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MARIUSZ MISZTAL e509 I EGS WORD-FORMATION CONTENTS PREFIXES: in [-SEGATIVE AND REVERUTIVE PREFIXES eee aimersnainsracdl 2. PEIORATIVE PREFIXES 20000000000. 0 1}. CONVERSION PREFIXES SERrReT es — ee) INTRODUCTION AIM OF THE BOOK ‘This i the third boul in the sexies TESTS JN ENGLISH, following Dhewonic Vocubairy ond Strncheral Cotrveraion. This book has the sian of testing een ry soming. of teaching English word formation. By mastering the ability ta form new weeks, ome can ceeaie from a single rom word, family of, sometimes, more than twenty Keadcal idea! 1's been shown that ten Latin stad two ‘Grock sana (lacio, dace, fenile, pli, speci, pawn, tence, fro, mitt, capi: logos, yrapsho) enter ‘is soo%e form ar oeber atc ihe: comgmositien of 25400 English words! Kaowing prefixes andl sffixes Inolp ome Guess the meaning sf completely new mot. isa. Woed-fortiation is tested in most of thx recognised examinations but it is piven hardly any tes toe im dhe well-known coursclowks “This book is am aiicrip fu (GL tke ops TESTS AS TEACHING MATERIAL Both testing and woching are so closely interrelated that it i vienaally impossible to work in ‘ether fheld without being comuantly concerned with the other. Tests may be constructed primarily ms devices to reinforce learning and to-motivate the student, They may develop and increase the sc sdexas awareness, as well us bes stock. of Emplish sirvctures, A well-consiracted text will provide the student with an oppurtunity Wo show his ability le recengmise on bo peduce te Correct forms of the language. Provided that details of his performance are given as soon as possible after the rest the stu- dena should be: able en Searn from his exrurs amd consotidate the pattern taieghst. In this: way W text eam ‘he ted as a valuable teaching device. (Hewuia. 1975:1-2) LEVEL AND THE CHOICE OF STRUCTURES: The book is intended for mtermediste and advanced students. It will, it as hoped, also te usa ful to teachers af Bagiish, if any at a source of west material, ‘The choice of prefixes and muffixes is based og Hans Marchand, The Categories ond Types af Present-Day Exglish Wond-Formation (1960, 190%), the mast conyprehentive review of Engi word-formation, and their division into groups on Raadolph Quirk et al A Croumar af Covntemperiey Knugtinh (1992), ORGANISATION ‘A.compeehensive inex shows wine each fied of wort formution eau be Youd. Alb the prefixes, sulfives nd cane parts of compounds vested ate hace, so in usually 1 dificult Ko boc pick ly the material you aed. ‘The more difficult tests are market with an anteviak (*). Answers tthe texts aie given inthe Key. The pages with exercises which can be used an phateccyicable matenal are marked ox Ue margin whh a "COPY" sign, ‘TO THE STUDENT How ianny words are you able to create with the stem fiegos? There ure at least 156 ghesh words in the formation of which lagas plays m part! IT yoo can't think of at lemat reeety wards with orgs ned ae no able eine al of them, yond sdhoukd tk isinds with this Book. Despite ie tle, this bocie wil wot just Lest your knirwledge of wond-formarion, tat ill provide: you wil practice vfach wll hel you to learn baw tn beild wus, 1 yom intent to work with this book seriously, | suggest thac you give yoursel’ every advantage toy cavefully Following the laws of learning: 1. Space your bearning. [Do wot aternpt too many tess a x tine. Bo ne or tra ekersiacs ata thre ~ iheee if you're doing ‘well und are very involved. Spaced stedying is far mare efficient mod fur more productive thaw doug, ‘aot ina very short period of time, ‘Come back to the hook every day, of as chose to every day as the circumstances of your life per ‘mut, Pind a schedule that ss comfortable for yo, and thon stick: oi 1 know it may be hard for » week ‘of 50, but afte this period you will actually miss your few mina with the Exgplish word Formation tents, 2. Do wot rush ~ go at your own comfortable speed Everyone Jearm. at a different pice. Fast Joamers are na better than alow lenrmers ~ it's the end ‘reel that counts, aot the iene it tes you to finish A. Review [a onder for the prefixes, suffixes ant word ti became “fixed” jm your mind, you need to vest yourself again sad again, When you starta new nession, go back to the exercises of the previ ses ‘sion, ana try nado thes agin; o at least So again the teens that you were nox able bo ames OF AVE ‘wrong anewers to, 4. Use reference books Use your reference books often. Dion's just tse them when you meet a completely ew wer Bven whew you already know the texted prefix/auflix, check in 3 reference book how arad when it ¢an be used ~ the nodes piven in the book are mot enough Don't just earn new prefixestaatfines or com pours: you alse teed to now Ban tte er, 5. Test yourself ‘When doing the exercises you are noi aiming fur a grade, or