppose a particle is projected from origin on horizontal (i) Apparent weight, R = m (g + a)
ground with a velocity u at angle  from the horizontal where a = upward acceleration of the lift.
(i) Trajectory of the projectile (ii) R = m (g - a)
where a = downward acceleration of the lift.
gx 2
y  x tan   2 (iii) If free fall under the action of gravity, a = g
2u cos2  R=0

2u sin  (iv) When lift is at rest or moving uniformly,a =0
(ii) Time of flight, T R = mg
g 
22. Friction
20. Recoil Velocity of Gun, v2  
m2 (i) Angle of friction, tan    s

where m2 = mass of gun, m1 = mass of bullet and v1

= velocity of bullet.

(i) Impules = F t
where F = force and t = time.
(ii) Impules = m (v - u)
(ii) Coefficient of friction
where v = final velocity
and u = initial velocity Where f = force of friction,
21. Pulleys N = normal reaction.

Unequal mass m1  m2 suspended from a pulley (iii) Angle of repose

Angle of friction  = angle of repose 

(iv) Acceleration of a body down a rough plane

 m1  m2 
(a) Acceleration, a   g a g
 m1  m2 
(v) When force is applied on lower block common
 2m1m2  acceleration, a   g
(b) Tension, T   g
 m1  m2 

* If M1>M2 then accn of the block a

23. * Work
 
W= F  s  Fs cos 
where F = constant force,
Tension in the string T
s = displacement of body,

 = angle between displacement and force.

* Energy

1 2
*Tension in the string by which pully attached (i) Kinetic energy, KE = mv
T' where m = mass of the body,
v = velocity of the body.
(ii) Potential energy
m1  m2 u1 2m2u2
1 2 (b) v1  
m1  m2 m1  m2
(a) Elastic potential energy, U  kx
Where k = spring constant 2m1u1 m  m1 u2
(c) v2   2
x = compression or expansion in m1  m2 m1  m2
(iii)Coefficient of Restiution,
(b) Gravitational potential energy,
 
U = –Gm1m2/r v2  v1
e   
u1  u2
(c) Electrostatic potential energy,
(iv) Energy Loss in Collision
1 q1q2 (i) Elastic collision, for first (incident) particle
4 0 r
* Power
Kf  m  m2 
 1 
K i  m1  m2 
W dW
(i) Pav  (ii) Pinst
t dt K lost 4m1m2

  Ki m1  m2
(iii) P  F  v

* Collision K lost
 100% (if m1  m2 )
m1u1  m2u2  m1v1  m2v2 Ki
(when linear momentum is conserved) (ii) Inelastic collision, loss in KE

where m1 and m2 = masses of the body which 1 m1m2 2

K lost  u1  u2 1  e2
undergo collision, 2 m1  m2

u1 = initial velocity of body of mass m1 , 24. Equation of Rotational Motion

1 2
u2 = initial velocity of body of mass m2 , (   0   t ),(   0 t   t ),(  2  02  2 )
v1 = final velocity of body of mass m1 , * Centre of Mass
(i) Centre of mass of N particle system
v2 = final velocity of body of mass m2 .
m1 x1  m2 x2  .........  mn xn
(i) Inelastic collision xCM 
m1  m2  .........  mn
 m1  em2   1  e m2 
(a) v1    u1    u2 where x1 , x2 .......xn are the distances from the
 m1  m2   m1  m2 
centre of masses m1 , m2 .

 1  e m2   m2  em1  (ii) Velocity of centre of mass

(b) v2    u1    u2   
 m1  m2   m1  m2   m1 v1  m2 v 2  .........  mn v n
(ii) Elastic collision m1  m2  .........  mn

1 1 1 1 where v1 , v2 be velocities of the partices

(a) m1u12  m2u 22  m1v12  m2v22
2 2 2 2
having masses m1 , m2 .
(iii) Acceleration of the centre of mass 26. Torque
     
 m a1  m a 2  .........  m a n (i) torque of a body,   rF
a 1 2 n
 
m1  m2  .........  mn (ii) Work done by a body, W =   d
  
where a1 , a2 be accelerations of the partices (iii) Power, P =       2 n
having masses m1 , m2 . 2
(iv) Power of torque =  
(iv) Momentum of centre of mass T
   Theorem of Perpendicular Axis,
 m p  m p  .........  m p
1 1 2 2 n n
m1  m2  .........  mn
25. Moment of Inertia
(i) MI of n particle system
I   mi ri 2
i 1
I Z  I X  IY
(ii) MI of a body I  MK 2
Where M = total mass, K = radius of gyration. where I Z = MI of the body about axis
perpendicular to the plane of
1 2 lamina,
Kinetic Energy of Rotation K R  I 
I X and IY = MI of the lamina about two
Kinetic Energy of Rolling Body
mutually perpendicular axis of
(i) KE of rolling body, lamina.
Erolling  Etranslation  Erotational Theorem of Parallel Axis,

I  I CM  Mr 2
1 2 1
Erolling  mv  mK 2 2
2 2
(ii) Total kinetic energy of a rolling body

1 2  K2 
 mv  1  2 
2  r 
Rolling of a Body on an Inclined Plane without Slipping where I = MI of the body about an axis

g sin  passing through any point,

(i) Acceleration of the body a 
K2 I CM = MI of the body about an axis
1 2
r passing through centre of mass
of the body,
(ii) Velocity of the body, when it reaches the bottom
M = Mass of the body,
r = Distance between two parallel
2 gh 2 gl sin 
v 2
 axis.
K K2 27. Angular Momentum
1 2 1 2
r r     
L  I & L  r p
(iii) Time taken by a rolling body to reach the bottom
Law of conservation of angular momentum

 K2  I11  I 22
2h  1  2 
1  r  * The angular momentum of electron in nth orbit is given
sin  g nh
by L
28. Newton`s Law of Gravitation 29. Orbital Velocity of Satellite

