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YEAR............................................................................................ PERIOD

Part I – Personal Data

1. Name in full :

2. Date of Birth :
3. Qualification
(a) Academic :
(b) Professional/Technical :
4. Date of Joining :
5. Current Designation :
6. Date of appointment or promotion to :
the present post
7. Basic pay on 1st January/April of
period under report with pay scale :
8. Total period of absence during the year
a. On Leave :
b. On Training :
9. (a) Class(es) and subject(s) taught during period
under review along with pass percentage :
(b) Other Activities and responsibilities :

10. Details of the training attended during

11. The period under report, if any
Name of the Course Name of the Institute Period
of course
Part II-Teachers Self-Assessment
(To be written in running form of not exceeding 300 words regarding
work done, in various aspects of minimum academic programs in
various fields like Work Experience, Library, Co-curricular activities,
sports; etc. )
Work done by me :-
(To be written in running form
not exceeding 300 words
regarding work done, in
aspects of minimum academic
in various fields like Work
Experience, Library, Co-
curricular activities, sports;
etc. )

Relationship with Students &


I,m good at :-

I need to improve :-

I will use these strategies to

my teachings :-
Part III-Assessment of the Reporting Officer
Note : Assessment under column 12 to 37 below should not be indicated by tick marking or with grade like good,
outstanding etc., but should be clearly expressed in suitable words.
12. Academic competence and class room organization and control
13. Attitude towards work
14. Knowledge of the subject(s) taught
15. Bilingual competence (ability to teach through Hindi and English)
16. Teaching ability
17. Instructional work (give a descriptive account)
18. Preparation and submision of lesson notes
19. Use of appropriate teaching aids for effective and meaningful teaching
20. Checking & evaluation of written work/Work sheets/assignments
21. Alternates to new ideas, innovations and professional growth
22. Any project, or experimental work undertaken or paper written. If so, a brief resume may be given.
23. Indicate in-service courses
24. Cooperation and willingness to undertake the assigned work
25. Intelligence and understanding
26. Zeal, diligence and sense of responsibility
27. (a) Has any work of admission or accounting been entrusted to him? If so, give details

(b) How has he/she fared in this work?

28) Initiative and resourcefulness
29) Organizing ability
30) Qualities of leadership
31) Amenability to discipline
(a) Relationship with colleagues
(b) Relationship with superiors
(c) Popularity among students
32) Ability to work as a member of team
33) Punctuality and attendance
34) Capacity to assume higher responsibility
35) State of Health
36) Please indicate whether
(a) the teacher is physically energetic ? (b) mentally alert?
37) Honesty and Integrity
38) Whether the teacher was reprimanded for indifferent work or other causes during the period under report?
39) Other observations
(This space may be utilized for remarks which complete, corroborate or supplement what has been re-
ported above. This should not however be used for merely repeating in vague terms what has already been
stated. Specific points such as special accomplishments during the period under report and any other
aspects not covered in the pro-forma given above which the Reporting Officer considers worth mentioning
may also be indicated here).
Overall Grading [ ]

Signature of the Reporting Officer

Name in block letters:-
Date :-
Note : Adverse remarks, if any should be substantiated by documentary evidence /proof.

Part IV-Remarks of the Reviewing Officer

40) Length of service under the Reviewing Officer

41) Do you agree or disagree with the assessment of the Reporting Officer in regard to his remarks on the
work done by the teacher as contained in part II of the report? Is there anything you wish to modify or
42) Overall assessment of performance and qualities

43) (a) Fitness for promotion to higher grade (s)

(i) Fit
(ii) Not yet fit
(iii) Unfit
(b)Has the officer any special characteristics and/or any outstanding merits or abilities which would
justify his advancement and special selection for higher appointment out of turn? If so, mention
these characteristics briefly and indicate why you consider him fit for out of turn promotion.
(c) Recommendation regarding suitability for other spheres of work

Signature of Reviewing Officer

Name in block letters

Part V- Countersignatures by the Next Higher Officer

Remarks(if any) :-

Signatures of Countersigning Officer

Name in Block letters :-
Designation :-
Date :-

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