ping your worth om the Hine — rather you are discovering your weoknerses, if any, deciding Where reqssits have to be made; one, especially, expenencing a feeling of msccess at work well dowe. HOW TO WORK WITH THIS BOOK ‘One important thing to remeanber is this: bo Horr MARK the comect soxwer with im: in the (book If you do this, you are ruining the book for any future te either by yourself or by anyone eloe, eA Here are crm of the ways im whieh the book may be med. You yoursck! will be whle to thane of ray snore, 1, Straightforward self testing 8. Begin with the sections that dnost interest you. 1, Read the teats and exorcines wel try to chenee the right answer. Write down in.» notebook oaly thore emrwers you are certain are correct. Do mut guess Try to avoid the temptation of referring ts the Key watil you have finishes! Pls chal ¢. Check your aywert and, with a coloured pencil, correct fron the Key any thistaites you have made, 4. Read through the test again, paying special attention bo the woeds you didn't krow or gol ‘wrong. Using a reference book, lean more about the compound, prafia or suffix you didn’t ‘know. ‘Try the test spain fiftoce rnieutos tater ©. After few days try the same text again, You shauild be able ta give snany more, if wat al, the ‘answers correctly. 2. Trying the tests with a Fréemdl 4 Try a lest together with a friend, but each of you should mak answers on seporate sheets of Paper 'b. Compare his anrwers with yours. If your anawers are differnt try to give your reasons for ‘choosing the nrewers in question. ¢ Cotrect both sets of anewers from the Key id Drscus, with the help of reference buck explanations, the sight answers ©. Try fhe test gain. Thope you wil find working with this book both a stimulating and a fruitful experience. Good luck! REFERENCE BOOKS The book was preparad nol to lechure en the theory of word building, tut (0 test the ability to form new words. Textr ia English Wiend-Foraecion, while giving the right answers io the texts, does fat give full explanations of the usage ofthe prefixes/muTixes or the choice between them. Tepes of Preseni-Liry English Wl Formation (1960, 1989), but a i tpt ret ‘be easily available and at it ic quite ncaxiemic, the nimpler, if mach less compechensive, Stawaécra | voveoemiranie by Tadewns Cacbrcnsowski (1995) may be recomumensted, expecially for 1 discustion af compounds Callies Cobwid’s Pov! Formation (1991) i wets! for the expla thems and the lints of vocabulary, but the lanier may somctimcs be somewhat mésleading. especially the cnex of words with “other mening” ‘An English Foglish dictomary és indixperaoble ‘while weung HordFarmatiom, Reuscanber ity, that very offen, especially in case of the compounds, the meaning af the won! creaked. cannot be guesied hom the meanings of tts clements, 1 dictionary must be: consulted, whem in ould, ta chert the exact Sinaning and weage ofeach new creation. A NOTE ON THE HYPHEN The hyphen (-) is wed to wake a compound word out of te ot mre words which are intended to be read as a single mii. The inclusion or otherwise of hyphens in commpic words ia oficn inconsistent by English wert: some mny we it nn given word mid some Hot. Onthographically, compounds ate written. Has ove word, eg: schooler ‘A)hyphenated, ¢f- nieteenth-cemury poetry Tas two words, eg army afficer ‘There arc no naife iikes that will help im the choice between these three penibbilities, site some wards may even occur in three different compound locus, fur example, flowerpot, flower prot, flaver pot. H there is any doubt whether a particular combination should be writes at two ‘words, ove word, or with a hyphea, conault a dictionary, If one word is possible, that is to be pre- erred e.g. baby-ate and beibpat). the choice lies hotwioen wo word andl a hypicn (c.g. clara lock anal alarm clock), then chouse the two words prevvided it dacs not viene sense or leat is ‘ambiguity. In other wants, dispense with the hyphen whenever possible Jn well-established compotenes using prefixes, the tendeacy is mot fo ase a hyphen, tut is always med with ex-and seff- and to prevent ambiguity where words are similar (e.g. resigot = quit weed ve-sign = sign again), 1. NEGATIVE and REVERSATIVE PREFIXES nies Ud ET Which of the Following verbs do not form their negatives with DIS? Form correct negatives of the odd verbs. ree appear appre bbetiewe conti do infect inherit Hike obey organise wee please prove satisty DE. can be used with different meanings. Divide the following verbs formed with DE- into two groups: 1) when it means to remove or remove from the stated thing, eg. defrost, 2) when it means reversing the process described by the original word, e.g. deac- tivate. 