Gm1 m2 GM M
F (i) v0  (ii) v0  ve
r2 r 2 Rh
* Acceleration due to Gravity

GM ve
g 2 weight W = mg (iii) v0  (for h<<R)
R 2
* Variation of g * Time Period of Satellite

(i) due to shape g equator  g pole 3

Rh R
(ii) due to rotation of earth (i) T  2 (ii) T  2 ( h<<R)
GM g
GM *. Energy of Satellite
g pole  (no efect)
GM (i) Kinetic energy K =
g equator  2  2R 2r
g equator  g pole (ii) Potential energy U = 
 2 R  0.034 ms 2 1 GMm U
(iii) Total energy E=  =  K
24 2 r 2
If   170 or duration of day T = = 1.4 h
1 GMm
then objects would float on equator. (iv) Binding energy BE = - E =
2 r
(iv) Variation at depth d

 d g  g\ d *. Geosynchronous Satellite
g \  g 1   
 R g R
2 4 2 3
* Gravitational Field (i) T = 24 h (ii) T  Rh
   GM 
(i) g  F / m0 (ii) g   2 r 1/3
r  GMT 2 
(Outside) (iii) h   2 
 R (iv) h = 36000 km
 4 
 GM 
(iii) g   r r (Inside) *. Two planets A and B have the same material density. If
R3 the radius of A is twice that of B, then the ratio of escape
* Gravitational Potential Energy of Mass m
GMm vB is 2.
U r 
r 30. Kepler`s Laws
GMm (i) Law of orbits : orbits are elliptical.
At the surface of the earth U 0   (ii) Law of areas : equal area swept in equal time
* Escape Velocity A L
 vmax rmin  vmin rmax
2GM t 2m
(i) ve  (ii) ve  2 gR (iii) Law of periods

g G   4 2  3
(iv) ve  R 2 3 T2   r
(iii) ve  gD T r  GM 
32. Bulk Modulus of Ideal Gas
* The acceleration due to gravity at a depth d where g is
(i) K isothermal  p (ii) K adiabatic   p
acceleration due to gravity on the surface of earth, will
33. Thermal stress
be .
(i) Thermal stress = Y  t
* The graph between horizontal velocity and time t in a
projectile motion is given by : (ii) Force = YA t

34. Work Done in Stretching

(i) W =  stress  strain  volume

1 2
(ii) W =  Y strain  volume
Deforming force
Stress =
Cross - sectional area stress
(iii) W =   volume
31. Strain 2 Y
L (iv) Potential energy stored
(i) Tensile or longitudinal strain =
U=  stress  strain  volume
(ii) Shearing strain =  2
(v) Potential energy stored per unit
(iii) Volume strain = 1
V volume U=  stress  strain
* Hooke`s Law
35. Loaded Beam
(i) For stretching stress = Y  strain
WI 3
FL (i) Depression  (rectangular)
Y 4Ybd 3
A L
WI 3
(ii) For shear stress =   strain  (cylindrical)
12Y  d 3
F * Poisson`s Ratio
D r
(i) Lateral strain = 
(iii) for volume elasticity stress = K  strain D r
p L
K  (ii) Longitudinal strain =
V / V L

1 lateral strain
* Compressibility  
K longitudinal strain
* Elongation of a Wire due to its Own Weight
1    0.5 (theoretical limit)

1 MgL 1 L2  g   0.2  0.4 (experiments)

I  
2 YA 2 Y
36. Principle of Continuity 2
2r   g
Av = Constant * Terminal Velocity, vT 
where A = area of cross-section, 9 
v = velocity of flow. where r = radius of the body,
* Bernoulli`s Theorem
 = density of material of the body,,
p   v 2   gh = constant  = density of fluid,
where p = pressure  = coeffidient of viscosity..

1 2 F
 v = kinetic energy per unit volume 40. Surface Tension, T
2 L
 gh = potential energy per unit volume where F = force per unit length.
* Velocity of Efflux * Force due to Surface Tension
v  2 gh (i) Force required to lift a thin wire from surface of the
water F  T  2l
where h = height of the hole.
where l = length of thin wire.
(ii) Force required to lift a rectangular plate from surface
of the water F = 2 T (l + b)
where l = length of rectangular plate,
b = breadth of rectangular plate.
(iii) Force required to lift a circular plate from surface of

The time taken by the liquid to reach the base level in (iv) Force required to lift a ring from surface of water
above case F  T 2r1  2r2
2 H h
t where r1 = inner radius, r2 = outer radius.
(v) Force required to separate two glass plates of area
where H = height of vessel. A containing a liquid film of thickness d between them,
37. Viscous Force
dv d
F   A
41. Work done to Increase the Area of Surface Film by A
where  = coefficient of viscosity,,
W T  A
A = area of layer of fluid in contact,
* Work done in blowing a soap bubble of radius r
= velocity gradient between the layers. W  8 r 2T
* Work done in splitting a liquiddrop of radius r into n

identical drops W  4 Tr 2 n1/3  1

38. Poiseuille`s Formula
* Work done in combining n identical drop of radius r to
where L = length of the capillary tube, form a big drop of radius R
R = radius of the capillary tube,
p = pressure difference across the tube. W  4 T nr 2  R 2  4 Tr 2 n  n 2/3
42. Capillary Rise or Fall of a Liquid *. If a number of small droplets of water, all of the same
radius r, coalesce to form a single drop of radius R,
2T cos  then
3T  1 1 
where h = height of liquid column in capillary, Rise in temperature =   
J s  r R 
T = surface tension of the liquid,
 angle of contact, where s = specific heat,  = density..
r = radius of the capillary tube and d is
the density of the liquid. * The radii of two limbs of a U-tube are r1 and r2 . A liquid
of density  and surface tension T is poured in it. The
2T difference between the levels of the liquid.
For pure liquid  h
r g
2T  1 1 
(a) If   900 , then there will be a capillary rise. h   
 g  r1 r2 
(b) If   900 , there will be neither rise nor fall.
C F  32
(c) If   900 , then there will be a depression. 46. (i) 
43 When temperature of water increases its viscosity
100 180
9 5
* Variation of terminal velocity vT and time for a long  F  C  32  C F  32
5 9

