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Group Written Report

The theme selected by our group was Music. The reason we chose this theme was that music is a
part of our daily lives, whether or not we notice it. We also wanted to express our thoughts on
how music impacts on our lives both positively and negatively.
The topics that were chosen by the group to represent the theme were; The Negative Effects of
Dancehall in Jamaica, The Benefits of Music in Advertising, What Effect Does Music Have on
Teenagers?, The Positive Effects on Music on One’s Mental Health and How Does Making
Music Provide Opportunities in Life?
Throughout the group discussion everyone did their part by presenting their three pieces
thoroughly explaining how music makes an impact on our daily lives. Concluding our discussion
we settled on three pieces of material that reflected our theme the best.
The first piece was a cartoon under the topic “The Negative Effects of Dancehall in Jamaica”. It
depicts dancehall being a bad influence in crime in Jamaica by Clovis, the creator. It showed the
before and after results of a dancehall artist making a piece of music with the words that
influence crime. The producer and artiste were singing the words “ Bullet! Bullet! Man fi
dead…”, later on in the cartoon the artiste died.
The second piece was an article stating the techniques in the music that can help advertisers
broadcast their products. It tells how music attracts people’s emotions and how people react to
the music and improves the scales on the product. It sated the key role which music plays in
advertising which is using a known song to attract a big audience.
The final piece, which was a poem, under the topic “What Effect Does Music Have on
Teenagers?”. This piece was selected because it has been proven globally that music affects
teenagers both negatively and positively. The poem expresses the effects of dancehall music has
on youths in this current generation. Four key points brought out in this was that dancehall
influences teens to take drugs, partake in crime, carry weapons and perform indecent acts at a
young age without any knowledge between right or wrong.
Our group’s report on music explored its impact on various aspects of our lives, including the
negative effects of dancehall music, its role in advertising, and its influence on teenagers.
Through a thought-provoking cartoon, an informative article, and a poignant poem, we
highlighted music’s profound role in shaping society and individuals.

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