1) the ones forming their negative with DE-, 2) the ones forming their negative with DIS-. activate ogres appear pro om hheliewe lossy colores connect continue: frost infect wherit Whe touse militorise mar reobiliew obey arganise place please possess ually satisty stabilise EXERCISE 4 Divide the adjectives and nouns into two groups: I) the ones forming their negative with OE-, 2) the ones forming their negative with O75. coctivation exhrantoge belief sassification colonisation comfort congestion contamination content fever hydration harmony honour Iincasttaiisation boys militartsation metsletation obedience Proportionste repurtohe respect stobilisation EXERCISES z Divide the following nouns into thres groups: 1) the ones forming their negatives with IL-, 2) the ones forming their negatives with [2-, 3) the ones forming their negatives with IM. Sewalety Aegitlity hegitimocy literacy raturity mabsility modesty morality moetolity patience perfection piety potency practicability proprety panty Fationality responsibilty ‘EXERCISE 6 Sap: Divide the following adjectives into three groups: 1} the ones forming their negative with IL- , 2) the ones forming their negatives with IR-, 3) the ones forming their negatives with IM., eget feaybte fegitinsate Virmitable iterate lagieal mature measurable memorial modest moral mortal 2 ‘centralization courteous moterializsation liberal material mederate partial patient perfect personal phates Hcentite poceible potent practical proper pre rateonal relent replacente resistible 7. eats Form correct negatives af the odd adjectives. eer crn ter een ee Form correct negatives of the odd nouns. airy accessibility voceuracy sactiviny adequacy attractiveness believer compatibility congestency comvenence dependence effectiveness fallibolity gratitude justice Ieberab ty maturity mortality respect security service sincersty tolerance vahdity visibility ‘EXERCISES pet ett seat Which of the following adjectives form their negatives with JN- and which with UN? accessible accurete eccustomed: ective edaptable adequate ‘odmensible affected ambiguous enswereble ‘applicable oppropriate apt attempted attractive ardible authorised avoldable. oe, bearanie (Extacnse 12 — ne sige : HC ‘bearable believable biased! scaleable : “capabile censored ceremenious certo Which of the following adjectives de not form their negatives with NON-? charitable cheiiged classafted clear Form correct negatives of the odd adjectives, comfortable communicative comparable -companible comprehensible concervatike ‘comchasive conditsoral codemic accurate aggressive leobehie conner ted conscious: conmedenabie comeanstent economic, essential existent fotal ‘constant constitutional » gesoonpy Complete the given stems with the prefix the Tf you find the exercise too difficult, look for i He Beererenarsrterreee | of which is given mext to it, : tinental anions continent _meter Si cyeh sensitive thet Sa _tyre scoah tron lew _onalys? “angie lateral _-ocodemic official spective gressive — divine -outomatic charge plus metrical biosis sion scope recy logy mater nuclear ~angle Jogy “ modern lateral sex PHON- PHOTO. QUAS What do the prefixes in capital lette HAEMAtology. HAEMOphiba = HETEROsemual, HETEROgeneeus = HyvPOderme, MYPOthermia = ? MATRIarchal, MATREeide = ‘ MEGAblock, MEGAstar = MEURObiology, NEUROpsychiatry = PARAmiltary, PARA: professional = PHOTOgroph, PHOTOsensitive = PSYCHOlogy, PSYCHOsnalyst = RETROspective, RETROgressive = TELEvision, TELEscope = THEOcracy. THEOlogy = THERMOmeter, THERMOnuclear = LIF was o terrible game. Our team ployed: 2. A ket of _ meetings will be posted on the: o pain became — 50 we hod to call the ambulance: 12. Leisure habits won't change much iA 13. The government's. approach has bough 14, Jim is one af the most. members of 15. The old train station was filthy ond - EXERCISE 80* Sometimes to the same root word it is possible to add different prefixes. Fill in the following sentences with the right words. Be certain you understand ‘the difference between the given words. A DEFORMITIES DEFORMATION MALFORMATION | When T saw her ofter that occident I was terrified by the .. of her face, 2 Her child was born with terrible _ of his begs and hands. 3. Although the baby was born with o severe .. of the lungs, the doctors said she would live. 8 DISINFORMATION MISINFORMATION {Tim positive that all the misunderstanding was caused by 2. ‘The ... spread abroad wos te confute the enemy as'to the real plana of the government. & EMIGRATION IMMIGRATION 1. The largest ,. of Poles to the United States tock place in the nineteenth century. 2... rules forbid the bringing of ony fruit or food inte this country. o TNFLAWMABLE 'NON-FLAMMABLE/NON-INFLAMMABLE 1. The firemen's uniforms are made of .. material 2. You con't smoke in here becouse those barrels contain a highly .. quid, € AMORAL TWAORAL 1 He is accused of living of f ...cornings. having forced five young girls to prostitute themselves. 