column of a viscous fluid will be : (ii) K = C + 273 (iii) K F  459.4

47. (i) Triple point of water T3  273.16 K

44. Excess Pressure
(i) Excess pressure in a liquid drop of radius, r
(ii) Absolute zero 0 K  273.150 C
p V
r 48. (i) Isobaric, p = constant; = constant
(ii) excess pressure in a soap bubble of radius r
(ii) Isochoric (isometric)
r p
V = constant; = constant
(iii) Excess pressure in a soap bubble of radius r, T
2T (iii) Isothermal T = constant; pV = constant
when it is inside a liuid p
(iv) Adiabatic pV  = constant; TV = constant;
45. If two soap bubbles of radii r1 and r2 r1  r2 are in
contact with each other, then the radius of curvature of = constant

r1r2 *. (i) Isobaric slope : Zero

their interface r
r1  r2 (ii) Isochoric slope : Infinite

* If two soap bubble of radii r1 and r2 combine in vacuum p

(iii) Isothermal : Slope = 
to form a single bubble of radius r under isothermal V
condition, then
r  r12  r22 (iii) Adiabatic : Slope = 

48. (i) Isobaric W  p V1  V2 3

* (i) U  RT (one mole)
(ii) Isochoric W=0 2

(iii) Isothermal W  nRT log e V2 / V1 3

(ii) U  nRT (n mole)
W  nRT 2.303 log10 V2 / V1
(iii) Change U  nRT
W  nRT 2.303 log10 p1 / p2 2

nR T1  T2 54. Q  U  W , U  Q  W
(iv) Adiabatic: W=
 1 Both Q ,  W depends on path, but  U
(iv) In expansion does not depend on the path.

Wadiabatic  Wisothermal  Wisobaric (i) Isothermal  Q =  W,,  U = 0

(vi) In compression (ii) Adiabatic  Q = 0,  U = –  W

(iii) Isochoric  W = 0,  Q =  U = nCv  T
Wadiabatic  Wisothermal  Wisobaric
Work done depends on path on pV diagram.
(iv) Isobaric  Q =  U +  W,,

49. (i) Isobaric Q  nC p T  Q = nCp  T,,

 U = nCv  T,,
(ii) Isochoric Q  nCV T
 W = nR  T
(iii) Isothermal Q  W  nRT log e V2 / V1 etc. (v) Cyclic  U = 0,  Q =  W
(iv) Adiabatic Q=0 (vi) Free expansion  U = 0,  Q = 0,  W = 0
50. (i) Isobaric U  nCV T Q
(vii) Specific heat s =
(ii) Isochoric U  nCV T mT
(viii) Change of state  Q = mL
(iii) Isothermal U  0
(ix) Work converts into heat
nR T2  T1 W = JH (J =
(iv) Adiabatic U  W 
 1 (x) Memorable point

51. The graph between motion of planet and time period of 20.4 = 1.32, 21.4  2  20.4 = 2.64
revolution is given by :
Q2 T
55. (i) Efficiency of engine,  = 1 –  1 2
Q1 T1
where Q1 = amount of heat absorbed by the working
substance from the source at T1K.
Q2 = amount of heat rejected to the sink at T2K
(ii) Coefficient of performance,
52. Work done per mol in an isothermal change is
Q2 Q2 T2
V2  = =
W = RT loge W Q1  Q2 T1  T2
where W = net amount of external work done.
* (i) Isothermal bulk modulus K = p
(ii) Adiabatic bulk modulus K   p dQ
* Entropy S
* (i) Work W = area enclosed in pV diagram
whereT = absolute temperature,
U  0 Q  W m = mass of substance,
56. Pressure Exerted by an Ideal Gas
d  A 4
* (i)    04
1m n c dt ms
Pressure p =
3 V
d  A 4
(ii)     04
where m = mass of each molecule, dt V  s
n = number of molecules in the enclosure,
* Newton’s Law of Cooling
c = root mean square velocity of molecules,]
V = volume of container enclosed mass M of gas. 1   2   
(ii)  K  1 2  0 
*. According to the kinetic theory of gases total energy of t  2 
a gas is equal to kinetic energy.

1 * mT  b b  2.9  10 3 m-K

57. (i) Boyle’s law p  ( n & T = constant)
V 60. (i) v  n (ii) n=1/T
(ii) Charles’law V  T ( n & p = constant)
. (ii) v , m = mass per unit length
V1 V2 m
(iii) Avogadro law 
N1 N 2
(iv) Ideal gas equation pV = nRT T
(iii) v =
where p = pressure of gas,  r 2d
V = volume of gas,
n = no.of moles
(iv) In rods v =
R = ideal gas constant, 
T = temperature of gas,
(v) Dalton’s law of partial pressures B
In liquids v =

pT  p1  p2  p3  ...
where pT = total pressure,
p1, p2 ... = partial pressure of the number of In gases v =
58. (i) For monoatomic gas = 3/2 kT (per molecule)
(vii) {vsound / vrms =  /3}
and 3/2 RT (per mole)
(ii) For diatomic gas = 5/2 kT (per molecule) 61. (i) y = a sin (  t - kx),

