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Albert Einstein, one of the history's greatest minds, is a renowned physicist who
revolutionized our understanding of the universe. He developed the theory of
relativity which transformed our concept of space. He was born in Germany, on
March 14, 1879, and later moved to Switzerland to continue his studies. He worked
as a patent examiner in Bern before remarking on his academic career. Einstein’s
genius is very recognized to his exceptional intellect, independent thinking, and
profound contributions to science and humanity. His theories, including the special
theory of relativity and the general theory of the relativity, reshaped the foundations
of physics. Einstein achieved success through his unwavering curiosity, persistence,
and dedication to his work. He employed through experiments and imaginative
thinking to formulate his groundbreaking our understanding or physics to practical
applications such as GPS system and nuclear energy.
In conclusion, he was a genius who contributed to the science, and we could
improve our lifestyle for him and his theories.

Albert Einstein, one of the history's greatest minds, was a renowned physicist who
revolutionized our understanding of the universe, and he achieved success through
his unwavering curiosity, persistence, and dedication to his work. He developed the
theory of relativity which transformed our concept of space, time, and gravity. He
was born in Germany, on March 14, 1879. and later moved to Switzerland to pursue
his studies. He worked as a patent examiner in Bern before remarking on his
academic career. Einstein’s genius is very recognized to his exceptional intellect,
independent thinking, and profound contributions to science and humanity. His
theories, including the special theory of relativity and the general theory of the
relativity, reshaped the foundations of physics. He employed through experiments
and imaginative thinking to formulate his groundbreaking our understanding or
physics to practical applications such as GPS system and nuclear energy. The
timeline for when Einstein achieved genius status is challenging to determine as it
encompasses his lifelong journey of intellectual growth and groundbreaking
discovers. In conclusion, he was a genius who contributed to the science, and we
could improve our lifestyle for him and his theories.

Martin Luther King Jr., born on January 15, 1929, in Atlanta, Georgia, was a
prominent American civil rights leader who fearlessly confronted the deeply
ingrained racism and systemic discrimination of his time. Throughout his life, he
faced numerous obstacles, but his unwavering commitment to equality and justice
allowed him to overcome them and he never gave up. He triumphed over
formidable obstacles, including institutionalized racism, violent opposition, person
sacrifices, political and legal challenges. He exemplified by his inspiring and
impactful practice of nonviolent resistance, mobilizing and empowering
marginalized communities in the fight for civil rights and his self-reliance as he
struggled against injustice and discrimination, taking pride in his own inner strength
and resilience to pave the way for a more equitable and just society. From his
leadership during the Montgomery Bus Boycott, where he inspired the African
American community to peacefully resist segregation, to his powerful speeches and
nonviolent protest. In the face of daunting challenges, King emerged as a symbol of
hope and inspiration for millions, ultimately leaving and indelible mark on the fight
for civil rights in the United States.
Maria said, “Not because now is a bad time, it always will be. If you don’t do
something for yourself, who will? If you fall, you get up!” This attitude is the one
that helps her overcome her obstacles. She was born in Cajamarca, 1986 and she is
my inspiration. For example, in the 2011, Maria Tocas had been diagnosed of
ankylosing spondylitis and her treatment wasn’t cheap, but she had an insurance in
ESSALUD. So, what was the problem? ESSALUD didn’t want to assume the
expenses that corresponded to him by a law that according to protected them. What
did Maria Tocas overcome that? She investigated the law and exposed her case on
the radio RPP. Happily, she was able to receive her treatment. In another
opportunity, a doctor said that it was very probable that she couldn’t walk anymore,
two months later, she had difficulty walking, she had to use her wheelchair. She
didn’t give up, she did therapy, continued the treatment and put all her strength into
continuing with her life, and she walked again. In short, even thought that road was
paved with obstacles, she was able to overcome them.

Breaking news! Genetic testing has emerged as an opportunity to make our lives
better! It presents us with unprecedented information about our congenital traits and
its potential impact on our health. Genetic testing can be very useful in making
medical decisions. First, let me say that my mother suffers from ankylosing
spondylitis. I am twenty-one years, and I don’t know what will happen in a few
years. Recently, I had pain like what my mother had when she was young, in other
words, is likely to develop this disease. For me, my personal perspective, I think
that using testing in making medical decisions could be a hope to receive treatment
on time and identify the principal risk factors.
I agree with genetic testing. Why? First, years ago, I was witnessing about what
kind of treatments my mother received, doctors injected a medicine every week in
the knees. At beginning of everything, doctors didn’t know what disease she had, it
wasn’t common in Peru, they confused the disease with osteoporosis and arthritis. If
my mother hadn’t diagnosed on time, she might not have improved her health.
Second, genetic testing in making medical decisions promotes advancements in
medicine and research. The doctor said that my mom belonged to a small
percentage that suffers that disease in Peru. It was in 2012, the treatment what
started with something experimental, taking “Etanercept”, human protein made
through cell culture of Chinese hamster ovaries. The treatment was tiring, but there
was an improvement in health. If doctors hadn’t treaty my mom with that
experimental investigation, they didn’t know how the disease reaction to
“Etanercept”. The environment was improving for her since there was more
information about the disease.
I really believe that genetic testing has more benefits than negative effects. The
process of this can be hard and tired, but it’s necessary for people to know their
genetic makeup. How are they going to prevent if they don’t know what kind of
diseases they could have? How are they going to change some aspects in their lives
if they don’t know what hope?
Breaking news! Genetic testing has emerged as an opportunity to make our lives
better! It presents us with unprecedented information about our congenital traits and
its potential impact on our health. Genetic testing can be very useful in making
medical decisions. First, let me say that my mother suffers from ankylosing
spondylitis. I am twenty-one years, and I don’t know what will happen in a few
years. Recently, I had pain like what my mother had when she was young, in other
words, is likely to develop this disease. For me, my personal perspective, I think
that using testing in making medical decisions could be a hope to receive treatment
on time and identify the principal risk factors.
I agree with genetic testing. Why? First, years ago, I was witnessing about what
kind of treatments my mother received, doctors injected a medicine every week in
the knees. At beginning of everything, doctors didn’t know what disease she had, it
wasn’t common in Peru, they confused the disease with osteoporosis and arthritis. If
my mother hadn’t diagnosed on time, she might not have improved her health.
Second, genetic testing in making medical decisions promotes advancements in
medicine and research. The doctor said that my mom belonged to a small
percentage that suffers that disease in Peru. It was in 2012, the treatment what
started with something experimental, taking “Etanercept”, human protein made
through cell culture of Chinese hamster ovaries. The treatment was tiring, but there
was an improvement in health. If doctors hadn’t treaty my mom with that
experimental investigation, they didn’t know how the disease reaction to
“Etanercept”. The environment was improving for her since there was more
information about the disease.
I really believe that genetic testing has more benefits than negative effects. The
process of this can be hard and tired, but it’s necessary for people to know their
genetic makeup. How are they going to prevent if they don’t know what kind of
diseases they could have? How are they going to change some aspects in their lives
if they don’t know what hope? I hope that using genetic testing in making medical
decisions will be more accessible to everyone and all people enjoy a fully life.

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