2. His hare isan... person guided not by any sense of morality but by a sheer instinct of survival EXERCISE 6" ‘Sometimes to the same roat word it is possible to add different prefixes. Fill in the following sentences with the right words. Be certain you understand the difference between the given words. A DEMOBILESED TMMOBILISED 1 After the accident she was. for two manths and could not leave her bed. 2. Ax s00n os he was... he returned home and tried te forget about the war. a INSENSIBLE SENSELESS LL We've just been chown another example of _ killing and viokence. 2. After o few hours (1 wast obvious that he és not _ to her charms and people storted gossiping. 3. How con you be so... to the feelings of this poor widew c BISEXUAL HETEROSEXUAL HOMOSEXUAL 1 Jahn and Peter are ...and they have been lavers far over fifteen years. 2. I's often claimed that many of the Arab men are ad they like having sex with both men and women. 3. Although he is... and ix happily married, he has mony gay friencis. BD. ANTI-SOCIAL UNSOCTAL 1 He decided to work ... hours te earn some more money for the holiderys 2 Do you think thet smoking in o room full of non-smokers i .. behaviour? a 1, NOUN SUFFIXES 1.1. ADJECTIVE — NOUN SUFFIXES EXERCISE 82 Suffix -ANCE can be used with verbs and adjectives to farm nouns. cant the odjectiva or wer from which each of the following nouns was formed. eg. acceptANCE— accept arragANCE — arrogant assistance assuronce pian sien jendance brillkance clearance elegance endurance entrance frogrance importance creas a reluctance resistence significance EXERCISE 83 Use either -ANCE, -ENCE or -C¥ with the following adjectives to form nouns. beithant absent accurate “arrogant confident consistent ea or on ignorant literate inconsistent indifferent innocent intimate obedient patient permanent pregnant hii Proficient redundant rehuctant ailent violent ‘EXERCISE 04 Form nouns by adding -ITY or -NESS to the following adjectives. i bitter os pony oe i 43 0. IDEALISATION = TDEALISM 1 T's hard rot to lose our youthful seeing all the reality of everyday life. 2 The mowie is only an... af life in the Renaissance and has little to do mith historical truth, & LENGTH LONGEVITY LONGITUDE 41 The people in the mountains, many of them aver 95 years of age, attributed their — to fresh oir and hard work. 2. Polond is ct a. east of the Greenwich meridian, 4. What is the . of the Vistula River? FMECHANIC = MECHANICS = MECHANTSATION MECHANISM 1 The - of this clock is too complicated for me to repair if 2. My father is a cor 3. Do you have any ideo of the _ of running « restaurant? 4. The ...of cur agriculture is crucial if we want to produce more Foo 6. QUIETISM QUIETNESS Quiet ‘after the rush and roisiness of the city, he appreciated the .. and skew pace of the country life. 2 She's on ardent believer in and never tries te change what life brings her. “Che sero, ser," she says. 3. We've decided to buy this washing machine because of its price ond _ Hw PRESENCE PRESENTATION REPRESENTATION 1. This famous sculpture is the af Apollo and Cupid. 2. She is always very well behaved in my: 3. The ~Of the Academy Awards is scheduled for next Monday, I SECRECY SECRET ‘SECRETIVENESS 1 But remember, it'sa .., so heep it to yourself. 2 All hig. is not needed anymore — everyone knows thet she accepted your proposal and agreed to marry you. 4. Te been sworn to _ 20 T cart sey a word about it z SEMPLETON = SEMPLICITY SIMPLIFICATION 1. For the ake of ... let's use Polish in our discussion of #. Only after the. professor's .. of the process was Lable to understand its usefulness for industry, 3 Pete, you sometimes behave like 4 1 told you a hundred times not ta touch my camera. x SPECTALISATION SPECTALISM ‘SPECTALITY L What's your _: British or American Wterature? 2. Potato pancakes area... of the houre. 4. My _ is the history of the Elizobethan period EXERCISE 90" Diminutive suffixes, In order to form a diminutive you can use either FETE. -LING or -LET. Divide the following words into three groups: 6 2 Note: it moy be necessary to make changes in spelling, Ae cover drop: = coke ite bitchen fendey nest pig aved stor suck wok EXERCISE 91° it Suffix LET con be used with different meanings. Divide the following words formed with -LET into two groups: 1) when it means a smaller thing, eg. islet, 2) when it means a piece of jewellery, e.g. onkler, bracelet booklet circtet ate catit droplet coslet froglet owlet Piglet inde storlet streaniet wristlet EXERCISE 92° Diminutive suffixes, Suffix -ETTE can be used with different meanings. Divide the following words formed with -ETTE into three groups: 1) when it means o smaller thing, e.g. cigarette, 2) when it means female, e.g. usherette, 3) when it means im/itotion, eg. flannelerte. cashmerette bitchenette eet leathererte maisonette majocerte muslinette satinette suffrogette EXERCISE 93 Diminutive suffixes. Suffix -TE [-Y1 is used to form pet forms of