and 5/2 RT (per mole) (ii) Wave velocity v =  /k

(iii) For triatomec gas = 3kT (per molecule)
and = 3RT (per mole) (iii) Particle velocity vparticle =
Q (iv) Maximum particle velocity (vparticle )max = a
59. (iv) Emissive power E 
(v) Strain in medium = –
 e   e  x
*.     .......  E
 a   a  (vii) When a longitudinal wave propagate through a
material medium then energy and linear momentum
always remains constant.
*. E  T 4   5.67  108 Wm 2 K 4
(viii) I = 2 2  vn 2 a 2 I  n2 a2
4 4
(i) E   T  T 0 (for a black body)
I 
(ii) e   T  T
4 4
(for a body) (ix) Intensity level in decibel = 10 log  
0  I0 
62 (i) Resultant amplitude
t E
(ix) Tuning fork n=
a= 2 2
a  a  2a1a2 cos 
1 2
(ii) Resultant intensity where t = thickness, l = length of prong,
E = elestic constant and  = density
I= I1  I 2  2 I1 I 2 cos  64. Doppler’s Effect
(iii) Constructive interference (i) Observer stationary and source moving
(a) Source approaching
  2n amax = a1 + a2
v  vs v
2   , n  n
Imax = I1  I 2 v v  vs
(b) Source receding
(iv) Destructive interference
v v  vs
 = (2n – 1)  amin = a1 – a2 n  n   
v  vs v
2 (ii) Source stationary and observer moving
Imin = I1  I 2 (a) Observer approaching source
(v) Beat frequency = n1 – n2 v  v0
n  n   
63. (i) y = –2a sin kxcos  t (ii) y = 2a cos kxsin  t v
(iii) Vibrations of a string (b) Observer receding away from source
v  v0
1 T n  n   
n= (fundamental) v
2 m
(iii) Source and Observer both are moving
(a) S and O moving toward each other
p T
np = (pth harmonic) v  v0
 m n  n
v  vs
The ratio of successive harmonics frequencies
(b) S and O moving away from each other
n1 : n2 : n3 : ... = 1 : 2 : 3 : ...
v  v0
m=  r 2d n  n
v  vs
(iv) Closed pipe Fundamental n1 = v / 4L
(c) S and O in same direction, O ahead of S
Only odd harmonics present
v  v0
n1 : n2 : n3 : ... = 1 : 3 : 5 : ... n  n
v  vs
(v) Open pipe Fundamental n1 = v / 2L
(d) S and O in same directon, S ahead of O
Both even and odd harmonics are present
n1 : n2 : n3 = 1 : 2 : 3 : ... v  v0
n  n
(vi) Both ends open, clamped in middle v  vs
(a) Fundamental n1 = v / 2l 1
65. (i) F= where k=
(b) First oertone n2 = 3n1
r2 4 0 ,
(c) Ratio of frequencies n1 : n2 : n3 = 1 : 3 : 5 : .
q1 and q2 = charge of both particles and
(vii) One end clamped r = distance between both charges.
(a) Fundamental n1 = v / 4l Fvacuum
(b) First overtone n2 = 3n1 etc. (ii) Fmedium =
(c) Ratio of frequencies
n1 : n2 : n3 = 1 : 3 : 5 : ... (i) F = F12  F22  2F1F2 cos 
(ii) Cylindrical charge
F2 sin 
(ii) tan  =
F1  F2 cos  1
(a) Outside E = ,E 
 2 r
 F  q
66. (i) E  (ii) E  k 2 r
q0 r 
(b) At the surface E =
2 0 R ,
67. (i) E = E12  E22  2 E1 E2 cos 
(c) Inside E =
E2 sin  2 0 R 2 , E  r
(ii) tan = E1  E2 cos 
(iii) Position of zero field

(iii) Plane sheet E=
(Like charges separated by distance R) 2 0

R 
x = 1 (iv) Conduting sheet E=
q2 / q1 0
(v) Field of charged spherical shell
68. (i) E = 4 a 2  x 2 3/ 2 kq
0 (a) Outside E =
(ii) Ecentre = 0
(b) At the surface E=
(iii)  = eq / 4 0 ma 3 R2
(c) Inside E=0
69. (i) Dipole moment p = qd
(vi) Field of uniformly charged non-conducting
(ii) Field at an axial point
k  2 pr k2p
E 2 E  ( if r > > d / 2)
kq 1
[r  d / 2 ]2
r3 (a) Outside E = 2 , E
 2
r r
(iii) Field at an equatorial point
kp kp (b) At surface E=
E= E= 3 R2
2 3/2 r
r2  d / 2
(c) Inside E= , Er
Eaxial / Eaqua. = 2/1 R3
  
(v)Torue on a dipole   P E dF  2
71. 
 = pEsin  dA 2 0
Potential energy of a dipole
Soap-bubble problem
 
U = – p  E = –pEcos 
4T  2
Work done in rotating a dipole moment from pin - pout = 
r 2 0
angle  1 to angle  2

W = U2 – U1 = pE (cos  1 – cos  2) 8 0T
or r= and   8 0T / r
 2
k 2
70. (i) Line charge E = E=
r 2 0 r q = 8 r 2 0 rT

 V 1
72. (a) V = W/q (b) E 74. (i) Energy Density u= 0E2
r 2

q 1
(i) Point charge V = k (ii) C = q/V (iii) U= CV 2
r 2
kq kq kq
(ii) Many charges V= 1 1 Q2
r1 r2 r3 (iv) U = QV (v) U=
2 2 C
(iii) Potential of a charged spherical shell
75. (i) Sphere C = 4 0 R C = K ( 4 0 R )
(a) Outside V= (ii) Spherical conductor
kq 4 0 ra rb 4 r  0 ra rb
C= C=
(b) At the surface V= rb  ra rb  ra
kq 0 A K0 A
(c) Inside V = Vsurface = (iii) Parallel plate C= C=
R d d
(iv) Potential of uniformly charged sphere (non- 76. Series (i) q same, q1 = q2 = q3 = q

kq 1 1 1 1
(ii) V different V = q/C1   
(a) Outside V = C C1 C2 C3

kq C1C2
(b) At the surface V= For two capacitors in series C=
R C1  C2

kq 3R 2  r 2 Parallel (i) V same, V1 = V2 = V3 = V

(c) Inside V=
2 R3 (ii) q different, q1 = C1V, etc.
(iii) C = C1 + C2 + C3
3 kq
Vcenter = Vsurface Dielectic (i) Field inside dielectric Ed = E/K
2 R
(ii) Polarization charges on surface of dielectric
(v) Common potential (Two spheres joined by thin wire)
Qp = Q(1 – 1/K),  p = Qp / A =  (1 – 1/K)
k Q1  Q2
V= (iii) Polarization vector p=  , p=  0  Ed
r1  r2 p