some proper names. Make pet forms from the following names, £9. Elizabeth — Bessy Arne Dorothy Frances George Henry Jock Tomes Juliet Margaret Robert ‘Thomas ‘Willie a7 EXERCISE 94 Diminutive suffixes, Suffix -TE [-¥] is used to form pet forms of some words, Make pet forms from the following, eg. bird — birdie dod dake dog grandmother S wether omirt oweet EXERCISE 95° Gender suffixes. Usually we form nouns referring to a woman by adding -E5S to the male form of the sf wii eee noun. Which of the following would be exceptions Give correct female forms of the odd nouns, ctor bachelor bridegroom a Fao hero host major en race owed en usher waiter widower wizard EXERCISE 96" Since we most often form nouns referring to a woman by adding sfc “£551 hele frm of the nom acon ha we wel formant toa female i rere a ‘animal in the same way. Which of the following would follow Give correct female forms of the odd nouns, bull cock dog duck gonder stallion toe rom hath EXERCISE 97° Give which ore used adjectives GS nouns fo refer to people from the follewing ¢g. England — English Argentina Belgaum Brazil Burma Cyprus Egypt Greece Hungary Ina a Israel Ttaly Japan Korea Kuwait is malta Mexico Nepal Norway Paki Portugal Russia Switzertand ‘Thailand me es ag EXERCISE 98 Give adjectives ond the nouns used — often in edition to the adjectives — to refer to people of the following countries. ¢.g. England — English — Englishman/Englishworsan/Engliahmen Afghaniston ‘Bangladesh Croatia Denmark Finland Fronce anes fonds tae Lucemiohorg — fee Poland Scotland ‘Spain —. Turkey United Kango: wars Toesens EXERCISE 99 ffixes, Change each of the words below ta mean a person or one who. ‘mea essigtance biology chenistry a drama drug oo electric ‘engine — i quord humanity huneur libeary EXERCISE 100 Personal noun suffixes. Change each of the words below to mean a person or one who. mie mathematics revel een mens physics philosophy one poetry police sexe we piel shoe sirwple: surgery type EXERCISE 101" Personal noun suffixes, -[ST con be used with different meonings. Divide the following nouns formed with -[ST into three groups: 1) when they mean someone who is skilled in ... artist, 2) when they mean someone who isa supporter of ..ism, ©.9- humanist, 3) when they mean someone who plays.a musical instrument, ¢.g. pianist. cartoonist cellist ene ‘anarchist ‘capitalist 4 communist dentist dramatist economist extremist feminist guitarist Ideatigt industrialist journalist Methodist rationalist fowelist oboist Pharmacist pianist psychiatrist realist sotinst saxophonist scientist socialist trombanist typist EXERCISE 102 Personal noun suffixes, Add to the following stems either -IST of -(D)AN to form names of professions, Are there any stems which can form names of professions with both suffixes? Tf so, what is the difference in meaning between the two professions? beautie- botan- bioleg- * column comed- eyel dant- dietic- “environmental- Worar- mange mathematic. music- poediatric- pharmac- physic politic- Psychiatr stir. ecient technic~ theoleg- EXERCISE 103" Sometimes from the same root word it is Fill in the following sentences with the right nouns. Be certain you understand! the difference between the given nouns, A CRITIC §=— ERI TIQUE 1 Have you read the .. of that laudatory review of his latest book? It must have been written by hes personal enemy, 2. My father is 0 literary a IDEALIST —TDEOLOGUE LIF anything she isan. rather than a realist, possible to form different nouns, 2. He ig on. believing strengly in his peiciples and trying to follow them carefully c INFORMANT INFORMER L The police were told by their. where te find the criminal. 2. Our .telis us that the prices of sugar wil rise again b PARENTAGE PARENTHOOD —E PERSONAGES: PERSONNEL 1 Darwig her wedking you could meet several youd reod about in nemapapers 2. If youare interested in our job effer, please contoct our - officer. Bt] 'or See them on TV. Ff. —-RELATION «=—sRELATIONSHIP = RELATIVE L Is she 7 Yes, she's my sister. ; 2 What's the beween his experiences and his book? 3. What's the ... between this young lady and yourself? EXERCISE 104 noun? Which of the following nouns would not take -DOM to create a new Habe os mary creo un yo cn from theo nen ut citizen duke engeter ~— jewel hing ran official prece EXERCISE 105" used with different meanings. Seu te hisekg lowa termed in ~SHIP inte four groups: 1) when it means a vehicle or boat, e.g. steamship, 2) when it means position or occupation, eg. dicectorship, 3) when it means ability or skill, e.g. craftsmanship, 4) when it means relationship. chairmanship . euthorship battleship citizenship companionship comenene ante gunship horsemanship Kinship . musicianship partnership slementilp warship spaceship sportsmanship stotesmanship workmanship EXERCISE 106 ‘Add to the following nouns either -DOM, or -ERY, or -HOOD, or -ISM, of SHIP to form as many new nouns as you can. adult ambassador battle ber thief comparian comrade ve dbus ad father tool friend git =~ ay in beim — 3 communist dentist dramatist ‘sconomirt extremist feminist guitarist idealist industrialist jowralict Mathodist potionaliat novella belt pharmacist yc psychiatrist realist solirist saxophonist scientist socialist ‘trombonist typist EMERCISE 102 Add to the following stems either -[ST or -{T)AN to form ctef profeasiens. Are there any stems which con form names of professions with froth auffives? Tf 20, what isthe difference in meaning between the two professions? beautic- betan: biolog- coluran: eomed: eye dent etic: senwiconmental- bear magic matheiatic~ music poediatric- pharmac- physic politic psychoate satire: cient technic ‘thealog- EXERCISE 103" Sometimes foam the same root word it is possible te form different nouns: Fil'in the following sentences with the right noung, Be certain you understand ‘the difference between the given nouns, A cere = CRITIQUE t Hove you read the ..of that laudatory review of his latest book? TY mutt have been wrt¥en ‘his personal eneray. 2. My fother isa literary BR «—sDEALIST = TDEOLOGUE LTf omything she is an rather than o realist THe in-on believing rerengly i his principles and trying to follow them carefully ¢ INFORMANT =—_—INFORMER 1 The police were fold by their... where to find she criminal 2 Ove. tells us thot the prices of gugor will rise CLEAN 2, Nigel always does his hair with a — in the middle, PART 13, Eve was given o medal in .. of her services. RECOGNISE 14. Barb can't stand washing ond ironing and other <. HOUSE 15, Tee read Hamlet — but only in. TRANSLATE EweRCTSE iz" Fill im the blanks with nouns formed from the given words. 1. Mark should pay mone in class. ATTENO 2, The _ of the car came asa shock te me. THIEF 3. Haw do you like my latest . for my stomp collection? ACQUIRE 4. You need more confidence and yourself. BELIEVE 5. My first attempt to climb the mountain ended in. FATL 6. Tom filled with .. for your werk. ADIMERE 7. The storms cused wi in the countrysiée, DESTROY 6. Please scrept this book os a token of my... GRATEFUL 9. Some people think thet men are beter .. than wamen, COOK 10. There is a great _ ef housing in Cracow, SHORT ‘Their best designer went to work for a .... COMPETE ‘12. Three firms ore in .. for the same contract, COMPETE 10, What ore the entry _ at this university? REQUIRE 14, Our chats hast just purchased new sports. EQUIP 35, The meeting adopted a. calling for the president te resign RESOLVE 9° EXEReISe 125° Fill in the blanks with nouns formed from the: given words. L.Pat isn't renlly a friend, only on... ACQUAINT 2.F think that your ...ebeut the cost are wrong. ASSUME 3, There was a hend-on between two trains last week, COULTDE 4. Now, we ore safe at last! What a... BELT ; ST expert shell get the jb, atleast here's a fairly high. PROBABLE &. What is the exact ... of your garden? LONI a fit from the of his howe SELL Pt ee Pats ve calle to et Yeaching QUALIFY 9, He is vary genercus and everyone odmires his —. SELF 10, The police car was in... with a fire engine. COLLIDE 111 The passengers autfered onby light im tha crash. INJURE 12. There's na. af the ‘calling aneorly election. LIKELY 13. As we approached the airport, tie plane began its .... DESCEND 14 The driver whe gave ux a lift refused to accept PAY 15. The thick fog cmised the... of mony trains, CANCEL peer CULE Fill in the blanks with nouns formed from the given words. bananas from Africa this week, SHIP 1. We are expecting a ...of erimewniee. bout this Walkman I bought here. COMPLATN 3, Tn Indic in the wet season the average monthly .. is over 250m. RAIN f. There's a lovely ..of the author's enrly.... DESCRIBE/CHILD 5 T couldn't affard to buy ¢ car #0 T took out a... . LEN Be SES = Fill in the blanks with nouns formed from the given words. 1. The is encouroging .. in henvy industry. INVEST government Please give details of your present .... OCCUPY 5 doy ster gave a brllont ~- at Ldy Macbeth in the schoo! ply. PERFORM 4. The book contains some delightful... , ILLUSTRATE «o 5. The audience gave. the violinist o long round of .. . APPLAUD 6. Watching ricieos is becorning « popular farm af .. ENTERTAIN 7. We would like details of your .. on his form. QUALIFY 8, Drug .. is a problem causing great concern. ADDICT 9. Police arrested well-known _ before the match, TROUBLE 10. E think there are too many on television, ADVERTISE LL, Mast people enjoyed the new .... of “The Tempest”. PRODUCE 12, The actors all helped with The painting of the ... SCENE 13, De Brown, a... has published twe books about murder, CREAME 14, George and T have been friends since _: he wnted to live next door, CHILD 15. People who suffer from _ should buy a pet. LONELY EXERCISE 132" Fill in the blanks with nouns formed from the given wards. am 1. Everyone if worried about the ... of the rain forests, DESTROY 2, Somme people are afraid of spiders trem early ... CHILD 3. The two brothers ware occuted of robbery with ... VIOLENT 4, Some. MPs are calling for the introduction of _. without trial te combat terrorism. DETAIN 5, The duty of the police is the of law end order, MAINTAIN. 