Capacitance Formulae with Dielectric

r1 Q1  Q2 r1Q r2Q
q1 = = , q2 = 0 A K0 A
r1  r2 r1  r2 r1  r2 (i) C = =
 1 Kd  t K  1
d  t 1  
q1 r1  1 r2  k
= , =
q2 r2  2 r1
0 A
73. Potential Energy (ii) For metal slab of thickness t C=
d t
kq1q2 (iii) For n plates with alternate plates connected,
(i) Two charges U= , U = q2 V1
0 A
kq1q2 kq1q3 kq2 q3 C= C=
(ii) Three charges U = + + d  t1 t2 t1 
r12 r13 r23    
 k1 k 2 k3 
79 Moving Coil Galvanometer
77. (i) E I= V = E - Ir
Q rR  k 
 = NIAB,  = k i=  
Series combination :  NAB 
(ii) R = R1 + R2 + R3
V = V1 + V2 + V3 (i) Current sensitivity = ;
I k
Parallel :

1 1 1 1    NAB
  (ii) Voltage sensitivity = =   R=
R1 R2 R3 V I kR

V = same across all R 80. Ammeter

(iv) Heating Effects of Current IgG

(i) Shunt resistance S=
V2 I  Ig
W=IVt P = IV P = I2 R, P =
S r 2
I Rt (ii) Length of shunt wire I=
(v) H = I2 Rt Joule H= calorie 
V2 (iii) Volt meter R = G
(vii) Electric Bulbs R Ig
(ii) For converted voltmeter, RV = R + G
Parallel Combination P = P1  P2  P3

1 1 1 1 (i) Potential gradient

Series Combination   
P P1 P2 P3 EP ES
k= , k=
R  A
Effect of Stretching (ii) Comparision of emf
R1 1 A2

2 4 E  
R  A  r  E E
I 1A1 = I2 A2 , , R2 =  1  =  1  E2 2 1
R  R1  A2   r2  (iii) Internal resistance
78. Mixed Combination
E V E V I1  I 2
(m rows with each containing n cells in series) r , e R, r  R
I V I2
nE mnE
I= I= 0 Idl sin 
nr nr  mR dB 
R 81. Biot-Savart Law
m 4 r2

Kirchhoff’s First Law  I=0 0 I

(i) Field due to a long straight wire B 
Kirchhoff’s Second Law 2 r
 E –  IR = 0, or  E =  IR (iii) Magnetic moment of circular coil
Wheatstone Bridge m = NIA

P R  0 2m
 (for balanced bridge) Field : B 
Q S 4 x3
(iv) Field due to an arc of current (v) Velocity of paricle at radius r

0 Il  0 I qBr
B B V
4 R 2 4 R m
(vi) The maximum kinetic energy
(v) At centre of a semicircular coil B 0 1 q 2 B 2 R2
4R K ]
2 m
(vi) Field due to finite length of wire
82. (i) If a charged particle moves along a circle under the
action of magnetic and electric fields then this region of
B space may have E=0, B 0
(ii) Magnetic Field Produced by a Moving Charge
(vii) field at the centre of a square loop
 
 0 qv  r
2 2 0 I (i) B
B 4 r 2
   
Ampere`s Law  B  dI  0 I  H  dI  I (ii) B
(i) Field due to current in a cylindrical rod Magnetic Field

0 I F
Outside : B  (i) B
2 r qV
0 I . Atomic magnetic Moments
Surface : B 
2 R eL eS
(i) L   (ii)  S  
2m m
0 Ir
Inside : B 
2 R 2 eJ
(iii) J   g
(ii) Solenoid 2m
Field inside : B  0 nI M
Intensity of Magnitization I
Field at one end : B  0 nI B
2 H 1
Magnetizing Field H
(iii) Force between two parallel conductor 0

F 0 I1 I 2 B
 (i) For vacuum H
l 2 d 0
(iv) Path of a moving charge in a magnetic field
  (ii) For medium
(a) When v is perpendicular to B H

mv qB
Path = Circular r v , Magnetic Susceptibility
qB 2 m
2 m Permeability
T ,  (cyclotrom frequency)
qB m B  B
(i)  (ii) r  (iii) 0 
 0 B0
(b) When angle between v to B is  H
Other Relations
Path = Helical
(i) (ii)
mv mv sin  qB 2 m
r  v , T 
qB qB qB (iii) B B (iv)
83. Field Due to a Bar Magnet
2 dI1
(i) Axial point Multual Inductance M  e2 M
I1 dt
0 2Mr
0 2M
B  2 B  0 N s N p A
4 r 2  l 2 M
4 r 3 Two solenoids
(ii) Equatorial point 84. Series and Parallel Combination

M 0 M (i) Series L  L1  L2 L  L1  L2  2 M
B B 
4 r 3
L1 L2 1 1 1
(ii) Parallel L   
0 M L1  L2 L L1 L2
(iii) At arbitrary point B   1  3cos 2 
4 r 3
M  K L1 L2
(iv) In unifrom field F 0 Response of R, L and C
   (i) R only :
  M B   MB sin 
  Phase difference   0
(v) Potential Energy U  MB cos    M  B
. Tangent Galvanometer E0  I 0 R , Erms  I rms R
(ii) L only :
(i) B  BH tan  ; I  K tan  (ii) K   n Current lags voltage, voltage, leads current by a
phase  / 2
Magnetic Flux
  E0  I 0 X L ; Erms  I rms X L X L  L
(i) d   B  dA  BdA cos  (iii) C only :
  The current leads voltages, the voltage lags current
(ii)    B  dA (iii)   BA cos 
by a phase  / 2
  
(iv)  B  ds  0 (v) B  0 E0  I 0 X C ; Erms  I rms X C X L  L
Faraday` Laws (iv) Series LR :

d d The current lags, the voltages leads by a phase  ,

(i) e (ii) e
dt dt
X  R X
  tan 1  L  cos   , sin   L
e d d  R  Z Z
(iii) I (iv) dq  
R Rdt R
Z  R2   L E0  I 0 Z , Erms  I rms Z
 
(v) q 1 2 (vi) Series RC
X 
   tan 1  C 
Self Inductance L  e = –L dI / dt  R 
Current leads, voltage lags
0 N 2 A
Solenoid L  2
l R 2  1 
cos   , Z  R  
Z  C 
 r 0 N 2 A
L   0 n Al (with n = N / l) L 
l E0  I 0 Z , Erms  I rms Z
(vi) Series LRC (vii) At resonance
XL XC 2 Erms
  0 , cos   1 , Pav  I rms R

 is positive for X L  X C (ix) Parallel LCR

 is negative for X L  X C 2
1 1  1 1 
 2
  
current inductive if X L  X C Z R  X L XC 
circuit inductive if X L  X C 86. Maxwell`s Equations
  q
(i) 
current leads if X L  X C
 E.d s   0 ( Gauss’s law of electricity)
circuit capacitive if X L  X C  
(ii) 
 B.d s  0 (Gauss’s law of magnetism)
(vii) Resonance

1   d
Resonance frequency f r 
2 LC
(iii)  E.d I   dtB (Faraday’s law)

87. (i) Energy of photon

At resonance, X L  X C , VL VC E = hv, E = hc / 
  0 , Z = R (minimum) E h
(ii) Momentum p= ;p =
cos   1 , sin   0 I 0 = maximum = E0 / R c 
It is a band selector circuit. (iii) Rest mass = 0

E0 I 0 cos  E
85. Power in AC Circuits Pav  (iv) Mass equivalent to energy m=
2 c2
88. Law of Reflection
Pav  Erms I rms cos 
Image Formed Between Two Inclined Plane Mirrors
real power
Power factor, cos  
virtual power 3600 3600
(i) n  1 (when is an even number)
 
Pav R
cos   cos  
Erms I rms Z 3600 3600
(ii) n  (when is an odd number)
 
(i) R only  = 0, cos  = 1
P  I rms 2
R  Erms /R NOTE: For symmetrical positions

(ii) C only  = 900 =  / 2 , n=

cos   0 Pav  0
Series LCR Focal Length f 
 X  XC  R where R = radius of curvature.
  tan 1  L  cos  
 R  Z 1 1 1
Mirror Formula,  
2 u v f
2 Erms R
Pav  I rms R 2 where u = object distance from pole,
v = image distance from pole.
89. Linear magnification (ii) For small angle prism
 m
= (  - 1)A
= size of image, O = size of object. B
90. Law of Refraction (i) Cauchy’s relation  =A+
sin i  red <  violet  red
<  violet
Snell’s law : n =
sin r
(ii) Angular dispersion   V   R
v1 c
Other Relations n= ,    v  R A
v2 n = v
(iii) Dispersive power
air Vair
medium = Vmedium = n1 sin i = n2 sin r V   R V  R B  R
n n  or,,  = or,,  =
Y Y  1 Y  1
(Symbol for refractive index changed from n to  for
Spherical Refracting Surface
(i) When object is situated in the rarer medium
sin i 1
2 = , 2 =  1 2 2  1
sin r 1
2 1
  
u v R
t sin i  r where, 1 = refractive index of rarer medium,
(i) Lateral shift =
cos r
2 = refractive index of spherical refracting
Real depth surface.
(ii) Apparent depth =
(ii) When object is situated in denser medium

 1 2 1 1   2
  
x = t 1 
 
Raised by u v R

(iii) Power of spherical refracting surface
(iii) Total internal reflection
Critical angle= ic 2  1
sin ic = 1 /  R
Lens Maker`s Formula,
For a luminous body at d depth radius of bright circular
path at surface
1 1 1 
  1   
d f  R1 R2 
r = d tan ic , r=
 2 1 where f = focal length of lens,  = refractive index of
Prism lens, R1 and R2 = radii of curvature of two refracting
i + e=A+  & r1 + r2 = A surfaces of a thin lens.
(i) At minimum deviation 1 1 1
Lens Formula,  
i=e f v u
r1 = r2
Power of Lens

 A  m  1
sin   p
  2  f inmeters
sin A / 2
Two Lenses Placed in Contact
Superposition of Waves of Equal Frequency and
1 1 1 Constant Phase Difference
(i)  
f f1 f 2
(i) Resultant wave amplitude

where f1 and f 2 = focal length of two lenses

a= a12  a22  2a1a2 cos 
f = focal length of the combination
(ii) Resultant wave intensity
(ii) Power of combination P  P1  P2
I = I1 + I2 + 2 I1 I 2 cos 
(iii) Magnification of combination, m  m1  m2
If a1 = a2 = a0, and I1 = I2 = I0 , then
Magnifying Power of Simple Microscope,
a = 2a0 cos  /2 I = 4I0 cos 2 /2
M when final image is formed at D Constructive Interfernce
where D = least distance of distinct vision.
Condition  = 2n   0, 2  , 4  , 6  , ... 