6 My grandpa was given a medal for... BRAVE 7. Wy Father Yokes great —. in his werk. PROUD 11 My father studies cin... at the polytechnical university. ENGINE 12. _ i probably the most useful furm of energy. ELECTRIC 13, My son has always wanted to be a _. SCTENCE 14, People living in cities often sutfer from... . LONE 15, Lisa has token up es a hobby. CARPENTER Exercise 133% ee Tes Te Add a prefix ond a suffix forming a correct noun to fill in the blank, 1 John turned up on the wrong day because of a... UNDERSTAND 2 Browning had ohothver wiokent — with the bass. AGREE 32. Water is coming through the ceiling! What's happening . ? STAIRS 4. She divorced him because af his .. te the children. KIND 5, Tackie suffered es a child from avery strict... BRING 6 She gat very angry but later she apologised for her... PATIENT 7. Mary suddenly fell sick, sa we urgently need a... for her part in the play. PLACE ‘8. The idea that the sun “rises” is a populor .. CONCELVE 9. The thing Thate ubout Mary is her... RELEABLE 10. LC read a very sad article about _ among school-leavers, EMPLOY 11. The bank robbers were sentenced to twelve years’... PRISON 61 | | 12. tn many countries the — get the dole. EMPLOY 13. He hos en unfortunate ... to understand other people's feelings, ABLE 14. Failure to apply tn time nay result in — of benefit. LOSE 15. The inquiry was set up afer the . of a troin near Warsaw, the third accident on the ne this yeor. RATL 2. ADJECTIVE AND ADVERB SUFFIXES 2. 1, NOUN — ADJECTIVE SUFFIXES. EXERCISE 134° ‘There ore some adjectives ending in -ARY that ore formed from stems which are not current words in English. Can you tind them in the following list? From which stems were the rest of the adjectives formed? erbitrary auxiliary complementary ‘complimentary contemporary contrary culinary customary dietary “desciphinary extraordinary fragmentary honorary legendary literary monentory necessary parlicmentery planetary preliminary rudimentary secondary solitary supplementary temporary EXERCISE 135 Which of the following nouns would take “EN to form adjectives? Using various suffixes (but not -ING) make adjectives from the odd men out. oecident dint dust gold ood sill, thirst tire wood wool (EXERCISE 136. Which of the following nouns would not toke -FUL ta form adjectives? Form adjectives from the odd men out. cheer deceit delight dirt duty fog fashion geography: gokd harm fegend mystery pain it power success ‘hank use ‘youth 62 EXERCISE 137* ‘Some adjectives ending in -IC combine with -AL to form adjectives. Which of the fol- i lowing can Foke -AL? What's the difference in meaning, f any. between the two Farms? acihic serebatic alcoholic anaby tic angelic: atomic ‘outecratic classic comic demacrotie diplonatic electric ee ‘geographic herok. historse ic linguistic mythic patriotic pedagogic phatographic postic chythedc . asymbale: EXERCISE 138° Suffix -ISH con be used with different Form the adjectives from the following words by adding -ISH and then divide them inte two groups: I) where -ESH means having the (bad) qualities of, e.g. childish, 2) where -ISH means rather, eg, greenish. emote baby blue bey brute ork devil bull foal hell org nightmare smal snob ral we young: EXERCISE 139 Suffix -LESS can be used with different meanings. bivide the following adjectives into two groups: I) where -LESS reploces the word without, ¢.9. brainless, 2) where -LESS means exceeding a category, eg. priceless. harmless heartless hopeless meaningless matherlest umiseriess powerless seedlets speechless spotless Timeless useless EXERCISE 140 the following sentences with the appropriate adjective ending in “LESS. The number of letters has been given. If you find the task too difficult, laok for Prompts below the exercise. L Their house: burned dewn ond ever since they have been ~~ ~~ less 2 Don't bother to keep those old coins — they're. w ~~~ less, a 3, Teaulds't understand his reaction — it war m-- = ~~ -less A. Throw away that old machine — it's u ~~ less 5, When I finished the run T was quite b oo => less. 6. The flowers you gave me ore lovely - im absolutely «~~~ ~~ hess 7. He slept very bodly — he was really r ~~~ les 8. fort worry about the dog — he's h~ ~~ Jess and will nat bite you. 9. We can't put mith your ¢~ ~~~ less complaining, Perel 10. He's arefugee, He's s- ~~ less. 1. We've got no maney. We're p ~~~ = less 12. You have mode a lot of mistakes, You are ton c- « cless 13. He's unemployed ot present. He's 14. There are no clouds in Yhe shy. F's c~~~~ bess. 15, She