x n ... amax = a1 + a2
M when image is formed at infinity
f 2
Imax  (a1 + a2 )2 Imax = I1  I 2
Magnifying Power of Compound Microscope,
Imax = 4I0 , If I1 = I2 = I0
v  D Destructive Interference
M   0 1  
u0  fe 
Conditions  = (2n - 1)  =  , 3  , 5  ,...
where v0 = distance of image from object lens,
  3 5
x  2 n  1 = , , ,...
u0 = distance of object from object lens, 2 2 2 2
amin = a1 - a2 Imax  (a1 - a2 )2
f e = focal length of eye lens.
Astronomical Telescope Imin = I1  I 2 Imin = 0 , If I1 = I2 = I0
(i) Magnifying power in normal adjustment,
Young’s Double Slit Experiment
M 
fe (i) Position of nth fringe on the screen
(ii) When the final image is formed at least distance of
distinct vision, magnifying power n D
(a) Bright fringe Yn =
f0  fe 
M  1  
fe  D  2n  1  D
(b) dark fringe Yn =
2 d
91. In a compound microscope, the intermediate image is
real inverted and magnified. (ii) Fringe width
92. A lens behaves as a converging lens in air and a diverging
lens in water. The repractive index of the material is D 
(a) linear  (b) angular  
between unity and 1.33. d d
 air
Interference liquid 
air liquid
(iii) Shift of the central fringe by thin sheet (ii) Einstein`s equation of photoelectric effect
(a) Maximum kinetic energy of the emitted
  1 tD photoelectrons
Shift =
1 2 1 1 
Thin Films For reflected light mv  hc   
2   0 
2  t cos r  n (dark fringe)
where m = mass of the ejected photoelectron.
 1
2 t cos r   n    (bright fringe)  =wavelength of the incident radiation
 2
0 = threshold wavelength.
Single slit experiment

a sin   x , x = nfor minima 1 2

(b) mv  hv  hv0
2 max
x = (2n+1)for maxima
where, vmax = maximum velocity of photoelectron,
(i) Telescope
v0 = frequency of incident radiation,
Limit of resolution   v = threshold frequency.
96. de-Broglie Waves
Resolving power = h
1.22 Wavelength 
(ii) Microscope
97. For Photons
1.22 0.61
Limit of resolution =  hc hv E
2 sin   sin  E = hv, E  p , p
 c c
 sin 
Resolving power = hv h
0.61 m 2 ,
m rest mass = 0
c c
Numerical aperture =  sin 
 h 
(iii) Eye Limit of angle of resolving charge = 0, spin = 1 
 2 
= 1 min of arc = degree. Number of photons of wavelength  emitted in t second
60 from a lamp of power p,
93. Polarized glass is used in sun glasses because it
reduces the light intensity to half an account of Pt
polarization. hc
94. The number of photo electrons emitted per second from 98. Matter Waves
a metal surface increases when the intensity of the
incident light increases. h h h
 ,   ,
p mv 2mE
Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation
95. Photoelectric Effect 1 2
p mE , E  mv  eV
(i) Work function W  hv0
where h = Planck`s constant 12.27 A
(i) For electron, e 
v0 = threshold frequency V
0 nh
0.286 A 102. Bohr Model L = mvr =
(ii) For proton, p  2
hv  Ei  E f
(iii) For alpha, a  (i) Radius of nth orbit
(iv) For particle at temperature T (kelvin) n2
rn 
h  3 
 is  E  kT 
3mkT  2  n2 h2
rn 
(v) For neutron or proton Z 4 2 mke 2
0 (ii) Bohr radius
25.2 A
 (if E = 3/2 kT, average energy)
T h2 0
a0   0.529 A
4 2 mke 2
30.8 A (iii) Ratio of radii
 (if E = kT, most probable energy)
r1 : r2 : r3  1: 4 : 9
Accelerating potential to obtain de-Broglie
wavelength e (iv) Velocity of electron in n th orbit

150.6 Z c
V vn  
e2 volt n 137

Condition for stable orbit 2 rn  n Z

vn   c ,
99. Davisson-Germer Experiment

2 d sin   n D sin   n   2 ke2 / hc

100. Useful ratios,  1/137 (fine structure constant)

2 m1v1 2 m1 E1 1 1
  v1 : v2 : v3 ........  1: : ........
1 m2 v2 1 m2 E2 2 3
(v) Energy
2 m1q1V1  ph 2me c 2
  kZe2
1 m2 q2V2 e E U
101. Rutheford  -Scattering exp.
1 2
4 K mv
N   cosec  / 2 , 2

Ze 2 cot  / 2 1 1
Impact parameter b 
K  U; E U
2 2
4 0 E
E = –K
(i) Distance of closest approach

2Ze 2 13.6 Z 2 Z 2  2 2 mk 2c 4 
r0  En   eV  
4 0 E  
n2 n2  h2 

2.18 1018 Z 2 (i) Series limits shortest

En   J
(vi) Ionization energy Lyman s  912 A

 E1  13.6Z 2 eV Balmer
s  3645 A
H-atom = 13.6 eV
 Paschen s  8201A
He ion = 54.4 eV
(ii) Number of emission lines from excited state n
Li  ion = 122.4 eV
= n(n-1)/2
(vii) Ionization potential
(iii) Time period of revolution
H-atom = 13.6 V
Tn  n 3 / Z 2
He  ion = 54.4 V
(viii) Series formula (wave number v  1/  ) T1  1.5  10 16 s

T1 : T2 : T3  1: 8 : 27
1  1 1 
 RZ 2  2  2 
 (iv) Frequency of revolution
 n1 n2 
2 2 4 3 vn  Z 2 / n3
R  2 mk e / ch

R  1.097  107 m 1 v1  6.6  1015 Hz

(ix) Series formula for H-atom 1 1
v1 : v2 : v3  1: :
8 27
1  1  (v) Current due to orbital motion
 R  1  2  , n = 2, 3, 4, .....
  n  I n  Z 2 / n3
I1  1 mA
1  1 1 
 R  2  2  , n = 3, 4, 5, ....
 2 n 
104. Disintegration Law
  N
1 1 1  dt
 R  2  2  , n = 4, 5, 6, ......
 3 n 
N  N 0 e  t
t /T
1  1 1  N 1
 R  2  2  , n = 5, 6, 7, .....  
 4 n  N0  2 

103. Pfund 105 Half-life and Decay Constant

1  1 1  dN / dt
 R  2  2  ; n = 6, 7, 8, ...... 
 4 n  N

 N  log e 2
112. Radioactive Series
T (i) 4n Thorium

232 208
90 Th 82 Pb
T (ii) 4n + 1 Neptunium

106. Mean Life 235 209

NP 83 Bi

1 1 (iii) 4n + 2 Uranium
 , 
  238 206
92 U  82 Pb
T  0.693 ,   1.443T (iv) 4n + 2 Actinium
107. Activity
235 207
92 U  82 Pb
R 113. Radioactive Equilibrium
N A  A  N B B
R  N
114. Decay Constant for Two Channels
 t
R  R0 e
(i)   1  2
t /T
R 1 1 1 1
    
R0  2 (ii)
T T1 T2
1 Bq = 1 decay/s
1 Ci = 3.7  1010 dis/s (iii) T 
T1  T2
1 Ci = 37 GBq
115. Gamma Intensity Absorption
108. Alpha Decay
I  I 0e   x
A A4 4
(i) Z X Z  2 Y  2 He
(i) Half thickness
(ii) Q  M X  M Y  M 
x1/ 2 
3/ 2 
(iii) Range R  E
(ii) Atomic mass unit
109. Beta Decay

A A 
1 amu = 1.66  1027 kg
(i) Z X  Z 1 Y  e  v
1 amu  1 u

(ii) n  p  e  v 1 u  931.5 MeV
110. Positron emission (iv) Radius

X A Z 1 Y A  e  v R  R0 A1/3
(v) Volume
n  p  e  v
111. Gamma Decay
A 4 R03
Z X *  ZA X   V A
(vi) Density 125. Conductivity
(i) Metals : Very high  107 to 10 8 S/m
  2.4 1017 kg m 3
= independent of A. (ii) Insulators : Very low  to S/m

116. Mass Defect (iii)Semiconductors : intermediate

Si :   4.7 104 Sm 1
M  Zm p  A  Z mn  M
Ge :   2.13 Sm 1
Mass Defect
(resistivity is inverse of conductivity)
  M Metals : Conductivity decreases with temperature,
117. Packing Fraction Semiconductors : Conductivity increases with
Pf = mass defect per nucleon. 126. Temperature Coefficient of Resistance
Metal : positive
118. Binding Energy Semiconductor : negative
127. Conductivity of Semiconductors
BE  M c 2
(i) Intrinsic :   e ne e  nh h
119. Binding Energy per Nucleon
 Eg / 2 kT
BE    0e
BE 
A (ii) Extrinsic : n - type,   ene e
120. Uncertainty Priciple
p - type,   enh  h
xpx  h / 4 , 128. p-type : Impurity III group, B, Al, Ga, In, TI.
Majority charge carriers : holes
Et  h / 4 Minority charge carriers : electrons
129. n-type
E (i) Impurity V group, P, As, Sb
(ii) Majority charge carriers : electrons
121. The amplification produced by a triode is due to the (iii) Minority charge carriers : hole
action of GRID.
130. pn Junction
122. Canal rays consist of Positive ions. (i) Barrier potential  0.5 V
123. The curve of binding energy per nucleon as a function of (0.7 V for Si and 0.3 V Ge)
atomic mass number has a sharp peak for helium
nucleus is very stable. (ii) Width of deflection layer  1  m  106 m
Electronic Devices (iii) Barrier electric field EB  10 to 10 V/m.
5 6

124. Band Gap 131. pn Junction Diode

Metals : no gap
(i) Forward resistance rf  min
Insulators : Eg  6eV
(ii) Reverse resistance rr  very high 10 
Semiconductors : Eg  1eV
I  I 0 e eV / kT  1
Si (Z =14), E g  1.12eV
rr  V / I , etc.
Ge (Z = 32) E g  0.7 eV (iii) Diode as rectifier formula (same as for vacuum tube)
132. Transistor logic symbol

I E  IC  I B Y=A.B

I B  I E , and is read as A AND B. The AND peration represents

logical multiplication.
I B  IC (iii) NOT gate

IC  I E The NOT gate operation inverts the input or coplements

the input. It is represented by a bar (-) over the variable
133. Current Gain [In Common Base (CB) ] or the input.

IE ,

I C
 ac 
I E
logic symbol
 C,
Current Gain [In Common emitter (CE) ] and is read as NOT A

I C (iv) NOR gate

 ac 
I B
The NOR gate is a combination of OR gate with a NOT
gate. The Boolean expression for NOR gate is

 ,
1 

134. Logic Gates
logic symbol
(i) OR gate
The OR gate operation is represented by the sign (+). If Y  A B
A and B are the two inputs and Y is the output, then the
OR operation is represented as (v) NAND gate

If the output of the AND gate is connected to the input

of a NOT gat, NAND gat is formed. The Boolean
expression of NAND gate is
logic symbol : Y = A + B and is read as A OR B. It also
termed as logical addition.
(ii) AND gate
The AND gate operation is represented by teh dot (.)
between the two variables or inputs

logic symbol

Y  A.B

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