upset him with o tess remark obout his big ears. BREATHLESS CARELESS — CEASELESS. JOBLESS HARMLESS: HOMELESS: MEANTNGLESS- PENNILESS RESTLESS SPEECHLESS ‘STATELESS TACTLESS USELESS WORTHLESS: ‘EXERCISE 141 Form adjectives from the fellowing words using suffixes “LIKE, -SOME and -WORTHY. odventure animal owe baby bird burden cat child credit desert dec, fear lady lone news nate pease quarrel three iee trouble trust weary EXERCISE 142 suffix -LY is characteristic not only of adverbs, but also of some adjectives, Divide the following words into two groups: 1) adjectives, 2) adverbs. Note: some wards may belong to beth groups. ‘badly brotherly costly dearly daily deady directly easily easterly elderty equally exoctly finally ‘frequently friendly happity heavenly raurly inly irpmeiiately eisurely lively lonely lovely maily monthly obviously corderiy perfectly aquiclly recenthy saintly serioushy shapely sickly saucy usually weekly westerly ‘normaly worldly yearly ‘EXERCISE 143 Give nouns corresponding to the fallowing adjectives ending in -OUS (or its spelling variety). In some cases more than one noun can be. given. edventagenus: adventurous sambiguaws ambitious ‘onomymous cious ccoutious consciens conspicunus contemptaous continuous: ‘courageous courteous curious aangeraus enormous famous furious gracious morvellout mysterious nervous rutritios previous elighoss righteous seriou spacious Using suffixes form adjectives from the following words. In some cases it'is possible to form more than one adjective from the same word. Make any neces- sary spelling changes. Note: some ef the following words may already be adjectives. accident acid addition advantage or akcahal amateur ambiguity embition ongel oniety atom beauty blood bran brother bulk bush character child loud comfort compliment ‘continaity carrvention ‘conversation Using suffixes form adjectives from the following words. In some cases 19 is possible to form more than one edjective from the same word. Make amy neces- ‘sary spelling changes. Note: some of the following words may already be adjectives. cost courage custom. donyer deceit delight democrat den cry dirt discipline dust eat ‘education effort end enthusiast experiment fanatic fashion fat fever fitry flow Jsing suffixes fe adjectives from the following words. In some coses it is possible ta form mere than one adjective from the some mord. Maki any neces- sary spelling changes. Note: some of the following words may already be adjectives. flower fog foal force friend government heaven honour institution: legend aEEYE exencise MT suffixes form adjectives from the following words. In some cases it is aan te form more than one adjective from the same nowt. Make any neces- sory spelling changes. leisure linguist life Ingic: lowe on marvel meoning mechanic: mercy mament mother motion mud rearsbc mystery rome ration nerve nutrition oc cession order pan er periicient pariet peace photograph plonet play pleasure poet power profession EXERCISE 148 suffices form adjectives from the following words. In some cases it in edie te form more thon ne adjective trom the some word. Make ony neces- sory spelling changes. Mote: some of the following words may already be adjectives. 6 rain region religice rest rhythm saint ea seed eax thame ‘hope sister sols snow pace specch spontaneity spot success mn superstition supplement suspicion thirst thought tradition Twenty ure value virtwe woman wood wool world worth ‘youth You con use the noun in capitals at the end of each of the following sentences to form an adjective or adverts that fits the blank space. Fill eoch blonk in this way. |. Pat wes accused of stealing some... documents from the eufe. CONFIDENCE 2. A dog will ahways be — if you treat if well, FAETH 3. She found a good Job working in an .. agency. ADVERTISEMENT 4. She greeted us in o very — woy. FRIEND 5, They never discovered who the .. was. MURDER 6. Although he kovew it wet her busiest day, he .. asked her to help him on Sunday. THOUGHT 7. He is enthusiastic, but not well. QUALIFICATION B. Her collection of ald books is extremely... VALUE 9. We all thought what 4... pionist Barb was. SKILL 10. Many .. people sleep in the streets itt New York. HOME 11 Mark and Markus cre... twins, IDENTITY 12. Mast people agree that Christmas has become too, .. COMMERCE 12. This blouse is lovely, ond very .... FASHION 14 The princess lived in a .. palace. LUXURY 1S, The evidence in my case is entirely _. CIRCUMSTANCE 2. 2. VERB — ADJECTIVE SUFFIXES. EXERCISE 150 Moke adjectives adding Yo the following verbs either -ABLE or -IBLE. Make ony necessary changes in spelling. eccept oceess advise compere comprehend convert corrupt deduct defened depend desire divide enjoy identity mogine irritate: manage natice permit profit recognise remark reset understand vary, or

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